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May 28, 2010



I'd like to see Jon Stewart mock this. Stewart would probably want to take a shot at that kind of a dialogue.

As much as the left disdains Beck, though they want to scoff at it because of the source, they can relate to the irreverence of his humor toward a POTUS who is not bashful about dissing whoever.

What about what Tavis Smiley said last night (as in gigantic brain fart - WTF) ? I'll link that one later if you people (LOL) are not sure about the significance of what he said.


Ok I lost the bet as to who would be the first to find a way to excuse Glennie.


This is the most banal of enertainment. Who would tune into this crap? More importantly, who would sponcer it? Family values my ass.


Who would tune in? Meet chucks, KS, Duffman, and all of the Puget Sound. Banal is what they understand.


I did not hear this, until Bla'M posted it. Family values is a mockery from both sides now - almost as much as the chant predominantly from the bleeding heart left - "we're doing it for the children"

Banal is what they understand.

Posted by: joanie | May 28, 2010 at 06:31 PM

Coming from the "queen of banal" herself - that's rich..


This op-ed respectfully characterizes Mr.Obama's handling of another crisis- a lot of bloviating and little action. It also points out having the Federal "big" Government lead the way in environmental crises such as this and Katrina is a no-win situation.


But having government regulators rather than hand-picked corporate shills might have prevented it. Ya think?

I forgot. You don't think.


Nope. (I'll ignore that last sentence). You are incredibly naive to believe that - but no surprise there.


I've always been a non-violent person. But I swear to God if I ever saw this man in person and could get through his bodyguards, I'd do my best to drop him with one punch.

Geez, he makes me hate myself for feeling that way.

Cynthia Neuberger

Glenn Beck is no. 1 or 2 in the intellectual elite of the conservative movement. I can't believe I typed the words "Glenn Beck" and "intellectual elite" in the same sentence. In the end, I believe he will be a net plus for progressives.


Yes, its always good to view the glass as half-full.
beck - No. 1 or 2 in the conservative movement ? Source please ?


So KS I assume then you want the government to stay out of the Gulf mess? I mean they can only make it worse, right? Government can't do anything right. So I take it it's okay with you if Obama does nothing. Kind of like a good Republican would.


Wrong ASS-umption. State and local governments along with the private company that caused the spill should have taken the lead. If they needed reinforcements or more resources, thats where the Federal Government comes in, as when there are natural disasters, like floods in this state. As when Bush 43 was POTUS, the DHS - another bureaucracy seemed to make things worse instead of better. As I said after Katrina, DHS should be overhauled and streamlined. Obama did not learn from Bush's mistakes - no surprise to me, but the progressive libs can't believe or accept that fact.

Federal Government screwed up here, just as they did in Katrina - why ? because they responded too slowly and coordinated poorly with State and Local Governments. Obama did too little at the outset and tghe Feds got in the way and the Corps of Engineers delayed dredging permits that would have helped LA protect their coastline - still haven't heard why or if they have issued the permits - smells like incompetence..


damn, i just sprained my ankle about twu hours ago running to the radio to change channels after hearing Dr. Laura's theme music coming on.......John Gibson's show had just finished .... seemed like a lot of fun tonight....i'm not sure i want to go back to Savage if KVI picks him up.....maybe Savage has run his course with me...seems to be getting a bit full of himself ..reading excerpts from magazine interviews of himself....


just in- Savage is not off the air in Seattle. I was dozing at two or three A.M.last night and Savage's show was on---the mystery is what station i had on....97.3 or 770....


So OK Beck heads, Who found it funny? Who was enertained? enertained is a lower standard.


