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March 14, 2011



WoWee Wow-eee...You posted that at noon and NOBODY from the right has posted a rebuttal.



How "out of context" can a discrete statement like "frankly, it is clear that we would be better off in the long-run without federal funding" be?

I think Blech is just going for a one-two punch, make NPR look like they're robbing tax payers, then make it look like the White House is acting hastily to save it's own ass.

Anyone with integrity, credibility, balls, stands behind the decision to remove an exec that undermines his own organization and blurts out a myriad of racist comments to a complete stranger.

Andrew is right

Andrew is correct.

Why did Shiller feel so comfortable saying such horible things?

And the fact that the people at NPR started quitting or resigning is because it is obvious to them that the tapes showed them in a very bad light.

Watch the whole tape. Then comment.

The truth is that the tape contains implications about NPR which make it look like a biased organization.


Biased, kinda like Fox News?

Even Glenn Beck thinks the tape stinks to high heaven, but you are still defending it. Interesting.

Right Leaning and Right

I am admittedly doubting O'Keefe's credibility at this point, however, that does nothing to effect my firm belief that NPR should no longer be receiving tax money.
NPR needs to sink or swim in the free market like any other for profit business. The tax paying public can ill afford pissing away money on this endeavor.

Radio Queen

O'Keefe has once again crossed the line between reporting on a story and creating his own version of a story. Unethical journalism, without a doubt. Unfortunately, that doesn't change the fact that no one forced Schiller to say the things he said. In fact, he apologized & resigned, so there's an admission of guilt in there somewhere. NPR should quietly cut its losses, pick up the pieces and move on.

Mike Response

Andrew and Andrew is Right are correct.

How does one intelligently comment on the tape without watching the tape?
Funny that some partisans not only comment -even after both Shiller(s) resigned- without watching the tape but then feel the need to not take RQ's sage advice to cut their losses but instead insist on doubling down?
Sparky, stop dragging in Fox News.
Just watch the tape. Ask yourself why NPR has managed to once again stub its toe and why oh why did this fellow seem so comfortable uttering fairly egregious comments.

Mike Response

BTW, as a careful reader of this blog lets point out the obvious fact that Andrew has emerged as the wise voice herein.
Nice to see some young blood. Lets say farewell to the older voices who have little stake in the future and way too much stake in continuing vendettas of the moment.

So lets cheer Andrew and say 'by-bye' to Sparky, Coiler, Chucks, KS, Tommy 008, etc.

Out with the so very old and in with the new.


A blog with liberals bitching because other people have free speech?

Awww, poor babies. Most of you mindless twits would have fit right in in the old Soviet Union, with state run media feeding your pea-brains.

Pretty sad how libs hate free speech so much you resort to sad displays like this trash.


Speaking of mug shots, I haven't seen KS lately.


I see The Hall Monitor Syndrome is alive and well. :)


I heard an NPR report early today that played Schiller's comments. They were sprinkled throughout the lunch and he kept repeating that his comments did not represent NPR and he said at least five or six times that no funds or funder could penetrate the firewall between fundraising and NPR's reporting or policy.

They played more of the tape than Wonkette has. He made it clear he wasn't speaking for NPR and he didn't dwell on any of these comments.

O'Keefe has a reputation just like Breitbart for dishonesty and lying and framing people. And yet you guys still give him a pass.

Schiller was exercising his right of free speech and pretty saying what his prospective client seemed to want to hear Isn't that what salesmen do? Every person on this blog should take umbrage at the kind of "journalism" O'Keefe produces. He should be in jail.


Everything Schiller said after "Now, I'll talk personally, as opposed to wearing my NPR hat..." should not have been said, to anyone under any circumstances. He embarrassed NPR and himself.

Besides, if you're talking to someone who you believe shares your bigoted views, you're never supposed to come right out express those views. You're just telling them something they already know, and probably making them uncomfortable with you utter lack of grace and discretion. And if it turns out they don't even share in your ignorant, partisan bias, you've just made an ass of yourself and whoever else you represent.

The guy deserved to be fired ten times over again. Glenn Blech is just trying to get as much mileage out of this as he can.

Mike Response

Schiller was exercising his right of free speech and pretty saying what his prospective client seemed to want to hear Isn't that what salesmen do? Every person on this blog should take umbrage at the kind of "journalism" O'Keefe produces. He should be in jail.

Posted by: joanie | March 14, 2011 at 10:25 PM

First Ammendment doesn't apply when you represent someone at work. Try saying racist things like this joker did at your workplace and see if that 'first ammendment' argument goes anywhere.

The fact that some of you older folks on this blog can't get past the stoneage talking points (first ammendment, faux news, don't take tax me, etc etc) is why you should be ignored. You hold back the progressive movement.

Hey, if we have a question about Matlock or Depends Diapers then you should weigh in. Outside of that, stay quiet and try not to get in the way.

