Syndicated talk radio host and MSNBC personality Ed Schultz has been off of both of his programs for the past week and took the time yesterday to call in to his radio show to speak with guest host Mike Papantonio to announce that his wife Wendy is being treated for ovarian cancer. Schultz told his audience they received the diagnosis last Wednesday and Wendy underwent surgery on Tuesday of this week. “The doctors feel like they got all of it. It was a very successful surgery, but we got a long way to go.” Schultz took the opportunity to thank the staffs of both of his programs for their help in covering while he’s been away and said he will be missing from both programs for some time, although how long is not known. “Doing a radio and TV show isn’t exactly what I’m thinking about right now. I’m going to be with my wife through all of this…We both feel like we’ve been through the wringer and you lose track of time, you lose track of what you’re doing. And everything changes, but we’re going to be OK. We’re going to get through it.”
I sincerely hope that Mrs Schultz has a speedy recovery.
Best wishes in fighting the cancer.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | July 26, 2012 at 11:57 AM
Darn, I just posted on the last thread the audio of that call on Brads blog - scroll down to see it. It is probably on one of the links above as well. I didn't check. Easy to find on this link.
Posted by: T-S | July 26, 2012 at 12:08 PM
His voice wavered and cracked when he announced it. It's hard on everyone in the family when a loved one suffers from cancer. I agree, I hope her recovery is swift and complete.
Ironically, Thom Hartmann's wife Louise is currently going through chemotherapy for breast cancer, and they are confident she will be just fine.
Posted by: sparky | July 26, 2012 at 01:12 PM
The Presidential candidates were back on the campaign trail after a game changing town hall debate.
Posted by: bright spark for adhd | October 18, 2012 at 11:04 PM
there was something unsavory about the 750 presidential signing statements employed by Bush but conservatives didn't have a problem with that
Posted by: American Training Association For Cpr | January 11, 2013 at 10:54 AM