Talk radio has spent a lot of time the last few days debating the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Was George Zimmerman justified? Was it an act of racism or self defense? Are gun laws too lax? Too strong? Whatever the side of the issue callers fell under, one thing was consistant--everyone agreed that this was a tragic event.
Well, almost everyone. Over on the TeeVee, Fox news reported the story and invited people to comment on the network's blog. The result was a whole lot of ugly. We can't print most of it here because it is just TOO ugly, but here are a few examples:
-- "What a shame—a tragedy, really— because the dead lil’ gangsta could’ve used “‘A-FIRM-TIV AK-SHUN” to go to kollige an play footballz and make lotsa cash munny!”
-- "Zimmerman was attacked by the man and defended himself with a gun. Zimmerman’s wounds were verified by police."
-- " Why should anyone care about this kid? Because he is of color? People don’t value kids period. They are property. BTW, I am a conservative that cares a great deal about kids. We follow hundreds of cases each year, many white babies and children, none of them get attention. But he does??"
-- " How does anyone know what this 17 yr old said, Most likely he threw the race card out ” you stop me because I*M B L ACK” and then became threatning. The media alway plants the seed of doubt when when a B l ac k is sh ot by a caucasian".
-- " I’m just glad Zimmerman didnt miss and hit an innocent bystander."
-- " THIS IS PURE RACIST!! When do you ever see the DOJ investigate the death of a white child??"
-- "This is pure B.S I want to see the kids police record even if something is expounged also why was he removed from facebook it says account terminated.Why because his parents are trying to cover his tracks just like if you hit a bus they see Dollar signs. People have dragged data about Zimmerman out where is the kids past.Don’t say he was a good boy prove it. Ask yourself what is more likely to happen any 17 year old kid when you ask a question. A smartass reply I have never and I mean never seen a teenager run unless he did something wrong.I guess no crinimal has ever cased a place when they went to a store. It takes me aback the way all these facts are quoted by people who read one story on a issue."
-- " They should have a hunting season in Florida for these drug crazed gang members."
Posters on the CNN website were not above the fray, either:
"Come on people, lets be sensible here. Why do african americans get labeled the way they do? Well because their own people give them the horrible name that is been placed on them. I live in suburb outside of Chicago that is mostly White and Hispanic. We get a TON of break-ins in garages and houses. Guess who police catch doing 80-90% of these break-ins? Black. I dont even want to mention the recent mob actions that have been going on in the yuppie neighborhoods in Chicago where black teenagers/men are going into these white neighborhoods and beating people to within a inch of their lives."
Local talk radio has been all over this as well, and listeners have been weighing in on the station websites. From
--" just because you are not of the same race as the other person involved does not make you a racist. Shooting someone of a different race when they are breaking into your home does not make you racist. Getting into an argument with someone of a different race does not make you racist. "
--" I love how Zimmerman says it was self defense when he was clearly chasing after the kid. Is it so hard to believe that this 17 yr old kid was walking home and then is scared for his life because some guy with a gun is chasing him, for reasons he doesn't know? You clearly hear the kid screaming for help while Zimmerman pumps a lethal shot in him. Where is the self defense? If there was blood on Zimmerman, it would be very possible that the kid tried fighting him off. Hell, he was being chased by some crazy guy with a gun. I would try to fight off somebody chasing me with a gun. Zimmerman needs to be arrested and charged. This is sending a horrible message to the public."
From KOMO Radio website:
-- " Why was the kid in a gated residential community? Did he live there? Let the whole story come out and then let the people responsible to review the case decide what to do. We shouldn't charge or not charge based upon public opinion. Somewhere the rule of law has to count, thus the meticulous investigation and someone down the line there may be a murder charge cased upon that investigation, not based on online polls. "
If YOU were to call in to Beck, Hartmann, Hannity, Carlson, Ross, Burbank, Monson or Schultz, what would you say?
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