Venerable but underutilized progressive talker Peter B. Collins, along with Stacey Taylor, are among the latest causalities as Cumulus' winter march into San Francisco radio continues with the Prague Spring.
Collins and Taylor, both weekend or fill-in hosts, none the less are well respected Bay Area talkers, with Collins having his own syndication at the tail end of the Air America experiment, and who now hosts his own show available via podcast subscription. Meanwhile, John Rothmann and Gill Gross have both found part time gigs at KKSF 910 .
One has to wonder how a 50,000 watt institution, especially with its huge AM footprint at night, could be wasted on what some refer as "KCBS lite" with its attempt to copy CBS' all news, all the time format.
~~ By Walter Chronic
Update-- according to Stacy's FB page,
Peter B has such an easy manner about him..always underutilized..I will continue to listen to his podcast. Karel and Pat Thurston should be worried...
Posted by: sparky | February 21, 2012 at 10:14 PM
Walter Chronic from "Cold Turkey?" Glad to see you're still reporting!
Posted by: Fremont | February 22, 2012 at 10:39 AM
It has gotten worse according to Rich Lieberman's blog
Regional Mexicana is pulling a better share than KGO
Posted by: MW | February 22, 2012 at 10:42 AM
There's not enough radio in Seattle anymore to sustain a radio blog. We might have to start talking about KUOW. Ross Reynolds had a guest today who is being bashed along with his buddy Nick Hanauer at Publicola: Rob McKenna.
I still love Peter B. even though I disagree with him tolerance of the 911 conspiracy theorists. He's an independent fella with the best bumper music in the business.
Posted by: Truth-seeker | February 22, 2012 at 01:53 PM
To bad KGO just keeps on with the BAD decisions...I am looking for other stations to fill in the blanks. BIG MISTAKE KGO, I stopped listening during the week and now you have messed up the weekends!
Posted by: patti tate | February 24, 2012 at 01:30 PM
What if they are not in it for money. I know, they must be. But if they are profiting off other stations, maybe they want to stop liberal talk altogether. Why ot? In the long run, the fewer talkers on the left, the more the right-wing machine succeeds. That may benefit the further down the line. The Koch Brothers and ALEC have lots of strategies to take out the left. They don't care about profiting in the short run if they can run the country in the long run.
Posted by: Mary | February 24, 2012 at 06:53 PM
I agree and so do a lot of former KGO listeners..
Posted by: sparky | February 24, 2012 at 07:15 PM
Truth seeker,
Lots of radio listeners, its just concentrated in sports talk.
We have two sports stations that remain local during the day.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | February 24, 2012 at 07:57 PM
The Koch Brothers and ALEC have lots of strategies to take out the left. They don't care about profiting in the short run if they can run the country in the long run.
Posted by: Mary | February 24, 2012 at 06:53 PM
Bring on the boogeymen from the left. And on the other side - Media Matters - directed by David Brock, a former in-patient at a mental institution is trying to take out institutions of the right like Fox News and talk radio. They and other media corps like the Tides Foundation, Open Society and Americans for Progress (all funded by George Soros) are in full pursuit of bringing down those institutions in favor of the borderless one-world order control by this unsavory cabal.
Posted by: KS | February 24, 2012 at 08:55 PM
Left out one world - this should read;
Media Matters - directed by David Brock, a former in-patient at a mental institution is trying to take out institutions of the right like Fox News and conservative talk radio.
Posted by: KS | February 24, 2012 at 08:56 PM
When KGO lets go of Ronn Owens, then it will be all over....
It will be interesting how long Media Matters will retain its tax status given what has come to light.
"Daily Caller senior online editor Vince Coglianese paid a visit to Fox News’ Fox & Friends to shed more light on the site’s ongoing investigation and exposé into the liberal media watchdog group. He explained that the group’s tax-exempt status basically amounts to “taking a government subsidy in order to attack a for-profit company like Fox News and News Corp. So you have a company that is free of tax, federal taxes, people can donate to and have a tax write-off and it’s classified as an ‘educational charity,’ but, by any conventional standard, doesn’t meet any of those metrics.”
Posted by: Puget Sound Matters | February 25, 2012 at 07:04 AM
Yes, PS - seems like the world is currently upside down. Looking at the status of Media Matters that you stated and the makeup of the current administration, it continues to follow a disturbing pattern they have set; Up is down, correct is wrong, wrong is correct and the sky is red not blue...
Posted by: KS | February 25, 2012 at 03:11 PM
I didn't know media matters was the topic...
Posted by: Mary | February 25, 2012 at 07:48 PM
By the same token, the Koch Brothers had nothing to do with the topic.
Posted by: KS | February 25, 2012 at 08:24 PM
Yes, they did. Read it again.
Posted by: Mary | February 25, 2012 at 10:11 PM
If you are gonna play at being 'thread cop' then at least be consistent.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | February 26, 2012 at 07:41 AM
The echo chamber. Haha. You two are funny.
Posted by: Mary | February 26, 2012 at 01:24 PM