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June 13, 2010



Good move. The old slogan probably turned off as many people as it appealed to. "The Truth" is just as bad. I'd like to think a few of their listeners appreciate the "shades of gray" in controversial topics and don't just assume that conservative radio hosts are always going to be right about everything, or that they're the most patriotic.

Puget Sound

I know that it is all about 'branding' but I dislike the 'the truth' or 'freedom 570' for the reasons outlined by Andrew.
It's similar to the feelings I get when a host talks about how much 'smarter' his or her audience is then the average crowd. It always makes me wince and reach for my wallet to make sure that it is still there. Both conservative and liberal talk show hosts do this.
For those that listen to both types of hosts you'll probably note the similar tactics.


loss of freedom was supose to wind up the base. It was no doubt a David Frume talking point.


Isn't it funny that a station thinks "branding" will make crummy talkers better? The brand may bring listeners of certain sort in but it won't keep them.


Reminds me of a legendary station in Dallas, KLIF.

After its Top 40 run of the 50s/60s/70s it eventually went talk and also through a lots of 'branding' slogans.

The one that really drove it into the ground (from which it has still yet to recover from) was:

BIG 570....We Got Issues!

Made it sound like the whole station was in for weekly therapy.

The Glenn Beck Comedy Tour 2009

How about "KVI 570...We've Got the Knees...We've Got the Jerks!"




"loss of freedom was supose to wind up the base."

Some people see social programs as enabling freedom - freedom to go and do as you please without being burdened by fear and insecurity. And for those whose main concern is that their freedom would come at a cost to their own bank accounts, at least you're not being put in any danger (and if you are, then you're managing your finances badly anyway).

Besides, conservatives hardly ever use the word "freedom" any more. More like "lower taxes", "corrupt government", "spend happy liberals", "a black man is president"... Maybe their slogan should be ***Me First 570***


You sound like a very bitter person.


speaking of KVI, there aer two talkhosts hwo are obnoxiously obsesssed with abortion and regularly make asses out of themselves over the issue.KVI is "proud" to have one of them- Laura Ingraham, the cackling witch (rhymes with-...). The other one is that odious , insipid, singsongy priss, Allen Hunt, who prattles away on the new, Mormon-destroyed KIROfm.


His Show is neither right or left; it's simply about right -v- wrong.
You would do well to listen intently to it.


Yeah, now that abortion is essentially legal, the only people who ever talk about it are the people upset about it. When Bush was ruining the country you didn't see conservatives talk about that because they were just happy to have the guy they voted for in power. It's like that.

I can understand where pro-lifers are coming from, abortion is a scary and sad thing, but what they don't realize is that some pregnant women aren't cut out to be mothers, at least not right now, and they know it, and they will take a great toll on society. The book Freakonomics convincingly relates lack of abortions to a great rise in crime.

Redneck Liberal

It's a little worrying that Durrman needs a hack radio talker to help him distinguish right from wrong. "His Show is neither right or left; it's simply about right -v- wrong." WTF? Is this guy Jesus? Are you off your meds?


a lot of red states have nothing but Rush Limbaugh, Dori-type libertarian morons or Suits extremists on various radio stations up and down the state. I'm rethinking where i might want to buy a summer cabin or property based on a terrifying example of "red state justice" repeated on MSNBC last night. it was about a guy who almost surely didnt commit the murder hes ben rotting in prison for for decades. Most likely a gang of girls killed the young woman hes accused of slaying. he was up for parole and all sorts of evidence was presented in his favor at the extended hearing, pointing toward not only his good behavior in prison but his actual innocence. He had been a late teen at the time a bogus, bullied, confession was forced out of him ater hours of interrogation by corrupt lawmen, who threatened him with certain execution on death row if he didn't confess. They broke the poor guy and he admitted it ot the parole board. These asses on the parole board ignored the facts, and with a kind of mulish, bovine stupidity only really found in red, Repug states, kept going back ot the fact that he "confessed" as proof of his guilt. It's risky to spend a lot of your time in a red state like Montana, Mormon Utah or Texas - you run the risk of just this kind of travesty happening to you. Lickily the courts are now considering vacating the hapless fellow's conviction.


I didn't notice, but freedom 570 or "the truth" is a turn-off.
Allan Hunt is like so many other talk shows - his theme sounds good, but what he delivers needs work.

