Despite that levels of sophrosyne at Saturday's downtown uprising were in Guiness-book ranges, Seattle undercover cops were nervous.
(photo: sources say this woman is an Arab)
It was at Seattle's own Rally to Restore Sanity, at Westlake Center.
It was well-attended. A large flock of bundled-up liberals standing in the rain watching the rally in DC live-fed to a Westlake Center, Jumbo-tron. (Someone estimated it at 50,000- sounds about right...)
"With so many so-called "progressives" in one place," said SPD's Captain Edgar "Choch" Manana, "It's frightening to think about how many conspiracies could be cooked up in one four-block area in one three-hour period."
Dave Ross, (KIRO m-f, 9a-12p) wearing a starred & striped baseball hat led chants of "Turn it down," and "Sanity, civility, discourse" which strangely, were whispered. This raises suspicion, according to Manana. "Could this be a terrorist dog whistle?"
The sheer number of leashed dogs in the park at the same time was chilling. Is it a coincidence that Muslims have a cultural aversion to dogs? Or that bedsheets even in the best hotels are usually made of a weave called "muslim?"
"No matter what you think about the property tax, the income tax, the candy tax, the soda tax," Ross screamed in his fanatical whisper/shriek, "we should be able to debate each other without destroying each other,." (Little gobs of spittle sprayed the unfortunates in the front row, rendering the elaborate spittle-catching system useless).
With such liberal do-gooder gobbledy-gook mixed in with jihadi dog whistling, it's no wonder children can be so thoroughly brainwashed.
(photo: the Afhgani "bra missile" has New Jersey roots)
Winter clothing complicates the cops' jobs in large crowds. No violence happened today, but coats and sweaters can cover underwear bombs, diaper charges and such new innovations as "bra missiles" developed in Afganistan. An exploding "snood" was found on a Pakistani terrorist woman living in Brussels recently shortly before she was able to ignite the fuse. (Snood fuses are Yemen's no. 2 export).
(photo: dog in snood)
This progressive "rally" could have been the scene of carnage and bloodshed.
Rep. Jim McDermott, long-suspected of being sympathetic to Moslems (his wife reportedly drives a Dodge
Ramadan) stood up and said something to the crowd. We, for one, missed it or forgotten it, as did, it seems, The Times, the P-I, The Stranger and The Weekly; KIRO, KOMO and NPR.
(photo: a "terror baby," from a local "sleeper cell")
Again, the liberal Seattle media conveniently failed to report news that might be inconvenient to Baghdad Jim and the people trying to kill us.
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