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December 07, 2010



I liked Daniel when he was in Homicide as Beau Felton, the binge drinking detective battling his broken marriage and Frank Pembleton.


Linking with Media Matters for information to prove a point is like dipping your cup in the holding tank of a sani-can or honey bucket for a refreshing beverage and snack. Neither makes any sense at all, nor will be palatable, but are equally reliable as a source of knowledge and nutrition.


So many people are losing their homes, their jobs and their health, and so to go on the air to piss and moan over semantics of a holiday (that will be a struggle for them), will probably be limited to a few righties who have too much time on their hands.


Media Matters and the militant leftists are pissing and moaning - trying to stake their claim on separation of church and state, which is not in the Constitution in order to get Christmas out of the public square with help from the ACLU.

Mr. Soros, the financier of Media Matters does not care for such a celebration and would like to see the significance of Christmas be diminished - to weaken the spirit of America - so he has his media hencemen working on how to accomplish this...pffftt !

Meanwhile, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night and illegitmi non carborundum.

Puget Sound

nice latin, ks, nice latin

gotta love the war on christmas. anyone still getting ginned up over that brohahaha. it's so 1997.

does anyone want pres obama to negotiate or represent their side?

surely the progressives can't be liking the way pres obama is doing.

for the rest of us, we may take satisfaction on the domestic front given the surrenders to john boehner, but we should pause and consider that pres obama is also negotiating treaties overseas.

hmmmmm. the usual suspects slink away as they know -better than the rest- the ache of 'hope and change' disapointment.

Puget Sound

Jed Allen makes a great point on how Pres Obama fell into a heckuva political trap with the 2 percent reduction in payroll taxes. Talk about a war on christmas next year.

"Here's why it's a trap: the deal calls for the payroll tax holiday to last for just one year. That means on January 1, 2012, payroll taxes would go back up to 6.2%.

Put another way, the Republican message in 2011 will be this: "If Congress doesn't extend the payroll tax holiday, everybody's taxes are going up on January 1, 2012."

Jeez, even I am not sure this is a good idea.


A whole 3 1/2 posts before you drag the topic back to Obama.
I'm going to go wrap packages.

Puget Sound

sorry sparkles, lets go back to the 'war on christmas' and the familiar refrain of 'oh, those loony republicans are so easily led'

see, now doesn't that feel better.

my gift to you.


Reality - Obama went for the tax deal, because he knew that if the economy tanks, he won't get reelected and his advisors told him that this is one of the moves it would take even though it won't be popular with the Dems. Then he proceeded to say the GOP was holding him and congress hostage - you know like terrorists.

He wants it both ways and its all about narcissistic him.

Oops, I probably drove Sparky away once and for all.

Puget Sound

it's okay ks, she'll have a crack about palin to make and be back in an instance to 'share'


KS, you sound more paranoid than ever, I thought it was good times for your side?


More likely not a good time for Obama.


bwhahaha.... tonight, Bill O'Reilly will be featuring the quotes from Seattle leftwing crackpot Amy Hagopian, comparing military recruiters to child perdators, maybe even featuring our little man Monson's interview with her.

Puget Sound--Asking the Usual Suspects: How do those Bus Tracks feel? LMAO

I love this quote from Pres Obama in the Huff Po

"WASHINGTON -- As President Obama channels Ronald Reagan he risks turning himself into Jimmy Carter.

By staking his next two years on hundreds of billions of dollars of new or renewed tax cuts -- none of them tied directly to compensating cuts in government spending -- Obama is alienating his own Democratic base in a way that could make him what Carter was: a one-term, ineffective "outsider" president.

Back in 2007 and 2008, when he was a presidential candidate, Obama expressed surprising admiration for Reagan's game-changing, tax-cutting presidency."

Puget Sound

ha should read 'about' not 'from' Pres Obama.


The little feller is sporting wood tonight! Monson made it onto Bill Oreilly's show at 5p.m. on Fox and the repeat at 8. Just a short snippet of him interviewing the U.W. crackpot professor Amy ("Joanie") Hagopian. Bill and HGeraldo then yukked it up over her ridiculous comparison of military recruiters to child predators. Bill demande that something should be done to yank her out of the university. Geraldo said that nothing could probaly be done.


when the Oreilly Show called Hagopian up to invite her on with Bill tonight, she hung up on them. Coward. haha Amy haha Amy


dipping your cup in the holding tank of a sani-can or honey bucket for a refreshing beverage and snack.

