Tuesday, in a news clip, KOMO news radio listeners heard wormy Fox News star, and Newsmax shaman Dick Morris declaring, “I think Dino Rossi’s gonna run and I think he’s gonna save this country.”
Morris claimed that R’s will win in 9 senate races across the country (including, dubiously, Barbara Boxer’s) then come to Washington to add No. 10 with perennial candidate Rossi. “It’s going to be the key race in the country. […] he’s the one who can defeat Murray.”
Nobody else got the Tuesday scoop, or wanted it except Carla (who gets what she pleases at KOMO). Dem Chair Dwight Pelz dismissed Morris and the Patty is vulnerable.
Did Johnson get Morris from an interview by a Fisher talk host or news reporter? No, she was given it from Radio Free Washington, before it was broadcast or posted on the web. We clamored to find RFA on the dial and found to be a podcast from the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, the well-fed, right-wing, Washington State political “watchdog” PAC (Pain in the Ass Conservatives) who’s posing as a media outlet these days.The Morris interview was conducted by our friend, Scott “The Piper” Sinclair (whose business card reads, “Journalist”) and a guy named Steve with an unfortunate laugh.
Through Carleen, the hard right EFF has a direct line onto the news casts on KOMO and KVI.
Their partisan radio show plays terrestrially in barns and tractor dashboards all over E. Washington and Northern Idaho. The Piper says he’s a hack, but he's really a flack (as you’d expect of someone taking a paycheck from the rich, partisan hard-right, activist organization).
Dori Monson (KIRO m-f, 12-3p) gave Morris a lap dance today, and got the same soundbites. Always directionally mindful of political gusts, Morris is selling his new book 'splainin’ how to rid the nation of the subversive Congress and ultimately the tyrannical schvartz in the White House.
This was a re-tred of what Morris said in February- except then he decreed Murray would “likely” be whipped by wealthy unknown Bellingham businessman, Paul Aker, who buys his way onto KGMI (Saturdays, 8-9a) with a show, The American Innovator, a self-serving droner in which thumps his own company).
Pardon us for a moment while we shoot the messenger. Not hard with the fatuous, sleaze-bag Dick Morris- he’s the wrongest man in politics. He’s been wrong so many times, his prophetics are viewed in reverse by real political flacks and hacks. If Dick says it’s so… it probably ain’t. If Morris says it’ll hoppen… usually, it turns to wha’ hoppen???
His soothsaying always synchs with a book release. “Hillary Clinton is your next president,” he told Hannity twice a week during 2007-8 as he tub-thumped his latest Clinton-bashing screedo. His major re-group when Hillary lost the primary was unremarked by him or his conservative media cohorts.He’s ubiquitously and fatly on Fox News and other conservative media to sell his product line, predicting with insider cynicism and great authority what the low-information audiences wants to happen.
Joe Conason recently summed up Dick’s bad political predictions here. More intensive Morris fact-checking, and sleaze-accounting here.
He’s always touted as Bill Clinton’s political genius, even though he left the administration in total moral, ethical and professional disarray (if not undress). He then conveniently got all conservative and began a vendetta against the Clintons.No need to jump on the Wayback Machine to find newer headlines about Morris' sexual peckerdilloes. After the tabloidulous Clinton-era shrimping episode that should have banished him forever from political credulity, his name was re-mired in 2007 as a client of DC madam Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
If you don't know that after all these years, you don't know Dick. Why does anyone listen to him?
The moral outrage crowd like the EFF, the GOP, Billo Reilly, Dori Monson, Michael Medved, Sean Hannity are conveniently blind to the plain guile of this dishonorable, self-indulgent, poop-snade.
Maybe it's because their dittohead audiences are always eager to be fed like Périgord ducks, and they're too busy and greedy devouring the fat livers to entertain the integrity it would take to disconnect from the man.
I've advised Mr Rossi to cease and desist in pursuing the Senate race, because I don't think he has a reasonable chance of defeating Sen Murray.
