Every day is Judgement Day around our house, but when we heard the news of the latest Endtimes scenario, we made a few calls.
And we can almost say with assurance: the world will not end May 21, 2011.
But that doesn't wash with Evangelical Man of the Minute, ultra-right wing Harold Camping, founder of We Can Know radio. (Notice we do hedge a little with the 'almost' word above). He and his followers say the world will begin ending (so to speak) at about 3p PDT a week from Saturday. And continue through Oct. 21 until the whole God-damned mess will be all blowed-up real good.
"There’s going to be this tremendous earthquake that’s going to make the last earthquake in Japan seem like nothing in comparison. And the whole world will be alerted that Judgment Day has begun."
While the evangelist's focus is on poor, but stupid people, one successful New Jersey businessman, Michael Finaldi, traded in his wife & family (who think he's nuts) and let go his worldly considerations and material possessions to warn the world full time of the fast-breaking prophecy.
It's not the first time Camping has made a Doomsday prediction in his twangy Southern California voice: the one he made in 1994 (as you probably can tell) didn't pan out. He says he was doing the best he could with the information he had:
"At that time there was a lot of the Bible I had not really researched very carefully...But now, we've had the chance to do just an enormous amount of additional study and God has given us outstanding proofs that it really is going to happen."
Camping's spotty record as a prophet hasn't stopped many others from all over world (especially Latin America) to have picked up and left their homes to drive caravans of bumper-stickered vans to spread the word.
The start point is 4990 b.c. (the year of the great flood when God destroyed the earth with water). Camping believes if you add 7,000 years, minus one because there was no year "0" you get 2011. Camping believes Judgment Day will be on the 17 day of the second month. According to Camping, that's the same day it started raining on Noah. According to Camping's version of the biblical calendar, that is May 21.
The message is being spread by Camping's Family Stations, a 53-year-old non-profit, non-commercial, Christian radio network with 66 outlets. Billboards 1,200 in the US and 2,000 worldwide warns of doomsday in technicolor and 2nd Coming size fonts: "The Bible guarantees it!"
But will he give away his money before May 21st? "What’s the point,?" he says. "In other words, Judgment Day is the end of the world. That means that the whole world is in judgment, it will not be business as usual at all. At all."
And what happens if it doesn't happen? "It is going to happen. There is no Plan B, he says."
You can hear more - much, much - more on Kirkland's KARR (1460 AM) where Rev. Camping insonorously holds forth daily as his 15 minutes tick away.
We can only pray for wall-to-wall cable coverage on the Big Day, with cameras at Camping's door to catch his first reactions to the massive quiet o'er the earth.
Meanwhile, humans are destroying the Earth - or, more accurately, our planet's capacity to support human life - and not only do few of our leaders (all of whom profess allegiance to their imaginary sky friend) seem to care, but our most influential religious leaders are fighting the science that leads to this conclusion tooth and nail.
When human life as we know it will be over, religion will be a big reason why, but not in the sense that these folks think, and not next week.
Posted by: Pete | May 13, 2011 at 10:23 AM
I'm going out to buy a new boat and a new car and lots of new stuff and charge it to my credit card because I'll never have to pay it off... Ha ha ha ha ha!
Posted by: SpudDud | May 13, 2011 at 11:02 AM
It seems, to me, the more obsessed they are in public the ickier they are in private.
And hypocrisy never seems to surprise us.
Posted by: Hi-Liter | May 13, 2011 at 11:55 AM
And Tom Coburn's the worst. He put himself so far above everyone else. He went into politics to clean it up. Hahahaha. I remember reading about the guys that lived in that rooming house. Coburn justified it because they were entitled. They were the "entitled" ones because they considered removed from the riff raff. He's disgusting.
Posted by: joanie | May 13, 2011 at 04:35 PM
From our good friend Drew:
Rapture Party, May 21, 2011!
..and if any of you "religulous" extremist, sexist, homophobic, Terry Jones/Pat Robertson followers show up, I'll have special seating in front (old, hard pews), where we're serving burgers off my Fire 'n' Brimstone Gas Grill, with my Eternal Damnation BBQ Sauce. You'll also get a free t-shirt proclaiming "Hell was full of tele-evangelsists, lobbyists, and CEOs, so they sent me back upstairs to Drew's house! " I just invited my neighbor, who spun around and stomped back towards his house, and I called out to him, "Hey, since you're leaving on the 21st, can I have all your stuff?"
Posted by: sparky | May 13, 2011 at 05:20 PM
You mean I have to wait until October for this to be over? I thought May 21st would shut them up.
Posted by: Dan in Auburn | May 13, 2011 at 05:32 PM
I was the first program director at lil' ol' KARR went it went on the air with those calls ... 1984? We played Big Band on air (and KZOK in my office). Verily, after one year, a mighty bolt did smiteth the format; I was fired and "car radio" was resurrected with religious programming.
Juz sayin'.
