How do you make a Romneyburger?? A pound of flesh, and hide the fries in the Cayman Islands.
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keep it up folks. The "smart", sophisticated guy will always beat "the rube". "Isn't Romney droll and silly?" all of you say in unison, like Stepford wives. "Isn't Romney fun!! and he's Mormon too. How declasse. How in the Hell did a dope liek that make all those hundreds of millions? Must have been some sort of scam." Smart, sophisticated guys like Barack always beat rubes like Romney. Nothing to worry about here folks, Obama has this thing in the bag. "hahahaha Who could possibly vote for a dope and a bumpkin like Bill Clinton over a mensch like me?" That's what G.H.W. Bush kept teling himself all through the summer and Fall of 1992.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 12, 2012 at 08:59 AM
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 12, 2012 at 09:07 AM
Well, I say he's a welcome addition to the choice scenario, we could have done worse. Now, I must study what each has done in the past and what they are saying and see if it passes the smell test. Both Pres Obama and candidate Ronmney look like they stepped out of central casting for this role, both are very articulate speakers and both seem to be guys I would like to hang out with or play golf with. Onward!
Posted by: dwbh | July 12, 2012 at 10:20 AM
It’s the lies Mittens tells that will be his undoing.
Mitt Romney stayed at Bain 3 years longer than he stated.
Or could it be his lack of cohesion among the base. Here again, the fun is in the comments section.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 11:02 AM
Speaking of Mittens Howl the third,
Mitt Romney Tried to Rig NAACP Crowd by Flying in His Own African Americans
Posted by: Montego | July 12, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Have you heard this one.
How do you tell a Romney supporter from an Obama supporter?
Romney supporters sign their checks on the front;
Obama supporters sign their’s on the back.
Posted by: dwbh | July 12, 2012 at 12:09 PM
Sooo, Romney owns his own...air plane?
Posted by: nameless | July 12, 2012 at 12:10 PM
Hey, it worked for Rush Limbaugh, who rallied to Romney’s side, opined that the speech went “over" the audience's heads and attributed the boos to the fact that Romney is white. Just like in the 2008 presidential campaign, race has never been far beneath the surface of this one. Aside from income and status, Limbaugh is a pretty good stand-in for the cohort of white voters whom pollsters delicately call "resentful." If he was pleased with the theatrics of the speech, they probably were too. It seems equally plausible that independent white voters will credit Romney for entering territory perceived as hostile.
Shout out to the base? Check. Reach out to independents? Check.
There are as many ways to view the speech as there are racial attitudes in the U.S. But when Romney strategists looked into the kaleidoscope themselves, my guess is they saw a win. (Jonathan Alter)
Posted by: Official Spy of BW | July 12, 2012 at 12:13 PM
Rhino did you hear this morning that the Obama campaign is asking Romney to tell the American people if he lied to them about how long he was at Bain, or if he lied to regulators, which would be a felony.
My oh My this could get interesting.
Posted by: Official Spy of BW | July 12, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Something tells me, it's the lying Mittens won't shake. Plus his base hates him.
Posted by: Montego | July 12, 2012 at 12:21 PM
Have you heard this one.
How do you tell a Romney supporter from an Obama supporter?
Romney supporters sign their checks on the front;
Obama supporters sign their’s on the back.
Thurston and Lovey would enjoy that one!
Posted by: Mike D | July 12, 2012 at 12:25 PM
heard about the story but I did not take notice of the felony angle.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 02:18 PM
The Boston Globe has the story. Romney is beginning to resemble a well oiled weather vane. Yes, Romney's primary focus was on the Olympics. But Bain was still his company. It was his name on the documents. And he was ultimately responsible for it because he owned it. So he is being asked if he lied to federal regulators because that would be a felony.
