Like its predecessors, Tower Site Calendar 2011 features more than a dozen full-color, high-quality images of transmitter sites in all corners of North America.
This year's cover is Mount Beacon, overlooking New York's Hudson Valley. Other sites include Georgia Public Broadcasting's 312-foot tower on Stone Mountain, the five towers of WAEB in Allentown, Pennsylvania, before they were vandalized in 2009, and a stunning night shot of KFI Los Angeles.
I want one
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 06:42 PM
I'm getting moist
Posted by: sir dicks alot | November 30, 2010 at 06:52 PM
thanks for this, Hood.
Posted by: Fred | November 30, 2010 at 07:24 PM
and god forbid anything happens to one of those towers. someone will be quick to post that it was the work of conservatives. lmao
Posted by: Puget Sound | November 30, 2010 at 07:31 PM
Community homeowners were angry over the outcome of the siting of the towers. Not outside the realm of possibilities.
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 07:47 PM
oh coils, not one 'conservative group' claimed credit for the act. at the same time, a local earth first group went on line to brag about doing the deed.
didn't matter to 'I made up my mind, don't confuse me with facts'
you know, the fellow that likes to come on to the blog and pontificate and take shots. but when it comes his way is the first to complain 'why me?'
oh damn, now he's gonna whine about being picked on...
boo f'n who.
Posted by: Puget Sound | November 30, 2010 at 08:30 PM
i sure feel sorry people in the drive thru lane tonight. lots of salt and spittle for those driving 'conservative' cars...
Posted by: Puget Sound | November 30, 2010 at 08:37 PM
Puget Sound, you are safe! Narcissistic personality disorder, characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and the need for constant attention, has been eliminated from the upcoming manual of mental disorders, which psychiatrists use to diagnose mental illness.
God, it's all starting to make a little sense now. I think I found the answer to all of our problems!!!!!!! Who's with me on campaigning to put narcissism back on the list of things normal people know are not A-OKAY? I'll promise not to make too big of a deal about myself getting this cause together and shit.
Posted by: Dr. Bill Wattenburg | November 30, 2010 at 08:39 PM
You answered in a manner reminiscent of Ted Bundy. Once again, were the homeowners, who had lost the legal battle, culpable?
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 08:41 PM
er, no Coils.
you can only be culpable if you performed an act that was blameworthy.
Posted by: Puget Sound | November 30, 2010 at 08:54 PM
So you won't admit the homeowners are suspect?
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 08:56 PM
not when you have a group that has committed acts of vandalism before and now claims credit for the crime.
now if you have some proof that the homeowners committed the act yet the earthfirst types want to take the fall for it, then lets see it.
put up, or shut up.
Posted by: Puget Sound | November 30, 2010 at 08:59 PM
Agreed, Dr. Bill. But what should we do about this odious temperament? Electroshock therapy, forehead lobotomy, or just disregard the brainless prattle?
Posted by: BlackRhino | November 30, 2010 at 09:06 PM
If it was that easy Puts, where are the arrests? Putz up or shut up LOL?
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 09:11 PM
Dr. Bill in reality has a multiple personality disorder. It is the well-intentioned cyber-terrorism though.
Coils may be moonlighting as a contributing writer for Media Matters - the lib progs are always looking for someone new who is good at making stuff up out of thin air to slander those bad-ass small government conservatives.
Posted by: KS | November 30, 2010 at 09:19 PM
Something tells me Putz doesn’t know he’s the pot calling the kettle black.
Posted by: BlackRhino | November 30, 2010 at 09:19 PM
Indeed, I wouldn't want him investigating anything along with his Barney Fife, KS.
Posted by: Coiler | November 30, 2010 at 09:22 PM
There will be plenty of investigating as is when the next Congress rolls around.
As for this so-called issue that Coils wants to make, not worth the time it takes to write a comment or a bucket of warm sp(h)it...
Posted by: KS | November 30, 2010 at 09:42 PM
putz has never ever heard of anyone ever being framed for a crime.
| putz is a pussy |
That right there is a crude sign someone made claiming that putz, which is commmonly understood to stand for "Puget Sound", is "a pussy". These mere existance of this sign also serves as validation of the claim therein, because, as everyone knows, anything anybody ever wrote on a sign was true.
Posted by: Andrew | November 30, 2010 at 09:44 PM
Bravo, Andrew. Nothing has been so very well put…or Putz.
Posted by: BlackRhino | November 30, 2010 at 09:48 PM
Normally when people make admissions against interest it carries more weight then if one puts the blame on someone else.
So, to use Andrews logic if I was to say I was a Pussy it would carry more meaning then if say Coils were to call me a Pussy.
Posted by: Puget Sound | December 01, 2010 at 03:46 AM