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September 14, 2010



Felching??? Frottage???And you can get cups and tshirts!!!!
I am in awe Michael. In absolute awe. The breadth of your knowledge is remarkable. Fucking remarkable.
(running those two through the spell checker about choked the computer)


I watched her lengthy acceptance speech and she is going for the Younger Palin Sister angle, complete with several "You Betcha"s, thumbs up and winks. Fascinating.


This is interesting. It's almost as though Sarah PALIN has found a way to clone herself for political positions around the Nation. However, what the Republican cause likely doesn't fully realize is that the phrase "shooting oneself in the foot" is apropos here. The tea party movement and Ms PALIN especially is causing a fractionalization within the party that from their standpoint will prove to have at least diminished and possibly damaged the biggest opportunity they've had in a while. All that this Tea movement is proving is that yes, sometimes even politicians can be good looking. Not too unlike the attractive sports reporter currently in the need, she (Christine O'Donnell) garners attention (which is what she was after) bit she'll soon be forgotten as we get down to serious discussion of electability. But, hey in the interim it makes for good talk show fodder, so I guess it ain't all bad. Be interesting to see Dave Ross's call on this.


Look who's talking: Mr. "lesbyun" and "peelosi" himself. Good grief. I've seen everything.

Interesting election. Republicans have kind of hit bottom. Now we'll see how many bottom feeders are really out there.


"Michelle Malkin called Rove ..."an effete sore loser.""

WoW. Just. Wow.

Puget Sound

Interesting election. Republicans have kind of hit bottom. Now we'll see how many bottom feeders are really out there.

Posted by: joanie | September 15, 2010 at 07:28 AM

If the Republican Party have hit 'bottom' then no doubt the fall was broken by the Democratic Party firmly on terra firma.
In regards to how many bottom feeders, counting the Twig Truthers I see posting on Blather I count at least one: Sparky.


Sorry Ms "I've seen (or tried) everything" joanie, I don't doubt that you are an expert on such things, but I had never heard of felching nor known anybody that has ever done (well admitted doing it) it.
You can just keep that practice amongst you and your friends. Does not appeal to me in the least, either shipping or receiving.


I've known about felching for years - it's very common in the gay male community, and the poor community of Felch Mountain, Michigan has become regrettably notorious. But I have to admit I have never, ever understood the appeal.

Joanie's Teacher Aide

Joanie is right in her predection that the Democrats willhold the House and maybe even pick up a Senate Seat.
This President has held the line by keeping the deficit at a 13.5 Trillion Deficit and given th e people a Health care Plan that they will appreciate once everyone has had a chance to read it. Just the other day Nancy Pelosi was telling us about more good things she just found in the legislation passed a few motnhs ago. As the congress keeps reading the bill they passed back then no telling what else they will find.
Cap and Trade and Taxes on the rich will soon turn this economy around.
And once those small business owners get a chance to see what Goverment is doing to help them, watch the jobs grow!
You bet this election will bring out voters, and don't assume all Republicans approve of the tactics of Karl Rove.

Puget Sound

Jeez, what a maroon.
Too bad Nancy Pelosi and the Dems didn't take the time to read the bill "BEFORE" it was passed.

Anyone who thinks Cap and Trade and higher Taxes will turn this economy around is a double maroon.

No wonder you and Joanie are so tight. Too maroons.


If you want to spur the economy, give tax cuts to the very poor. Every cent they bring in they spend. No hoarding. No cold feet. Bam. Spent.


I blame Bob Williams and Ellen Craswell for allowing the GOP in this state to stay stymied for so long.

Puget Sound

yes andrew, but the flaw in your reasoning is they don't have as much to spend.
if you want to help the working poor, reduce payroll taxes. that's money that will be directly felt. of course, when people get a wake up call as to how much is taken out of their paycheck there will be a whole slew of new republicans. LMAO
if you want the economy to grow, you need rich people to invest. to get them to invest they need to understand that the tax environment. right now, a lot of money is parked in low yielding deposits.


Invest in what? They had their taxes cut. Same bullshit that David Stockman told us later on was smoke and mirrors.

Puget Sound

business startups, research and development, IPOs, etc etc.
if rich people don't feel the risk reward is sufficient they will make the rationale decision and not put it at risk.
give them a stable low tax environment and you'll see the economy take off.
your way doesn't work.

MoterCity Man

Erick Erickson at red state didn’t like her either.


What risk. The rich have lower taxes than they did during the 1950s.

What is your kind smoking these days?

MoterCity Man

The republicans have a new turn on an old African phrase. The GOP are going to show us how an elephant can eat itself.

MoterCity Man

I have to disagree with you Joanie, the republicans have not hit rock bottom. They are now entering the “Donner party” phase of their muckraking.

Puget Sound

What risk. The rich have lower taxes than they did during the 1950s.

What is your kind smoking these days?

Posted by: Coiler | September 15, 2010 at 05:16 PM

oh Coils, i guess you forgot that one of the first things JFK did upon taking office was to cut taxes.

here are two salient quotes:

"It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now ... Cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus."

– John F. Kennedy, Nov. 20, 1962, president's news conference

"Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased – not a reduced – flow of revenues to the federal government."

– John F. Kennedy, Jan. 17, 1963, annual budget message to the Congress, fiscal year 1964

Hmmm, JFK a supply sider?
Well, maybe not to the level of Ronald Reagan but it was a good start.