Posted by: Official Spy of BW | July 12, 2012 at 03:11 PM
Rmoney said he left Bain 1999, “But public Securities and Exchange Commission documents filed later by Bain Capital state he remained the firm’s “sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president.” “Also, a Massachusetts financial disclosure form Romney filed in 2003 states that he still owned 100 percent of Bain Capital in 2002. “
I’m waiting for the list of companies that went under during this period. It will be a new assemblage of laid off or outsourced Americans.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 03:15 PM
And, if Romney wasn't running Bain or part of the decision-making process, who was? How is it that that person or persons was able to gain so much control of the company so quickly that he or she was able to take it in a direction that seems to so strongly contradict Mitt's stated values. Also, he suddenly dropped out of the 2008 Presidential primary, shortly after the news broke that a company owned by Bain was being sold to the Chinese Govt., specifically to the Red Army.
What is that you say PS and KS? Proof of this outlandish accusation?? Here is an article from 2007 :
China Angles to Buy 3Com
Thursday, October 25, 2007 2:48 PM
By: Charles R. Smith
"The pending sale of a U.S. defense contractor to a company directly linked to the Chinese army would normally be canceled at once.
However, the links between a dark Chinese company and many of the most powerful politicians in America appears to have put the buyout of 3Com on the fast-track toward approval.
Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs — two leading financial firms — are currently seeking the buyout of 3Com, a computer communications firm with U.S. defense contracts. 3Com makes equipment used by the Pentagon to block computer hackers.
Bain is financing the buyout of 3Com with the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei. Huawei is associated with the Chinese, Iraqi, and Taliban militaries.
Bain Capital is a major financial firm with a great deal of success in the past. Bain Capital was founded in 1984 by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. According to Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign Web site, Bain is "one of the nation's most successful venture capital and investment companies."
However, it is Huawei that will benefit from the buyout. Huawei installed air defense networks for Saddam Hussein and the Taliban. The CIA, U.S. Defense Department, the Rand Corporation and even Indian intelligence agencies have openly documented Huawei's links to Saddam and the Taliban.
According to the CIA, Huawei was responsible for the installation of an advanced fiber-optic air defense network in Iraq during Saddam's brutal rule. The Huawei network, NATO code-named "Tiger Song," was used to shoot down allied aircraft flying patrol over the Iraqi skies.
The network was installed in violation of an U.N. embargo. Worse still, the air defense network was paid for by the corrupt oil-for-food program which send cash to Huawei that was intended to feed starving Iraqi children.
Despite its history of killing American soldiers — it is Huawei's teaming with Bain and Goldman Sachs that has enabled the Chinese company to arrange the buyout of 3Com. The Bain/Goldman/Huawei team has influence inside the highest political circles.
For example, current Republican candidate Mitt Romney has links to Bain. Gov. Romney enjoyed a successful career at Bain, helping to amass over a quarter of a billion dollars in his own personal fortune. Romney may have left the company in 2001, but he and his family still own a significant stake in the firm through his blind trust, which according to the Washington Post earned him $7 million to $15 million during the last year.
Bain associates, employees and friends have also been very generous to Gov. Romney's campaign for the White House. Bain employees have donated over $190,000 to Romney, making the firm one of his largest sources of political cash. This amount does not include the efforts of former and current Bain partners and executives of companies Romney bought who are also raising hundreds of thousands of dollars.
All these financial ties to Bain bring into question the possible conflict of interest that Romney faces. So far, Gov. Romney has refused to comment on the Bain deal. Repeated calls to the Romney campaign were not returned. "
You republicans sure know how to pick 'em! ROFLMAO
Posted by: Official Spy of BW | July 12, 2012 at 03:20 PM
O'Donnell panel talking about Romney's death by a thousand cuts. He's being seen as a liar. Best advice? Get it all out they say. But how can he without looking like a crook?
My advice: get it out. The right has voted for crooks before. They won't let a little thing like criminal behavior stop them.
And at the rate they are purging the voter rolls, it won't matter what the left or independents think.
American politics are becoming a joke. Maybe we should scrap it all and start over. Let's dump the south and form a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all humans are created equal.
I like that.
