Congratulations to our old friend and former KIRO PD, Rod Arquette. He’s been hired to host a 4-7p show on Clear Channel’s “Family Values Talk Radio,” KNRS (105.7) in Salt Lake City. He’ll start Aug. 2.
This is the station who grabbed up Sean Hannity (m-f, 1-4p, starting Oct. 4) when Arquette’s old bosses at Bonneville booted him from KSL for being uncivil.
This is the station who grabbed up Sean Hannity (m-f, 1-4p, starting Oct. 4) when Arquette’s old bosses at Bonneville booted him from KSL for being uncivil.
that kind of a show would bomb big in Seattle - family values talk radio is for dweebs to the largely hip, nouveau-chic and vacuous Seattle demographic. Just sayin'
Posted by: KS | July 23, 2010 at 03:33 PM
He was a complete bust in this town.
Posted by: Lukobe | July 23, 2010 at 03:47 PM
Just had a conversation with a woman who was told by Rod Arquette when he was at KIRO that he wouldn't put a talk show on the air hosted by women because "women are too stupid to understand news/talk radio and can only handle information in little "snippets" surrounded by music. This guy is a fucking shithead. Thank God he's out of Seattle.
Posted by: Wendell | July 23, 2010 at 06:36 PM
Lotta folks loved this guy in Seattle... for all the poop on this blog. He was liked at work.
Posted by: Edmonds | July 24, 2010 at 12:12 AM
Family values talk radio?
Is that republican style , with hooker toe suckers, hollywood bondage clubs, senators in diapers and reaching out in mens bathroom stalls?
Or multiple divorces and trips to out of the country with rent-boys?
Way too complicated , but if that's what floats your boat KS just don't get caught with anyone underage.
Posted by: ExPatBrit | July 24, 2010 at 02:57 PM
You left out sweet-talkin' Mel, Brit. Another true conservative.
Posted by: joanie | July 24, 2010 at 03:13 PM
back at ya -do the Democratics even care about families any more ? don't do as you do, do as you say right ?
rather than go tit for tat like ExPatBrit wants to, I'll propose this approach;
People are people - sinners, whether Republican or Democrat. Arquette was obviously out of place in Seattle and belongs in a Mormon stronghold like Salt Lake City.
Posted by: KS | July 24, 2010 at 03:28 PM
Interesting the "Rod-Father" picked up a job as "talent" since he was the most abysmally bad judge of it I've ever seen.
Posted by: jackrebney | July 28, 2010 at 10:27 AM
Wendell it's a testament to the mindless flames on this blog that you would pass along that kind of tripe as an actual conversation.
And, yes, despite his limited success with KIRO it is true Rod is genuinely liked by most everyone I know who has worked with him.
Posted by: Holland | July 28, 2010 at 09:32 PM
Can you guys in Seattle please take back Rod Arquette? Listening to him here in Salt Lake City is just torture. He says "ah" alot, has a segment called "Thank Rod It's Friday" (get it .. Rod instead of God), and is in general just plain unlistenable. His observations are a trite rehasing of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. Please please take back Rod Arquette . We have enough problems here in Salt Lake without his added garbage.
Posted by: Dave | December 07, 2010 at 06:16 PM
Rod, I was told by a listener that you mentioned on your show some info on a...Noahs Ark Resort? I am glad. I am the sole developer, architect, and owner of all the registered rights to the Noahs Ark Resort. I am trying to bring this to Utah and have met up with an unbelieveable amount of resistance.
This is a news story in itself.
If you are instrumental in any way to help in marketing this project, I will give you a $50,000 referral fee. This project will be bigger than the olympics. I am in Pleasant Grove. I will be happy to give you the exclusive story of the Resort and all the blacklisting by many officials. owner William Kunsman
801-785-5131 [email protected]
Posted by: William Kunsman | January 06, 2011 at 11:16 AM
Hey much would you give me for two tiny dinosaurs to go on the Ark??
Posted by: sparky | January 06, 2011 at 04:43 PM
If we intend to change the overcrowding of jails and prisons, there needs to be a "points system" like your drivers license, limited total beds in our facilities. And once you have reached to many points your life will end out back. A chance to work off your points same as your drivers license. Those who wish to change there life will, those who want to continue to stay in trouble will self eliminate, and no longer be a burden on the tax payers.
This solves the over-crowding and makes crime a huge price to pay thus creating a better behaved society period.
Posted by: Ron | January 07, 2011 at 03:54 PM
Wow, a poster who claims Rod was generally liked by all who worked with him! Really? I guess that's why a bunch of his former employees who worked for him at KSL get together for lunch once a month and talk about how much they disliked him. I worked for him and couldn't stand him - one of the biggest phonies and insincere men I have ever met or worked for in my life. This isn't sour grapes either, it's the truth. Behind his outgoing facade he is manipulative and not the least bit trustworthy...oh, I forgot, coldhearted and all for himself. that seems to be the consensus of most I know who are acquainted with him in a working environment.
Posted by: Unigue | February 05, 2011 at 09:27 AM
How does rod keep his job?! Who owns this radio station. Last week when a caller asked him how come 80% of blacks are registered democrats, he replied," because they want everything for free!". Are you kidding me?! How offensive! He also said " bin laden is now swimming with the fishes". What a childish statement. I will never listen to this station again. Hopefully companies will pull their ads.
Posted by: Jill rawstorne | May 03, 2011 at 08:56 AM
Jill, as a black man, I see that he is right, at least with most that I know. Maybe the college blacks feel different but most of my friends and family think the goverment owes them everything, including my ex wife and my kids.
swimming with fishes is such a common thing to say. It is really stupid to let that offend you.
If you are offended by that shit, you would hate the man I rent a room from. Guy is so far right he makes Ronald Ragen look like a Democrat and always says exactly what he is thinking. Funny shit really.
Posted by: South Tacoma | May 03, 2011 at 02:23 PM
With over 50 U.S. Senate Seats up for grabs, why is supposedly Conservative FreedomWorks number two target is Utah's Orrin Hatch? They have unleashed a massive campaign against him and told many untruths about his record. Last week Matte Kibbe said that Hatch's opponent Kiljenquist was innovative and had RESCUED THE UTAH STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM FROM BANKRUPTCY. That was a blatant lie, the URS has never been bankrupt. Even Dick Morris has joined in the effort that Hatch is the number one Senator to replace, Why is Hatch the most important Senator to unseat who has been at least 85 to 90% conservative when there are so many liberal, progressive, Democrats that need ousting. Utah doesn't need an out of state organization that can't tell the truth to intimidate us to vote against Hatch.
Posted by: Barbara Roemmich | March 13, 2012 at 04:28 PM