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October 03, 2012


Mama Mia thats some spicy weiner!

Guiliani and Hannity giggling like girls. Going to do each other's hair next.



Gentlemen Rouge

I don’t know how Rmoney can turn these stories around.

GOP Focus Group: Undecided Voters Give Obama Benefit Of The Doubt

How Romney Is Blowing It, According To Every Conservative Pundit

Polls Show Romney’s 47 Percent Moment Breaking Through, ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Fizzling


Everyone hyperventilating about how this debate win CHANGES EVERYTHING might want to check in with President John Kerry to see if it really does.


Watching a couple of focus groups, Chris Matthews asked a K teacher why she didn't know by now who she was for - "well, one says this and another says that and I don't know..."

Everybody I'm watching including MSNBC is claiming Romney victorious. I guess we'll see if it's a nation of uninformed K teachers or people who can think.

Hedge Fund Hal

"Did anyone expect Obama to lose THIS badly?"- CNN panel......"we have a horse race after tonight"- David Gurgen CNN......hhahaahahahahaha.....Obama wasn't expecting that kind of heat from Mitt Romney"= Van Jones , former Obama administration member on CNN......hhaahahha First Dude was in turns petulant, peevish scowling, but mostly just flat out angry..........he even made a nasty snide somment to poor old Jim Lehrer after he dared to interrupt His Highness......bwhahahaahahahahahahahahaahaha.....at one point Romney compared First Dude to one of his five "boys".......he said "boys" not sons, .......hwoooohaahawhioohahahahah

KS blathers

After the debate, Michael Moore claimed; "That's what you get when you have John Kerry as a debate partner".

There are two more debates left. How many people really care though ? Keep in mind, for the first time, Obama is actually being vetted by his opponent, as the news media has never done it - malpractice...

Maybe this lackluster performance will wake up some of those who were not paying attention and give Hussein Obama's ads that are mostly fallacious less punch.

If Obama's nose were pictured, it would extend off the page.

Dark & Stormy

Yes, I am sure Barack's is bigger than Mitt's.

Hedge Fund Hal

"President John Kerry".....Kerry never had a win like this over Bush...marginal at best...haha and you conveniently left out President Ronald Reagan who was behind in the polls until a week or so before the election when his famous devastating debate with incumbent Carter was held. Selective memory i guess...bwahaahahahahahah don't be ungracious after your loss tonight, libbers...man up, woman up, conratulate the winner and vow to do better...you still have two chances left....bahaahaahahahahaahhh

The Better Chuck.

I just went out to greet my trash collecter when he picked up our donation. Asked him if he wanted a hug. He responded "Are you a fu&*ing queer our what? Stay the fu&* away from me faggot!!".
Guess he's not gonna be doing an Obama commercial of approve gay marriage.


Looks like Romney took a lesson from Dirty Harry and proved that the person in the White House is nothing but a empty chair. Obama just plain didn't show up last night. Win for Romney.


Romney was very impressive, I'm having 2nd thoughts about voting for Obama, but I'll wait until the next debates to make my decision. Our President needs to get control of the facts, Romney did his homework and was very prepared. Pres Obama can't just show up and think that his popularity will do it for him. Come on Mr President - get your act together, you got spanked this time out.

Finis Hominis

The resulting ads from this debate will tell the tale.


After listening to the debate.

I'll get the undercoating, fabric treatment, along with the GAP insurance and the lifetime clearcoat protection spray. Sign me up. Just add it to the payment.

Vote for him? You must be fvcking kidding!!!


More crap from Willard.

Not 90 billion lost .

600 million lost on three companies, whats that 2 days in Afghanistan.



C'mon ExPat, you're talking facts and issues . . . they're lost on the right.

Interestingly, I talked to two people who listened to the debate and both came away thinking Obama had won. Those of us who saw Romney bullying Lehrer and interrupting excitedly like an impatient adolescent thought Obama lost. The visual is so powerful that it overrides reason.

Yes, Obama, a little more energy mixed with a tad bit of bullying and in-your-face confrontation - truthful or not - will do wonders for your viability. Or at least try to look interested.

