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July 23, 2010



Rachel could debate him into a corner with her little finger.


It isn't about Rachel. It is about us. The American People. Who want fictitious narrative and sensational sound effects. Lies in other words. Words that validate our emotions.

That's what Fox does.


Your'e talkin' about the braying jackasses at MSLSD, of course- who has approx. 1/10 the viewers of FNC.

Once again, facts get in the way.


Once again, O'Reilly is made to look like the fool he is. The sad part about that statement however, is that as far as the front-line blabbers on Faux go (Hannity, Beck, etc.), he's the LEAST partisan sounding. It really is a shame that more folks don't watch Maddow, they may actually learn something.


Numbers of Fox viewers does not translate into facts, nor did it translate into votes. All it means is Fox news has a lot of...I will be kind.."uninformed" people watching and never questioning what they hear.

As Joanie said, they are perfectly happy accepting whatever they are told. Learning something is not important. I work with some of these people.


KS blurted: "Your'e talkin' about the braying jackasses at MSLSD, of course- who has approx. 1/10 the viewers of FNC. "

Spongebob Squarepants has ten times the number of viewers FOX has. I guess that means Spongebob is... a better journalist?


I don't think so. Better check your facts (viewership numbers) or you'll look stupid like the NAACP and the USDA. Of course, that's your choice.


Learn to write in proper English. The first letter of a sentence is always capitalized! What an ignorant person you are!


KS: I merely exaggerated, like you did.

Spongebob gets about twice the ratings O'Reilly does.

So...does that mean Spongebob is more credible than O'Reilly?


tigsnort - I didn't realize that you were such a spongebob fan along with the rest of the 8-year olds.


spongebob doesn't even report news, but he would improve ratings on MSLSD(NBC) and also CNN- the children's and adolescent networks respectively. However, it would not help Fox, as it is an adult network. ROFL...


Lauer tells us that there's "biased media" on both sides. But while Breitbart may indeed be "biased," that fact has nothing whatsoever to do with what Breitbart did, which is actively mislead his audience. You can be biased without actively misleading.

The conventions of media neutrality apparently require us to keep saying that "both sides do it." But let's drill down on what "it" really is. If by "it" we mean making editorial decisions -- what story to cover, what quotes to seek, who to interview, etc -- that are to some degree rooted in one's political preferences and beliefs, then yes, both sides do it.

But if by "it" we mean purveying information to readers or viewers that's designed only to achieve a political objective, with no effort whatsoever to ascertain its accuracy, true significance, or context, then the answer is: No, both sides don't do it.

From Washington Post. That is the difference between us KS. There's a difference between bias and outright deception.


Once again, you are so twisted that you don't know bias from deception. BTW, Lauer is clueless just like you are.


KS farted: "spongebob doesn't even report news"

Exactly. That's the folly of comparing apples & oranges. It's like, say, comparing FOX News (which is an ideologically driven propaganda network - except for Shepard Smith), and MSNBC, which although it has a handful of liberal hosts it's actual news division is fairly objective. FOX's "news division" is merely an operational arm of the "opinion division", as has been documented ad nauseum. As a result, FOX attracts a large gang of loyal sheeple who can't bear to hear objective news because it has a "liberal bias".

So it looks like KS had a teachable moment here: it's silly to compare FOX News and MSNBC because they're two different things.

Puget Sound

So it looks like KS had a teachable moment here: it's silly to compare FOX News and MSNBC because they're two different things.

Posted by: tigsnort | July 23, 2010 at 09:24 PM

well, let me extend the teachable moment in that you are correct that Fox and MSNBC are two different things. One is very successful the other is only on part time -unless you count all those 'Catch A Coiler'..oops, I mean 'Predator' Shows on the weekend and otherwise hosted by a variety of buffoons such as Olberman, Matthews, and Big Ed.


tigsnort - Is that all you have ?

