The wait is over! Those In The Know over at Talkers Magazine have released their Heavy Hundred list for 2012. While most of the results are predictable, there are a few new faces that are sure to annoy some of you. All of them have included bios that read as if their sainted mothers wrote them. It is a good mix of terrestial and satellite stations, men and women. This year there are a few more liberal voices on the list as well.
While we won't list all of them here--you can see the entire list at the link above--we will go through the list and show you a few of them. If you disagree, take it up with Talker's Magazine.
In the No Surprise category:
1. Rush Limbaugh
2. Sean Hannity
3. Michael Savage
Sure to draw ire on our little blog is
4. Ed Shultz
..and a few more names that are familiar:
5. Laura Ingrahm
7. Mark Levin
8. Thom Hartmann
9. Glen Beck
11. Stephanie Miller
12. Howard Stern
13.Neal Boortz
15. Alan Colmes
21. Dennis Miller
24. Michael Medved
33. Don Imus
38. Randi Rhodes
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