The few nice people at Fox News (and there are some) are may be learning themselves a lesson: you live by tabloid, you die by tabloid.
(photo: Mike Tyson, gynecological/political commentator)
Greta Van Susteren (one of the nice ones at FNC) is having a full-on shit-fit over the Daily Caller owner Tucker Carlson's prominently posting of a story with the headline: “Mike Tyson: Sarah Palin met the ‘womb shifter.’”
She's calling her old friend a “pig” and “purveyor of smut.”
It was inspired by but had little to do with allegations made about Palin in Joe McGinniss’ new book The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin that she had an affair with former NBA star Glen Rice.
Carlson responded, telling POLITICO on Monday:
“One of the most famous athletes in the world attacks one of the of most famous political figures in the world. That struck us as news. We didn’t endorse what Tyson said; we in fact condemned it. I can’t imagine how any fair reader of our story could conclude that we were anything but disgusted by what Tyson said. [emphasis ours]
That struck us as news!? Mike Tyson musing about Sarah Palin's uterus as a sexual part in a dumb jock show on local ESPN radio?? Really?
And a bigger wow is that a Fox News talent is complaining!
This world, dear Greta, where a cretin like Mike Tyson's speculations on the nether parts of female politicians is considered mainstream news was created by none other than your boss Rupert Murdoch.
It's a grimy world where clickworthiness = news. And you, Rupert and all led us into it after his success converting British newpapers into supermarket tabs and cable teevee into lowest common denominating entertainment with more than a whiff of right-wing stink.
So let's just celebrate the male prowess of large black athletes and the “white girls” like Sarah Palin who, according to Tyson, have sex with a black men to “get that out of their system.”
These are very famous people- even their genitals are news. Get used to it.
How is Greta Van Susteren one of the nice ones? She simply parrots the normal FOX News talking points, never asks a hard questions of Conservatives, and pulls the normal FOX News "Here to comment on this story about why anyone to the left of Hitler is bad is someone that totally agrees with me on this point," style of interviews. Let's face it, Van Sustren is basically Sean Hannity, but with the balls that she doesn't feel like she always needs two or three conservatives on her side to face a liberal.
Posted by: JDB | September 19, 2011 at 01:26 PM
JDB, yep, FOX News never asks the hard questions to conservatives as the other news organizations (MSNBC, CNN, CBS, PBS, etc.) never ask the hard questions to liberals. It goes both ways with FOX being really outnumbered. No bias here.
Posted by: Der Moderate | September 19, 2011 at 01:48 PM
Greta Susteren and her GOP flack husband have made millions of bucks advising Palin. She's just another one of the biased ones. If this had been about somebody else's vagina, say Nancy P{elosi's, there never would have been a mumblin' word out of ol' Gretchen.
Posted by: fluffy nuggets | September 19, 2011 at 02:46 PM
fluffy nuggets says ".....have made millions of bucks advising Palin."
It is not hidden that Greta's husband does what he does. Please tell where you got your "millions" number from. Is it something that you extracted from your anus? Certainly you have something fact wise that does not come with that stink fluffy.
Maybe you are just telling a little progressive lie. Typical made up liberal fact?
Posted by: Chucks | September 19, 2011 at 05:31 PM
Mike Tyson has never said anything worth hearing and Carlson was an idiot for reporting it.
Posted by: Chucks | September 19, 2011 at 05:33 PM
Carlson is all over the place - deliberately wacky and idiotic sometimes, then witty and funny at other times, but here more the former.
McGinnis has low cred even before this piece of work - he qualifies as the new Kitty Kelly.
Posted by: KS | September 19, 2011 at 07:08 PM
Im so glad I'm not a famous person...
Posted by: sparky | September 19, 2011 at 07:11 PM
Im so glad I'm not a famous person...
Posted by: sparky | September 19, 2011 at 07:11 PM
probably something that all of us can agree with.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | September 19, 2011 at 09:29 PM
I bet you Mike Tyson is very, very happy that the Seattle Storm got eliminated in the WNBA playoffs Monday night.
Not because he cares about the WNBA, but because, like me, he listens a lot to Seattle's Progressive Talk, AM 1090,KPTK.
