Breaking news in the tabloid world is that Kelsey Grammer moronically wore no drawers on the set of his hit sitcom, Frasier (!).
The dish is his fellow actors had to prevail upon his then-wife Camille Donatacci, who got him to put his junk in its proper container while working. (Grammer, 60, conservative role model that he is, has since dumped her for a younger baby-mama of a bouncing baby expected to bounce any month now). Donatucci will tell all next month in The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
This was leaked by Fox News a few days ago, and was quickly spread by such as Ron & Don (KIRO m-f, 3-7p). Why, you ask, would Fox News break such a trivial embarrassment of a fellow conservative?
Simple: He's dared to try to compete with them. He' always been smarmed-over by such Fox News confabulators, as Sean Hannity and Billo Reilly, but things have changed since he's gone and launched the RightNetwork to fight the evils of too much government, ShamWow and "dogs named Steven."
The lineup will include "Moving Numbers," a show about a fictional Senate campaign, and
"Running," a reality series that will follow first-time candidates as they run for office.(Blathernote: one of the candidates featured is Washington State tea party primary failure, Clint Didier).The shows will be delivered as videos-on-demand for Verizon FiOS subscribers and Nokia phone subscribers. It had been reported that Comcast would distribute the shows, but the cable provider released a statement that it would not include the network in its distribution.
It's a shot at the Limbaugh/Fox News audience; his partner is Ed Snider owner of the Philadelphia 76ers and Flyers, neocon, and acolyte of conservative icon Ayn Rand, funding an institute based on her principles and giving speeches about her.
This incident demonstrates that Rupert Murdoch's men are taking the gloves off. This little effort could be crushed by NewsCorps... or absorbed. It'll be fun to watch. (Grammer, to us, will always be Sideshow Bob, our favorite Republican).
Her's a trailer for the network:
What a great idea. I really hope that Grammer can be successful in this endeavor. It would be nice to have a truly conservative network to watch and to educate.
FNC has been ok, but has way too many liberals on polluting the atmosphere with their thieving schemes.
It will be fun to have another option that counters the vile lies that MSNBC distributes daily.
I hope that we get the opportunity to invest in this proposed network.
Thanks for spreading the good news Mr. Hood.
Posted by: Chucks | September 29, 2010 at 09:52 AM
Oh great just what we need, yet another bastion of conservative bullshit attempting to further impede the attempt at progress that we are trying to accomplish. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.
Posted by: MstngSally | September 29, 2010 at 10:33 AM
I nominate James O’Keefe as the networks first news anchor.
Posted by: BlackRhino | September 29, 2010 at 11:36 AM
It will be a counter the progressive (prohibitionist) toxic bullcrup at MSNBC, et al. I wish Kelsey Grammar good luck with that venture.
The real vermin dispensing their propaganda (SEIU thugs, Organizing for America, and typical lib prog cadre) can be further repudiatied there with the disinfectant of the truth, more to Mr. Soros' chagrin.
Posted by: KS | September 29, 2010 at 11:58 AM
"MSNBC, et al."
What's the et al? Besides MSNBC, which partially fills its schedule with progressive hosts,there is no other big progressive TV network. 9 out of 10 radio talk programs are conservative.
I suppose you are including mainstream stations or everything to the left of Fox News.
What do you mean 'prohibitionist?' I thought the rap against progressives is that they don't want to prohibit stuff (abortion, gay marriage, religious freedom, et al)
Posted by: Erictheeditor | September 29, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Eric, They are all way to liberal for our own good. Look what they have done to the lib posters here. FNC is moderate compared to the rest of them but still leaves room for a true conservative network.
Hell, even the broadcast scripted entertainment shows writers find ways to slip liberal/progressive hate in to what should be non political entertainment.
Posted by: Chucks | September 29, 2010 at 01:24 PM
MSNBC, et al."
What's the et al? Besides MSNBC, which partially fills its schedule with progressive hosts,there is no other big progressive TV network. 9 out of 10 radio talk programs are conservative. I suppose you are including mainstream stations or everything to the left of Fox News.
et. al. - Inclusive of the other cable network (CNN) and the leftwing progressivist talkers (Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller). I did not include the alphabet channels.
What do you mean 'prohibitionist?' I thought the rap against progressives is that they don't want to prohibit stuff (abortion, gay marriage, religious freedom, et al)
Progressives are not necessarily for religious freedom - they would rather illuminate Islam and keep Christianity out of the public square especially during the Christmas season (the ACLU is an arm of progressivism). Many progressivists would be happy if conservative debate were muted, which is what the (un)Fairness Doctrine is really about, and is resurrected periodically. I reject part of your claim The two examples I offer (the claims of abortion and gay marriage are valid though).
Choice in education is another area where progrsssives would like to prohibit - why no charter schools here ? BTW - progressives were primarily responsible implementing the era of prohibition back in 1920's and 1930's, thus the name prohibitionist
Posted by: KS | September 29, 2010 at 01:34 PM
KS, Obama is purposely driving tea party members crazy so they’ll destroy America for him.
Posted by: BlackRhino | September 29, 2010 at 02:57 PM
You have the roles reversed, mon ami - the Tea Party is driving the elitists and the White House crazy and they aren't going away anytime soon.
Destruction of this country remains to be seen- stay tuned. If this country is destroyed, it will come from within.
Posted by: KS | September 29, 2010 at 03:41 PM
Kelsey Grammer VS. Fox news. Get out the popcorn grand ma’ it’s an old time eye gougin’ contest.
KS, He’s using stimulus money to rebuild the country’s roads and bridges so terrorists will have more targets to destroy.
Posted by: BlackRhino | September 29, 2010 at 04:19 PM
Kelsey Grammer and Harry Shearer have done a send up of J Edgar Hoover. It's performed as a musical and damn funny.
Grammer is one of the most talented actors around. Frasier is probably the one show on tv that I miss.
Posted by: Puget Sound-- | October 02, 2010 at 12:46 AM
Perhaps Kelsey Grammer can one day be as successful as Fox News in getting into the President's head (aka Teleprompter).
Seems like the President can't give a speech without his Teleprompter telling him to repeat something about Fox News.
Folks, this isn't good. The leader of the Free World is sniveling about what Hannity or O'Reilly spew?
Jeez, maybe 2012 will bring some authentic Hope and Change. I know that 2010 will be a start.
"An executive at Fox News who agreed to be interviewed on the condition of anonymity expressed “astonishment” over Mr. Obama’s focus on the network. “We are so in his head,” he said. “Can you believe with all the other things going on in this world he’s preoccupied with Fox News?”
Posted by: Puget Sound --Fox News in Obama's Head (teleprompter) | October 03, 2010 at 08:05 AM
I like Kelsey Grammar as Frasier and will have to check out his new show - I'd say he is articulate and nuanced - jest like the liberals like to be seen as, except Grammar is conservative and there's more like him waiting in the wings.
As previously mentioned before (as astutely noted by Bryan Suits) - the issue with Obama isn't the color of his skin - it's the thickness of his skin, re: his spewing of ph(J)oanie vitreol about Fox News.
Posted by: KS | October 03, 2010 at 10:16 AM