While I'm sure Mr Rossi is an astute businessperson, he just doesn't rise (or should I say sink to the level of astute politician. He is not good at debating and he is not good at rallying the energy of the constituency. Ms Murray is likewise a bit deficient at debate, but she has a track record that will be embellished come heavy campaign time - and her friendly relationship with our military personnel will be positively expounded to the max. I similarly so advised Mr Rossi last time around, but he didn't listen to me...may be this time he will. He should.
Focus on your profession and your beautiful family Sir Dino and don't subject yourself to yet another humiliating defeat which would certainly indelibly imprint you as the proverbial 'also-ran' candidate henceforth.
Take my advice Dino, do not run - and announce that SOON - to fairly give the other's time to build up a head of steam.
Posted by: Duffman | April 29, 2010 at 05:37 AM
Sorry 'bout the italics folks, hopefully this will turn them off?
Posted by: Duffman | April 29, 2010 at 05:41 AM
Of course I realize that I'm the one who predicted that Mrs Clinton would be victorious...close, but no cigar! [Ooops, probably shouldn't mention cigars in context of the Clintons', eh?] :)
Posted by: Duffman | April 29, 2010 at 05:49 AM
You mean Prostitute-Toe-Sucking Dick Morris????
Posted by: sparky | April 29, 2010 at 06:05 AM
Sir, that would be Prostitute-Toe-Sucking MR. Dick Morris to you.
A little repsect for the Harvey Fierstein impersonator, please.
Posted by: Bill | April 29, 2010 at 06:35 AM
'respect', sorry.
Posted by: Bill | April 29, 2010 at 06:36 AM
Why are Carleen's local stories always about car wrecks incest and debauchery?
Posted by: Rich | April 29, 2010 at 06:48 AM
Endorsed by a toe sucker wow!!
Posted by: Steve L | April 29, 2010 at 07:18 AM
The Tsunami Begins!
Go Rossi! We will yake back our country. The experiment has failed.
Posted by: Obama is a black man | April 29, 2010 at 07:48 AM
because their dittohead audiences are always eager to be fed like Périgord ducks,
Yep. That nails chucks, alright.
Nice piece of writing.
Posted by: joanie | April 29, 2010 at 08:29 AM
Rossi, isn't going to run.
Can't say I blame him, he is probably going to put his family first.
He doesn't want to live int DC , he has made it very clear.
He was on Dori's show the other afternoon and the lack of any enthusiasm was obvious.
Posted by: ExPatBrit | April 29, 2010 at 09:33 AM
Thanks OIABM, Yake, it now!!
Posted by: Mark C. | April 29, 2010 at 10:07 AM
Now we know why Dino keeps losing. BECAUSE DUFFMAN IS ADVISING HIM!
Posted by: Mark C. | April 29, 2010 at 12:19 PM
Dino Rossi always keeps looking behind him like he's in a witness protection program. Weasely. Could never trust him. Glad to have a nutbuster as Guv, in these hard times. She won't run again, she'll leave it for Jay Inslee.
Posted by: knowsit | April 29, 2010 at 12:25 PM
I was dumb enough to buy Morris's 'Condi Vs Hillary' ($25.95) because I was excited about a possible Condi '08 run.
He's a smart cookie & has made millions but I take his prognostications w/ a grain of salt at this point. The guy did work for slick Willie, remember.
Posted by: woody held | April 29, 2010 at 12:27 PM
Where are all the usual righties today? How come you aren't sticking up for your man Dick Morris? Maybe he's like that ugly gal you fuck but won't be seen in public with. Don't blame you on this one. He's a real troll.
Posted by: James Jones | April 29, 2010 at 12:31 PM
I was not aware Clint dropped out--never liked the Redskins anyway.
Posted by: Mike Barer | April 29, 2010 at 12:55 PM
Forget Dino. He ran an abyssal campaign in '08. If anyone has a chance to dethrone the woman responsible for the "business suit with running shows" look, it will be Rossi's former desk-mate in the State Senate, Don Benton. Latest poll has him within 2 pts of Murray.