BTW, I like Sheperd Smith - he is even handed, but there are others, like Chris Wallace, Brent Bair, Juan Williams and Mara Liason who are also objective.
Fox dares to be objective in their news coverage, which comes across as right wing bias in your twisted lib progressive world. MSLSD is ridiculously leftwing biased and takes almost everything out of context. Seems like you are anti-free market, otherwise why do you support the current administration ?

tigsnort flatulated;
MSNBC, which although it has a handful of liberal hosts it's actual news division is fairly objective. FOX's "news division" is merely an operational arm of the "opinion division", as has been documented ad nauseum"

you are either smoking crack and are delusional. You have it back-asswards once again. I doubt if you ever watch Fox News, and probably read about it in leftwing blogs who tell half-truths and partially document and are out to smear anything that is a hint of conservative. Pathetic...

You are the pot calling the kettle black - keep watching MSNBC - the kiddie channel that is narcissists and braying jackasses, who don't know the meaning of objective who are mainly commie-pinkos. Any teachable moments have flown right over your head,. Take off your blinders and get out of your cocoon.


KS jumps for joy....


As Sirota said on Thursday before finally hanging up on a stupid caller, " you can debate opinion but not facts" What you "think" does not change fact. That's what you don't seem to understand, KS.

Too many cocktails, sputs? Yours doesn't even make sense. But then, I guess nonsense is what you're reduced to these days.

And, KS, - pot-meet-kettle-meet-pot - find some new verbage. It's like Ground Hog Day every day with you lately,


You didn't finish, Puget. One is very successful because it's more of a validation excercise than a news network. MSNBC gets a smaller audience because it's viewers aren't as loyal and don't rely on MSNBC for all their information. For righties, FOX is the sole trusted source. FOX's overt purpose is to provide sanctuary, not objective information. Rightwingers flock to it because they tend to be hive-minded - and they are desperate. The world is a big, scary, reality-based place, and FOX is their sactuary. These people are pretty much the 30% of Americans who supported George Bush to the end. MSNBC doesn't play that kind of role for the left.

Puget Sound

I wish Sirota wouldn't steal Charles Krauthammer's lines...

so joanie, you don't think olberman is a buffoon?

hell, even the journolist folks were ragging on what an embarrassment that clown is.

"If you were one of the 400 members of the listserv Journolist, perhaps one of the most vicious insults you could hurl at a colleague is: You’re just like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity.

If the reader holds neutral — or even positive — views about the Fox News hosts, the insult may not sting. But in the cloistered world of liberal listserv enclaves, Hannityism is a cardinal sin. After all, Fox is a “dangerous,” “deranged” “cesspool” that, possibly, the FCC should be investigating.

The feelings against MSNBC host Keith Olbermann, then, must run deep.

“He’s become O’Reilly on the left– completely predictable, unfunny, and arrogant,” said Georgetown University Professor Michael Kazin in May 2009. “To my mind, what they do is no different form Hannity and O’Reilly,” said the New America Foundation’s Michael Cohen, “At least Hannity and O’Reilly engage with the other side (if mainly just to yell at them). Olbermann is just an echo chamber.”

(Cohen later elaborated he was arguing that both MSNBC and Fox News play to political extremes).

At issue was a segment Olbermann had run about Carrie Prejean, the former Miss California who stirred debate in 2009 when she defended traditional marriage.

Following the segment, the subject on Journolist was “I hate Keith Olbermann again,” and the members of the list let it rip.

The Nation’s Katha Pollitt began the group’s rant. “He and Michael Musto did this whole long riff about beauty contestant Carrie ‘opposite marriage’ Prejean’s breast implants, stupidity, breast implants, tacky clothes, earrings, breast implants. They went on and on about how she was ‘part plastic’ and pathetic. You’d think they were celibate vegans who spent their lives zen meditating. It was just a whole TV humiliation of her, and it made me feel sorry for her, which wasn’t easy,” Pollitt said.

