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May 18, 2012



"Mitt Romney once lost $2 billion. Then he found it in another pair of pants."
---David Letterman

Puget Sound Blathers on Facebook

Maybe T008 will weigh in, but this article on Facebook Fizzle was interesting.

"This time the expected frenzy didn’t materialize. What accounts for the disappointing showing? A few things come to mind. Among the downsides of becoming a public company is that your dirty laundry gets a public airing. In the run-up to the IPO, Facebook’s linens were out on the clothesline for all to see.

There was broad coverage of the company’s slowing growth, and its difficulty in placing advertising on mobile devices, through which more than half its users access the website. It didn’t help that General Motors announced just days before the offering date that it was withdrawing all its paid advertising from Facebook out of doubts that the site is an effective advertising medium.

Wall Street prognosticators dismissed some negative leading indicators for the Facebook IPO, including news that institutional insiders such as Goldman Sachs had increased the number of shares they would sell into the IPO, and that allocations of shares to brokerages to push to their clients were also increased at the last minute. Normally, these are signs that interest is lagging, but many on the street figured that the public excitement would prevail.

Facebook may yet be overpriced. Morgan Stanley and its fellow underwriters of the IPO undoubtedly spent millions of dollars, maybe hundreds of millions, propping up the stock Friday so it wouldn’t fall below the $38 offering price, as that would have been a huge embarrassment. No one knows how long they’d continue to do so.

Additionally, in about a week the shares become eligible for short-selling, which could place more pressure on the price. A few months from now, insiders prohibited from selling their own share will have the green light, and millions more shares will enter the marketplace. The question in coming weeks may no longer be how high Facebook can soar, but how low can it go?"

Puget Sound Blathers

Oooooh. Looks Like Darcy Burner has made the local Dem Power Structure Angry.

"Against Democratic party's wishes, Darcy Burner files for special election
Posted by Jim Brunner

Updated at 8:10 p.m. to correct Brian Sullivan's status on the Snohomish County Council

Flouting the wishes of the state Democratic Party, Democrat Darcy Burner will run in the special election to fill the final month of the seat vacated by former U.S. Rep. Jay Inslee this year.

Burner had already announced she was running in the regular election for the redrawn 1st Congressional District -- a race that has drawn several rivals on the Democratic side.

But Burner is the first of the 1st Congressional District's Democratic candidates to file in the special election too. In a statement, Burner said she was running to protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts by a Republican "caucus of bullies" led by House Speaker John Boehner.

Burner's move was criticized by state Democratic Party Chairman Dwight Pelz, who had tried to negotiate a truce to keep the 1st District candidates out of the special election.

"I am very disappointed that Darcy Burner chose to put her own perceived self interest ahead of that of the public by breaking ranks and filing in both races. I understand that the others will have no choice but to do the same," Pelz said.

Burner's move will undoubtedly force her Democratic rivals to follow suit.

Indeed, Sandeep Kaushik, a consultant for former Microsoft executive Suzan DelBene, confirmed she will also file for the special election given Burner's action.

Former state lawmaker Laura Ruderman also announced her plan to file following Burner's announcement. (A spokeswoman said that -- contrary to assertions by Democratic leaders -- Ruderman had never agreed to stay out of the special election.)

Other Democrats in the 1st District race are state Sen. Steve Hobbs and businessman Darshan Rauniyar.

Officals with the state Democratic Party had sought to broker a deal whereby those candidates would all agree not to run in the special election.

Instead, party officials hoped to unite behind former Snohomish County Council member Brian Sullivan, who filed for the special election earlier this week.

The confusing dual election for the 1st District were created by Inslee's resignation to concentrate on his gubernatorial campaign.

Most attention has focused on the regular election to replace Inslee for a full two-year term in Congress. That election will be decided by voters in the redrawn 1st District, which runs from north of Seattle to the Canadian border.

But a special election will be held simultaneously to fill the final month of Inslee's term. That election will be decided by voters under the old 1st District boundaries."

Reverend B.T. "Tommy" Beamer (Tommy008's uncle)

Just talked to my nephew Tommy008 on the phone from Europe. I'm living in the main house on the property here on Queen Anne, instead of the guest house, while he's away for a couple of weeks on business. None of your beeswax what the business is. Puget, I talked to him about the Facebook IPO, and he said predicitons of the stock price's demise next week are premature. It will be propped up by Morgan Stanley at 38 dollars at least until Wednesday, maybe through Friday. Glitches and problems friday prevented many people from buying, he says, so he expects it may very well go up on monday and tuesday into the 40's.