Well, this thread was as predictable as usual and another waste of time.

Chucks, can you keep it out of the toilet around the holidays? A break would be nice.


It has been a nice break. Go back to where ever it has been that has kept you away from here for the past few weeks. Please don't waste anymore time on us.
It is pleasant on this board without you.


Chuck S, you have to be kidding. You are the most disgusting person to post here. But I guess Dave Ross got it right about you. You are the pinnacle of hypocrisy.


That's because no one else holds you to account for the ignorant, deceitful, bigoted, gutter-talk you do. Too many people let people like you off the hook. I don't do that.

I hold you to account.


Amy is wack-job militant femanazi. How's that for invective ? If I have offended Joanie, the extremist, I have done my job.

Let the usual suspects commence with the drive-by race card playing...


Ok, let me be the first KS.

KS is an unrepentant dufus…ha!

There you, KS glad to fill your request for adrive-by.


You don't know anything about Amy Hagopian, KS. That's your fatal flaw. Asserting opinions and beliefs about which you know nothing.

I heard Jesse Hagopian (and blogged about it quite some time ago) on Dave Ross talking about his rescue efforts in Haiti. Amy produced a son who became a teacher and who actively works with his wife to help people who need it. Yes, they are both true progressives.

They, too, have integrity.


Please, KS let me rephrase that.

There you go, KS glad to fill your request for a drive-by.

Joanie, how are you this evening?

Looks like Putz is out headhunting again. Poor spaz, nothing better to do.


I am catching up on the liberal-biased truth! Caught several podcasts of Rachel, am currently listening to a podcast of Ring of Fire and thinking I'm not going to get to Sirota tonight.

And, of course, plotting my time with the wee ones this last week before Christmas break.

BTW, I have two single-sex families this year. Smart, creative, fun, kind and totally well-adjusted. I'm living the changes America is seeing and I love it! I hope the right doesn't turn us back into an intolerant, miserly and hateful country.

Puget Sound

Black Rhino,

So why not weigh in and make your opinion known on the Andrew vs Joanie 'debate' here on Blather?

IMO, Andrew got the better of the exchange and he showed Joanie's support of Assange was assbackwards.

What say you, BR?

Puget Sound

night joanie, you can rule the roost here at blather-ville.

unless of course andrew decides to come here and make you look silly again.



And Rhino, I'm listening to the best version of White Christmas since Bing's: White Christmas



I like the Trans Siberian Orchestra, myself


Apples and oranges? Both tasty.

Enchanting and beautiful. I agree.


Joanie, glad to hear you are enjoying the season. I spent the day shopping with my wife. Understanding why gifts are bought is a great way to appreciate the gift you receive.


Putz, I would be more than happy to reveal my thoughts about the Wikileaks fiasco. But first I’d like you to post Joanie’s posts in full concerning the subject. Can you do that Putz? Can you go against your instinct to mischaracterize in order to make a political argument? Will you lie to make your statement yet again? Or will you tell the truth for my answer? What say you…PUTZ????

Que the music, Dunt, Dunt, Dunnnnn! Putz in the background panting like a crazed beaver squeezing his…I’ll let your imagination fill in the blank.


Anna Ardin, one of the two complainants in the rape and sexual assault case against WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange, has left Sweden, and may have ceased actively co-operating with the Swedish prosecution service and her own lawyer, sources in Sweden told Crikey today.

The move comes amid a growing campaign by leading Western feminists to question the investigation, and renewed confusion as to whether Sweden has actually issued charges against Assange. Naomi Klein, Naomi Wolf, and the European group Women Against Rape, have all made statements questioning the nature and purpose of the prosecution.


Ellsberg was on Olbermann Thursday - I think - and supported him completely and said the whole thing was exactly the same as his situation. It was an interesting interview. I wish there were ways to link past shows.

Apparently both women maintained relationships with Assange after the event.

I hope the mass take down of Paypal, Mastercard and Visa is the first shot across the bow: the cyber rebellion which started the second American Revolution!