Posted by: T-S | July 12, 2012 at 08:06 PM
“Romney’s speech to the NAACP was an otherwise unremarkable repetition of his standard campaign pitch until he got to this line, ... “…I hope to represent all Americans, of every race, creed and sexual orientation. From the poorest to the richest and everyone in between."”
From the freewingnut blog, where they are angry at Mitts mention of sexual orientation.
How progressive of you Mittens. He ain’t got a lock on the base.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 08:21 PM
Hey, when it is second-nature to lie, why worry not include a salute to gay Republicans who are still in the closet? And where else is the base going?
Posted by: T-S | July 12, 2012 at 08:41 PM
Delete "worry" . . . ???? :)
Posted by: T-S | July 12, 2012 at 08:42 PM
Will the base's hatred of Obama overcome their skepticism of Romney's hatred of gays? Stay tuned!
Posted by: Mike D | July 12, 2012 at 09:15 PM
Looks like Rmoney is doing a Romney, sticking it to himself again. He calls himself a business man of the highest caliber. He assumed the roles of sole stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president after 1999 but not the responsibilities’ of said offices.
Romney; ‘Congratulations Rmoney you have become the quintessential “Empty Suit” by your own hands’.
'Why...Thank you Romney (Insert nervous sniggering laugh); you welcome Rmoney(Insert the wide grin of a lying asshole)'
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 09:24 PM
Mitt: "It's true I was CEO but I really wasn't, like, the actual CEO."
Politifact: "Totally believable. Obama you lie!"
Water. Carried.
Posted by: Mike D | July 12, 2012 at 10:01 PM
I feel kind of sorry for him. Judging from his prankish school days when he attacked a student who looked different, he's a very buttoned-up kind of guy. Very judgmental. Mormons are taught to be self-sufficient and independent financially. That's a big deal. Somehow he had a very generous and humble dad but mom was not so much. She was firmer and rather tight-assed from what I've read. I wonder if he just never got over watching his dad suffer defeat in Presidential politics and a mom who expected him to be perfect.
During his speech in front of the NAACP, I kept expecting him to blurt out "just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps. You can all be rich just like me."
He's just so typically a snob.
He is all about money.
Posted by: T-S | July 12, 2012 at 10:19 PM
Fact checker called it a bit differently - no evidence to indicate a lie at this time by the Romney camp, but they'd be watching.
The campaign slime attempt by Obama received 4 pinocchios from Fact checker.
I am surprised Politifact didn't side with the prevaricator in chief as they have done before only to be contrary to the conventional wisdom, including Fact checker on an earlier accusation about Bain.
Posted by: KS | July 12, 2012 at 10:22 PM
Sounds like many who comment are in a parallel universe to what is being said by the alternative media. You trust the unbiasness of the NY Times ? OK, I have a piece of swampland to sell ya in Cosmopolis.
Whatever -- obfuscate away..
Posted by: KS | July 12, 2012 at 10:26 PM
Did you hear the "Empty suit" flew an African American into the NAACP meeting for support.
She happens to be under investigation for Lez stuff.
“…I hope to represent all Americans, of every race, creed and sexual orientation.”
Rmoney said this…I think he means it.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 12, 2012 at 10:59 PM
all of this balderdash about Romney from the libbers here is just the cawing of so many crows. i especially enjoyed the post from T-S, with the Romney armchair psychanalysis crapola offered to us, for free no less. You know what they say about free analysis and advice. I especially enjoyed her breathless, low voiced, gossipy stuff about what Mormons are like. "All buttoned-up". Do you actually feel that Obama projects one iota of human warmth? The dude is about the coldest, most aloof fellow that you will ever meet. As far as being buttoned up, uptight, cold , arrogant and "superiority complex guy", Romney just can't compete with the First Dude. It's no contest. Do we really want a touohy feely, weak guy in the White House. No we want someone in between that and Obama who has all the charm, warmth and humanness of a robot. The guy who stands in between those two extremes is Mitt Romney. Hedge Fund Hall
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 12, 2012 at 11:25 PM
"No we want someone in between that and Obama who has all the charm, warmth and humanness of a robot. "
Compare the videos of Obama singing "Let's Stay Together" and Romney singing "America The Beautiful" and get back to me on that.