You know who. Would you kindly also share with us when you brush your teeth, go potty and when you get into your pj's and go nite-nite. The blogging world needs to know that stuff too.


look at the wee little monkey ...see the wee little monkey post.... he ignores the fact that i broke news in my post....Michael has announced that Savage was canned but it doesnt seem so..his show has been moved to the early morning hours ...but the wee little monkey focuses on two words in the post instead of the message....haha everyone is laughing now at the wee little monkey of Blatherwatch now ahahahahaa look at them all laughing hhhhheeheheeeeehahahahahahahahahaahahaahah


the part in the other post about me apraining my ankle running to the radio to turn off Dr. Laura was a joke, not an actual reacounting of one of evenings events.....smart people knew it was a joke...the wee little monkey is not smart.....hhahaha ahere come the laughers ..hear them laugh hear them roar at the wee little monkey


Glennie's friend Brit Hume:

"During a Fox News Sunday segment, former newsman Brit Hume asked, if the BP oil slick was so massive, why couldn't he see the oil? He then suggests that we need to "get perspective" because the ocean could absorb the problem."

He must have taken the same science class as nevets.


He doesn't have beach front property. Maybe him and Bobby Jingles can compare notes


What Sparkles fails to tell us is that Hume made that statement almost 3 weeks ago, when the spill was significantly smaller and had not yet reached the coast. She should go to work for the Daily KOS or Media Matters, who are very good at leaving out relevant details that interfere with the proctological journalism. The ocean out 60 -100 miles could absorb a good portion of that problem.

However, when it reaches near the coast, that is very difficult to mitigate. I doubt that Mr. Hume would say anything resembling that today and if you watch Fox News Sunday, you'll see what he says. .


Megyn Kelly says, "Did you plug the hole yet?".

Brit Hume answers, "I gotta wait for the Viagra to kick in first."


"I think its interesting that BobbyJ and the other Republicans have been demanding deregulation and telling the government to keep their hands off of private business..and they got it. Now BP has a mess on its hands--a very expensive mess--suddenly they want the government to rescue them."....Mike Papintonio


Well hell, it seems as if the government is going to be the one that comes to the rescue (again). The feds passed a law years ago, but after the Exxon Valdez, that the oil company's max liability is $1,000,000,000.00. The taxpayers will have to make up the difference.
Yes sir, boots on their necks.

Puget Sound

Megyn Kelly says, "Did you plug the hole yet?".

Brit Hume answers, "I gotta wait for the Viagra to kick in first."

Posted by: Bill | May 29, 2010 at 06:10 PM

looks like ol Sparkles is firing up the phony poster machine...it's kind of funny how the rest of us play along like we don't know...


At 6:10 pm tonight I was having a wonderful steak dinner nowhere near a computer. You will have to blame someone else Putz.

Puget Sound

What Sparkles fails to tell us is that Hume made that statement almost 3 weeks ago, when the spill was significantly smaller and had not yet reached the coast. She should go to work for the Daily KOS or Media Matters, who are very good at leaving out relevant details that interfere with the proctological journalism...

Posted by: KS | May 29, 2010 at 11:38 AM

and i suppose you were so busy getting dinner together that you 'accidentally' left out the relevant details about Mr. Hume, eh?
nevets was right, you are a bit slippery with the truth when it suits ya.
we await your 'splanation...LMAO


Who in the hell is Bill ? Another pseudoname for Coiler, Sparkles or Joanie.

Here's a quote from John McCain, who has said some relevant things lately - another one here;

"Imagine if this was the Bush administration. The media wolf pack would be in full cry. But this is something we've grown used to. We have a compliant media. The good thing is that the American people have figured it out. They're not being guided by the views of the mainstream media. If they were, the president's polls wouldn't be where they are."

The mainstream media, like the usual suspects are slippery with the truth, which is more appalling. We might as well call them Pravda, American Style.


has Brit amended the comment?


What comment from Brit are you talking about ? Do you mean Sparkles misquote or Bill's misquote ?


ah ha!


Though it might be considered an honor to be confused with sparky or colier or joanie or any other poster here....you'll just have to take my word that I'm not them.

I've actually posted sentiments in support of the Beckster selling gold (as Randi and Thom do)...and other notes leaning to the right.

