Remember the dire right-wing predictions that Al Franken, the first US Senator from talk radio and a comedian by trade, would be a clownish, partisan bomb-thrower? A pie in the face of the dignity of the most august body in the world? (One could argue that the US Senate is somewhat less than the most august anything in the world).
The clip above shows him factually destroying an anti-gay marriage presentation by Focus on The Family. It also reveals who Senator Franken actually turned out to be.
But we're not as impressed with Franken's righteousness and dogged preparation as we are with the calm, and non-aggressive way he handled himself while he totally collapsed the right reverend's central argument.
It's his style as a legislator and a politician. As a heads-down, elbows-up workaholic, he's kept his mouth shut even when he opens his mouth. He's spurred (if you will) the clichéed workhorse/showhorse comparison so many times, the meme has its own Al Franken Wikipedia page. Doing simple google-searches, it's rather surprising how rarely the Senator from Minnesota shows up in media.
Franken made his living for many years doing comedy and writing political parody. How he's different than every other dick with a microphone and an opinion about politics and the state of the nation, is that he shut up and did something about it.
While kicking back, enjoying the plush contours of their own fat asses, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck (speaking of dicks with mics) make a great deal of coin as they take potshots at those who are actually taking fire for their country.
As for Al Franken: such legislatin' shown in the footage above makes us glad he's on our side.
He is very hardworking and takes it all very very seriously. He refuses requests to appear on talk shows.
Posted by: sparky | July 21, 2011 at 06:09 PM
Don't mess with Al. He even helped security take down a insane protester at a Dean rally. He is one of us...
Posted by: Coiler | July 21, 2011 at 06:13 PM
A senator with great timing. You made your point, Al. Funny, isn't it, how details get lost, facts get omitted, and confusion reigns on the right. Thinking in boxes . . . intolerance abounds.
Posted by: joanie | July 21, 2011 at 07:04 PM
My local Whole Foods has been taken over by dykes, of the bull variety. Bull dyke city. Unattratctive, often lumbering, huge women, downright butt ugly in several cases. Working as checkers, stocking shelves with butch, clipped hair and backwards ball caps on , projecting a lot of cocky attitude.. It's obvious to me what is happenign here. In my opinion, one of their ilk recently made it into the manager's hat there and is evening up the score. All the attractive, normal women who used to work there as recently as last winter and spring are gone now. This new manager obviously wanted to even some old scores over all the times she had been turned down for a job because she was unattractive and unfeminine. And of course use her postion to do some social engineering and favor her group in hiring at the expense of others. I believe thats called discrimination, last time i checked. I want to keep buying their poultry and meats among other things so i guess ill just have to grin and bear it as i make a rapid entrance and exit from the emporium. i can always shop at the Westlake Whole Foods. No more browsing through the local store, that's for sure . My stomach can't take it.
Posted by: Dr. McCormick | July 21, 2011 at 10:59 PM
im certain there are people on this blog who know exactly what and where i'm speaking of, and are nodding their heads and muttering in agreement right now.
Posted by: Dr. McCormick | July 21, 2011 at 11:18 PM
Putz will support you in your dilemma. Chucks too
Posted by: Dr Scholl's | July 21, 2011 at 11:59 PM
You might want to wear a cup, just in case dr. McC.
Posted by: The store manager | July 22, 2011 at 12:08 AM
nodding their heads and muttering in agreement right now.
They're called bobbleheads.
Posted by: joanie | July 22, 2011 at 10:17 AM
The news and broadcast media are a bunch of immoral propagandists for the left wing - Europe and Canada do a much better job of reporting what is really happening here - while our own POS media plays hide the sausage... The op-ed below describes a symptom of this crap continuously going on quite well...
"The news media has the moral obligation of informing the people so they may become better participants in their government. We must never cower at reminding the news media that they work for us. The sad truth is that the Internet has made it easier for carnival barkers to masquerade as professional journalists. I refuse to sit numb in front of my computer in awe of someone with a large audience seeking only to advance their self-interest at the expense of truth. I encourage my fellow Americans to take 10-15 minutes a day to work towards learning what people and sources tell the truth. Seek out new sources, ask around, and dig a little deeper. Or, as a good friend once told me, “pull on the thread and see where it takes you.”
There was no story here other than a carnival barker using innuendo on social media to stir up interest in his illegal republishing of copyright-protected material. Having operated various online publishing and social media ventures over the years, I’ve learned that sadly this is a method taught to many users of social media.
Jon, may I call you Jon? Jon, there can be no doubt that you currently occupy an important position in Nevada’s political news media ecosystem. Your subconscious default-position of hating Republicans does you a disservice as we saw with this event. I’d like to see you straighten up and fly right (no pun intended) so you can actually help the political process instead of hurting it. Best to you Sir.
Full Disclosure: I am a member of the DCRCC. This article was written in my capacity as publisher of"
Posted by: KS blathering for the halibut | July 24, 2011 at 12:05 AM