Actually don't bother. You're just playing the "I know you are but what am I" game that's in vogue with rightwingers these days. Romney's a cold, stiff, unlikeable candidate and you're trying to make us believe it's actually Obama who's the cold, robotic one. Similiar to the right's recent attempts at painting Obama as the REAL outsourcer in chief and the one who's REALLY waging a war on women. You're not clever, you're just pathetic. Yawn.
Posted by: Mike D | July 13, 2012 at 12:50 AM
Hedge Fund Hal, you sound (and write) like somebody we know.
Posted by: dwbh | July 13, 2012 at 06:40 AM
merican politics are becoming a joke. Maybe we should scrap it all and start over. Let's dump the south and form a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all humans are created equal.
I like that.
Posted by: T-S | July 12, 2012 at 08:06 PM
In this new country of yours, would this include a baby in the womb that is viable?
when do they get these rights?
Is it upon birth or upon viability outside the womb?
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | July 13, 2012 at 06:40 AM
right on the mark!
Posted by: nameless | July 13, 2012 at 06:54 AM
"somebody we know"..........What the devil are you talking about ,my man? My name is Halyard Pierce Throckmorton the Third. Other than my debut appearance on this blog for the last few days, I'm quite certain that you don't know me at all, my good sir. I live and travel in very exclusive, higher echelons. When i'm not in Europe, mainly in Italy or the south of France, or Hong Kong or Singapore, where i have some rather significant industrial holdings , you'l find me ensconced in super luxury living quarters, in the private residences section at the top of a recently built luxury hotel,in the heart of downtown Seattle, overlooking the waterfront. I have now put your rather insolent comments and indeed you yourself, sir, in your proper place. I believe every man should know his proper place.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 08:14 AM
(from an interview with Charlie Rose on CBS yesterday)
"When President Obama looks back on his “first term,”
“The mistake of my first term – couple of years – was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. And that’s important. But the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times.
“It’s funny – when I ran, everybody said, well he can give a good speech but can he actually manage the job?”
Now, this would make a good post...
Posted by: KS | July 13, 2012 at 08:50 AM
I was quite sure you wouldn't leave us. You obviously need this venue far more than it needs you.
Carry on, my man.
Posted by: dwbh | July 13, 2012 at 09:23 AM
Obama "Let's Stay Together" versus Romney America the Obama's case, my man, you are confusing narcissism ("my, i have such a beautiful singing voice...i can sing better than Al Green...the audiesnce is adoring me and worshipping me... look at them looking at me.....i love to be looked at ...i love to be worshipped and adored", as i was saying, you are confusing pure narcissism with soul and actual caring about anyone else. Point, set and match. Now to Romeny. His rendering of America the Beautiful ahows not the best of voices but absolute sincerrity and true love of country.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 10:36 AM
As the press digs deeper in to the Rmoney business dealings,
Mitten’s”campaign appears to be hoping swing-state voters have reverse TV-watching habits, and pay attention to commercials while ignoring cable news.”
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 13, 2012 at 10:59 AM
dwbh, the audacious one - have you become the voice of this blog now ?
My money is on that gave them 4 pinocchios and against the Owebama campaign who have taken muckracking to new level.
A lot of mud and flatulence - keeping drinking that kool aid, BR. What say you, Hedge Fund Hal ?
Posted by: KS | July 13, 2012 at 11:35 AM
Here's another view of this Bain mud slinging from a high profile Democrat;
Ed Rendell says that the Obama campaign has gone too far
Posted by: KS | July 13, 2012 at 11:55 AM
In the last CBS radio broadcast Wyatt Andrews said he had examined Rmoneys charge, Obama’s stimulus money created jobs abroad. Andrews, when asked of the charge said, “they all say no…across the board we haven’t found one yet…where the actual amount of stimulus funds was spent over seas”
Yet another Lie from Mittens.
