KOMO's shake-up last week reduced live & local programming in Seattle talk radio, but a silver liniment might be: Ken Schram got his own show (KOMO m-f, 12-3p) and conservative talker John Carlson lost half a show.
The David Goldstein Show, the last live and local liberal talk show in Seattle was cancelled in 2008.
Schram isn't as progressive as fogeyist right-wing listeners accuse him of being, but he was too liberal for KVI: they had to take The Commentators back to KOMO because conservative talk listeners can stand nothing but what-they-want-to-hear-radio.
Dirty Dog Democrats like ourselves grumped that the abrasive Schram wasn't liberal enough to be a foil to such as John Carlson. The 'Tators, by our lights, ended up agreeing too much. The hale-fellow-well-met collegial yak-yak was a little too smarmy for us. We tuned out early on... as did, apparently herds of others.
But we gotta say, though Schram is more libertarian/contrarian than anything else, he is damn progressive. He's for marriage equality, Barack Obama, state income tax, women's choice, and can be counted upon as a strong voice on many other progressive issues. He has taken on the Christian right, and Tim Eyman.
But for Dave Ross in an entirely different tone, you don't see much of that on the lazy, mainstream Seattle talk radio.
We'll take what we can get. And we'll be giving Schram a listen. Dori Monson (KIROFM m-f, 12-3) is down, sucking, and vulnerable- they're needing to add a girlchik to widen his appeal.
Welcome Ken Schram.
Hmm. I liked his Town Meetings on KOMO. We'll have to see what he does solo. I don't like contrarianism for its own sake. Ross does that sometimes. One of the few things I don't like about his show.
I like straight on politics. I don't want showmanship. I like straight talk, honest talk, informed talk, reasoned talk and intelligent talkers. Whether I agree with them or not.
Posted by: joanie | September 19, 2010 at 01:49 PM
I can also tell that Ross plays devil's advocate sometimes, but he's smart enough to do a very good job of it. When Ron and Don do it, it's like listening to third graders try to remember their lines in a school play.
Posted by: Andrew | September 19, 2010 at 02:15 PM
Ken Schram not a liberal? That's a joke. He's as bad as the communist terrorist in the White House. Neither one of them will keep their jobs much longer. There is an uprising in America. Watch for it in November. Laugh if you want at SENATOR Christine McDonnel, and SENATOR Sharon Angle, but they will be confirming the next Supreme. Maybe an impeachment or two would be in order.
Posted by: Fanta | September 19, 2010 at 03:25 PM
Yeah, right Fanta. Take your meds, please.
Posted by: David Tatelman | September 19, 2010 at 05:15 PM
You may be on the right track, Fanta, but you sound too extremist though. Angle may well beat Whorehouse Harry Reid. However, your style doesn't play well on progressivist-leaning blogs
Posted by: KS | September 19, 2010 at 05:34 PM
Actually it's "Christine O'Donnell", but yes... A big wave of TEA is on it's way.
(Taxed Enough Already)
I really like Ken Schram.
He's great with Carlson and even better with Bryan Suits, but the times I've heard him on his own, it's just not enough to keep me listening for long.
I will give him a good try on my radio though, see what his new show is like.
I'm sort of looking for alternatives to Dori quite often these days.
Ever since he was a speaker at a rally in Olympia championing the cause of personal freedom and responsibility...
He was a supporter of the smoking ban for God's sake.
The hypocrisy is hard to take when he's so high minded on the over reaching role of government these days.
Dave Ross does play devil's advocate far too often and is really annoying when he does it since his arguments are pathetic.
Obviously it's just to provide that point of view for the sake of argument, but I sure liked it better when the Commentators did it.
I'll miss them, but again... I will definitely give a listen to Schram's new show on his own.
I like both Ken Schram and Dave Ross even when I don't agree with them.
