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November 03, 2012


Hedge Fund Hal

a "hail mary"........hhahahahaaha that's what you hope for when your opponent is way ahead of you not when he can barely break 47 % in the national polls 3 days before the election, and the polls in ohio and wisconsin are both 49/49/.lets ignore the polls that show romney ahead- throw em out. when youre tied and youre the incumbent , and both candidates are under fifty percent with 2-11 % undecided, depending on which poll , you're actually behind, not tied, in all of those polls. Practically speaking, you're behind . 80% of undecideds will break of rthe challenger. "hail mary"....hhahahahahahaahh


Are you washing Bill's car today or having dinner with him, thomas?

Hedge Fund Hal

just looked at RCP polling average again....interesting shift every poll in the RCP average except National Journal Poll (pro-Obama, not a serious poll) and Gallup with their older numbers, puts more than a one point difference between the candidates with at least three points and a maximum of 11 points undecided depending on what poll. Obama is no longer getting a two or three point lead from CBS, NBC, OR ABC . Even Reuters/Ipsos, which i beleive isnt part of RCP'S POLLS TODAY,and is usually favorable to obama has only a one point spread 47/46 Obama.

Hedge Fund Hal

shpuld read no poll in rcp average, except for gallup and NJ has more than a point difference either way between the candidates. not "every poll"

Hedge Fund Hal

Neither Preston, but speaking of washing cars, if you need some extra cash, tough times and all, you can come over to my estate on the top of Queen Anne Hill, overlooking downtown and wash a couple or three of my cars. I'm at my waterfron residence downtown today but my house man Robertson will let you into the garage and tell you which ones need washing. Even the garage has a view of downtown- big bay windows facing south. The Jag the Benz and the Ferrari i think . The Audi is good for now. Robertson will pay you 15 dollars an hour ,give you a big jar of his Irish stew to go, and send you on your way, there's a good man, once you've finished up, Preston.


Are you and Robertson voting for R-74?

Gentlemen Rouge

Hal, your mentioned of the RPC state poll averages is the first serious issue you have raised since your recent diatribe. As a matter of fact Nate Silver wrote an article on this issue at length.

Oct. 26: State Poll Averages Usually Call Election Right

He also worked out a probit regression model in order to show the candidates lead in the state polling average is tenuous when under 1.5 percentage points. Of course this affects both the incumbent and the challenger alike.

KS blathers

Another anti-Fox News rant ? Granted, Fox News talk shows have a conservative bias, but the news shows are down the middle (Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith).

However, they stand out because they counter all of the other TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and lastly MSNBC (Al Jazzera-USA).

That's why I don't buy your silly rants about Fox News (if you said Hannity, Fox and Friends and possibly Neil Cavuto), I could agree. You try to lump the whole network in with those talk shows which is inaccurate. Geraldo and Alan Colmes both show up there and they are liberals. So are Juan Williams and Ellis Heniken among a few others. It's readily apparent that most who talk trash and take cheap shots at Fox News seldom if ever watch it and if they do, they don't watch the actual news shows.

KS blathers

This year, I won't even look at the RCP averages, because the polls are all over the place. At least half of the polls are sampled incorrectly (D +8 or so - 2008 was D +7) and they are questionable for accuracy.

Also, op-ed writer extrordinare, Michael Barone pointed out that sampling techniques could very well be suspect due to the change in technology - a sampling of land lines and cell phones that seems off, which may well skew the final outcome of the election. It is hard to tell how they will affect the outcome and in which races. This year seems to be more uncertain than 2008 and more uncertain since 1992, when there were 3 viable candidates for POTUS. Nate Silver - who's he ?


You don't watch either, hypocrite. It you had. you would of saw O Reilly state no one on his network called the president a liar when a week earlier he had someone on who did.


KS, no one watches Fox for news!

Hedge Fund Hal

hahhaaha the Gentleman didn't even read my post closely enough to know i never mentioned state poll averages. RCP national presidential poll average is what i mentioned.


How will "Robertson" vote?

Hedge Fund Hal

KS its hiarious to read Huffpost's latest "sky is falling on Romney's campaign" article. Now they're claiming the hurriane has fatally stopped Romney's momentum when everyone knows the polls always tighten the weekend before the election.at 48/48 Obama has not risen in Rasmussen, Romney just lost two points to the undecideds. Obamas numbers have gone down to the dangerous level of 46 and 45 and 47 in several of the polls. but as you say , most of the polls are running on a total false basis of 2008 turnout numbers.The overall sense of the polls is Obama support becoming weaker as we move through the weekend. Other than one goofball lib poll Obama can't reach 50% in any of the polls at this late date. I get the feeling Gallup is the only poll thats right. Expect at least one more gallup tracking poll before tueday after their delay.

