(photo: Pat Robertson "bringin' in the sheaves."
Sick as we are of having the Sunday morning talk shows (and virtually all other media) walloped by the high winds and swollen tidal surge of East Coast local weather reports, we gotta laugh at the some of the goofy right's reactions to the Big Storm.
Ron Paul:
says FEMA needs to be abolished. On Fox News Sunday, Paul described FEMA as a drain on the economy — a “gross distortion of insurance” that only “bleeding hearts” would support — that “just bail[s] out everybody.”
Wednesday he told a group in a speech:
"We should be like 1900; we should be like 1940, 1950, 1960," Paul said. "I live on the Gulf Coast; we deal with hurricanes all the time. Galveston is in my district."
Pat Robertson
apparently didn't comment on the storm, but we know what he was thinking! Especially after he said on Wednesday’s 700 Club that the earthquake that struck Washington Tuesday “means that we’re closer to the coming of the Lord.” Then on Thursday, Robertson pointed to the damage to the Washington Monument in the earthquake as a Divine Message (and it wasn't a 'like'):
“It seems to me the Washington Monument is a symbol of America’s power. It has been the symbol of our great nation. We look at the symbol and we say ‘this is one nation under God.’ Now there’s a crack in it... Is that sign from the Lord? ... You judge. It seems to me symbolic.”
Robertson has long called disasters (both man-made and natural) God's punishments for immoral behavior or signs of The End Times. He never fails to pass the teevee collection plate to help out God's victims.
Glenn Beck
also warned about The Big Guy's Wrath, Hurricane Irene and the earthquake.
How many warnings do you think you’re going to get, and how many warnings do you deserve? This hurricane that is coming thorough the East Coast, for anyone who’s in the East Coast and has been listening to me say ‘Food storage!’ ‘Be prepared!’ […] If you’ve waited, this hurricane is a blessing. It is a blessing. It is God reminding you — as was the earthquake last week — it’s God reminding you you’re not in control.
The Washington Post wrote that Beck's recommendations about stockpiling might come from his Mormonism:
Section 78 of the Doctrine and Covenants revelation was given, Mormons believe, to Joseph Smith by God in 1832 and includes the command to “organize and establish a storehouse,” which Mormon leaders have interpreted as a requirement to, when possible, “store and save a one-year supply of food.” The church Web site even includes a Food Storage Calculator “to help you determine your longer-term food storage needs.”
The Republican House budget
pledges to fight socialism and stop big government by making Draconian cuts to the NOAA budget to stop or delay the construction and launch of an extreme weather forecasting satellite.
"Thomas" a caller
to the Rusty Humphries Show, Friday, has no doubt where the blame lays: Clearly, he said, "God is pissed at Obama."
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