I listened to Ronn Owens on KGO this morning (I used hear him back in the early 80's in the evenings). He sounded pragmatic and was able to avoid the political hackery and the typical agenda. Refreshing to listen to. One of the topics was about unfunded liabilities and how do we deal with them - one of the better ways is to reduce pensions 10-15% across the board and he'll have a guest to discuss that more tomorrow.

Jiim Palmer

Is there any truth to the rumor that "Duffman" is actually "Dori?"


Yes, there's truth to the 'rumor' but no truth to the 'fact'. Capice.


...but T008 'could' be Dori, as he seems to dwell on focusing on Dori as tho he wants all attention and comments to go in that direction. Dori gets more free blog advertising because of T008 than probably any other blogger.
So, he likely is Dori or is totally infatuated with him and his show.


Does Glenn Beck get carried on radio here? I read today that he has signed with his 400th station.


Never mind, I just spoted it to the right.


"The book Freakonomics convincingly relates lack of abortions to a great rise in crime."

I haven't finished "Freakonomics", &rew, so tell us how this computes. Do unaborted people commit more crimes? Lack of abortions results in lack of ethics? What?


Yeah, you see statistics show that aborted humans have a very low crime rate.


Yes, unwanted children are more likely to commit crime, presumably because their parent(s) weren't as enthusiastic or as capable of providing the same level of parenting that willing parents will provide.


As there appears to be no retort, I assume all agree with my postulation.


In the absence of anti-abortion laws, the relative drop in crime outpaced what could be attributed to a drop in population. Therefore, it's been established that babies who were aborted would have been more likely to commit crime, had they not been abroted, than babies born to parents who had wanted or welcomed children. Look, duff, this stuff is over your head.

Puget Sound

Looks like KVI is going to have plenty of material in which to get the ol 'hot talk' going in regards to Pres Obama.

EVEN MSNBC was comparing Pres Obama to Pres Carter after this BP Speech. (Can anyone say, 'Malaise?')

Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman react to President Obama's Oval Office Address on the oil spill. Here are the highlights of what the trio said:

Olbermann: "It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days."

Matthews compared Obama to Carter.

Olbermann: "Nothing specific at all was said."

Matthews: "No direction."

Howard Fineman: "He wasn't specific enough."

Olbermann: "I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling."

Howard Fineman: Obama should be acting like a "commander-in-chief."

Matthews: Ludicrous that he keeps saying [Secretary of Energy] Chu has a Nobel prize. "I'll barf if he does it one more time."

Matthews: "A lot of meritocracy, a lot of blue ribbon talk.
Matthews: "I don't sense executive command."

Hey Coils, if you think the 2010 election is looking good to KS, Chucks, etc. just wait until 2012 rolls around. 1 term and out...LMAO


MSNBC must have had a bad hair day. Can't imagine them going negative for long. They'll be back on the reservation after this mess gets straightened out, in time for 2010 election stretch run...

One can only hope for the sake of our country's future, PutS. For now, its time to focus on the 2010 election and not focus on 2012 - POTUS campaigning will begin in Jan. 2011 - too long of a campaign as it is. Nothing mysterious about it - the left was in control after 2008 and overreached on steroids under the regime of myopic ideologue and an economic retard who has goals of transforming America for all time. He also says he'd rather be a great one-term POTUS than a mediocre two term POTUS. He's honing in on 0 for 2 as in mediocre one-termer aka OTP.

Whatever the case may be, it is becoming more evident that this is the most corrupt administration ever... Needless to say, Hillary Clinton would have been better as POTUS. Just telling it like it is.


They had a 'bad hair day"? That is kinda effeminate you know? just from my years of observing perps in the box.


OK, Moral authority - Change that to bad ass day...


when you've lost Olbermann, you've lost, Barry. He's handled this oil thing with a kind of detached, cerebral coolness, when real emotion, empathy and human-ness was required. Last night's speech was lame. There was one candid moment during the inauguaration caverage where i received confirmation of my fears about Obama. He is walking from The White housw down a red carpet out ot the reviewing stand, Just before entering the stand, he pauses, raises his chin, and an expression of the most grotesque overconfidence, hubris and arrogance is seen on his face. I knew we were headed for some trouble at that point.