Gentlemen Rouge

Yes Hal, that’ll teach me. I thought you were using you head for once. I afraid you’re correct; I shouldn’t complement a rube for tripping over the truth once in a while.

Hedge Fund Hal

Robertson is a citizen of Great Britian, looks a bit simiar to Alfred (Michael Caine) in the latest Batman movies.


Bill O Reilly the Levittown liar

Hedge Fund Hal

more insults, sneering and condescension from club members, this time from G.R. i understand- with Obama's numbers it's really all they have left. ....BUT- off you go into Club Hopey Changey G.R.- not worTH my time to reply to you from now on.


In spite of all the slings and arrows,The President will be re elected. Chris Christie and Bloomberg said so.

Hedge Fund Hal

15 dollars an hour is good money Preston. it should take you about three or fours to wash dry , wax and buff all three cars. Robertson might throw you a 20 dollar lowend cigar from my room-sized walkin humidor upon completion of a fine job if i give him the hint.

Hedge Fund Hal

three or four hours work Preston. But you'll need to move along smartly to get it all done in that time. We don't tolerate loafing among Throckmorton Manor employees, temp or fulltime.

KS blathers

KS, no one watches Fox for news!

Posted by: Kimmy | November 03, 2012 at 06:53 PM

LMAO. You are living in a parallel universe. FYI, Fox had more viewers in 2 of the 3 presidential debates than any other network, including ABC, NBC and CBS.

Discard that silly talking point. If you had said hardly anyone who comments on this blog doesn't watch it, that would have a semblance of truth.


Watching a clown show is not the definition of watching the news. Many men, when asked ‘why read Playboy’ will respond ‘for the articles’. We all know that’s a lie. Just because Fox has many more viewers is not equivalent to news watchers.

KS blathers

ROFLOL I can tell you are not a critical thinker and don't know what you are talking about nor have watched Fox News to any extent.

But you are certainly allowed to show your ignorance and clownishness.

Sam Hill

Looks like KS has been womped again. Better luck next time KS.

KS blathers

Looks like you don't know what in the Sam Hill you are talking about.

You are a good argument for intelligence tests as a requirement to vote.

Hedge Fund Hal

Kimmy is marching in step with fellow Club Hopey Changey members here, clutching her litlle red book of Dear Leader Barack's sayings and wisdom.The section on Foxnews says that only rightwing conservatives have shows there (lie) and that the viewership is limited to a small number of ignorant, racist white men (second lie) and that all of Dear Leader Barack's female devotees are smarter and better educated than all of the beautiful Foxnews "bimbos" who deliver the news and/or have shows(third lie).


"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama heads toward Election Day with an apparent lead over Republican Mitt Romney among early voters in key states that could decide the election."

It's coming apart Mittens-supporters, right before your very own eyes. Happy Nov 7th, and the continued Presidency. Some good deals out there on air fare for leaving the country.

Hedge Fund Hal

an "apparent lead" ....Repubs have aleady cede a lead to romney in early voting in many of the key states......duhh...."apparent" doesnt sound vry big, and how "big is the question htat matters with romney expected by both parties to win the election day only vote in these states.......signs are that Obama has failed to get out the huge early voting turnout that he expected to have...... angry whites will turn out in mobs and droves ....disappointed and unimpressed and angry (at Obama) minorities will tend to stay home much more this time , or even vote for Mitt......Obama's "racial divide" strategy will fail.. Obamams big youth vote will fizzle....bwhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaahahahahahahahaahahaha


poor sad hal, do you spend your whole day sitting at the computer? why not ask mittens for one of his binders?

Hedge Fund Hal

this is all htey have left, folks......nameless has no idea of what happens up here in my private residence atop the luxury hotel overlooking the waterfront during the many hours at a time that i dont post.also when im posting im also working...checking and rechecking, analysing a lineup of stocks and other investments that i've targeted for potential buys...unlike nameless , who must go out looking for a "get lucky moment" at his various local bars every weekend (12 hour days at the fish cannery leaves him too tired and stinky to go out on weeknights)......i have hot women actually lounging around my residence,watching mu huge wall-sized tv, having fun cooking, and drinking and eating, or swimming in the rooftop pool until i have time for them, for extended periods over the week's days and nights.


hey, i'm not going to question your inability to deal with reality. escapism can be the saving grace, for a 12 year old. but dude, when you lost that book deal you went off the deep end. i know, Obama wouldn't have sold his book if he wasn't black, but that's no reason to be jealous. come on, pick your self up; go wash up, brush your teeth and for your own sake...change your underwear!

have a good day Thomas.