Hedge Fund Hal

leave it to T-S to have a couple of friends or acquaintances who actually thought Obama won, either on radio or tv. give it up, T-S. Even gasbag Chris Mathews said that Obama lost miserably. "you might want to move on to another topic , JIm"...the arrogance of Obama trying to tell the moderator what to do on his show..hhahahahaahhhh... it got worse.....later on Obama snipped in a nasty tone "i had five seconds before you interrupted me, Jim"...really,this is Presidential?....a rare flash of the pettyness and meanspiritedness at the base of Obama's persona, which he usually manages to cover up in public....he instantly recognized this and tried to flash a phony grin at Jim, to smooth it over, but the damage was done.........hhahaaahhh


I listened to it in my car. So I didn't see the body language.

Romney played the part of the "flim flam man" . Pretty much fact-free, whilst Obama was completely flummoxed by what was happening.

I am in sales and fast talking bullshit often works.

The Better Chuck.

In all fairness, Obama played the part of "incompetent boob". But he has been crafting that image (quite sucessfully) for close to four years. I just pray that we don't have four more years of him in The White House while he masters those skills.
Romney is looking like a good alternative at the moment.

Hedge Fund Hal

breaking Rasmussen Poll- Ohio, Obama 50%/Romney49%.....Romney has small leads in Florida(49/47) and Virginia..............Rasmussen was most accurate poll of 2008 election....


Looks like Rmoney has some more running up the down escalator to do.


Keep spinning there, Hal-itosis. It's good for your legs.

KS blathers

As for the unemployment numbers - the regime cooked the books - so says Jack Welch, former CEO of GE. Spot on !

Jack Welch ‏@jack_welch
Unbelievable jobs numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can't debate so change numbers

Economic patriotism = trickle down government and Obamunism...

Finis Hominis

Oh boy, here comes the conspiracies.


ah yes, today's Republican talking point. Can't let the black man get credit for anything. I believe the picture at the top of this column is directed at you Mr. Blathers.


KS I just saw Jack Welch on TV. He admitted he had absolutely no evidence that there was any manipulation at all, but he just "knew it." What a guy!

Face it KS, at some point Mitt is going to have to tell the American public why he should be elected when the economy is recovering. Trying to spin the facts to avoid having to do so is not going to get him elected.

Hedge Fund Hal

The economy is not recovering....the American people know hte real rate is about 14%...they dont need numbers.....the unemployment number as it is currently counted is a joke, even without extra manipulation by the dept of labor.......once people stop looking for work they are no longer counted as part of the numbers pie.......so perhaps these new numbers are true, though i seriously doubt it....it only means that 7.8 percent people are now unemployed out of a greatly reduced workforce pie...the total number of people now working in the country caompared to the total number working the day Obama took office is a much smaller number. where do you think all those people go who are no longer counted...what happens to their lives ...do they just turn into pixie dust?.......if it was W. Bush in office instead of First Dude, you would be hammering this point about the deceptive numbers 24/7 ...because its your guy, he gets a pass......

Hedge Fund Hal

by the way, has their ever been another participant in the Presidential Election debates from Nixon-Kennedy in 1960 to present, that actually told the moderator that he "might want to move on to a new topic", as Boss Obama did on Wednesday night wiht Jim Lehrer?..... of course the answer is no.........


It's been over 15% for years now. Why suddenly is it a big deal? Unemployment numbers have never been accurate and have been skewed ever since the Republicans changed the way we figure unemployment. Republicans have a long, long history of skewing truth; also called "truthiness." Ask Kevin Phillips about unemployment numbers. He's a Republican who can tell the truth.

Interesting, Obama seems to be doing better as it becomes more and more obvious that Romney was in a hurry to tell everybody that nothing he said before is what he believes now. Good choice on Obama's part not to bring up the 47%. That would just give Romney the opportunity to disown those words as well. And half the country would believe him.

Now that I look back on it, it was a pretty smart move for Obama to stay out of the lying fray Romney was energetically promoting. When faced with lie after lie, let the liar keep lying. Don't give it any cred by responding. In the end, it catches up with the liar.

And it has. I love it. Obama is smart.


Just wait until after the elections; these republicans will be climbing over one another to take credit for the economic conditions. I hope you republican dead enders realize this chestnut and call them out.

Hedge Fund Hal

It's a big deal now because there is a smaller total number of men working in this country now that anyytime inthe last thirty years. I just told you that the total workforce pie was much , much bigger on W. Bush'es last day in office than it is now. So dont try to pretend that Bush had the same miserable numbers . he didnt. no one said the Dems invented the way they are counted now. who cares which party invented it?

