Fleas are deserting the dog. The juice is leaking from the douchebag, the rats are bagging on the ship.
Much to our delight, American political support for Glenn Beck's (KTTH m-f, 6-9a) ill-wrought "Restoring Courage" rally set for Aug. 24 in Jerusalem has waned significantly.
Both politicians - brand name, ace-boom Jews in the Congress - are craven liars and utterly corrupt, but they've had the good sense to distance themselves from Glenn Beck in this latest grab for international relevance. And they're not the only Republicans- The Hill:
On Thursday, Beck blasted House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for not showing more support for Israel. [read: publicly support or attendance at Beck's Jerusalem rally]
"Boehner, you should be ashamed of yourself," Beck said on GBTV. "The Republican Party should be ashamed of themselves. They don’t have to attend my event. Let them come to our biggest ally and the only friend we still have in the Middle East in their hour of need."
The half-brained, double-chinned Beck lost a lot of credibility with people outside his wack-bubble when he lost his Fox News job this Spring.
But in Israel, he's a big deal to the right of center government and its supporters in the LIkud Party.
Beck's an old friend of Netanyahu's, having interviewed (e.g.: licked him to death) on at least two occasions in the US since 2006.
Beck has been in Israel a lot in recent months, broadcasting, interviewing and sharing a podium with Netanyahu, as well as addressing the Knesset and garnering support amongst the Likud.
"Let us declare 'I am a Jew;’ they cannot kill all of us.” the Mormon convert tells Iraeli media.
One of the reason's Beck needs cover from American Jews like Lieberman and Cantor is that joining Beck onstage for the "Restoring Relevance Rally" will be the dangerous, End Times quack-a-doo, teavangelist John Hagee, an anti-Semite who's made a fortune being a "friend" of Israel." He claims God punished misbehaving Jews with Hitler (a "half-breed Jew") and the Holocaust. God's plan, with all the genocide 'n' shit was so that the survivors set up the state of Israel which fits well with Hagee's lucrative End Times scenario and his business plan.
We'll be intently watching Beck's party in Israel next weekend. Due to his renowned paranoia and the real threat (the kind known to parents of children who play with matches and gasoline) the show will bloom inone of his customarily, tight security vacuums.
No one will shoot him, unless by prearrangement.
Which is within the realm of possibility, we believe. He can't grab headlines anymore by race-baiting the president, he's been eclipsed on the right by such as Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and Sarah Palin.
With this PR problem, Beck could use a flesh wound - preferably inflicted by a Muslim (tho' an Israeli liberal would do) - to get him back out there.
Get your facts straight. Hood. Lieberman is not a Republican. He is a Democrat who is Independent because he got kicked out of his party because he has too much common sense and loves his country too much.
Posted by: Fire Luke Burbank.com | August 21, 2011 at 10:03 AM
DINO Lieberman has been photographed kissing John McCain while they grab each others' asses. He didnt get kicked out, he left on his own.
Posted by: Jovita | August 21, 2011 at 10:24 AM
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
And a right-wing conservative by any other name (Democrat) is still a right-wing conservative.
Glenn Beck. How does any supposedly intelligent head of state get involved with such an imbecile? When will we return to normal politics and normal politicians?
Posted by: joanie | August 21, 2011 at 11:26 AM
You know, I'm going out on a limb and suggesting that Huntsman might be the Republican candidate. If Republicans are smart enough to overcome the tea party which seems to be diminishing a bit.
I did hear a consultant frame the process on the right which would result in a Perry win but wiser heads may prevail and if they do, I believe it will be Huntsman.
I don't think like a Republican so who knows. But my liberal old self thinks he's the best candidate on the right if they want to win.
Posted by: joanie | August 21, 2011 at 02:11 PM
Huntsman has a better chance to be the Democratic party candidate than the Repubican party candidate - in other words - No chance !
He would be weak vs. Obama as he would be liberal lite vs. pompous liberal progressive. Keep thinking Huntsman would be the strongest candidate - if that's what helps you sleep at night. You were Wily coyote out on the limb and just sawed yourself off.
Posted by: KS | August 21, 2011 at 09:20 PM
The erpubs knwo they need a guy with at least a touch of the thug and a lot of swagger to go up against a guy who is nothing but swagger and a "thug attitude". They won't go the nice guy route this time like they did with "nice guy " John McCain. Perry is the only guy that fills the bill.
Posted by: Dr. McCormick | August 21, 2011 at 09:28 PM
I would agree about the thug part, but am not sure Perry is the guy - he has not been vetted enough yet. A lot of what the media is saying about him are distortions but that won't stop them. The best guy would be Christie, but he is not running this time.
His quote about the Fed being treacherous or even treasonous was out of context - they purposely left out the beginning where he said; "In Texas, (which is not the rest of the country). If the whole quote was shown, it would not have had the desired effect of making him seem like a crazed extremist. Checked this out on You Tube.
Posted by: KS | August 21, 2011 at 10:12 PM
In the end, it will come down to whether the DC/NY elites who've always run the Republican Party or the Tea Party activists with the votes will control the nomination. The political and moneyed elites don't want bombthrowers like Perry or Bachmann. In the past, they've always controlled the process - it's how nonentities like Dole got nominated - and they'd prefer someone like Romney or Huntsman. But I just can't see the Republican electorate right now going for a former Obama ambassador or the author of the state program that inspired ObamaCare.
One little-noticed factor is that as with the Dems in 2008, the R's this year have gone to a proportional allocation of delegates, rather than winner-take-all, in many of their primaries. Like with Obama/Clinton, this will have the effect of dragging out the primary season and strengthening the role of the party leadership in deciding the eventual nominee. So I wouldn't rule out the idea that the Powers-That-Be maneuver to nominate someone like Huntsman that the Republican base hates. But I wouldn't bet on it. I think the elites have lost control of the party, only they don't know it yet.
Posted by: Pete | August 22, 2011 at 12:09 AM
Rick Perry on Ben Bernanke.
"If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y'all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treasonous in my opinion," Perry said when asked about his views on the Federal Reserve.'
I have to admit that comments like the above about how folks in Texas would treat someone Perry calls 'almost treasonous' is scary.
I'm not one for 'code' but given what happened in Dallas to our President back in 63, I gotta admit I recoiled a bit.
Rick Perry is the Dem's wet dream come 2012. I hope the Repubs can do better than this.
Posted by: Puget Sound Blathers | August 22, 2011 at 03:26 AM
I see your blog still uses words like douchebag and refers to GB's double chin. NO wonder 99% of the comments are trash. You only draw interest from the bottom of the barrel. Still I support your freedom of speech. It makes the rest of us look much smarter.
Posted by: mike | August 22, 2011 at 01:37 PM
The question that the GOP has to figure out - Who is the strongest candidate who will energize the hellbound (ROFL) Tea Party ? If Romney did, he would be the one, but he does not - not sure that will change.
If Perry doesn't tone it down and communicate more succinctly - he will not get support from independents. Before he entered, I figured he could be like Fred Thompson or he could be like Ronald Reagan. Of course, the State run media will try and paint him as a kook by using the Media Matters MO and taking what he says out of context. However, for his own benefit, he needs to be careful about how he communicates.
One thing already known, if Obama dishes it out and trash talks him, he will fire back - like Herman Cain (who has little chance) and more so than Romney would - when the White House paints him as weird.
Posted by: KS blathers for the halibut | August 23, 2011 at 08:23 PM