Hal's version of Romnesia. Forgets what he says from moment to moment. But we have his quotes ready to present to him on Nov 7th.

PS: and talk about delusions of grandeur, WOW! Sybil lives!

Hedge Fund Hal

hahahaahah. it's the best he's got folks , ...don't mock or sneer at him....pity him......jealousy is an ugly, ugly emotion....truly ugly

Hedge Fund Hal

the one number that keeps that keeps Obama campaign officials and even lowly Obamaniks up at night is that stubborn, constant 50-51% to 45-46% Gallup number for Romney that we have been seeing for weeks now. Monday Gallup will post a final daily tracking number after a several day break due to the hurricane. Everyone is waitng to see if the 51/46 romney numbers hold a full week later. The bothersome and disturbing thought that just won't go away among many of Barry's supporters at all levels of the campaign, although they don't dare mention it in public, is what if, as happens from time to time in elections, the one breakaway poll got it right and all the rest are wrong. Especially when that poll is Gallup.

Mike Barer

That's classic O'Reilly, he tries to portray himself as the watchdog of the right, but it's as phony as Alan Combes Liberalism.

KS blathers

O'Reilly swears up and down he is an independent and has been fair and balanced toward Obama for most of his four year term. He leans right - no argument there.

Hannity is the real watchdog of the right - you have the wrong person. Chris Matthews is the watchdog of the left - unhinged much of the time. Alan Colmes is a typical traditional liberal progressive - a lot of talking points and little substance.


Andrea Makris anyone?

O’Billo also says he knows the in’s and out’s of falafel love and loofah diets.

Hedge Fund Hal

i just finished James Fallows' pompous article in The Atlantic, defending Obama's use of the word "revenge" in his speech Friday in Ohio. During the speech some supporters in the audience began booing after the mention of Romney's name. Obama responded by saying "no, no, don't boo- vote. Voting is the best revenge." The clip of the remark was immediately put into a Romney tv campaign ad. Fallows and others on the left are defending the remark, saying its all good, nothing to see her, folks , move along, because the phrase "the best revenge" actually comes from a quotation from an English writer who said 400 years ago "living well is the best revenge". Since then the quote has been used countless times by all sorts of people, public and private . My response is - so what? How does this change one iota the inappropriateness of using the word "revenge" in this manner? It doesn't. Because the phrase is part of a larger famous literary quote doesn't mean it makes any sense in this speech. It makes no sense. None. What offense is Obama implying Romney has perpetrated on these audience members for them to want revenge for it? Do they need to seek revenge for Romney having the audacity to even dare challenge and question Dear Leader Barack? The comment was just weird and coming out of left field during the speech , much the same as the comment Obama made about how Hispanic-Americans needed to "vote against your enemies" ,during the interview on the California Spanish radio station in Califronia, two years ago. The 'revenge " comment wasn't innocent or innocuous. It was weird, strange, mystifying and- somewhat ominous. Fortunatey the Romney campaign is putting the incident to good use. This quote and the video of it will undoubtedly hurt Obama's numbers a bit, when he can't afford to lose a whisker in any of his numbers.


I agree, don’t boo…vote. These people hate you, not as persons but as obstacles. Booing them will do nothing to move them out of your way. Vote! It’s your right, and it does more to let them know how you feel than a “boo”.


I can't wait until this election is over if only to read this blog without insane rationalizing of everything Romney and polls.

Obama will win in a landslide. And then you'll hide for a while. And eventually you'll stay up day and night ranting about how the Republicans are going to take back the Senate. Beause they're sure not going to do it this year.

Nate Silver knows his stuff. And he's objective. Hal err Tommy err Dick: you're old tech.


Check out early voting in the state run by a perpetrator of medicare fraud: Florida Early Voting Fiasco: Voters Wait For Hours At Polls As Rick Scott Refuses To Budge

No hail marys needed when criminals are in charge. Obstruct the voting process just like Cantor and McConnell do in Congress. Take the American People hostage. That's the only way your side can ever win anything.

But people are waiting nine hours for their voting rights. You will still lose.