And, what the hell does that have to do with KVI dumping it's byline.


"who is this meddlesome, vexatious old fool, yon Duffman?" William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


Look Holmes Bla'M has advised us to remain 'on topic' as much as possible, and I'm just reminding you. 'Blathering blog...11th Hour'


I'm declaring a new bylaw. After 24 hours, any given news item, no matter how sensational, dramatic or relevant, has become stale and outdated. Therefore, after 24 hours, or after twenty posts when a topic has been talked to death (or put to death by putz), I declare that thread an honorary open thread.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was your blog. Please excuse my oversight.


I didn't realize this was your blog.


Isn't but I've been 'reminded' by the owner to remain on topic so I was just passing that along...in a helpful way. Can you handle that.


It's over your head and out your ass, Duh-f! Now how can that be?

Jason Andersen

To conflate abortion statistics with decreases in crime rates is far-fetched and also risky because it sounds creepy...like an eugenics-is-good type argument, but maybe that's your whole point: that the full jack-booted force of the federal government shall be imposed on women and the personal choices that they make with their health care provider, and if they make the tough choice to terminate their pregnancy, I suppose then we should just send the poor young lady to Utah for execution by firing squad.

In reality, the drop in crime has more to do with mandatory-minimum sentencing laws, especially relating to drug crimes and also broad application in some states (like CA) of Three Strikes to include property crimes and not just the most violent offenses and serious sex crimes (like WA). The argument can be made that in certain low-level instances that this basically represents Jim Crow of the 21st Century. We definitely benefit as a society from having violent felons and career drug traffickers off our streets, but in that process we're probably also unnecessarily imprisoning many people and devastatingly impacting families.


Suits is talking bullet caliber again! his middleaged white male listeners are all getting erections.

Jason Andersen

For some reason, 570 KVI beeps in the most subtle and annoying way like every 3 or 4 seconds. I CANNOT LISTEN TO IT! Is it just me, or does anyone else experience this? I live in Belltown/lower Queen Anne area, about 6 blocks from Fisher Plaza. KVI is the only AM or FM station that this happens with. I dunno if it's related to a CLEARWIRE tower that was recently installed on the roof of my building, or if perhaps I am in the early stages of schizophrenia.

Puget Sound

I'm declaring a new bylaw. After 24 hours, any given news item, no matter how sensational, dramatic or relevant, has become stale and outdated. Therefore, after 24 hours, or after twenty posts when a topic has been talked to death (or put to death by putz), I declare that thread an honorary open thread
Posted by: Andrew | June 16, 2010 at 11:34 AM
So says the Queen of the "Seattle-Two Step"...


Miiiiister Andersen, just read Freakonomics, it's a fun book. If you disagree, that's cool but you owe it to yourself to see their argument first hand.

By the way, nobody is proposing mandatory abortions, no policy change of any sort is implied by the finding of the study... other than, perhaps, if you like crime, outlaw abortion.


just back from L.A. flew down last evening, got there just in time ot make the scene with my backwards ball cap ,wiifebeater, my "baller baggies" and my Nikes. had enough tim e to throw traffic cones at a brand new Rolls Royce with a family of four inside, throw a brick at a taco truck and generally make an ass out of myself, before the police moved in.


looks like Monson may have jumped the shark with his Peewee's Playhouse of Outrage production the other day ranting about the cost to the city of renting Key Arena for the Ethiopian community's funeral for the 5 fire victims. The Ethiopian tradition in this country is that the whole community in a city goes to a funeral of their own folks whether they knew the people or not It turns out the cost is about 5,000 dollars, mainly for staffing. I commend Mayor McGinn for doing this. Monson is being reamed by his own listeners over this.


His own listeners are schooling him? Hahahaa. Our community could use some cultural good will right now after the whole "beating the Mexican piss" out of innocent bystanders and all.

This is what I find so often with Libertarian minded people; rigid ideology and a blindness to the dynamics reality. For example, they'll put gun rights ahead of the many innocent victims of gun related violence and firearm misshaps. To them, there are no special cases, no exceptions, no human beings... just rules, rules that always must be followed, no matter what.

Someone commented that as a sports guy, this kind of one-size-fits-all political ideology is the only variety that someone like Monson has the intelectual horse power to handle... and I agree.

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