Posted by: jackrebney | April 29, 2010 at 03:41 PM
Morris may be subject to ridicule, but credit him a lot with making Clinton's presidency the success it was - Morris was the teflon coating that helped Clinton's approval rating stay in the high 60's during the impeachment debacle and it really never went down after that. Part of this was Clinton himself being crafty and a political animal.
All of the liberals who stop in should remember the real history as opposed to the revisionist history you'all love to concoct.
Posted by: KS | April 30, 2010 at 09:07 PM
Looks like you just revised it.
Posted by: Coiler | April 30, 2010 at 09:18 PM
yeah. cuz KS has got it goin' on.
Posted by: sparky | April 30, 2010 at 09:41 PM
actually, KS has got it going on.
morris saved clinton by getting him to move to the center and triangulate issues.
if the repubs take over the house and senate, the same thing will happen again.
three cheers for arnie duncan...
Posted by: Puget Sound | April 30, 2010 at 10:01 PM
One of the funniest things I have seen in a long time
All that money, and such shitty decorating taste. If they paid someone to do that, Dunn should ask for his money back.
Posted by: sparky | April 30, 2010 at 10:04 PM
Ronald Reagan Dung
Posted by: Coiler | April 30, 2010 at 10:06 PM
it looks sterile. That's what money buys: sterility. Of mind and body.
Posted by: joanie | April 30, 2010 at 10:17 PM
Looks like you just revised it.
Posted by: Coiler | April 30, 2010 at 09:18 PM
Revised from your revisionist history as in the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Put that in your crack pipe and smoke its.
Posted by: KS | April 30, 2010 at 10:22 PM
And smoke its?
Must make sense to your sixth sense. Hahaha.
Posted by: joanie | April 30, 2010 at 10:27 PM
Dick Morris was a guilty pleasure when Obama was running to get the Presidential nomination because he verbally went after Hilary.
Posted by: Mike Barer | May 05, 2010 at 03:12 PM
OH MY GOD! Seriously, guys: is that a Photoshop job, or are those really Dick Morris's teeth?! It's enough to send one running to Michelle Malkin's vagina.
How could anyone who's an ultra high net worth person have such a gruesome grill?
Compared to him, I am terribly poor, and hell I'd take out 29% advances on my credit cards or maybe even put myself out on front street, offering to suck the toes of porcine poltical consultants with penchants for triangulation...anyways, the man should seriously invest in Lumineers, knock off generic veneers, Teeth-By-Tonite, or even good-old fashioned china clippers.
Dick Morris:
A face made for radio, a voice made for print, and whose textual output oft induces ipecac like effects.
Posted by: Jason Andersen | May 08, 2010 at 10:45 AM
Posted by: KS | May 08, 2010 at 10:53 AM
Hi ! I am very glad to found this blog. It was great to read your perspectives in this post! I really enjoy all that you fill your blog with.
Posted by: coach handbags | July 01, 2010 at 06:44 PM
Looking for a radio forum, i am a bit confused whether this is one or whether it leans toward politics.
Posted by: Sally | July 01, 2010 at 06:51 PM
"Listening To Talk Radio So I Can Spin It For The Left" is more like it.
Posted by: Ivan Muskalenko | August 15, 2010 at 03:26 PM
It sounds like you're creating problems yourself by trying to solve this issue instead of looking at why their is a problem in the first place.
Posted by: Look good | June 19, 2011 at 03:54 PM
haha Tiger haha Tiger. got your U.S. Open number of strokes underpar record smashed by four strokes, WHILE YOU SAT OUT WITH INJURIES. unlike Monson i dont wish injury upon you- get well soon So Rory Mc Ilroy can beat you one on one. Why my hatred toward Tiger? He's a bum and an a-hole who let Fuzzy Zeller's career go down in a frenzy of press and media attacks for a stupid thopughtless comment. He knew Zeller wasn't a racist and could have saved him by sticking up for him, but ht was silent and let Zeller twist in the wind. Rory is the new Tiger now. gOT YOUR ASS HANDED TO YOU IN ABSENTIA TODAY, TIGER.
Posted by: Tommy008 | June 19, 2011 at 04:42 PM