Mike Response

By the way, if you haven't listened to the full tape (it is available) then how can you intelligently comment on it when the defense is that the tape was edited to take things out of context?
And if it was so exculpatory for NPR, why did the this guy O'Keefe release the full tape?


The fact that some of you younger folk (if you are) can't get past the right-wing talking points is holding back the progressive movement. I wish you right-wing hit squads would just go away. As for the stone age, you're busy taking us back to it with every post. But,you seem to have to learn the hard way.

Why don't you ask O'Keefe why he butchers any tape to begin with? Talk about dense. You and Andrew personify the hubris of youth.

BTW, Andrew, his "views" about the tea party were "bigoted?" How so? I didn't hear any bigoted views. Sure you're not letting your argumentative self get in the way of intellect again?


Oh, and Mike, your bigotry against old people notwithstanding, please stop trying to steal my money.


Thanks to you Joanie, most ARE going away and leaving you and your ilk to wallow in your element. Soon it will likely be Joanie, sparky and Andy listening to their own blather so you don't have to.


Joanie, crying will get you no where in the blogosphere. So buck up cowgirl and listen to Fat Ed this afternoon for some revitalization.


"Hey, if we have a question about Matlock or Depends Diapers then you should weigh in. Outside of that, stay quiet and try not to get in the way."

My vote for the best line of the year.

Mike Response

"And look up the word 'entitlements.'You people throw around words like you know that they mean. We are "entitled" to what we earned. Aren't you? Forty years of social security payents earned me a decent social security income. More than forty years of paying into a pension earned me a pension income... That's my decision And I'll fight like hell before I take the road you took.

Posted by: joanie | March 11, 2011 at 08:56 AM

You sound like one of those greedy republican types. I got mine and to hell with the rest of ya!
Why don't you just yell at the kids 'Get Off My Lawn! and become the old crumudgeon neighbor that everyone dislikes.

Hey, it's called Social Security Insurance. With your pension you don't require the insurance benefit. Think of it like car insurance. Be thankful you paid premiums but didn't need it. Others need it.

If you want to yell that is unfair, what about all the under 30 types who believe they will not get any Social Security Insurance because people of your Boomer Generation spent it all and handed us the bill.

Mike Response

Oh yeah, leave Andrew out of it. He's made you look silly before.
It's embarrassing.

Radio Queen

"And yet you guys still give him a pass." I don't see anyone in the above posts giving O'Keefe a pass...What I do see is a focus on the real issue at hand--a valid questioning of Schiller's ability to maintain a position of leadership within NPR after his abominable remarks. Had it been a republican saying those things, the liberal outcry would be deafening. No, O'Keefe doesn't deserve a pass--but neither does Schiller.


It makes such perfect sense you would repeat the right-wing media-we-need-your-hard-earned-money-joanie-to-pay-for-illegal-wars-which-kept-my-haliburton-stock-high talking point. Thats what I would expect from an eighth-grade dropout who took a smoking break during civics classes and American history classes and gets pulls his information out of his ass.

So, you are worried about your own income in old age but you don't want to do it the way I did: hard work and paying into old-age pensions. You just want to steal it. Only a uneducated nincompoop thinks taking other people's money will solve their problems.

As for Schiller, just like ACORN and Sherrod - you'll do anything to get your way and you'll defend anybody that does it for you. You are as corrupt as the people you vote for. I don't have that on my conscience but then I have a conscience. You have a wallet where your conscience should be and, yes, I believe in the right of free speech and when somebody says they are talking off the record and when somebody else frames and dishonestly uses their words in a corrupted way, I defend the right of that person to be exonerated.

You guys are just as much frauds as your heroes Okeefe and Breitbart and god save this country from frauds, thieves and ignoramuses like you.

As for Andrew, he can speak for himself. If he dares. A fifth-grade dropout who never took a civics class and is bigoted toward smarter, wiser and older people is hardly someone I would want defending me.

And, as for you Queen, if you blame the victim, you are supporting the victimizer - in this case, a proven fraud who butchers tapes and people and leaves destruction in his path. But I doubt I'll hear back. You tend to shoot and run much like the rest of the rightwing.

Now, do the American thing, get smarter, innovative and quit trying to steal my money. But I don't think you can, can you? You really aren't smart enough to figure it out.


BTW, if you just have to steal someone's money instead of earning your own, find someone who has more of it than I do. If you can figure out who that is. Which I doubt.

Mike Response

but you don't want to do it the way I did: hard work and paying into old-age pensions. You just want to steal it.
Posted by: joanie | March 15, 2011 at 09:10 PM

Typical greedy Dori Monson Boomer. You have both a pension and social security. You can have one, not both. You sound like those liberal talkers that in public say one thing but when they get in the voting booth vote to cut services.
Your Boomer generation spent it all and then some. We are broke.
Now you want to run up more charges and then hand off the bill to those of us under 30 and force the rest of us to pay. You make me sick.
Al Sharpton talks about 'shared sacrifice' and that is a concept you'll be learning soon enough.
Be thankful you have a pension but to expect people to also give you social security insurance on top of it is a little much. How greedy are you?
Why do you have the right to make others pay for your lifestyle? You may not think you are 'rich' but if you have a pension, benefits, and a home to live in you are way ahead of what those under 30 will have. Yet you want us to take care of you.

