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May 26, 2011



Man, that is write on and right on!


That reversed map of the lower 48 seems absolutely radical in these insecure times. Watch out for the Patriot Act....it's probably illegal to post that kind of subversion.


Speaking of weather:

RIP Ray Ramsey - hippy dippy weatherman Seattle style.


JESUS CHRIST!!!! Campbell's is making Pho? Out of WHAT for God's sake???? Employee hair and dog waste? We need to take this on. Big Time. There is no Time To Waste. The Apocolypse has occurred. Pho from Campbell's? Please tell me you're making it up. Please tell me this is a horrid joke. Please let this be April 1st.


Pleather: employee hair and dog waste cost too much, and might have traces of protein and other nutrients. However, Campbells nutritionists (sic) and chemists have devised genetically modified sewer sludge that, when heated in a microwave for two minutes, tastes almost like real employee hair and dog waste.


I am writing to the powers that be at KUDUB and demanding the hiring of Blathering Michael as weather Barbi and pushing for triple the salary.

Say No To Canadian Spaghettio's!!!


An upper level weather system is settled over us today and Friday with bands of showers rotating into the State. But not so fast, Swiss food giant Nestle has pulled a popular brand of noodles from Philippine grocery shelves after routine tests found salmonella traces in some samples. However, one of these systems is moving in this afternoon for a little increase in showers followed by another wetter band of showers overnight. Salmonella, of course, is the most common cause of food poisoning, are bacteria that pass from human or animal faeces, causing diarrhea, and friday should see showers and occasional sunbreaks.

Radio Queen

Come on,Mr. Blather. A fourth post about KUOW's weather issues? Really?

How about something a little more interesting? Sounds like Ed Schultz's big mouth finally got the better of him...



The Blather' specialty is drama queens or in this case,Radio Queens like Mass.


BlatherWatch generously offers to do the KUOW weather... and noodles!

Why not put an audition tape on line then before submitting it KUOW ? You will have at least a few critics...


Actually, Mass has mentioned his "firing' in the last 4 of his posts.


I agree, I'm dissapointed Ed Schultz received no mention here.


Radio Queens like Mass.

Posted by: Coiler | May 26, 2011 at 06:33 PM

Impressive pun or exceptional double entendre, you be the judge.

Another reason we haunt this joint, as opposed to SP.


Schultz has no shame - he'll shake it off like the leftist poodle he is and dig up more demagoguery.


You mean like the righties offering death threats to a 16 year old?


SP is full of right wing posters whose spouses work for guvmint


You are full of leftwing demagoguery whose spouses are unemployed.

You mean like the righties offering death threats to a 16 year old?

Posted by: Zim | May 26, 2011

No conclusive evidence of that - thats just claptrap you're jumping the gun. Just as likely it is a leftwing anarchist or sicko with the death threats.



Dave Ross inviting phone calls !!!

Puget Sound Blathers

poor coils, he watched joanie's arguments get logically torn apart by Pudge over at SP and knows if she couldn't make it he had no shot. sadly, sparkles then tried her tried and true 'grammar and spell check' arguments whilst dancing around the substance which turned ugly for her when the good folks at SP then went through her posts with a fine tooth comb. LMAO.

the usual suspects found it much much safer to stay here in the muck of blatherwatch.


What's your solution to funding for schools Jackass, since you're not "puget" anymore. Mr Jackass? JackasSound? I dunno...

Mama Coils

call me, im lonely

Mama Coils

The Anti-Dori

My hunch is that Mama Coils is Puget Sound. I don't usually disrespect you, Puget Sound, but that was unexpected. As for dancing around, you post above dances around everything. What does SP have to do with this blog or anything written on it? It sounds like nothing more than a bullying post to me.


PS drags out the "sparky went to SP and corrected their grammar" story, among others, when he has used up all his note cards. He is kind of the Ghost Of Comments Past. In reality, it was his little buddy who no longer can post here. He was infamous for that sort of thing.
Some people on here have to see their thoughts in print in order to validate them, I guess. So it's fun when they "demand" answers but can't come up with their own.

Puget Sound Blathers

One thing I don't have a problem with is taking Coiler apart directly.
Nice try though.

