~ "Talking to you is like drinking from a fire hose. -Dave Ross to Carl Jeffers, Aug.18.
~ Anybody got a Macaca cam on Dave Reichert? Oh, that's right, he never says anything. Dan at "On the Road to 2008" has a great video-clip of citizens of Bellevue talking about their Congressman. Meanwhile, Darcy is doing well in the polls, especially considering she was unknown 6 months ago. Sheriff "Hairspray" can't get that Bush right out of his hair. We were told by a Mercer Island legislator over the weekend that Sen. Fred Jarrett is reporting to peers that he's getting doors slammed in his face doorbelling when he identifies as a Republican. Maybe the 8th District is ready to dump Reichert, who's been so closely linked to the Bush Administration.
~ Today's favorite keyword that will fetch BlatherWatch on an MSN Search is "pictures of middle schoolers getting bullied with wedgies." Take that, Sound Politics.
~ Otherly challenged Bryan Styble's (KIRO every night but Friday 1-5a) website, Radioactiveseattle, is nearly impossible to search or even find. Much to his consternation, when you google "radioactiveseattle" or even "Bryan Styble," you mostly get...yup, BlatherWatch.
~ Did Dave Ross actually ask that guy from the Discovery Institute if hernias were created by Intelligent Design? Yes, he did.
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