Posted by: BlackRhino | July 13, 2012 at 12:34 PM
KS, dont you get enough Obama thumping in over at Sound Politics?
Ed Rendell is a blue dog who supported Hillary. No surprise he can armchair it from poolside at his mansion as he is immune from any blowback. You need to pick stronger role models!
Posted by: Walt | July 13, 2012 at 12:37 PM
Romney didn't become worth 250 million or more by being stupid enough to commit a white collar felony. Even Ed Rendell, a prominent Dem, was embarrassed by these reckless acccusations made by Team Obama. As Fauxbama and his campaign team become more and more desperate , with falling poll numbers in key states, watch for them to become even more nasty, meanspirited, reckless and slanderous. Obama doesnt do well when hes losing. The flop sweat comes out and he tends to go all panicky and scattershot.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 12:37 PM
You're right Hedgie. He got a giant chunk of it from his Daddy and the rest of it by killing jobs. He is actually quite crafty, and laws are for the little people. But we will see what evolves over the next few weeks as the Republicans have gone into panic mode. Mittens may find himself thrown under the bus at the convention with a different nominee emerging. Or not.
Posted by: Walt | July 13, 2012 at 01:06 PM
dwbh, you can speak for me anytime. Feeling a little sour, KS?
Mudslinging. What to KS is mudslinging are facts to most people.
Isn't that what politics is about on the right? Lee Atwater (remember Willie Horton?) wrote the tutorial. We may do it occasionally and, like everything else, we do it better when we have to. Thankfully, we don't have to resort to it as much as the right.
And now poor KS can't take it. As I recall, a lot of this "mudslinging" started during the Republican primary? Newt, Rick and Rick anyone?
Obama doesnt do well when hes losing. The flop sweat comes out and he tends to go all panicky and scattershot.
Hahahahahahahaha. Now that's great comedy. A real writer of fiction couldn't make it up better.
Posted by: T-S | July 13, 2012 at 01:12 PM
HFH: Romney didn't become worth 250 million or more by being stupid enough to commit a white collar felony.
And the Kennedys didn't make their money by bootlegging.
Posted by: T-S | July 13, 2012 at 01:15 PM
Lemme get this straight - what the GOPer's on this board are saying is that we should believe Ed Rendell over Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry?
Posted by: Mike D | July 13, 2012 at 01:16 PM
He inherited some money from Daddy, not that much ,and promptly gave all or almost all of it away to charity, per his Mormon values. Christ ,fellow, do a little research- it's common knowledge that Romney is basiclly a self-made man, and Romney told you all he was self-made in the debates. Do you think he would do that if the scurrying little Dem/Fauxbama factcheckers would be able to come up with a different reality? . Your spoiled little rich boy narrative has one basic flaw- it's not true. Give it up. Not working. As G.H.W. Bush , another extremely over-confident incumbent President at re-election time, would say- "not prudent".
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 01:20 PM
Mike D.....No serious or even non-serious political commentator on any of the cable or noncable networks is still bringing up the possibility of Romney being replaced at convention time. There was some casual speculation about that before Romney clinched the nomination, during the primaries, when it looked like he might not get an early decisive clinch of the position, but not since then. desperation.....
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 01:32 PM
and promptly gave all or almost all of it away...
Well, which is it? All or almost all? Since you don't really know, why should I take seriously anything you post?
Posted by: T-S | July 13, 2012 at 01:34 PM
all/almost all is a distinction without a difference in this case.If it was almot all, there was clearly such a small amount left that Romney could confidently and proudly proclaim himself to be a selfmade man on a network TV debate i watched with my own eyes and go about his business the following weeks and months wihtout that statement being successfully challenged by his political enemies. You're simply being contentious and argumentative T-S, and quite frankly-...silly. If this was a court of law you would be overruled and the jusge would sustain it.
Posted by: Hedge Fund Hal | July 13, 2012 at 01:45 PM
I seen what you did there…
Posted by: Gentlemen Rouge | July 13, 2012 at 01:51 PM