But what he did concerning Obama's children is just plain wrong and hypocritical, in light of his screaming about leaving the kids out of the discussion. Glad he apologized, though I really feel it was all planned out in advance. Throw out a few fire bombs, apologize for it later, get some pub etc....a never ending circle.

And though it creates a disturbing picture in my mind, I'd still like to congratulate Mr. Hume upon his conquest of Ms. Kelly. Apparently there's still some spark left in that bassett hound's loins.


Indeed, Brit Hume, the human shar pei has gone insane like Lee Atwater and Tony Snow once were.

"Appearing on a FOX News Sunday discussion, Juan Williams asked if fellow panelists thought the spill would, in fact, exceed the Exxon-Valdez spill and its ensuing damage. In response, Hume told Williams, “Let’s see if that happens. There’s a good question today if you are standing down there on the Gulf, and that is: Where’s the oil?” Williams clearly could not believe what Hume had just asked, and Hume only continued, “It’s not on — except for little of chunks of it, you’re not even seeing it on the shore yet.” Chris Wallace interjected that there was plenty more oil seeping out along the ocean floor, to which Hume only countered that the majority of seepage usually comes from natural causes and that “the ocean absorbs a lot.” Williams thought Hume implying that the ocean should just handle the situation on its own was preposterous, only to have Hume testily reply, “Who said that? Who is saying that? No one’s making that argument.”

Yep, Hume batshit crazy

Puget Sound

poor coils, following the sparkles line of putting things out of context. no wonder the gg had such an easy time with the schoolteachers...i'm just saying, it was damn amusing for the rest of us.
now be a good little fellow and go spell sparkles off of posting duty.


Mr. 008 do you have a need to be the center of attention? How precious!


no, but you do, obviously....my posts have substance, unlike your "precious" little putdown attempt above....nice try......


” Chris Wallace interjected that there was plenty more oil seeping out along the ocean floor, to which Hume only countered that the majority of seepage usually comes from natural causes and that “the ocean absorbs a lot.” Williams thought Hume implying that the ocean should just handle the situation on its own was preposterous, only to have Hume testily reply, “Who said that? Who is saying that? No one’s making that argument.”

Dude - when was that exchange ? 3 weeks ago.
Conditions were quite different for one thing. He was correct in saying that there is a good deal of seepage of oil from other offshore sources. You missed the big picture then (different from now, 3 weeks later). Some people like you have difficulty following the context. No wonder your politics are batshit crazy - you too Sparkles and Ph(J)oanie - just like the Three Stooges.


Dude, Hume was spot-off in his assessment. This was what was known 4 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago you, like Hume were still in denial.

Thursday, April 29th-Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal declares a state of emergency and the federal government sends in skimmers and booms to prevent environmental damage. At morning, the spill is roughly 16 miles off the Louisiana coast and stretches across a 600-mile area. Updated models indicate the the slick may reach parts of the coast by later today or early Friday. President Obama designates the spill of national significance allowing personnel and equipment from other regions to be more easily mobilized and transferred to the scene. BBC-President Barack Obama said BP was “ultimately responsible for funding… clean-up operations”. he US homeland security secretary, Janet Napolitano, is to visit the Gulf of Mexico tomorrow. BP stocks plummet by 7% when admission that oil is leaking faster than original speculations. At current rate of oil leakage in 58 days it will surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster as the largest oil spill in U.S. history. BP official on the Today Show welcomes help from all parties including U.S. military. Concerns grow on impact to Louisiana seafood and tourism industry. As of 8:42pm, “Faint fingers of oily sheen have reached the mouth of Mississippi River…By sunset Thursday, the oil had crept into South Pass of the river and was lapping at the shoreline in long, thin lines.” Jean-Michel Cousteau releases statement of dismay and asks all to expect more of their governments, “Write your Congressional and State representatives demanding their support for alternative energy technologies and policies at all levels of government, including subsidies.”

Friday, April 30th-Satellite photos from NASA are released showing a finger of the slick reaching the delta.

