As tipped off last week( but we wanted to wait until they flipped again) The Fisher twins, KOMO and KVI have updated their format in favor of more news at the former and another taco stand for the 570 call, by using second tier conservative syndication and the spare parts of whats left over.
Carlson is back in at KVI with "Commute with Carlson", possibly the only live host. Ken Schram is out but still has daily commentaries on KOMO am and will remain on KOMO TV. Micheal Savage, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Lars Larson and Don Imus, albeit mainly taped shows, are part of the lineup along with the junkier Red Eye Radio for the warehouse elite.
KOMO stays with news but adds new anchors, Bill Rice from 4a-5 and then 9-noon, Brian Calvert from Noon to 3p, with the current KOMO Morning News team of Manda Factor & Gregg Hersholt and KOMO Afternoon News with Jane Shannon & Tom Hutyler staying in place. At Midnight, Dial Global's Overnight America lulls us until America in the Morning from 3a-4 starts the cycle over again.
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