A mix of what is passing through our mailbox this weekend:
From our good friend B.T.: "KIRO TV's Chief Meteorologist Rebecca Stevenson has parted company with the station, and her name's been deleted from the station's website." Stevenson is a very accomplished and capable on-air personality, so her departure is a mystery. Did she ask to leave, or did the recent arrival of News Director Bob Jordan have anything to do with it??
My oh My. It seems some people on the right are not as confident as our resident conservatives here at BlatherWatch. Here is a sampling of comments posted this weekend:
" 3 gay men from Obamas church were found dead within a matter of months, 2 with bullets to the head and supposedly one died of natural causes. Larry Sinclair is a gay man who has stated that he had a drug and sex tryst with Obama. Sinclair had a press conference in D.C. , he was arrested and sent Delaware where he was held for 2 weeks without ANY CHARGES , he was also denied his medication. 2 weeks after Biden was picked as Obamas running mate . Bidens son is the attorney general of Delaware. Again he was held without charges"
"Hillary needs to bury Odumya so far under the bus he wouldn't dare step back in the
white house. They are all so corrupt that is so sad for the real
Americans working in government and those that try to do the right
We need to vote them all out in Nov.all of the crooks and
power hungrey idiots and save our country and get things back on the
irght path. Please heavenly father help us all and our Country .When all else fails we can always trust in prayer.....and I have been
doing a lot of that lately.....I just can't imagine the Muslim being
reelected....surely people with a brain aren't brain washed!....We MUST
all stand together.....and pray t ogether!!!"
"If Obama loses, (and I'm also praying he does), we all know he'll create complete chaos from November 7th til January 20th (I hope America lasts that long), and only God knows how many bugs, cameras, and maybe even bombs he'll leave in the White House so he and all his Muslim cronies can keep tabs on our military secrets. We'll have to bulldoze the whole thing and start over!"
And the typing award tonight goes to Eileen:
"have you all noticed that it's visiting all the collages & universitys that what helped to put him in as p.o.t.u.s. ( and the p stands for pretender not pres.) the first time with his change but they didn't expect this type of change hopefuly this time around their a lot smarter and vote for the Americam that's for America .the clinton's should have known that if things went south he would blame her saying it was her fault about security . deing the democrats like they are they would have done the same thing trying to distance themselfs from the wlole mess . nuf said"
Yes, Eileen. 'Nuf said.
So -- what happened to Rebecca?
Posted by: WC | October 17, 2012 at 11:15 AM