Posted by: Dogmandeux | May 13, 2011 at 05:53 PM
Just heard that Coburn has changed his story numerous times. Ensign's father is refusing to let his son throw him under the bus for those hush payments and making up further stories about money that mom and dad supposedly spent on his employees. And, Rick Santorum is the person who let Ensign know that he was about to see it all hit the fan regarding the affair. What a lovely bunch.
Posted by: sparky | May 13, 2011 at 06:38 PM
Tom Coburn is clearly the worst person in the world for May 13, 2011. Bathtub boy will yell it from the top of his lungs.
And the maggots in the mainstream stay silent to the reams of corruption propagated by this assholier than thou administration.
Posted by: KS | May 13, 2011 at 07:15 PM
KS, do you realize that Keith is no longer doing Countdown and therefore there is no more Worst Person In the World?
Coburn is hardly the worst offender in this fiasco, but it was amazing to me to see the parade of names that are also currently in the news for other things. Another C Street hypocrite.
Posted by: sparky | May 13, 2011 at 08:00 PM
Maybe he meant Howard K Smith
Posted by: Coiler | May 13, 2011 at 08:11 PM
"KS, do you realize that Keith is no longer doing Countdown and therefore there is no more Worst Person In the World?"
He has been on Al Gore's network now going on 2 months. Have you watched him ? I thought he would keep that schtick even if he's doing a different show - I hear that the hate filled moonbats craved it.
Posted by: KS | May 13, 2011 at 09:25 PM
Hey stupid (KS), June 20th is what I hear. Are you peering into the future? If so, what drugs are you on, and does this explain ODS?
Posted by: Zim | May 13, 2011 at 09:39 PM
KS, I get Current TV. Keith will not be on Current TV until June 20th. He does post to Twitter but it is mostly about baseball.
Posted by: sparky | May 13, 2011 at 09:49 PM
I saw InfoMania on Current, they usually profile insane people who make shit up. Didn't see any listing for Olbermann.
Posted by: Coiler | May 13, 2011 at 09:49 PM
What is a 'bathtub boy"? Is that like a Dick Army?
Posted by: Totally Stupid Conservative | May 13, 2011 at 09:52 PM
Wasn't there a Seattle DJ/Radio host once that responded to a prediction of the end of the world coming by saying "In Case we get a bye, see you tomorrow", or something like that?
Also, I may not agree with P.J. O'Rourke much, but didn't he once say something like "The world may end, but your homework is still due tomorrow?"
Posted by: EvergreenRailfan | May 13, 2011 at 11:04 PM
Where does the hate spew from, KS? Who feeds your maniacal hatred? I don't think anybody else on this blog sounds like or spews the filthy evil that you do.
Posted by: joanie | May 13, 2011 at 11:21 PM
Who feeds your maniacal hatred? I don't think anybody else on this blog sounds like or spews the filthy evil that you do.
Posted by: joanie | May 13, 2011 at 11:21 PM
ROFL - spoken by a true hate- filled moonbat who has a big collection of boogey-man and straw men to spew out there whenever she is void of facts, which is much of the time.
PJ O'Rourke is the voice of sanity in this hate filled insane world.
Zim you set a poor example for someone who claims they were in the military - just another political hack out to curry favor with the blog hag - Joanus (hat tip:Tommy).
Have a nice day !
Posted by: KS | May 14, 2011 at 08:58 AM
true hate- filled moonbat
big collection of boogey-man and straw men to spew out
void of facts, which is much of the time.
blog hag - Joanus
Yep. That about sums up every post you write, KS. And you wonder why people give you no respect.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 11:07 AM
unleash the flood
I don't remember deliberately flooding a region before. Have we done it? Pretty i nteresting. They are doing it in Canada as well.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 11:24 AM
Seriously, check this video out:Guy builds huge moat to protect house from flood.
Everything is underwater except for his house. Amazing.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 11:50 AM
big collection of boogey-man and straw men to spew out
void of facts, which is much of the time.
blog hag - Joanus
Yep. That about sums up every post you write, KS. And you wonder why people give you no respect.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 11:07 AM
LMAO. Now I know you have flipped out. The truth hurts and I'll keep bringing out the painful truth about who you portend to be as long as you keep posting your hate-filled rants. Your comment about respect is laughable and the pot calling the kettle black one more time - you hypocrite.
Respect begets respect and you deserve all of the fecal blizzards coming back at you,. Keep those boogeymen coming - never a shortage on entertainment.
Posted by: KS | May 14, 2011 at 03:55 PM
Shut up, KS.
Posted by: Johnson | May 14, 2011 at 04:15 PM
Stick it, Johnson.
Posted by: KS | May 14, 2011 at 05:10 PM
Take the hint, klueless.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 06:03 PM
Grow up and take your meds, Joanus.
Posted by: KS | May 14, 2011 at 06:11 PM
Another interesting poll on the public celebration of bin Laden's killing. Six-in-ten say it is wrong to celebrate death of bin Laden
Relief is a good emotion. Celebrating, no.