Wow! Over 22,000 people have commented on the above story. I've never seen that before. But I don't read Huffpo every day. So maybe . . .


from the Kunstler blog today:

"Mitt Romney's sickening insincerity was on full view Sunday night as CNN served up both candidates complete finish-line pitches to the Ohio crowds thought to hold the fate of the election in their fickle sway. Romney has consistently proved one thing over the whole, long, nauseating course of his campaign: that he will say anything to get a vote, no matter how hollow, fatuous, craven, or at odds with reality the utterance is.

Last night he went on about how the USA would become "energy independent" when he opens all federal lands to oil drilling. This plays on some lamebrain notion that there are vast fields of easy-to-get oil sitting out under the Wyoming hardpan waiting to be tapped. Surely Mitt know better.. or does he? The reality is that these lands fell into federal ownership largely because they had so little value in the first place. If there was another Spindletop lurking under the sagebrush you can be sure it would have been found long before now, so Mr. Romney is just preying on the public's wishful ignorance (or his own) when he says these things.

Finally, I just don't like Mitt Romney. He's the over-eager twerp in the classroom with his arm always sticking up. He's the missionary bozo in a necktie ringing your doorbell to sell a fairy-tale cult religion dreamed up in the 1820s by another over-eager con artist. He's obviously using the national stage to work out his father issues (George Romney ran for president in 1968, blundering his way out of the race early on). He shamelessly panders to the worst elements of his own party - the ignorant, militaristic, punitive-minded Nascar evangelicals - and dissembles so automatically that there is nothing left of whatever core beliefs he might have theoretically developed earlier in his career. He's too chicken to engage with the realities of climate change, so visibly on display this season. He's spoiling to rumble with China, apparently oblivious to the fact that China's leader-in-waiting, Xi Jingping, is an army brat. I pray at my little alter of ecumenical totems that the tides of history will sweep Mitt Romney out to the seas of retirement from public life, where he can enjoy his Medicare entitlements secure in the guarantee that he will not be hassled over any pre-existing conditions."

Hedge Fund Hal

no, we don't need fraud, not that we would do it , thats Dem style, but we don't need fraud, Johnson, when Obama is drawing 2400 people to the same rally in Ohio that brought 30,000 people for him in 2008, and making huge mistakes like the "revenge" remark.

Hedge Fund Hal

oh boy here comes the anti-Mormon bigotry that lies at the base of the absolutely virulent hatred for Romney among Club Hopey Changey members here hahahahahahaaa LITERALLY "FOAMING AT THE MOUTH" STUFF. Yeah Romney belongs to a goofball religion. It's just about as nutty as the black liberation theology church led by the hateful ranting Reverend Wright, the church Obama sat in happily for over twenty years. Just about. The bottom line is this. Romney has lived his life as a good, moral, kind person, inspired and prompted by his religion to help individuals and groups in need, with his own time and and/or with great personal financial generosity. Obama has not.


High school mock election gives President Obama a win by over 60%.
I'm thinking a slam-dunk. George Will and Gallup Poll eat your heart out. Bwahaha
Nov 7th - day of reckoning and wailing and gnashing of teeth for some Sybil-types.

Hedge Fund Hal

OHOH,,,, Rasmussen Reports , the most accurate pollster from 2008 (no , it wasn't Nate Silver) this morning has Romney re-establishing his lead, now 49/48 over Obama. The best the hurrcane bump could give Obama, although ABCNews pollsters deny there was a bump,was a temporary tie with Romney and Obama both at 48 percent. This inability to reach 50% in any reputable poll except once in the Pew Poll the other day has to to be troubling to Obama's top advisors. The National Journal poll is not a respected or reputable poll. We'er talking Nate Siver crackpot polling territory with the NJ poll.

Hedge Fund Hal

in the libber poll ABCNews/Washington Post Poll, just in this morning, Obama has even less support than in the previous one, which had him tied at 48%.The latest numbers have him devolving, or going backwards down to a 46%/46% tie. At this late date count on 80% of the 7% undecideds, , giving a point or two for third party people, breaking for Obama. That makes it 51.6 romney and 47.4 Obama, which is close to the last Gallup numbers.


Silver, who called the 2008 election within one percentage point and accurately predicted 49 out of 50 Senate races, predicts Obama will capture 299 electoral votes. (You win with 270) The key to the election is Ohio. If Obama wins Ohio, Romney can't find a way to get to 270. Obama appears to be up 2 points in Ohio. (well within the margin of error) In every battleground state, the race is close and the outcome will be determined by who has the better ground game. Obama's advisors have gone all in and spent tens of millions of dollars setting up field offices and putting boots on the ground in order to turn out his base.

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