Klueless, you sure are stoopid for defending Brit. Maybe he has stock in BP as do you? BTW what kind of name is "Brit" anyway


How could anyone think an oil spill of any size be no big deal, regardless of "when"? There is a reason ships have to be double-hulled to enter the ports around here.


Coils - You are daft to the max. You are grasping at straws to get political points from your cut and paste editing. Who gives a rats ass besides you and maybe some of your leftwingnut cohorts ? No one has stock in BP curley turd, you just have your head up your orifice besides being a liar who has claimed truth from Media Matters or another leftwing extremist publication.

Where are your sources? Are you afraid to show them ? What you cut and pasted are just words from Coiler unless you specify the source. You have shown nothing except your spin to get a gotcha on Brit Hume - no wonder this country is going to hell. There are enough idiots like you who resort to bickering about minutia and are clueless about the big picture, instead of constructively figuring out how to solve problems.


Clairification on the role of Government here, from LA Gov. Bobby Jindal - he hits it on the head;

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said Sunday that he told President Obama that he needed to show a greater sense of urgency in tackling the oil spill disaster and that “for us, it’s trust but verify.”

“You know, it’s that old saying that we’ve heard promises, we want to see that happen on the ground,” Jindal said in an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”

The President met with Jindal and other state and local leaders on Friday. Jindal told 'This Week' anchor Jake Tapper that he was direct with the President: “We need more local decision-making authority.”

“We asked for senior Coast Guard officials to be put in each coastal parish,” the governor said he told the president.

When asked whether he agreed with Obama’s claim that the government was doing everything it could, Jindal said, “I think there could have been a greater sense of urgency.”

Jindal also defended his beliefs in limited federal government in the wake of the spill crisis.

“When government grows too big, it doesn't do its core functions properly,” he said. “Absolutely, I believe in a limited government that is effective and competent in what it does. We need federal government exactly -- we need our federal government exactly for this kind of crisis.”

Read the entire story at ABCNews.com


Yes, they are my words, King Shit. what of it? You're saying Brit Hume was correct in the spill was nothing much to worry about?


My suspicion was verified; Coiler aka curley turd is a liar. Nonsense, Brit Hume didn't say that.

Your reading comprehension failed you again as this excerpt below demonstrates from you;
"Williams thought Hume implying that the ocean should just handle the situation on its own was preposterous, only to have Hume testily reply, “Who said that? Who is saying that? No one’s making that argument.”

You are also in serious need of good home training.

Doug in Vancouver BC

Those of us living elsewhere in the world are genuinely puzzled by all the calls for President Obama to show more emotion. What he seems to be displaying instead is a steadily calm temperament while facing a set of the worst crises in any President's experience.America is very fortunate in this man, and the demand for him to demonstrably "feel your pain" is ridiculous in the light of all he has to do.Maybe we should put aside our longing for histrionics and attempt to "feel" his. Let's leave the crying to Glen Beck, and the outrage to Rush Limbaugh.They haven't got anything else to do.


"Britt Hume never said that..."


Doug..it's a macho American guy thing.

Anyway, lifting a light to my Dad on Memorial Day, and to those who gave their lives in battle.

If you have HBO, watch for a rerun of the TV Movie "Taking Chance"..about returning the remains of a 20 year old soldier killed in Iraq back to his family in Montana.


I agreed with juan Williams's take on the oil spill except when he tried to put words in Hume's mouth and you fools jumped all over it, while the excerpt showed different version. Hume's perspective was not one that I would have agreed with 100% but it was not like Limbaugh said - if you are going to attribute that misspeak to someone- hang it on Rush.

Hume is correct in that the Environmentalist/Regulators can also be blamed in part for creating offshore drilling at that depth with their requirements. Gov. Jindal had it right from the perspective along with his statement -"Trust but verify".


"when he tried to put words in Hume's mouth"

Nice try, Brit said what he said

Puget Sound

And he'll remain an award winning reporter of some renown while you're stuck scribbling on Blam's blog.
So stop the whining...

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