The "Big Surprise" up the expensive sleeve of Donald Trump is rumored by the kids in the know to be an appearance of The Donald with Reggie Brown, a semi-famous Obama impersonator. Apparently the plan is for them to come out on stage and The Donald will point to "obama" and shout "YOU'RE FIRED!!!" This is sure to cause spasms of delight among the faithful.
Tommy Christopher, over at writes :
My first glimpse of Reggie Brown was his “debate” against perennial GOP straw poll champ Ron Paul, using verbatim President Obama quotes. Engineered by Fox’s John Stossel, I was struck by how sad the shadow-boxing spectacle was for Paul, but also by Reggie’s spot-on impression of Obama. Weirdly, many of the blog posts about the “debate” didn’t mention Reggie by name, identifying him only as an “Obama impersonator,” and it took me a few minutes of googling to track him down.
It shouldn’t be a problem for Reggie going forward (his 186 Twitter followers
also figure to multiply). His performance at the Republican Leadership
Conference catapulted him to molten-hot status in the perpetually
overheated news cycle. Initially, his performance was panned, by liberal
blogs, as “racist” and a “minstrel show,” but as video emerged of an RLC organizer pulling Reggie off the stage when the jokes turned against Republicans, the narrative changed. RLC President Charlie Davis pulled Reggie in the middle of a chuck about Republican candidates, but insisted that
it was because of the “racially insensitive jokes” from earlier in the
act. Reasonable people acknowledged that Reggie’s racial jabs were mild,
and not all that different from humor that the President himself has
employed. The tide quickly turned in Reggie’s favor, especially with
those who have no ax to grind, politically.
Before joining William Gold Entertainment’s “Politicos” impersonator troupe (along with Bill Clinton lookalike Tim Watters, Sarah Palin ringer Patti Lyons, and Tim Northern as Juan Williams), Reggie Brown was a regional Emmy-winning broadcaster in his own right, following a stint as a model. A native of Chicago, Reggie first learned of his resemblance to Barack Obama in 2001, from his brother, Lawrence, and others who told him “you look like my professor, you should google him.”
It wasn’t until 2008, though, that Brown turned his resemblance to Obama into a career, one which he describes as “the best job in the world.”
This is an Open Thread.
Gawker has an interesting read of the Bain files.
The Bain Files: Inside Mitt Romney’s Tax-Dodging Cayman Schemes
Equity Swaps, AIVs, and Mitt Romney's Other Tax-Dodging Tricks
Mitt Romney's Endless ‘Retirement' Package
How Mitt Romney Puts His Money Where Obama's Mouth Is
Derivatives, Short Sales, and Mitt Romney's Other Exotic Financial Instruments
Mitt Romney Is the National Enquirer's Banker
You’d think he would be more careful.
Posted by: Todd | August 25, 2012 at 11:34 PM
The fact that Donald Trump is even in the same conversation as the convention of a major US political party makes me wonder WTF?
Posted by: Dark & Stormy | August 25, 2012 at 11:35 PM
Todd, even Gawker describes itself as a gossip sheet. Really?
Posted by: Whatever | August 26, 2012 at 08:41 AM
so did the national enquirer when it looked into the edwards affair.
Posted by: nameless | August 26, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Todd, Mitt Romney is an imperfect candidate who no doubt took advantage of every LEGAL trick in the book to pay as little taxes as possible. He also gave his entire small fortune of an inheritance away to charity.....hmmm..... Seems a bit of a problem with that last one for the Mr. Greed cartoon of Romney you're tying to paint. Perhaps Romney was minimizing his taxes so he could give away the percentage of his wealth that he saved, to worthy causes of HIS choosing . Barack Obama is an imperfect candidate who, besides being involved in questionable financial dealings in Chicago (Tony Resko, etc), has a brother in Kenya who last week called up Dinesh D'Souza (conservative writer/filmmaker who got to know him through the making of "2016" the movie), to beg for some money to pay the hospital services because his child had a heart condition. D'souza, who Know's the true nature of Obama, got the man to admit that there was no one else he could call. He didn't bother to try to contact Obama, because he knows the man is an icy. arrogant fellow who could not care less about him or his child's health, despite being his brother. D'Souza himself said this week on Glenn Beck's radio show that this incident happened just a few weeks ago. If he was lying he would be open to slander suits. He's a smart, careful fellow, and he's not lying. After confirming the call was legit, by talking to the nurse and doctor, D'Souza wired him a thousand dollars. I'm voting for Romney.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal (edited by Esmerelda H.) | August 26, 2012 at 11:40 AM
HalTommyBeamer, I have finally figured it out. You like to throw crap up against the wall to see what will stick, and then sit back and watch people turn themselves wrong side out over what you say.
