Market leader KIROFM, once an award-winning prince among radio talkers has devolved to prurient blather. Their undeniable success is due, in part to lowest common denominating "topics" like the following one we chronicled on Oct 7. An update: in November, Dori Monson (KIROFM m-f, 12-3p) spent a segment or two on an alleged flatulance by Whoopee Goldberg on The View.
KIROFM is no. 1 in the ratings, but can anyone take it seriously as a community forum? Or anything but a dumbed-down Page Six with sports and pets?
We'd say no. Latest evidence to the contrary: air time spent nearly every day for a week on the Nancy Grace flatulance "issue." Did she fart loudily and cartoonishly during a recent Dancing With the Stars episode? Or is the YouTube audio a fake? Inquiring children need to know...
Nancy claims she was framed, but doesn't anyone when accused of making the choice between shame and pain?
Dori Monson (KIROFM m-f, 12-3p) took time away from his pet and government abuse stories numerous times over the week, always playing the audio at least twice per. He and L'il Jake couldn't resist the latest "development" that the audio rights were being requested of ABC from a "fart fetish group." The "reporting" was done, of course, accompanied by two more plays of the alleged flatulance, "Just so you can decide for yourself." Ron & Don couldn't resist playing it a few times. Even Dave 'Bigfoot' Boze, (KTTH m-f, 3-6p) filling in for John Curley, played the cut (if you will) in the evening. (Ya think he's auditioning for the job?)
Frankly, there's nothing that Nancy Grace could do or say that would make her remotely interesting to us. It's hard to imagine Dancing with The Stars generating any real news. Celebrity farting is a recent entertainment phenom, but one we'd rather explore on our personal computers late at night.
Can anyone take KIRO seriously these days? The old Dave Ross must be rolling in his grave... reminds us to get our pledge into KUOW.
Nancy Dis-Grace.
Can't stand her. She is the sister in law from hell. It would be my fondest wish for Newt when he becomes single (he's due---it's been 7 years now with his 3rd wife) for him to marry Nancy Dis-Grace's sister.
Wouldn't you love to see that bit of hell at the Family get togethers? Now that would be a reality show. I was gonna have them get hitched but realized the demon spawn would be a risk I wouldn't want to take.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | December 27, 2011 at 04:46 PM
Not a Nancy Grace-less fan either. Would like to see her and Joy Behar in the same room, then immediately turn off the sound. She did indeed fart on DWTS after watching that video several times. An aside - Hope Solo turned out to be bitter and spiteful after her stint on DWTS - what was her point in filing a lawsuit ?
As for Newt, he is too polarizing besides all of the other pecadillos he has going. Then there's Ron Paul, who has more extremist (left & right) loons supporting him as anyone else in the run. I seldom listen to KIRO-FM, but rather am listening more to KJR for sports and KJR-FM for the AM talk fix.
Posted by: KS | December 27, 2011 at 06:29 PM
Dori Monson is the most filthy minded host on KIRO radio, be it AM or FM.
Posted by: Ryder | December 27, 2011 at 08:55 PM
I see no difference between monson and grace. Monson never turns down a chance to belittle himself as grace does to herself. They love discussing sex.
Posted by: westwa | December 27, 2011 at 09:59 PM
Grace is a girl's name, too!
Posted by: Pete | December 27, 2011 at 11:35 PM