Talker's Magazine The quirky talk radio trade mag. Check the Talk Radio Research Project- it's not very scientific, but places on the top 15 talkers list (scroll down to Talk Radio Audiences By Size)) are as hotly contested as Emmys (and mean just about as much).
The Advocate No, not THAT Advocate... it's the Northwest Progressive Institute's Official Blog.
Media Matters Documentation of right-wing media in video, audio and text.
Orcinus home of David Neiwert, freelance investigative journalist and author who writes extensively about far-right hate groups
Hominid Views "People, politics, science, and whatnot"
Darryl is a statistician who fights imperialism with empiricism, gives good links and wry commentary.
Jesus' General An 11 on the Manly Scale of Absolute Gender, a 12 on the Heavenly Scale of the 10 Commandments and a 6 on the earthly scale of the Immaculately Groomed.
Howie in Seattle Howie Martin is the Abe Linkin' of progressive Seattle.
Streaming Radio Guide Hellishly long (5795!) list of radio streaming, steaming on the Internets.
The Naked Loon News satire -- The Onion in the Seattle petunia patch.
Irrational Public Radio "informs, challenges, soothes and/or berates, and does so with a pleasing vocal cadence and unmatched enunciation. When you listen to IPR, integrity washes over you like lava, with the pleasing familiarity of a medium-roast coffee and a sensible muffin."
The Maddow Blog Here's the hyper-interactive La Raych of MSNBC. daily show-vids, freakishly geeky research, and classy graphics.
Northwest Broadcasters The AM, FM, TV and digital broadcasters of Northwest Washington, USA and Southwest British Columbia, Canada. From Kelso, WA to the northern tip of Vancouver Island, BC - call letters, formats, slogans, networks, technical data, and transmitter maps.
Plus "recent" news.
News Corpse The Internet's chronicle of media decay.
The Moderate Voice The voice of reason in the age of Obama, and the politics of the far-middle.
News Hounds Dogged dogging of Fox News by a team who seems to watch every minute of the cable channel so you don't have to.
HistoryLink Fun to read and free encyclopedia of Washington State history. Founded by the late Walt Crowley, it's an indispensable tool and entertainment source for history wonks and surfers alike.
right-wing blogs we like
The Reagan Wing Hearin lies the real heart of Washington State Republicans. Doug Parris runs this red-meat social conservative group site which bars no holds when it comes to saying who they are and who they're not; what they believe and what they don't; who their friends are and where the rest of the Republicans can go. Well-written, and flaming.
Orbusmax inexhaustible Drudgery of NW conservative news
The Radio Equalizer prolific former Seattle KVI, KIRO talk host speaks authoritatively about radio.
If you're Tim Eyman, you'll definitely love Paul Fraser's documentary.
If you're one of the battalion of state journalists, pols, talk hosts, bureaucrats, politicos, activists, or just random citizens walking around Greenlake who appear in it, you may really like this doc.
If you're just incredibly, troublingly wonky about state politics you could like this doc.
But we were suspicious when the
twitchy NW Republican blog wrote, "You just know this makes the moonbats seethe inside."
It was for us-- not so much seething... as dozing. (We love to seethe, as you know).
We're sure Fraser thinks his very long (110 mins) is fair and balanced; but we're guessing he fell under Eyman's spell, and though there are dissenting voices, the movie is framed by Eyman, and his minions, Mike and Jack Fagan.
We mingled with Republicans tonight and came to some conclusions:
we miss David Goldstein on the radio
living in the rarified world of the liberal Seattle bubble, there's not enough real political debate in this town.
no wonder the right's in trouble
We went to a dinner/debate at The Steakback Outhouse on Westlake Ave. to hear former KIRO talkhost, David Goldstein debate Grover Norquist, the conservative wunderkind who, despite being a quintessential Washington animal, would famously like government (and you, too!) to be small enough "... where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."
David Goldstein, who finished a fine career in radio just months ago at KIRO, has written a must-read letter to KING5 News Director Mark Ginther offering to leap into the breach left by the departing Robert Mak.
No doubt Goldy, even with his hairline made for radio, could improve the prospects of Channel 5 who may be soon suffering layoffs and a downturn.
We're fairly sure that his idea for title, Up Yours with David Goldstein may not make it with the Texas media company, but we agree with David that hiring him would signal "KING5’s ongoing commitment to thoughtful political coverage and analysis while adopting the snarky and somewhat irreverent attitude of the Daily Show, the blogosphere and the other new media outlets that have been steadily stealing audience (and advertisers) away from traditional news organ
izations such as your own."