Puget Sound Blathers

ome people on here have to see their thoughts in print in order to validate them, I guess. So it's fun when they "demand" answers but can't come up with their own.

Posted by: sparky | May 27, 2011 at 05:41 PM

i've been fairly explicit on the leadership failure of Gov Gregoire to properly address this issue directly with the folks of WA State.
she is the Gov. the constitution is explicit on what it states. you have a Dem legislature. The repubs are not players in this.

Moreover, the Gov gave up a source of funding to our coffers. The tribal money would not have gone directly to education, however, it would have allowed other monies to be shifted into education.

here is a quick test for all of you. without resorting to Google, after 6 years can you name key achievements of this Gov? can you name an important speech?
if you can't, doesn't that tell you something.


What is your solution for funding schools - coils ?

You liberal progressives are political eunuchs, according to Pat Caddell - former Dem. pollster - you all fall into line like lemmings then spout your talking points.

Caddell is also fed up with the Repuglicans - they are showing themselves as the stupid party - he said Ryan is fiscally intelligent, but politically dumb. The actions of the GOP have suppressed the Tea Party - think he is on to something. Both parties are corrupt, but that doesn't matter to the usual suspects - they keep loving on the Democrats - who don't give a rat's ass about them - they just want more power in their den and less freedom for the rest of us. .


No, that's my point. Instead of persevarating about everyone else's FAILURES..let me hear how YOU would increase funding for schools. How would you find the money (multiple billions) to have great libraries, smaller class sizes, enough supplies to actually get through a whole year so teachers dont have to go buy their own copy paper. How would YOU come up with that money.

The Anti-Dori

He'd get the Indians to pay for it. I think that's his only solution. Am I right, Puget Sound?

KS, the name calling is getting tiresome.


Name calling getting tiresome ? Keep that in mind when the shoe is on the other foot and mention that to your cohort Joanie.


If Oregon can tax higher incomes, then Bill Gates Sr has the right idea. The middle class has been buying the lunch for the rich for too long.


"let me hear how YOU would increase funding for schools. How would you find the money (multiple billions) to have great libraries, smaller class sizes, enough supplies to actually get through a whole year so teachers dont have to go buy their own copy paper."

Posted by: sparky | May 27, 2011

There is plenty of money out there that gets sucked by administration types, not to mention fraud and abuse with the union (NEA)- lay some of them off for starters. Also, abolish the Dept. of Education and turn it back to the states like it was before the late 1970's, when the quality of education was better. The Dept. of Education has gummed up the works with more layers of bureaucracy and less efficient spending.

I know you'd regard that as radical or extremist, but that is what is needed OR come up with a better idea... Any other ideas out there ?


If Oregon can tax higher incomes, then Bill Gates Sr has the right idea. The middle class has been buying the lunch for the rich for too long.

Posted by: Coiler | May 27, 2011 at 07:35 PM

Coiler, you are fried - stay off the designer drugs !!


Yes, your city job is in jeopardy.



The Anti-Dori

I'm sorry KS but I rarely respond to you. As for Joanie name calling, not often. Although she uses idiot a lot. I can forgive her for that. What else does she frequently use? It seems like almost every post from Puget Sound (and you) include some sort of name calling. Although, you might prove me wrong.

I notice Puget Sound hasn't responded to my suggestions. We're off to a casino cruise! So, perhaps we'll talk tomorrow.


KS, turning the Department of
education over to the states would COST money. Each state would need people to do the work one agency has done. And what abuse of funds has the union done???
Can't you think of anything else?


I'm sure he'll check with Breitbart.

Hahahahahahaha. I'm so funny!


Had to share this: Roger Ailes head of the GOP with my guy David Sirota.

They are discussing the New Yorker Magazine article on a gruesome looking Ailes

Kind of a fun listen. Jane Hamsher and Adam Green as well.


Gosh, even Rolling Stone wants a piece of Roger


Each state would need people to do the work one agency has done. And what abuse of funds has the union done???
Can't you think of anything else?

Posted by: sparky | May 27, 2011 at 08:57 PM

I believe your calculations are back-asswards. A lesser bureaucracy means you'll lose people - fewer admin types would cut a lot of $. Not only abolishing the Dept. of Education, but a combination of cost saving measures would need to be used to save money.