There you go, KS glad to fill your request for a drive-by.

Joanie, how are you this evening?

Looks like Putz is out headhunting again. Poor spaz, nothing better to do.

Posted by: BlackRhino | December 11, 2010 at 08:16 PM

Glad to see someone took me up on that - you have been initiated as a usual suspect, BR and you seem to fit the bill well. Name calling seems to be your forte, but substanting an argument can use work - take some lessons from Tommy008.

Finished watching "It's a Wonderful life" - a movie of the times.

"I am catching up on the liberal-biased truth! "

There's your oxymoron of the year, from the purveyor of progressive poop, Ph(J)oanie .


I hope the right doesn't turn us back into an intolerant, miserly and hateful country.

Posted by: joanie | December 11, 2010 at 08:29 PM

Impossible, the leftist pigs have already done this :(


Assange has painted a bullseye on the Guvmint, the military and media-government complex, controlled by the left.

Some of this confirmed what we already believed. The worst part is it has breached our security and put our troops in increased danger - time will tell to what extent.


KS, as a newly anointed usual suspect I bow my head and acknowledge my appreciation.

Glad to see someone took me up on that – Posted by: KS | December 11, 2010 at 11:04 PM

KS, I’m glad we don’t have a crazy like you on our side. Thanks, you’re a real sport.


Gail Collins:

My Favorite War


Your side doesn't need any more crazies. That quota has been exceeded. Your arguments may go further if you put the muzzle on Joanie more often.

Some samples from snopes.com -



Learn to hot link, KS. Your links aren't complete.


The second address did come up and I don't understand what your point is. Glenn Beck was wrong as pointed out by snopes. The Wall Street Journal article was refuted by the Ex-Im President Fred Hochberg.

Perhaps you should read the whole article and retract yet another false claim. You and tommy might take a night course in sustained reading. Skimming the first couple of paragraphs doesn't always work.


BTW, what did that have to do with Brock?

And I can't let it go without sending you to a few facts and there are many more at the snopes site if you care to carefully read them::

The approval of the loan was an action undertaken not by officials who had been appointed by President Obama, but by his predecessor, President George W. Bush, as Ex-Im itself stated:

The Bank's bipartisan Board unanimously approved the preliminary commitment to Petrobras on April 14, 2009, ... the Bank's Board consisted of three Republicans and two Democrats, all of whom were appointed by George W. Bush.

Despite the claim that the money committed to Petrobras is "taxpayer dollars," ... "the Bank's activities do not cost the American taxpayer a dime."

However, the implication that President Obama unilaterally directed the issuance of a loan to Petrobras as quid pro quo repayment to George Soros is erroneous since, as noted above, the loan was approved and made by a Republican-majority board of Ex-Im officials who had been appointed by George W. Bush.

I'm happy to interpret/translate complex reading matter upon request.


Bet we don't hear from KS again tonight.


KS, are you saying you are proof your side hasn’t exceeded the crazy?

Puget Sound

Putz, I would be more than happy to reveal my thoughts about the Wikileaks fiasco. But first I’d like you to post Joanie’s posts in full concerning the subject. Can you do that Putz? Can you go against your instinct to mischaracterize in order to make a political argument? Will you lie to make your statement yet again? Or will you tell the truth for my answer? What say you…PUTZ????

Que the music, Dunt, Dunt, Dunnnnn! Putz in the background panting like a crazed beaver squeezing his…I’ll let your imagination fill in the blank.

Posted by: BlackRhino | December 11, 2010 at 09:57 PM

no reason to rely on me to repost joanie's arguments or andrew's counter arguments. they both posted on it in their own words.
seems telling that you can't bring yourself to take a stand.

Puget Sound

oh yeah, i don't have my BR decoder with me so when you elect to post under other names like Pep would you kindly identify that while you are using a different name that you actually meant to post as BR. or GG, or M Steele, or whichever one you want to go with.

Puget Sound

BTW, I have two single-sex families this year. Smart, creative, fun, kind and totally well-adjusted. I'm living the changes America is seeing and I love it!

Posted by: joanie | December 11, 2010 at 08:29 PM

it's taken you this long to figure that out?
get a clue, joanie.
gay people are normal.


Figure what out?

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