Update at the bottom.
Talk surrounding the lack of promotion on the KMCQ Classic Hits web site, Facebook and Twitter, including the removal of the listen live link, has prompted some to believe they may be changing formats as well. Others have heard them fall to a strictly 60's 70's hits automation during the early morning hours. Their studio and office lines have gone to voice mail status.
UPDATE: Maybe discussion is a good thing. The website has been updated and the listen live link is back up.
This is shit out of the toliet! first they move a successful station from the Dalles and then watch it flop around and do nothing, no wonder people have given up on radio
Posted by: Peggy Hill | November 15, 2012 at 09:52 PM
Radio needs to go back to local control with owners who love radio and don't need megabucks as their incentive. How do we make that happen?
Posted by: TS | November 15, 2012 at 09:56 PM
Mom! Dad says you can't say shit in public.
Posted by: Bobby Hill | November 16, 2012 at 06:30 AM
"Radio needs to go back to local control with owners who love radio and don't need megabucks as their incentive. How do we make that happen?"
How would YOU make that happen? The basic cost of supporting a broadcast infrastructure in the seattle market is nothing to sneeze at. Going back to local control is a great idea, but the bills do have to be paid.
While we're at it, how about a definition of what a reasonable return (to you) would be? Few stations are earning "megabuck" profits these days, so how about drawing us a picture of how you'd do it.
As with many other topics in our lives these days, this one is easy to armchair-quarterback... not so easy to fix in a practical sense.
Yes... The move from The Dalles was a stupid attempt at a money grab. It backfired... no sympathy deserved there. Haven't seen much of that nonsense since.
Posted by: krz | November 16, 2012 at 09:38 AM
Maybe they have a sale pending? Did anybody think about that?
Posted by: Bobdog | November 16, 2012 at 10:59 AM
Peggy Hill said: first they move a successful station from the Dalles . . . .
Oh, it was even better than that. To move the Dalles channel, they per$uaded KAFE-Bellingham to install a directional antenna and bought, changed, and then sold what is now KBDB-FM in Forks, all to make it work. In addition, KMCQ's move to Tiger Mountain eliminated an LPFM allocation for Fall City that had local support.
It is hard to see any of this as a good idea. As I recall, this was Dallas-area money, and there are very few AM or FM stations near Dallas that haven't been bought and moved nearer to the Metroplex. In other words, this is business-as-usual in a lot of the Country.
Posted by: Ted Smith | November 16, 2012 at 03:10 PM
So you're saying, KRZ, that there are no local stations anymore? None?
Posted by: T-S | November 16, 2012 at 04:02 PM
From the KRKO website
"We are one of seven locally-owned, independent commercial radio stations left in the Snohomish, King, Pierce County area. 1230 AM in Everett, and 1450 AM in Puyallup target the Korean community as "Radio Hankook" and are owned by Jean Suh; 1420 AM and 1620 AM in Renton, and 1560 AM in Sumner are owned by Chris Bennett and target the African-American community. 1180 AM in Lakewood is owned by Clay Huntington (who chose the appropriate call-sign "KLAY") and serves the Tacoma area.
All remaining commercial signals in the Seattle area are owned by large corporations or out-of-state entities with the exception of 94.5 FM KUOW, which is owned by the University of Washington.
Posted by: Chris Chronic | November 16, 2012 at 05:24 PM
So, how much would these local guys have to pay to air people like Schultz and Hartmann? I'd like to think Schultz and Hartmann would make it affordable just to stay on the air in communities like ours.
Just heard this on Hartmann (which I listen from a Phoenix station which airs Hartmann at 6pm). Karl Rove may have had a fix in for a Romney win that was deep sixed by a hacker: Anonymous Claims It Stopped Karl Rove From Hacking The Election By Hacking ORCA
I'm beginning to think anything is possible. Rove was sure stunned the night Romney lost.
Posted by: T-S | November 16, 2012 at 07:24 PM