Teachers Unions have abused millions of $ - check it out on google someplace else besides on a leftwing blog or website who will hide that information from you all day all of the time - they are a funding arm of the Democratic Party - as if you didn't know that and that's where some of that money that gets ripped off from teachers goes, but guess you don't care about that - eh ?


Well, KS, you would know ass-backwards if anyone would.

Why do you always say "google it" - don't you have any evidence for anything you say? I mean, there's always Breitbart . . .

Hahahahahahahaha! I'm laughing again!


BTW, what's wrong with a teacher's union helping to fund the campaigns of people they agree with? Isn't that called democracy? Or are Republicans the only ones that are supposed to do that? And big corporations? and Fox News?

Huh? I said HUH, KS? Answer that one you idiot.

The union money is MY money and I can do what I want with MY money. God, you're dumb.

Puget Sound Blathers

I notice Puget Sound hasn't responded to my suggestions. We're off to a casino cruise! So, perhaps we'll talk tomorrow.

Posted by: The Anti-Dori | May 27, 2011 at 08:42 PM

anti dori, actually i did. i layed out an area to cut to save money, listed a number of different taxing strategies and what the Gov should do in regards to Tim Eyman/initiatives.

Your most detailed response was to say we should ensure 'rich people' (which you didn't define) should be taxed to pay 'their fair share.'
Again, which you didn't define.

Afterwards you ignore all of that, label me as 'dense' and skedaddle away.

It will be interesting at what point you'll drop this name and take up another.


BTW, what's wrong with a teacher's union helping to fund the campaigns of people they agree with? Isn't that called democracy?

Posted by: joanie | May 27, 2011 at 11:48 PM

You purposely missed the point. Many teachers have minds of their own and don't support the NEA forcing them to contribute whether they like it or not but have no choice, unlike the lemmings such as yourself who dislike our freedoms. You'd like the old Soviet Union.

Huh? I said HUH, KS? Answer that one you idiot.

The union money is MY money and I can do what I want with MY money.

Posted by: joanie | May 27, 2011 at 11:48 PM

Joanie - You make no sense - the trademark of an idiot. You don't even know or care what you are doing while you screw over our education system. Keep drinking yourself into a stupor. Talk loud into your echo chamber - what a fraud !!


People don't have to contribute to political campaigns. Their money can be redirected. You see, KS, you talk big but with little information. And when backed into a corner, out comes the alcohol meme. And the old fall-back "many teachers..." is meaningless since you don't know "many teachers."

That's why I call you stupid.

Also, I didn't read anything that layed(sic) out an area to cut to save money, listed a number of different taxing strategies and what the Gov should do in regards to Tim Eyman/initiatives.

Since you like cut and paste so much, cut and paste it again. I think we'd all like to find out what they were.

Of course, the Roger-Ailes' Sound-bite really wants to make it complicated even though he doesn't know what that is yet except to exploit the Native Americans yet again. While we on the left took a lesson from Clinton who raised taxes and put us back on the road to solvency. But, let's hear your menu of "taxing strategies" and "Tim Eyman" suggestions. I'm waiting with beating heart.


'People don't have to contribute to political campaigns. Their money can be redirected. You see, KS, you talk big but with little information."

Posted by: joanie | May 28, 2011 at 10:50 AM

Not from what I have read. Sorry, I don't believe what you wrote until I see some credible documented evidence to prove what you claim is true. The ball is in your court. As for the alcohol meme - I can smell the alcohol in your posts


You can smell alcohol in posts? That's awesome Mr Wizard!

Puget Sound Blathers

You can smell alcohol in posts? That's awesome Mr Wizard!

Posted by: Coiler | May 28, 2011 at 12:39 PM

the alcohol comes through loud and clear. same with the acrid sulfur smell of one of the usual suspects pulling a skedaddle...

Puget Sound Blathers

go back and read the posts made yesterday by me. i can't do all the work for you. and take a note from andrew, read 'em slowly to allow time for comprehension to come into play.
i'll be back later tonight to quiz you to determine your level of comprehension.


Joanie had some senior moments- that's nothing new. It might have been selective amnesia, but me thinks its more than that, as alcohol atrophies brain cells.

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