2010 Putsie, today.... how much will additional tax cuts for the rich add to the deficit?

Puget Sound

tax cuts -as JFK put it- increase revenues.

if we could just control the spending then everything will be jake.


"2010 Putsie, today.... how much will additional tax cuts for the rich add to the deficit?

Coiler, Andrew is waiting for you to get those fries deep fried so he can get them to his customer at the drive-in window. Chop chop now, we cant have a angry liberal going around Seattle can we.


Which tax bracket was JFK quoting?

Puget Sound

The Kennedy tax cut was substantial and cut the top marginal rate a 21 percentage points, from 91 to 70.

Like I said, he had the right idea just didn't go far enough.


the top marginal rate... what about the other 98% today?


Coiler is an Obamabot. He dreams of Obama coming to his McDonalds and ordering fries so he can personally make them and then Obama coming to the back and thanking him and giving him the pen he used to sign the "O" of his name on the Obamacare bill.


If I had that pen, I would stab you repeatedly until the oil, dark from your heart, stop flowing ya know? That would be hope, and certainly a change, for you.

MoterCity Man

If this loser gets her just comeuppance she’ll be a millstone for the teabaggers. The cookie cutter teabagger is the "nut job".


I thought that Curley Turd and Andrew worked at Dick's. What happened?

MoterCity Man

Much more absurdity from the prudish one.


MCM, are you a Obamabot like Coiler. Do you dream of Obama coming to your house with Michella and both giving you a big hug.

MoterCity Man

Ok this logic escapes me. O'Donnell speaks of “coedness” (her word) and the student body reaction to this freaky proximity is the door to Hugh Heffner’s stag party.
She begs "What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?"
Then she draws the conclusion….
Coedness "is like a radical agenda forced on college students,”

The initial thought of students in need of a reason to create such fornicating parlors baffles the mind. But the conclusion drawn is; the student body, sexual as it is, develops “Menage a trois rooms” then it is forced upon them? Chuck S must be distressed.

MoterCity Man

Zounds, You have the tone of a contributor to the teabaggers with hopes that they pick a promising candidate. I would gladly shake the hand of the president of the United States as opposed to the loser of Delaware. It must hurt to know you are paying her rent, oh well another teabagging.


Most of this does not affect me in any way and I certainly do not care if college students want to live in co-ed dorms. They are adults and should be able to have all of the hot, steamy sex they want.
Free love, love-ins and group sex were an important part of life in the 60's and 70's MotorCity Man.
I find the thought of your sucking semen out of the ass of your gay lover with a straw (felching as you folks call it) repulsive, but I don't have to watch. It just does not sound like something that you do with a condom so don't ask the tax payers to pick up your med bills if you bone or get boned by the wrong man. That is my only problem with that life style.

MoterCity Man

See, I told you Chuck S would lose it. By the way did you hear O'Donnell isn’t a virgin. she’s much like Rossi. A one trick pony that has the talking points down.


"I've known about felching for years...But I have to admit I have never, ever understood the appeal."

Thanks tons, Pete! Perhaps you can elucidate other arcane sexual practices for us to help get the kinks out of our fantasies...

Renton Maintenance Division

I work with one of these Tea Party types. They live in a strange world of make believe.

N Waff

It is very humorous, when O'Donnell speaks on a biblical principal of sexuality, that the morally bankrupt culture can't even comprehend it, never mind supporting the notion of taking the moral high-ground instead more perversity.
No, if someone pursues the moral high road, this Sodom and Gomorrah culture will do their best to drag her into the cesspool.
The response is a great demonstration of self-justified anti-tolerance. If she espoused some form of perversity, everyone would be cool with that. But, if she talking about sexual purity - the smear machine goes into hyper-drive.
We try so hard to accept Islam while being experts at Christian-bashing.

Renton Maintenance Division

Waffy, Nope, you miss the point entirely. We as Americans love the strong, just,and modest leader. Just look at who we elected as president. What we don’t like are hypocrites. It’s a Christian belief that permeates our culture.

Happiness is Kent in my rear view mirror

"We as Americans love the strong, just,and modest leader. Just look at who we elected as president."

LMAO ! Comrade, who is living in a make-believe world ? Let me guess - are you comparing the leader of our Government with the leader(s) of Venezuela or North Korea ?

Renton Maintenance Division

Again, it’s the hypocrisy. Preaching absolutism to the masses with a questionable past speaks loud and clear. I agree with Rove on this one.

Happiness is Kent in my rear view mirror

RMD; Right - change the topic quickly when your inner pinko loon is exposed. A trademark of ruling class slimebags.

Renton Maintenance Division

Yes KS, try as you might, she is still a cluster fuck of a candidate. You can do your troll best to alter the course of this thread but we are still here.


WTF ? From your previous troll postings, you must change the argument to veer toward mainstream after you go off topic and expose your inner loon. It shows up like a face with acid poured over it.

Renton Maintenance Division

You need to get off the computer and get back to the truck, these pot holes ain’t gona fill themselves.


that's hilarious, rozkat..


We have a president who has recently been defined as an anti-colonialist. Of course, the lefty progressives scream lunatic analysis, way out there and racist.

However, its amusing that I have not seen any substance that contradicts this analysis. Doughboy Gibbs had nothing except stale rhetoric to offer to this assertion at his press briefing on Thursday. And so it goes.

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