We got some counseling a few years ago, dealt with our paternal angst issues, and were able to quit watching Fox News' Billo Reilly... hence, finally, our ability to stop writing about The Big Fat Head.
But we can't help but direct readers to Gawker, who has taken names and numbers on another grimy little Long Island O'Reilly sex scandal.
They've done it in such detail that Billo's not directly denying it, though Fox News did a little preemptive Murdochian dirt against the site before the story broke Monday.
Seems his younger wife of 15 years, Maureen McPhilmy had been seeing a Nassau County police detective.
[It]'s like Bridges of Madison County meets Copland. When confronted with a potentially disloyal spouse, O'Reilly reacted by—not unlike his boss Roger Ailes—treating his local police department like a private security force and trying to damage one cop's career for the sin of crossing Bill O'Reilly.
Sending muscle to "visit" his enemies or to influence events is the tactic of not only Boss Rupert Murdoch, but also Billo. Remember this? Or putting the bully back in the pulpit like this. Bill O'Reilly is one mean prick.
But we can't help but smile reading that he's getting a little of his cuckholding karma. Maureen was on the bitter end of that stick when Billo creepily chased Andrea Mackris around and around with a loufa and eventually paid up an estimated $20 million to settle the sexual suit she brought against him. Read the Best Parts here.
Thinking with his little head again...
Posted by: sparky | August 31, 2011 at 10:19 AM
Was only a matter of time before this egotistical bastard self destructed in some fashion. Hope his descent continues, I can't stand that SOB.
Posted by: Sarah | August 31, 2011 at 10:33 AM
So! Who cares what you think, obviously (as evidenced by his ratings) others don't share your feelings.
Posted by: StarTheWonderDog | August 31, 2011 at 10:54 AM
The behavior of a guy who thinks women are possessions, there only for his use and amusement. Hence the term "trophy wife."
Posted by: Pete | August 31, 2011 at 10:59 AM
Why is it that the biggest perves are also the grossest.
Posted by: JDB | August 31, 2011 at 11:00 AM
Ratings? In the world of cable blathering his ratings are relatively high. But in the big picture, you know-the real world where it matters, pea-in-a-boxcar would be a proper analysis. There are 330,000,000 people in the US. Fewer than 1.5% care to tune in. And in fact, for the entire cable news 8:00 pm timeslot fewer than 3% of Americans watch.
Posted by: Chicken Little (R) | August 31, 2011 at 12:19 PM
A fact, Mr. Little, which has been posted here often. But it is highly ignored. I wonder why?
Posted by: joanie | August 31, 2011 at 01:00 PM
Men and women of all status have been known to do some pretty bizarre stuff while dealing with the pain of separation or divorce. I'm just glad that he didn't go all psycho and have the police detective hit or worse yet, his estranged wife.
We will see how he holds up under this personal attack mode the libs are basking in at the moment. If he survives without causing any physical harm to her or others, than this will be a successful divorce/separation.
Carry on. No less is expected of you.
Posted by: Chucks | August 31, 2011 at 02:42 PM
ok Chuckold
Posted by: Johnny Sombrerro | August 31, 2011 at 05:03 PM
Sounds like Joanie sombrero to me chucks whaddya think? Good thing school starts soon, she sounds B-O-R-E-D. Bwahaha
Posted by: StarTheWonderDog | August 31, 2011 at 05:32 PM
Ah, you caught me. I must be the Sombrero guy because I'm everybody on this blog. Now you know my secret, pooch.
I think you need a new smeller.
Posted by: joanie | August 31, 2011 at 05:40 PM
Looks like Sparky didnt even read the Gawker story. If she did this would have stood out as a red flag as to whether this is true or not.
"Mulvey retired as commissioner in April. When we called him for comment, he seemed to be aware of the case. "I don't know if the investigation is ongoing or concluded," he said, "so I wouldn't comment. But I will tell you this much: I was never contacted by Bill O'Reilly or anyone associated with him and asked to launch an investigation."
Not to mention that not one of the main characters in this story even acknowledes its truthfulness.
So funny.
Posted by: ProgBlogJunky | August 31, 2011 at 06:07 PM
Good point, PBJ. Sparky making more ass-umptions. Don't even know if this story from the Gawker has legs. Mr. O'Reilly has his imperfections as we all know. If a lib. prog. was alleged of the same kind of thing, no big deal - i.e. move on -nothing to see here. How about Anthony Weiner ? Awaiting a followup to this story.
Posted by: KS | August 31, 2011 at 06:32 PM
Umm, what are you waiting for, KS? Divorce news? Counseling? Gosh, I guess he's just moving on. Now that's boring, huh?
Posted by: joanie | August 31, 2011 at 07:19 PM
Yes Star, there is room for your suspicions about Sombrerro, or any other combination of phony id's used by joanie. She recently asked me a question as one id and came back a couple hours later and as herself and questioned why I hadn't answered "her" question. Really does not matter what she says under what name. It has little to equate with reality.
This thing with O'Reilly is most likely another imaginary story made up by some left wing loon, or exaggerated beyond any reality as another hatchet job to use on another being that doesn't subscribe to their idiotology.
Posted by: Chucks | August 31, 2011 at 08:24 PM
Just waiting for the unvarnished truth in a confirmation of the gawker piece by a credible source, ole - joanie sombrerro.
Posted by: KS | August 31, 2011 at 08:35 PM
Yes, ask the expert, Barf himself.
Posted by: joanie | August 31, 2011 at 08:55 PM
I have no idea if it's true or not. But it doesn't mean he isn't always thinking with his little head. So make a big deal of that if you want.
I dont care about Bill Orally.
Posted by: sparky | August 31, 2011 at 09:09 PM
Somebody out there listening to old chucks? Why, old chucks, are you defaming my good friend, Joanie? The best teacher my grandkids ever had? How dare a simpleton like you even suggest that she's anything but authentic, genuine and informed. I hear you're one of the lazy couch potatoes for whom Roger Ailes created Fox News. Must be a commercial. Eh?
Your old friend, the Anti-D.
Posted by: The Anti-Dori | August 31, 2011 at 09:16 PM
KIRO is dismal. Ross and Burbank rehasing old crap from months ago. Dori Monson taped broadcasts. Ron and Don-don't get me started.
Because KIRO doesn't take phone calls they never tell the listeners whether the broadcast is live or 'canned'. What a shitty station.
Posted by: Former KIRO Fan | September 02, 2011 at 11:08 AM
KIRO fan did you hear the big dumb mistake Big Dumb Don made last week? He was interviewing a guy who survived a fall into a crevasse on Mt Rainier. Don was reading from the book and then stopped when he got to the word bivouac. Don said " what does BIO-VAC mean?" The guest was quiet for a second and then explained that bivouac means to camp informally outside. Don just grunted and went on reading. Bwahahahahaha. What a dumbshit.
Posted by: Jovita | September 02, 2011 at 07:21 PM
O Mt Rainier bir yarık içine düşme hayatta bir adam görüşme oldu. Don kitap okuma ve sonra o sözcüğü açık ordugâh var durdu. Don "BIO-VAC demek ne?" Dedi. Konuk bir saniye sessiz kaldı ve sonra bu açık ordugâh gayri dışında kamp yapmak anlamına gelir açıkladı. Don sadece homurdandı ve okumaya devam etti.
Posted by: escort bayan | September 09, 2011 at 02:37 PM
But I felt like a princesa as never before in my life. One night his wife came down to the bar where he is working and I can see her wedding ring.
Posted by: Jewellery online | December 19, 2012 at 10:25 PM