Finally, your insistence on attacking Andrew for making a stronger argument is ridiculous. And stop attacking my president. He is doing the best he can.

Learn to share. To all according to their needs...

Radio Queen

Oh, Joanie, you know I don't respond to personal attacks. But since you didn't call me any names this time, I'll play. Schiller is a victim??? Really??? I'll say a THIRD time that O'Keefe's tactics are unethical. When it comes to Schiller, I just can't think of him as a victim in the true sense of the word. O'Keefe may have set the stage, but Schiller's acting was all his own. That anyone would actually defend him is, in itself, indefensible.


You have both a pension and social security. You can have one, not both.

Sounds like a rightwing tea partier, doesn't it? Telling everybody else what they can and can't have. Go back to Ralph Reed's church of greed. I'm sure he needs one more sucker. As for your President? You got that right and you can have the DINO.

Idiots. 'Nuf said.

I forgot to call you a name, Queen? Well let's recify that: you're another useful idiot taking down democracy on the right.

My this is fun. Go Wisconsin!

Mike Response

You have both a pension and social security. You can have one, not both.

Sounds like a rightwing tea partier, doesn't it? Telling everybody else what they can and can't have. Go back to Ralph Reed's church of greed. I'm sure he needs one more sucker. As for your President? You got that right and you can have the DINO.

Idiots. 'Nuf said.

I forgot to call you a name, Queen? Well let's recify that: you're another useful idiot taking down democracy on the right.

My this is fun. Go Wisconsin!

Posted by: joanie | March 16, 2011 at 07:30 AM

Well now that we have established your bona fides as an Anti Obama selfish-arse 'I got mine, to hell with the rest of the world' sponger it becomes self evident that you are one of those 'regressives' we hear so much about. Greedy seniors. Not to worry, you'll be defunded soon enough so you best keep working, dearie!

You may not feel like it, but you are rich by Progressive Standards of living.

Radio Queen

How many times can one say "idiot" in a thread before everyone else begins to figure out who the real idiot is? Just wondering..

Mike Response

Radio Queen
The answer is 37. I've been keeping count and Joanie is at 36. I have faith she'll be passing by the milestone in about an hour or so.


Is it me or is our "Alpha" Joanie using Faux News talking points. Desperation setting in?


i was called an idiot by Joanie in my last go round with her, which brings my personal I-word attack total from Joanie to about 10 i think. She first started calling me names , not the other way around, years ago, when i first countered her with arguments she couldn't keep up with. It is obvious to me that Joanie has this inbred superiority complex, stemming from years and years of living inside the insular, smug Seattle lib echo machine. When faced with arguments she can't deal with, she instantly invokes the coarse ad hominens, instead of trying to counter on an intellectual basis , which she is incapable of doing. She's becoming increasingly desperate now as she runs to her comfort zone , the old delusional perch of superiority. when countered with stubborn facts and arguments her limited views and reasoning powers have no hope of besting. sad, really. By the way Trump is the only guy aggressive enough and "celebrity" enough to beat our celebrity president, and.... Joanie-... he will run. and...he will win...... sorry........ haha Joanie..


"Now do the American thing- get smarter, innovative, and quit trying to steal my money." oh , just let me add. This is the other speed that Joanie has, Joanie has two speeds. First speed- read my post above- the shrill, unseemly insult-spewer we've all come to know all to well , which comes out from under her rock whenever her world view is threatened, which is more and more frequent now, with each new debate. Second speed- the quote at the top of this paragraph says it all doesn't it- the condescending, bemused schoolmarm, lecturing away with these supercilious, patronizing scoldings , to subjects she basically sees as children, in relation to her transcendant, superior wisdom. sad, really.


Joanie sucked the worst out of me years ago. I would never have expressed most of my mean thoughts without her charming personality dragging it out.
As previously expressed here, she is a sexual intellectual that does not have the brains to get a head ache.
Her thought processes are dangerous. My biggest fear is for all of the 7 year old children that are exposed to her for 180 days per year. The damage a woman like that can do to the youngsters could last a life time.
Oh well.

The Anti-Dori

You're always blaming someone else, aren't you Chuck? Not an attractive trait. You found your "mean" words easily enough. We all know that.


Oh no, don't let me be misunderstood. I have learned to enjoy being an asshole. I just never knew how much fun it would be to speak freely and honestly.
It is not blame. It is credit.
Who is we? Do you get to speak for all? What an honor that must be.

Right Leaning and Right

Sexual intellectual?

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