And, now, thank the lord, we no longer have to listen to those constant screeching Storm updates every 20 minutes from Lee Callahan with audio of Sue Bird in which Callahan pretends to be a sports reporter.
Now if we could only get the network newscasts in the morning instead of Lee Callahan pretending to be a news reporter.
Posted by: Itchy | September 20, 2011 at 06:11 AM
I love your segue-way, Itchy, and agree most heartily. But you have to admit, Callahan pretty much carries the load over there.
Posted by: joanie | September 20, 2011 at 08:09 AM
good post, joanie. glad to see you now onboard with the new way of doing things on this blog.
norMAN goldMAN is interesting for a change of pace. I catch him once in awhile.
his transparency for radio is an interesting concept.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | September 20, 2011 at 08:44 AM
Storm got eliminated?..GOOD
I'm tired of people (Dori is one) suggesting an WNBA title is equivalent to a championship won in men's sports..
Posted by: Upton | September 20, 2011 at 09:18 AM
The Storm title isn't an equivalent - not because the athletes are any less skilled or deserving, but because the WNBA has, what, 12 teams now? 14? There isn't nearly as much competition.
Posted by: Pete | September 20, 2011 at 11:40 AM
FWIW, Murdoch has made a lot of money with celebrity, lowest common denominator journalism, but he hardly invented it. William Randolph Hearst was doing the same thing a century ago, and he hardly invented it, either. Murdoch can be more sexually explicit today, and there's new technology to use, but the audience desire for vicarious thrills is still the same.
Posted by: Pete | September 20, 2011 at 11:43 AM
This story is filled with so much irony. A sexually twisted black guy comments about a white woman and her sexual dalliance with a black guy. A white guy, I guess in an effort to protect the integrity of the white woman, impugns the black guy. Then a white gal attacks the white guy for bringing attention to this non-story, there by attracting the attention of everyone else.
Posted by: For Your Information | September 20, 2011 at 03:06 PM
Couple that with the racial overtones of the tea my, what a mess, Tucker!
Posted by: Cuzin Joe | September 20, 2011 at 03:49 PM
Another twist on this story; Greta was not having any of it and did not want to believe it, but also heard she had a rapport going with Mike Tyson (from other interviews only). Tucker Carlson exposed that unsavory story 2nd hand and incurred the wrath of Van Susteren and the stuff hit the fan...
Posted by: KS | September 20, 2011 at 06:54 PM
The same thing could have happened on Rachel Maddows show and no one would know because nobody watches that guys show. Maddows ratings are really bad, he needs to work on that.
Posted by: Libtardation | September 20, 2011 at 07:22 PM
PS I think we can all be responsible for our own behavior sans individual kudos. I think.
Posted by: sparky | September 20, 2011 at 08:03 PM
PS I think we can all be responsible for our own behavior sans individual kudos. I think.
Posted by: sparky | September 20, 2011 at 08:03 PM
Maybe, the jury is out on some that know who they are, but they have the freedom of finding other blogs more to their liking. Speaking of that, what happened to PBJ ?
If PS doesn't appear for a few days, it may be because he has gone backpacking for a few days.
Posted by: KS | September 20, 2011 at 08:16 PM
My point was there isnt a need to praise someone for their comes across as gratuitous. We can do this without it.
Posted by: sparky | September 20, 2011 at 08:25 PM
That too...
Posted by: KS | September 20, 2011 at 10:11 PM
LIBTARDATION: Ha, ha. I see what you did, there. You made a little underhanded joke about Rachel Maddow by pretending to think that she is a man and calling her "he." Damn, that is some funny, funny stuff. Real rib-tickler.
Tee, hee, hee. Oh man. That is rich.
Libtardation, you are one funny, funny person.
BTW, are you appearing at any of the local comedy clubs? Me an the Mrs. would love to see your act.
Posted by: Itchy | September 21, 2011 at 04:33 AM
t's at once poignant and goofy, alarming and sweet, and filled with vignettes of mother-child relations that will have you squirming with recognition, no matter who you are.
Posted by: | December 19, 2012 at 10:35 PM