Posted by: Rat_Bastard | September 19, 2010 at 07:44 PM
Here it is, the eve of KOMO-AM's big changes and what's on the KOMO site, but the old program schedule, including Nine2Noon. Just think what would happen if Fisher ever got its act together.
Posted by: cueburner | September 19, 2010 at 08:14 PM
is this guy out of his mind not5 only will patty mury loos as she has the same ole crap that there is not a tax she dont like and the demacrats say the wa voters are going to vote demacrat he must be on drugs we do not trust murry and and demacrats and to call the tea party wing nutts ow he is a real class act so beleave me the only way out of this mess is to get the demacrats out of office starting with harry read i have in the past voted demacrat however that will never happen again they have shown me that the only thing they care about is taxing us to death tax tax tax and no realeafe in bed with unions at the cost of our kids and if the dems are so good why are most of them running away from obama dont want to be seen with him because he will cost them there jobs
Posted by: David Nutter | September 20, 2010 at 01:42 PM
Wow; You can tell by Nuttier,s spelling and punctuation the education and intelligence level most Teabaggers seem to have reached.
Posted by: saintrudy | September 20, 2010 at 06:11 PM
Speaking of the nutty right...John McCain declared at a debate that when the military brass said that Dont Ask Dont Tell should be repealed, he would support that.
The military HAS come out in favor of overturning DADT...and John McCain said today he will LEAD the fillibuster to prevent passing the entire military appropriations budget, which includes the repeal of DADT.
Posted by: sparky | September 20, 2010 at 06:36 PM
sparky reminds one of Vancouvers councilwoman, Jeanne Harris who wants everyone she's not in agreement with to shut up. Now there's liberal-progressive principles in action. LMFAO
Posted by: Norman | September 20, 2010 at 07:50 PM
Yes, Insane Mc Cain. One has to wonder how much longer his brain can take being baked in the AZ sun.
Posted by: coiler | September 20, 2010 at 07:55 PM
"Norman", point out to me where I said McCain should shut up? Or are you, as usual, telling me what I "meant"?
Posted by: sparky | September 20, 2010 at 08:07 PM
The problem Sparky, the Military brass have not called for the repeal of DADT. Looks like yoiu got pie on your face again.
Posted by: Sailish Sea | September 20, 2010 at 09:27 PM
Wait thats not pie, thats ...
Posted by: Sailish Sea | September 20, 2010 at 09:29 PM
Your use of the word "repeal" in regards to the military's words is the only thing wrong with your statement, sparky.
In Newsweek,"McCain has said in the past that he would support a repeal if military leaders first endorsed the change, and in February Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Adm. Mike Mullen told senators they supported President Obama’s pledge to seek a congressional repeal of the 1993 policy."
Salish, you're ignoring McCain's lie and his subsequent announcement to lead the filibuster.
Posted by: Ron Sergent | September 20, 2010 at 09:55 PM
Adm. Mullen is not "Military Brass". He is just the man in charge these next few years. The Military as a whole does not supprt the repeal of DADT and if it is repealed, the Draft will be right behind it. So if a Draft is what you want, then repeal DADT. As usual, McCain is standing up for what is right for this country. Not something that will pull it apart at its seams.
Posted by: Sailish Sea | September 21, 2010 at 06:11 AM
So, did Schram get canned because he called Carlson an "asshole" live on radio? I heard it with my own ears. I used to admire Schram, now I think he's just a crusty old batherer who eally has nothing relavent to say. Pity.
Posted by: sioux christian | September 21, 2010 at 11:31 AM
Ken, I think you should call your radio show "the Ken and Barbie show (Barbie just left.)"
Posted by: Grace | October 18, 2010 at 09:53 PM
I can't believe that the department of transportation is now allowing those of us who did not create the traffic problems (0 -2 children) to PAY to ride in the lane of those that did create the problem. Anyone with more than two children should PAY for the HOV lanes since they are the ones putting more cars on the road. What are they thinking?
Posted by: San | March 23, 2011 at 02:04 PM