Michael O’Hare, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said the segment was “about as funny as a rubber crutch. Odd when a reasonable person’s internal alarm doesn’t go off in a situation like that …’I’m going to ridicule a girl who’s obviously at her personal limits just trying to look conventionally pretty on national TV? What does that make me’?”

O’Hare even suggested friends stage an intervention for Olbermann. “If anyone on the list is a friend of Olbermann, friendship demands that you give him a head-up about this lapse,” he said.

Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor and CNN contributor, said Olbermann’s root problem is his misogyny. “I can’t take him anytime. I think to write off his mysogyny (sic) as limited to Musto is just not accurate. That very much defined much of how he talked about Clinton as well as others.”

Zelizer was referring to a series of instances during the primary campaign between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when critics from both sides of the aisle criticized Olbermann for allegedly sexist treatment towards Hillary. Olbermann was forced to apologize.

The Washington Independent’s Spencer Ackerman said a brutal parody of Olbermann reflected his true nature. “I hate both Ben Affleck and Saturday Night Live, but this should end all debate about the merits of Olbermann,” he said, linking to the parody."


Oh, Krauthammer was the first person in the world to say those words? Who cares.

Your post is an overly-long piece of crap. Do you always let other people do your thinking for you? And you've posted junk like this before like it means something. It doesn't.

At least now we know where you get your junk: dailycaller.com;diogenes-honest-politician? You just keep proving over and over again that you really never can think for yourself.


Oh, BTW, there are more people on MSNBC than Olbermann. You can learn something new every day.

Puget Sound

joanie, they've traced the call. it's from inside your house.

quick, run outside...

Puget Sound

while the idiot is gone, i'll address tigsnort.

tig, fox gets a lot of viewers from all sides. it hurts, but a lot of people in the middle watch fox.


You really do live in fantasy land, don't you? I bet you do impersonations of Chauncey Gardiner in front your mirror, too.

Puget Sound

well, i am sure the idiot has figured it out about now and will be coming back inside to post her drivel.

sorry, got to go.


Can't take it? From a woman? Figures.


"a lot of people in the middle" - you don't have a single iota of evidence for that statement. Typical fixed news sheeple.


The world is a big, scary, reality-based place, and FOX is their sactuary. These people are pretty much the 30% of Americans who supported George Bush to the end. MSNBC doesn't play that kind of role for the left.

Posted by: tigsnort | July 23, 2010 at 10:15 PM

Strange, I did not support Bush to the end and you forgot to lump others who support a free-market economy in there too. Oh, yes there is also CNBC that includes the father of the tea parties, Rick Santelli. And you ? you and Joanie are anti free-market, otherwise why would you side with the drivel from MSLSD ? Olbermann is such a loon that even the rank and file liberals find him boorish because he never has any guests that oppose his views - bathtub boy is insecure about that kind of thing and Rachel is the master of distorting out of context when it comes to dissenting views.

What are you people so insecure about ? If the majority who support a free market economy and smaller government bother you so much, check out Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela or socialist Europe.


"a lot of people in the middle" - you don't have a single iota of evidence for that statement. Typical fixed news sheeple.

Posted by: joanie | July 23, 2010 at 10:50 PM

It's out there, so eat your heart out. If you bear with me, I'll find said evidence before the weekend is out and take out your house of cards.

Puget Sound

You'll have to be patient. Her favorite Pres, Jimmy Carter, has had some bad news that takes out her summer roadtrip plan of riding the twisty roads to Plain's GA to guzzle some Billy Beer and talk of the dream that once was the Carter Presidency...

"The gas station of former President Jimmy Carter’s beer drinking brother will not become a national historic site paid for by taxpayers — at least, not yet.

Legislation that would expand the former president’s national historic site by 30 acres at a cost of $17 million over five years was pulled from consideration during a Senate committee meeting Thursday. Republican Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming offered an amendment preventing the Billy Carter Service Station Museum from being included in the expansion, making the Georgia museum a national park. The House has already passed similar legislation.