Well played, sir.
Posted by: Walt | August 26, 2012 at 02:13 PM
When Andrea Saul brought up Romneycare a week or two ago Erick Erickson of RedState tweeted “OMG. This might just be the moment Mitt Romney lost the election. Wow”
In an effort to pander to women, it’s Mittens who has brought up Romneycare this weekend.
Romney Touts Massachusetts Health Care Overhaul In Appeal To Women Voters
I wonder what inside out contortion the Republicans will do come Monday morning.
Posted by: Gentlemen Rouge | August 26, 2012 at 04:54 PM
Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Sarasota, Fla., Donald Trump said Mitt Romney's birth certificate quip in Michigan last week may have been a lighthearted joke, but that the issue of President Obama's birth certificate is far from settled.
"What I think doesn’t matter -- he has his views and many other people disagree with him as you know," Trump said. "...But he did make a joke, and some people thought it might not be a joke. It happens to be an issue that a lot of people believe in … many, many people believe in it so maybe I would have handled it differently, but he’s running for president and I’m with him 100 percent."
Trump, who has focused on Obama's birth certificate in the past, said that whether he raises the issue again going forward is an open question.
"Let’s just say this there’s a huge group of people that are not believers in what [Obama] did, what he said and where he came from. We’ll see what happens. Well see what happens over the coming weeks and months."
Trump was in town to receive the "Statesman of the Year" award from the Sarasota Republican Party. He was originally scheduled to participate in what he called a "big surprise" at the GOP convention on Monday, but in light of the cancellation of Monday's speeches he's not sure what his involvement will be.
"Well I had a big role tomorrow night. You know what happened tomorrow night. So it’s now up to them. … It’s totally up to them, whatever they like," he said. "They gave me a big role and I was looking forward – I was actually going to Tampa right after this, right after this dinner, but now I probably will be going back to New York. I may come back but I’ll probably be going to New York after the dinner."
Asked to elaborate on what the "big surprise" was, Trump just said it was a "very big thing." "I think they're still going to probably do it," he added.
In regards to Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" controversy, Trump said the comments were "disastrous" but that Akin had apologized for them.
"Well he's apologized, but it was a disastrous answer," he said. "But he has apologized, so hopefully he can do fine."
In a later conversation with POLITICO, Trump would not comment on whether Akin should drop out of the race, and said the pressure of the campaign could have contributed to Akin's comments.
"Maybe he was nervous, maybe he was under great pressure -- I don't know what would cause him to make those statements," he told POLITICO. "I wouldn't be so presumptuous to say resign, but some people are saying that. He made a mistake and he's apologized."
Posted by: Apps for iPad | August 27, 2012 at 04:48 AM
Anyone else following this Drew Peterson murder trial on TruTv?......Peterson is the classic rogue cop, brimming with arrogance and contempt toward others....malignant narcissist if there ever was one....I can't be the only one who yearns to hear news that this smirking, winking, evil bastard had a "very bad day" in the county "unpleasant interlude" with a gang of thug blog...use your imagination.......
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal (edited by Esmerelda H.) | August 27, 2012 at 02:16 PM
""But he has apologized, so hopefully he can do fine."
Dont hold your breath. His latest view is that if gay men drink breast milk for 4 days, it will cure them of The Gay.
Posted by: sparky | August 27, 2012 at 10:07 PM
YOu have been reading either too many National Enquirers or Daily KOS - both equally off the wall...
Posted by: Radical Moderate | August 27, 2012 at 11:30 PM