~~ Unfortunately for KIRO fill-ins Frank Shiers and David Goldstein; these shrimp cocktails were hired during Passover to fill in for Ron & Don (m-f, 3-6p). "They're not kosher," said PD Rod Arquette, "but few in the R&D audience knew the difference."
~~ "You don't know what you're talking about." We've been trashing MSNBC's Chris Matthews lately because he gets spittle on his jaw when he talks, and what he's usually talking about generally reveals him to be a supercilious ass. But Thursday, we gotta hand it to you, Chris: you done good. KRLA talk host Kevin James came on to discuss Bush's pointed attack on the Democrats in the Knesset today, where he accused Barack Obama of the "appeasement" of terrorists, comparing him obliquely to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, British Conservative appeaser of Hitler. James, who's a
blabbermouthed fool his own self, kept referring to Chamberlain until Matthews could take it no more. "What did Neville Chamberlain do wrong in 1939?" he demanded. James motored on without answering the question. Then Matthews went after him like a school marm on meth until he got James to finally admit he didn't know what the hell Chamberlain actually did in the hideous history he was trying to hang on Obama. "He's as bad as the White House Press Secretary that doesn't even know what the Cuban Missile Crisis was," Matthews said later. Kevin James is an attorney, and the exchange was utterly satisfying. The incident, which can be viewed here, was added almost immediately to James' Wikipedia entry found here.
~~ OMG!! WTF?? LOL!! We heard it. "Why wouldn't I be" Don referred to his eponymous Ron & Don Show as "award-winning." The award-winning Ron & Don Show, he said. We checked the Soundies. We checked the Peabodys. We checked the MacArthur Genius Awards -- no luck. Could someone help?
(photo: Don & Ron, no geniuses, reportedly)
~~ take the analysis for what it's worth, but: Bill O'Reilly's political analysis team: Texas Jewboy Kinky Friedman, and Official Fox Negro, and Fake Liberal, Juan Williams is getting repeat Factor appearances, Blathersuggestion: Peggy Noonan and Merle Haggard could add some depth to this team. It's said that Merle is the only famous conservative male over 60 left in America that Peggy hasn't slept with... wonder why?
(Photo right: Kinky Friedman)
AM Talk radio made its chops on hard-edge, piss & moan conservative boilerplate. With the death of live and local programming there are signs that the next wave may be lighter in content and softer in volume.
Conservatism took a big hit after it became the establishment, and its practitioners -- the Bush administration, and the Republican majority blew it so utterly. (The R's are so freaked out they've nominated a gen-u-wine RINO).
Life forms stirred Monday morning on public radio KUOW's Weekday with Steve Scher, (m-f, 9a-12p) as a few area bloggers came in to talk politics.
Yes! Public radio listeners finally got a taste of real-time political debate, and some actual partisan friction.
Bloggers were lefty David Goldstein from Horsesass; and righties Eric Earling of Sound Politics; Eastern Washington's Tom Forbes from Palousitics; and non-partisan blogger Liz Burlingame, a recent UW poli sci grad who blogs at Seattlepoliticore.
(photo: Weekday's hottie, Steve Scher).
We're always complaining that public radio KUOW, the leading talk station in Seattle leaves political talk to a few revolving newspaper harrumphers, whose tedious room temperature opining are restricted on-air by their journalism jobs, and their hypotension. Their comments are often their columns regurgitated and delivered in soporific tones that threaten drivers' wakefulness even in the crack of the morning. (Maybe it's OK they re-deliver their columns on the radio since so who few actually read them in their typeset and inky glory.)
We've often kvetched about rarely hearing conservatives on KUOW. This is a liberal town, but unless a rightie is a viable candidate, or in the news in a way that can't be ignored, they must stay in the woodwork they call home.
Here, today, were two, with their sticky, out-of-the-Seattle-box Republican talking points; heard usually in Seattle screamed at the moon or on one of the few live and local talk stations left.
(photo: David Goldstein, Eric Earling by Carmen Santos)
Eric Earling is a thoughtful conservative who makes larger points than just talking points; and he does it with none of the pathological
meanness of his co-blogger, Stefan Sharkansky. Tom Forbes is a
clonservative talking point machine, but he spews them well, and there was
a place for at least one of those in today's conversation. Burlingame,
who's traveling around the country with campaigns might have been a
little cowed by the seasoned and more verbally aggressive company --
she didn't much get into the partisan fray.