“The Los Angeles Times posed the question best: ‘In the age of the $787-billion stimulus package, it is, perhaps, a modest question: Should the American taxpayer foot the bill to enshrine the gas station run by the late Billy Carter?’’ Barrasso said during the meeting. “I believe the answer is no.”

The younger Carter was known for his outlandish behavior while his older brother was president, including his promotion of “Billy Beer.”

According to Barrasso’s office, it is unclear when the bill will receive a vote, though his office says he “will continue to fight to ensure that no taxpayer dollars are used to support the Billy Carter Gas Station.”

The Billy Carter Gas Station is privately owned, but its ownership would be transferred to the government if the legislation is approved. The gas station has old gasoline pumps, stacked tires outside, colorful articles from Carter’s closet, commendations from around the world and “Billy Beer” paraphernalia.

“Mother always believed — and she convinced the rest of us — that Billy was the most brilliant member of the family,” said Jimmy Carter, according to a past Associated Press report. “And I don’t think anybody would doubt that.”

Puget Sound for ph(J)oanie

Hey Joanie
That cretin you love to listen to, Mike Malloy, made some truly tasteless comments regarding Glenn Beck and the loss of his mother. Is this someone you really listen to?

" MIKE MALLOY : Just sitting there, trying to watch this piece of human garbage spew his stuff on FOX, it's worse than I thought! Please, Glenn, get on to the part where you, you know, fulfill your family tradition... (makes extended gunshot sound)"

C'mon Joanie, even YOU have to cringe at that. Or do you...

The Glenn Beck Comedy Tour 2009


KS and PS have wheedled, slippery-sloped amd cut-and-pasted away from any semblance of the subject.

Folks (I can't call you "gentlemen" given the evidence on display), if you can't stay on point, then you're just like any politician who won't answer a direct question and obfuscates. Hope that makes you proud. Oh, but I forgot the point isn't to be right, the point is to shut down debate. Whatever it takes, right, boys? Or is that "By any means necessary?"


Is that all you have ? What have you contributed to the discussion ? Nothing but your typical drive by screed. Are you another anti- free market economy dolt and a useful idiot ?


Puget Sound  for the Usual Suspects...LMAO

not the 'Seattle Shuffle' by Joanie.
Her boy, Malloy, posits some genuine hate talk. Isn't this the same cretin you love to tell us about, joanie? no wonder ol'kkkoiler-que loves this kind of crap.

anyone else want to defend mike malloy?

c'mon, surely one of the usual suspects here on this blog have no problem with this?

"" MIKE MALLOY : Just sitting there, trying to watch this piece of human garbage spew his stuff on FOX, it's worse than I thought! Please, Glenn, get on to the part where you, you know, fulfill your family tradition... (makes extended gunshot sound)"

Puget Sound

btw, I am not a fan or quoter of rush limbaugh, glen beck, sean hannity, michael savage, et al.

I do like well reasoned talk. ronn owens of kgo comes to mind.


Wow..Daniel Choi just handed back his Westpoint ring and his discharge papers to Harry Reid at the NRN2010 convention..Reid said he would personally give them back once DADT legislation is passed in the Senate.


Dean Baker on Democracy Now fearing that Congress is going to screw up our social security which he says is good till 2027 or thereabouts and only needs minor modifications to go longer. He pointed out that on Obama's team of thinkers are two guys who want to get rid of it altogether. Baker is worried. Doesn't get why Obama even includes these guys.

Free market KS? Here's your free market:

In a stroke, a hedge fund manager here named Anthony Ward has all but cornered the market in cocoa. By one estimate, he has bought enough to make more than five billion chocolate bars.

Chocolate lovers here are crying into their Cadbury wrappers — and rival traders are crying foul, saying Mr. Ward is stockpiling cocoa in a bid to drive up already high prices so he can sell later at a big profit. His activities have helped drive cocoa prices on the London market to a 30-year high.

Hedge funds and Wall Street strike again.

And this isn't about chocolate, please.


That can be directly attributed to the Financial Reform Bill - signed by the Mr. Obama himself. Less and less free market will be the result. Another bill where they need to sign it before they find out everything that is in it.

