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January 12, 2012



Roddy Piper has been a professional wrestler since the age of 15.
He was the youngest wrestler in the history of professional wrestling.
He won the Golden Gloves boxing championship.
He was awarded a Black Belt from the world-renowned Judo Gene Label.
He has held more than 38 professional wrestling titles.
He has fought over 7,000 professional matches.

I have Lonnie Mayne's autograph.


You mean "Moondog" Mayne ? He was a favorite in Portland back in the 70's, but died a number of years ago. Roddy is versatile, good and he also has played in a number of movies - both good and bad guy

N in Seattle

I often snark at right-wing troll journalist Scott St. Clair (aka "Piper") by calling him Rowdy Roddy. He may not know the reference, but it amuses me.

If we're going to drop the names of professional wrestlers, I'll mention once sharing a radio studio with Bruno Sammartino. Who was a very erudite, thoughtful, gentle man.



scarlet p.

He was brilliant in "They Live"

Puget Sound Blathers

Always loved Rowdy Roddy and actually met Judo Gene when I was a young pup down in Southern California.

Neither of these two gentleman would have much truck with a 'do as i say, not as i do' type like Michael Moore.

He got caught the other day on his own hypocrisy.
Tax others, but don't tax me. Why not set the example Michael?

"Academy award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore told The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview that he wants the United States to enact a 50 percent tax rate for America’s highest-earning taxpayers, but would not donate to the U.S. Treasury himself.

Moore did not deny reports that his net worth exceeds $50 million, but stressed that he uses his money, which he called a “private matter,” to attack the GOP’s position on lower taxes. He told TheDC at Washington, D.C.’s Union Station on Thursday that he does not credit capitalism for his commercial success in the film industry, saying that “socialist countries” have movies too.

Asked by TheDC if he would like to move to another country, given his anti-capitalist leanings, Moore said, “I’m not leaving.”

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/13/hot-mic-exclusive-moore-wants-50-income-tax-rate-wont-donate-to-us-treasury-video/#ixzz1jLa4AA8g

Puget Sound Blathers

for the limited gov't, libertarian types like Roddy, the story below is a cautionary tale. the smell of socialism failing.

Johnny Sombrerro

"Neither of these two gentleman would have much truck with a 'do as i say, not as i do' type like Michael Moore."
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | January 13, 2012 at 06:10 AM

I don't see Moore being even remotely linked to the topic here.

Puget Sound Blathers

Perhaps your Sombrero is a little too tight? if you want to parcel out just a piece of my comment why do you not take the other part that dealt directly with Piper?
that i went the extra step to contrast his views with moore was a transition. Jeez, if you are gonna play a wannabe thread cop get it right. what next, you gonna go 'full sparky' and start making fun of spelling?
stop the troll stuff, okay?

Johnny Sombrerro

As far as why "do you not take the other part that dealt directly with Piper" Uh, because it was about Piper and not a clumsy segue like your first post was.

Puget Sound Blathers

that's okay Sombrero, perhaps in the future you'll be more careful.

Puget Sound Blathers

As far as why "do you not take the other part that dealt directly with Piper" Uh, because it was about Piper and not a clumsy segue like your first post was.

Posted by: Johnny Sombrerro | January 13, 2012 at 08:36 AM

hmmmm, okay lets repeat for the folks who need it.

"Always loved Rowdy Roddy and actually met Judo Gene when I was a young pup down in Southern California.

Neither of these two gentleman would have much truck with a 'do as i say, not as i do' type like Michael Moore.

He got caught the other day on his own hypocrisy.
Tax others, but don't tax me. Why not set the example Michael?"

so Sombrero, what part did you not understand in the first post?


I think you missed his point, Puget Sound. I got it, Sombrerro.


He is right, PS. It was a lame segue. I have gotten my hand slapped by Bla'M for far less.


Just curious, Sparky. How does one get a slap from Bla'M?


Early on when I first joined this blog, I hijacked a thread to post something I thought everyone MUST see,,I was only the 2nd or third comment down. Bla'M told me to knock it off and stay on topic. Another time one of my posts was deleted for the same offense. If you look back on his "new rules", hijacking a thread to something you want to talk about that has nothing to do with the posted topic is a big no, along with the name calling.

Rowdy is a libertarian, according to Bla'M, and Moore is not.

Puget Sound Blathers

Rowdy is a libertarian, according to Bla'M, and Moore is not.

Posted by: sparky | January 13, 2012 at 06:23 PM

hence the contrast, sparkles. it illustrates the difference between the two.
but nice that you and mary agree with sombrero. big surprise. LMAO
hijacking a thread is something else altogether.


You're precious, Puget Sound. What does it matter to you if anybody agrees with me? You paid lip service to one and then tried to turn the topic to Michael Moore. I don't have a clue why you would do that but you did. An attack on progressives has nothing to do with the topic.

Puget Sound Blathers

only mary would characterize the truth as an 'attack.'
talk about 'precious.'

if you really cared about staying on topic, as you say, then you/sombrero/sparky would have continued on posting without any comment on what i posted.

in your last post you didn't mention roddy piper once. sounds/looks like your the one going off topic.

Johnny Sombrerro

Let's have a moment of silence, for Roddy Piper.


"continued on posting without any comment"
I tried that a few times..didnt work then, either.

Now, back to the topic at hand:

Roddy could certainly fit rignt in on the blogosphere...

"Did your parents build you a swing facing a wall when you were a kid?" -- Roddy Piper

"You'll find sympathy in the dictionary between sh*t and suicide."

"I'm so quick, I could spit in the wind, duck, and let it hit the old lady behind me!"

"I don't wear a skirt. I wear a kilt. A kilt is what a Scotsman wears. A skirt is what your daddy wears to the cocktail lounge."

"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum ."

Jack Duffenais

Did I tell anyone I met Roddy Piper when I was doing a garage band rehearsal and he stopped in. We talked about our Canadian heritage and also my 1/10th Semenhole Indian blood.


Hey Sombrerro - Why a moment of silence for Rowdy Roddy Piper ? He is certainly has more going for him than Michael Moore. Oops - someone already played the Michael Moore card.

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