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March 07, 2011


Progressive Blog Junkie

Beck has survived worse. I suspect he will survive this attack also. The only reason i listen to him, as i 've said before, is his love for America and its Constitution. No other radio or TV host does a better job in rooting out the communist connection in the current Administration.


Please, if FOX News started letting people go just because they are paranoid and delusional, they wouldn't have anyone on other than Sheppard Smith.


Typical liberal bullshit: When there's no story, make one up.


Beyond ratings and revenue (which are still prodigious), Beck performs several valuable political functions for Fox. He whips the most gullible of the Republican base into an actionable lather, and makes the rest of Fox's lineup seem like the voice of sensible moderation. That said, all of Fox's biggest current stars (Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly) are getting stale, doing the same schticks over and over. It's about time for a new circus act to be rolled out. One of the biggest keys to Rush's longevity is his use of humor, which is notably lacking in the Fox stable.


This is why the term "float" was created.


Booys & girls, ya know what I want? I want a solid hour of news at 6 PM that just covers the news of the world outside of stupid United States politics. I don't want to listen to Paul BeGalla's take on anything. Or Donna Brazzile. Or Bill O'Reily. I don't want to be told how to think. Just give me the durn story.

casual observer

Yes, he's on a lot of radio stations but many are peashooters in small markets. He lost affiliates in several major markets including the biggest one, New York City. With very few exceptions, his ratings across the board are lower than before. Beck's performance here in Seattle is below par by any measurement although his supporters would likely point to KTTH as being a sub-par signal.


"Beck has survived worse. I suspect he will survive this attack also. The only reason i listen to him, as i 've said before, is his love for America and its Constitution. No other radio or TV host does a better job in rooting out the communist connection in the current Administration."

There was no attack, more of a retreat actually . Viewers and advertisers decided they weren't buying.

Beck is a train wreck that will be gone soon enough.


Beck is too outrageous even for Fox. Maybe he can hire Charlie Sheen as a publicist to improve his image.

Mike D

"Booys & girls, ya know what I want? I want a solid hour of news at 6 PM that just covers the news of the world outside of stupid United States politics. I don't want to listen to Paul BeGalla's take on anything. Or Donna Brazzile. Or Bill O'Reily. I don't want to be told how to think. Just give me the durn story."

Watch PBS Newshour then, and quitcherbitchin


If they don't have Beck, who they gonna use to get the loonies to shoot politicians?

Ensign's Mommy

Hey Fred,

Know how I can tell you're a Republican? The only reason you come over to visit is to take a crap in the pool.

Right Leaning and Right

Well heck, old Fred is just leaving them where they belong. It is a cess pool is it not?


The republican party doesn't stand for much anymore according to one of Reagan's cabinet members Paul Craig Roberts

Roberts explained in an email what he's seen change since the Reagan era:

"The GOP has changed. Under the influence of the neoconservatives, the GOP is becoming a Brownshirt party.

I am a constitutionalist, a civil libertarian who believes that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the FIRST things to be defended, not the last to be defended or that can be pushed aside in the name of "national security." Without the Constitution and the civil liberties that it guarantees, there can be no security.

When it comes to the market economy, I am a realist. I understand that, compared to a nation of farmers and artisans, a market economy--especially under free trade, jobs offshoring globalism--subjects people to massive economic insecurity and requires a strong social safety net. The idea that Republicans are espousing that the social safety net can be sacrificed in the name of deficit reduction in order to pay for wars of hegemony is insane, inhumane, and evil.

Such Republicans have nothing in common with President Reagan."

Jason Andersen

I would be surprised to see him off of Fox; he has an unique cult of personality following that may not be huge in numbers, but if I were gonna advertise on Fox, I bet on many products that his personal endorsement carriers a lot of sway. I was quite impresssed with his ability to draw a crowd in DC. Hell, he may get axed...CNN would just pick him up again. I was really shocked that MSNBC sacked Keith Olbermann, so you never know. I have never really listened to or watched Glenn Beck--too much like trying to make sense out of a Qadhafi speech. Seriously!


Beck has survived worse. I suspect he will survive this attack also. The only reason i listen to him, as i 've said before, is his love for America and its Constitution. No other radio or TV host does a better job in rooting out the communist connection in the current Administration.

Yeah, I know. Haven't been around to witness this new curiosity.
So is PBJ a wingnut parody (ala Colbert) or the real McNut?

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