Posted by: joanie | May 14, 2011 at 07:39 PM
What have we learned in 2,056 years?
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and
controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public
- Cicero, 55 B.C.
Evidently nothing.
Posted by: KS | May 14, 2011 at 10:01 PM
i figured it out. Our little alpha female and wouldbe boss/bully of the blog was just really threatened and pissed that anyone (in thiis case,me) knew more about the Sudan siuation with OBL than she did. She fancies herslef, or deludes herself, as being the informed intellectual of the geoup with superior info and background to any in our opposing group. So when i posted the post earlier today about OBL's selfserving and cynical exchange deal (roads for a million acres of land) with the Sudan dictators, ibstead of posting in her thanks for sharing more info on the subject, whe posts the insulting, furious little message we saw this morning/afternoon . In said message among a binch of gratuitous nonsense, she bascially says i just made it up ("perhaps what you say is true").........INCREDIBLE...our poor little alpha queen/control freak felt threatened and had to rush in to establish control yet again.... i normally don't reccomend professional; help to any of out posters here, in fact never have before today, but someon like Joanie with such an eaxtremme controlling personality, one of the worst ive ever seen, really needs to see a mental health professiona about this problem...get some help, ass......
Posted by: Tommy008 | May 14, 2011 at 11:05 PM
joanie, from the CBC and Global reports I have heard, it seems that Manitoba has had some impressive flood protection systems that seem to be getting over-burdened. On the Red River of the North, they actually have a floodway system that diverts water away from Downtown Winnipeg, and they avoid for the most part, what the same river had earlier done in Fargo and Grand Forks, North Dakota.(Since the Red River of the North flows North, not south, the floods hit North Dakota first).
The opening of the Morganza Spillway is the last ditch attempt to stop the Mississippi from overflowing in Baton Rouge, and then flooding New Orleans. They have done a good job fixing the damage against another storm surge from hurricanes, with a new storm barrier, and closing the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, but we will see if it comes at the expense of flood threats from upriver.
Also, I think they did breach some levees during the 1993 floods. Just before it hit some historic towns(but after the floodwaters had passed the hometown of Samuel Clemmens, Hannibal, MO).
Posted by: EvergreenRailfan | May 14, 2011 at 11:21 PM
I was aware of the Red River operation. The segment on The National (I think) said that area in Canada was an old huge lake bottom (ice age) so it is vulnerable to flooding when conditions become bad enough. It's fascinating isn't it? No matter what, when nature decides she wants her way, she gets it.
I was born in Mt. Vernon and remember moving from our little house because the Skagit was going to flood. In fact, my mother always believed the Skagit would eventually take out that little rounded part where Lowe's and Dairy Queen now sit. We lived in that area. Our house was untouched although neighbors with basements were flooded.
My parents also had acreage close to the Chehalis but that was years before the big flood. They liked rivers I guess. Unbelievable the damage.
I'm so sorry for those people. And yet, we've treated the land badly. There might be some justice in all these.
Posted by: joanie | May 15, 2011 at 12:26 AM
thw wikipedia article bo on OBl mentions the OBl Sudan operations as a construction company (roads, bridges, etc), and agricultural enterprises,engaged in the farming traditional crops (wikipedia leaves out the marijuana operations, but there is plenty of evidence of their existence)). Wikipedia clearly identifies these operations as nothing more than totally for profit businesses, front organzations created to put cash in Al=Qaeda coffers.All but the marijuana farms were apparently unprofitable. Apparently Obama, unlike his brilliant father was a dumbass at running legal businesses. The construction/road building business was probably paid off by the government with a conmbination of free farm land and cash- my assumption. wikipedia doesnt go into how he was paid. I don't know what our control freaks problem is , but there never has been any serious debate that Osama's operation in Sudan were cold, for profit business deals. How much land he got versus cash as part of the deal is is moot and irrelevant. Someone could quesiton whether he hda marijuana fams and slaves, but that is also moot and irrelevant. The only point I was making was that the roadbuilding was strictly a business enterprise, nothing charitable about it at all . I wasn't even accusing anyone of saying they weren't of such a nature- i saw an overlong, droning post or three, probably from Joanus or one more, on the subject and skipped through it, so i don't know if anyone even did claim that. Wanted to make suer the record was clear, that's all. I find it amuusing that it was Joanus i believe , who posted the bit about conservatives having a "cognitive dissonance" over a liberal Democrat being able to succeed in a daring huge military raid and intelligence coup, quoting some psychologist and chortling away, felling all superior, when she has the same cognitive dissonance about someone from our group, myself in this instasnce, knowing more and researching more about a particular blog topic than she does.
Posted by: Tommy008 | May 15, 2011 at 01:02 AM
21 or 22 may 2011 - Severe earthquake in northern Israel - a time of 4 to 5 hours of Beirut - dry lake - killing too - Vine Signs Anti-Christ in Israel
Posted by: fakhredin | May 17, 2011 at 10:45 PM