Puget Sound Blathers

not too worry, Rev B.T. T008's private business is something I don't want to pry into at all.

thank you for the insights on the Facebook situation.

Reverend B.T. "Tommy" Beamer (Tommy008's uncle)

Tommy008 just called back, about a half hour ago, from Europe, well, France if you must know. He wanted to add one thing about Facebbok. He's been following the FB stock board comments on Yahoo Finance and is appalled at all the anti-semitic and racist comments over the weekend, aimed at Zuckerberg and his Chinese-American bride Priscilla Chan. He said "Uncle Tommy, did you ever wonder who that 90% of all people who invest money in individual stocks are, the 90% that always lose money, year after year? Well these are those people." Also he said those Winklevoss Twins shold quit whining on 60 Minutes, take their 60 million the judge generously gave them in their lawsuit against Facebook, and get their own startup going. He said he doesnt think Zuckerberg stole really all that much from them, or else the judgement would have been much , much higher, in the high hundreds of millions, or even billions. My nephew is much too busy to post on the Blather these days, but he does call me when out of town and discuss things here at the house when he's back home.


OMG, is he calling from the hotel room or pool-side. Spelling glitches mus be a family trait. Think I'll run right out and buy a few thousand shares NOT!


Ha ha hah, FB is a piece of shit stock. Just look at all the previous hype over AOL and Yahoo.

KS blathers the bitter truth

Yes, looks like FB as a stock is looking like another of the growing list of Obaminations. Following in the footsteps of AOL back in the late 90's during and after the dot bomb aka the bursting of the dot.com bubble.


Ridiculous segue if there ever was one, KS


So KS what do you think about the news that Zuckerberg complained about "violation of privacy" regarding the media coverage of his wedding.

KS blathers the bitter truth

No humor - A thought-provoking segue, Preston...

It comes with the territory when you have the fame like Zuck does. So should he sue the media for that, Walt ?


Jessica Gottesman???
Is she really gone?
Looked here, but didn't see anything.
(Sorry if I missed it)

Found something elsewhere:

I've noticed her being absent from Dori's show and couldn't be happier.
I would turn her off on a regular basis.
Just couldn't stand the phoney, sultry whispering.

Reverend B.T. "Tommy" Beamer (Tommy008's uncle)

i am also overjoyed that The Whispere has departed....i'm not as anti-Dori as my nephew Tommy008 is, so i still continue to listen...the nephew finally reached the point where he can't listen anymore..speaking of nephew T008, he called very early this morning from Monaco , around 6 am, because he knows im up by then, to talk about a few things. He's been listening to Leykis'es internet radio show. He's serving judgement until a few more months generally likes what he's been hearing but did not like the day when Tom and Dino and Gary laughed there aeese off while playing the 911 call from the NYC old woman, the chimp owner, as the chimp was ripping the face off of her old biddy girlfriend, in a horrific attack.

Reverend B.T. "Tommy" Beamer (Tommy008's uncle)

He thought that was in very poor taste.


Irony escapes you, huh, KS?

KS blathers the bitter truth

Just calling your bluff, Walt.


What was I bluffing about? Specifically, that is.

KS blathers the bitter truth

Zuckerberg complained about "violation of privacy" regarding the media coverage of his wedding.

Posted by: Walt | May 22, 2012 at 08:04 PM

"So should he sue the media for that, Walt ?"

It's self-explanatory. All you have to do is answer the question - no trick to it.

Puget Sound Blathers

That's the 'tell' in this, KS.

Walt can't answer the question.


PS doesn't know either, which is unexpected hilarity.
Ok I will explain it to you. People who use Facebook are always complaining about the various violations of privacy that come with the territory if you use Facebook. None of your comments or pictures are really private, and Facebook has been caught using images overseas on billboards. And don't get me started on how advertisers are mining the gold field for potential customers.
Facebook refuses to stop collecting data.
So, along comes Mr.Zuckerburg's wedding and he complains to the media about how HIS privacy has been violated.
Like I said earlier, irony goes right over your head. Neither of you were able to actually answer. LMAO.

KS blathers the bitter truth

The hypocrisy and narcissism of Zuckerburg is understood.

Puget Sound Blathers

yes, i'm surprised that poor walt doesn't get it.


"Poor Walt" - more personal attacks, PS? At least KS responds with integrity and relevance.


why is this puget guy obsessed with others???

Puget Sound Blathers

At least KS responds with integrity and relevance.

Posted by: Truth-seeker | May 25, 2012 at 09:00 PM

Glad to see that you and I share the same opinion of KS.

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