Hedge Fund Hal

yeah, First Dude is so smart that he's now blown his lead in Ohio due to Wednesday night's disaster,.... down to margin of error, one point,in Ohio, according to Rasmussen......i hope he keeps up just this kind of "smartyness".....bbwhaahahaahaa


KS is right up there with Alex Jones but won't admit it

The Better Chuck.

They economy is still sucking big time. Businesses are closing all over the place. Just this last 30 days, six Albertsons grocery stores have closed or will be closed by months end. Another budget shain, Sav-a-lot has closed up in the past 2 weeks.
Best Buy is on the ropes as well as others.
Rob McKenna is going to have his hands full next year as Governor just handling the additional short falls in our state budget.


Hal, you haven’t been right yet, what makes you believe you will be correct in the present or in the future?


Chuck, I thought that was what you republicans called capitalism. Are you suggesting the President provide support to these entities?


Albertsons has been in the shit for several years. Trader Joes expanding, something to be said there


TommyHal is pretending to ignore how Romney spewed verbal diarrhea all over Lehrer and wouldnt shut up. But I realize in Tommy's world, it is ok to do that when you are a Republican and outrageous when the President agrees to move on to another topic.

Hedge Fund Hal

this debate is not the decider, but I do not believe First Dude can survive two more clearcut debate losses, and recover for a win on First Tuesday, maybe not even one more loss. The likelihood of two more clear wins for Mitt is high right now. All that debate ecperience is paying off.

Hedge Fund Hal

experience...not ecperience....Esmerelda is off this weekend ...visiting her mother in Portland...did i tell the Blatherwatch audience here that i very generously bought her mother a new three level townhouse and a brand new Toyota Prius, for her Birthday, last month?


no, you didn't sybil

The Better Chuck.

The point is that the economy still sucks. Businesses are still going under at a phenominal rate.
Many people that might have the money to risk opening or expanding businesses are not pulling the trigger because there is no talented leadership in government.
When Romney wins and takes over, that will change.
I hope Trader Joes has opened 20 stores this month to cover the 20 other grocery stores that closed this month. Those thousands of recently furlowed, yet talented union grocery clerks need jobs.
More middle class union jobs with decent pay checks gone.


Dollars to doughnuts, every republican is spinning up some scam to take credit for the current economic success. After the election they will take try to take credit for the progress they lament now. That will expose this current meme for what it is, a busted conspiracy. But the wingers here won’t see the cue; they’ll pick up the flag of conservative “rope towing” and plod along.

The Better Chuck.

Is the success to which you are refering all of the recent college grads that can't find jobs? Or the huge unemployment numbers of young black men in the inner cities all accross this nation? 23,000,000 unemployed people from all walks of life? Are you talking about gas a $4.00 per gallon and climbing?
No, you people earned the credit. You can keep it.
We'll fix it next year if we can just get enough of you to pull your heads out of your butts and vote for positive change and get rid of that failed POTUS we elected last time.

Hedge Fund Hal

some fool on MSNBC named Eric Dyson, in one of their panel discussions, I believe moderated by "The Grin" Alex Wagner ( all points of view from the very far left to the very very far left) said that Obama was properly fearful of forcefully responding to Romney because he would be labeled the "angry black man"........ bwahahahahaahahaaahahahaah


Chuck, what are the republicans willing to do for Black men as a constituency to garner their vote?

Hedge Fund Hal

uh, how about some jobs, which is more than First Dude has cared to offer, in the past four years. Obama is a demogogue who uses race as a divisive tool to his advantage from time to time ( note the speech Hannity put out there this week from 2007 that shows then candidate Obama shouting in a fake accent to an audience of black preachers about wholly imagined racially-based slights and disparites in disaster funding and ongoing racism from white America), but really has a "benign negelct" policy and attitude toward the disaster of black unemployment.


the president has a 'fake accent'?

The Better Chuck.

I suppose you should ask the republicans Mr Rhino. What should they do for a black man that they wouldn't do for a brown, white, yellow or native man? Is there something different they should do for a black person? What would that be?
My personal preference would be to live by the addage that all men are created equal. But I could be wrong.

Hedge Fund Hal

yes, in the speech Hannity played on his show, he has a fake accent in that speech, not when he talks normally. It was really quite humorous. But you can read and of course knew what i meant.

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