~~ "Returning to obscurity" is how David Goldstein framed his future after a good run filling-in for Dave Ross (KIRO m-f, 9a-12p). We asked in a post, last week: "How's Goldy doing? hoping to get some feedback on the local, novice, liberal blabbermouth's radio performance. Of course, we got an earful. But there's some good advice there, once you get by the Goldy-haters. Does up-and-comer David have a chance in a local talk market that's shrinking before our very eyes? Probably not, unless, of course, he's willing to do celebrity astrology, and forsake his trademark wonk for awesomeness.
~~Speaking of Too Beautiful to Live, (KIRO m-f, 7-10p) Gay Gary says he's finally loving the new show since the sexual tension has been ratcheted up,
"like," he says, "A LOT!" He noticed it when Jen producer was out sick
and Sean and Luke were left alone. "... Luke was going into the control
room with Sean where he was planning on doing the show the rest
of the
night. 'It's boys night tonight!' he gleefully announced. (OMG!) He
then had Sean inspect a skin rash he'd developed. (OMG - x2!!!) What
will happen next?! I don't know but it's like a radio soap opera you
guys! I'm just hoping the prudes at the FCC don't make them move the
show to Sirius or XM now that things are heating up." Gay sexual tension on talk radio? Gotta agree with Gary: that's thinking out of the box... (photo: Sean)
David Goldstein, the only local liberal in the Seattle talk radio market was laid off and his weekend show cancelled in January.
OK, OK, Dave Ross (KIRO m-f, 9a-12p) is a Democrat, but we hear constantly that he's a "moderate." Even if we count Dave: that would have made only two local liberals on the radio in Seattle, one of the most liberal cities on earth
KIRO, to their great credit, has let Goldy fill-in for the iconic Ross this week and a few days next week. We're hoping that this is acknowledgment that not only can David can do it but that KIRO believes he has a voice that should be heard.
We'd like to see him back on the radie-yo. Wouldn't you?
David is still a relative novice to radio: as listeners, please comment: as a talk host, how he doing? What can he do better?
Governor Christine Gregoire will talk to David Goldstein Wednesday. (Goldy's filling in for Dave Ross (KIRO m-f, 9a-12p) this week).
She'll appear at 9a, calling in from Washington DC. He'll take callers.
Goldy says they'll talk about the budget and her race against Dino Rossi. She's opened up quite a lead, lately. From Strange Bedfellows, the Seattle P-I blog:
In a survey last October, Gregoire led by 46.8 percent to 42.7 percent, with 7.3 percent undecided. [In a poll done over the period Feb. 7-18] The governor's lead has grown to 53.7 percent to 42.1 percent, with 3.5 percent undecided.
Gregoire is in Washington DC this week where she was the spokesperson for the Democratic Governors in response to their meeting with Bush; met with Speaker Pelosi and the Washington Delegation; and testified in front of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
KIROFM 97.3 Multi-format: news and nearly all local talk. This is where classic KIRO AM news talk radio went... hopefully, not to die. The home of Dave Ross & Luke Burbank, Dori Monson, Ron & Don, Frank Shiers, Bill Radke, Linda Thomas, Tony Miner and George Noory.
KUOW FM 94.9 Seattle's foremost public radio news and talk.
KVI am 570 KHz Visit the burnt-out husk of one of the seminal right-wing talkers in all the land. Here's where once trilled the reactionary tones of Rush Limbaugh, John Carlson, Kirby Wilbur, Mike Siegel, Peter Weissbach, Floyd Brown, Dinky Donkey, and Bryan Suits.
Now it's Top 40 hits from the '60's & '70's aimed at that diminishing crowd who still remembers them and can still hear.
KTTH am 770 KHz Right wing home of local, and a whole bunch of syndicated righties such as Glennn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larsony, and for an hour a day: live & local David Boze.
KPTK am 1090 KHz Syndicated liberal talk. Stephanie Miller, Thom Hartmann, Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Norman Goldman fill in the large hole to the left on Northwest radio dial.
KLFE AM 1590 kHz Syndicated right-wing 2nd stringers like Mark Levin, Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Dennis Miller and Hugh Hewitt inhabit this timid-voiced neighbor honker for your radio enjoyment (unless you're behind something large like Costco).
KOMOAM News, traffic, Ken Schram and John Carlson.
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