Why didn't it reign in Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae ? A glaring oversight. Because it was more about government control, although the GOP was able to water it down somewhat. Hedge funds are a clear and present danger. For Wall Street and hedge funds striking again, the Administration/congress are the culprits for allowing this and not addressing it in their financial reform. Whatever happens in this area from hereon out is not Bush's fault.

From what I have heard, Ronn Owens would probably agree with much of this.


No. Read the damn article. He's in Britain. It's the London market.

You are so stupid.

BTW, it was Bush who demanded that Freddie and Fannie ease up requirements because "everybody should have a nice home to live in." (paraphrased)

Damn. You really need to get informed. Can you read? God. You just have no clue.


I do like well reasoned talk. ronn owens of kgo comes to mind.

Posted by: Puget Sound | July 24, 2010 at 03:44 PM

Ronn Owens is pretty close to a centrist as is Gene Burns, both professional to the callers. I also like listening to Jason Lewis (out of Minneapolis) on KXL - 750 from 9PM- Midnight weeknights - he has also been on CNBC. He is libertarian and a paleo-conservative with a good grasp of Wall Street and our financial system. He is less partisan than Beck, Rush and Savage and more about common sense and being pragmatic. Good bumper music also.

He is anti-neo-con and believes that the GOP will be a minority party for a long time if the neo-cons continue to co-opt it and that we should get out of Afghanistan and Iraq soon...


BTW, it was Bush who demanded that Freddie and Fannie ease up requirements because "everybody should have a nice home to live in." (paraphrased)

Damn. You really need to get informed. Can you read? God. You just have no clue.

Posted by: joanie | July 24, 2010 at 07:31 PM

I get tired of looking at your editorial crap that is from Joanie's cocoon, so pardon me if I didn't read it. Who needs to be informed ? Don't make me laugh - WTF does that have to do with Wall Street ? You, who worships at the altar of Krugman and Keynesian economics. You are full of dog squeeze if you think your take has any credibility. I don't care what Bush did - he screwed up its over - got that ? i do care how this guy in the White House did nothing about Freddie and Fannie. Get over yourself !


Watching netroots, Sparky, but I can't get so excited. Seems like yesterday we were all excited and enthusiastic about the great changes coming.

Time is passing. Federal prosecutors need to be fired and judicial vacancies need to be filled. Little by little, the same Bush-appointed people are still fucking things up. I don't see any turn for the better. Crumbs? Yes.

And this secrecy surrounding everything BP is just the final straw. The government aiding and abetting the creeping and insidious harm being done to the victims who work on the spill at low wages and without the ability to follow basic health precautions.

What is that?

I really think Obama has some empathy but his first priority is to be part of the club. I believe that. Otherwise he'd get rid of Geithner at least. And Elizabeth Warren would be named as the head of the consumer agency. It would be a done deal. He's like Clinton: he wants to be part of the club.


I get tired of looking at your editorial crap that is from Joanie's cocoon, so pardon me if I didn't read it.

No, you're not pardoned for not reading it. You're just stupid.


Like I give a shit. Just shut your stupid piehole, ignorant one and go back into your cocoon.


Ignorance is not pardonable. You should be ashamed of your posts. And your ignorance.


Listening to the Franken speech. Good one. He's not ignorant. I wonder if anybody in the administration listens or watches any of this?

Puget Sound

Ignorance is not pardonable. You should be ashamed of your posts. And your ignorance.

Posted by: joanie | July 24, 2010 at 08:05 PM

this, from the same person who regularly touts mike malloy.
still doing the seattle sidestep...
the more things change, the more it stays the same.

note that NONE of the usual suspects can defend the crap that comes from malloy's mouth.


and why do we need to defend anything to you Putz?

joanie his speech was great. Lot's to think about.


Are you in love with Mike Malloy or is he just a fetish for you? Who the fuck cares about Mike Malloy? Seems like you're the only one.

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