Can the torching of the national conversation and threats by the talk radio culture drive vital independents away from Republicans?
With Rush’s, “We need to defeat these bastards. We need to wipe them out,” ringing over their heads like a slaver’s lash, Stupid White People have bashed in the office windows and death threatened members of Congress over the legislative battle they lost over health care. They have calling for systematic breaking of congressional office windows, and threatened "a thousand little Wacos," on the shared anniversary of the Waco fire and the Murrow Building bombing April 19.
Many of these bashings are not merely “insensitive” or "thin-skinned" as the right usually claims, but blatantly racist: Congressman have been called wetbacks, faggots and nigger in the last week alone because they supported the reforms.
Any wonder these are the results after Republicans like Rep. Steve King, Republican of Iowa, shouted to tea-baggers on Sunday: “Let’s beat the other side to a pulp!” Let’s chase them down! There’s going to be a reckoning.”
Though substantiated in police reports, local newspapers, and recorded by live teevee cameras, the right simply denies it ever happened. Rush told his d-heads Thursday: the threats are “totally contrived,” and called them "a total diversion to criminalize dissent.”
Sean Hannity and Billo Reilly says none of the Sunday slurring shout-outs in front of Congress actually took place because Fox News cameras did not record them (CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC cameras did!)
Glenn Beck claims he’s afraid the Obama administration will kill him to shut him up. "For those of you in the administration, who are coming after me ... remember, you've broken three [of the 10 Commandments], let's not make it four: Thou shalt not kill." Stupid White People can and will infer that they should kill the Obama administration in order to protect Glenn… it’s Biblical!
Extreme moderate Joe Gandelman writes:
“A whole industry (talk radio and cable political shows) and a new part of the media that is essentially op-ed writing, in many cases by outright partisans (cyberspace), has a vested interest in appealing to specific segments of society, in effect sawing them off, and trying to keep and expand upon getting their attention.”
Again it’s the spectacle of elite hambone blabblermeisters making millions a day by keeping the shit stirred with only the assurance their millions will keep pouring in if they keep stirring.
But what’s great show biz may not be such great politics. They appear to be reversing an obnoxious but effective anti-Obama/majority campaign. They were winning hearts, minds and, it appeared, the congressional battle despite the minority odds against them.
Tim Egan writes in the New York Times:
"Having welcomed Tea Party rage into their home, and vowing repeal, the Republicans have made a dangerous bargain. First, they are tying their fate to a fringe, one that includes a small faction of overt racists and unstable people. The Quinnipiac poll this week found only 13 percent of Americans say they are part of the Tea Party movement."
But teabaggers, and the militia types returning into the mainstream Republican fray can’t handle losing. Having painted themselves into a rhetorical corner, they found there was no temperate way out, so they reacted with "poutrage," if not violence and threats of violence.
The ability to lose with grace is important in politics. It grows empathy for politicians (not an easy feat) and allows heroic come-backs, (which Americans love). Those who survive defeat with dignity are usually the most successful and enduring.
There are other more subtle losers, and we believe these might prove all the GOP's strutting predictions about the 2010 congressional "tsunami" might be a little exaggerated and premature.
Mild-mannered, half-witted, 8th District congressman Dave Reichert is a so-called Republican moderate in a district that’s gone from light red to robin’s egg to pale azure in a short time. As always, he’ll have a fight on his hands in the Fall.
There was a time when he might have been given a pass by his party to vote for health care reform- the bill was very close to one that Republicans like Bob Dole proposed in 1993 and one Mitt Romney passed in Massachusetts in 2004. But Reichert, the magnificently coiffed wimp that he is, was forced into the strident position of the Southerners who dominate his party. We hope he pays the price for his lack of genitalia.
Another so-called "Mainstream Republican," AG Rod McKenna has pushed away from the real mainstream voters in WA by joining the futile but headline-grabbing lawsuit declaring the reform bill unconstitutional. Although it's appeared to back fire on him politically, McKenna pretty much had to do that to head off the teabagger (and long public office-less) base of his bedraggled party.
The 2010, and 2012 elections are far, far away, but we believe voters are turning away from the not-so-passive violence of the brick-throwing teabagger minority.
Hood and all the liberals think this will simply go away. The American public got shafted on Snday. A vote by the members of only one party to change 1/6th of the economy and against 70% of the population's wishes.... It was a pure example of the arrogance of our so-called leaders. It's a perfect storm. Democrats will pay dearly in November. I can't wait for the reaction of the liberals then
Posted by: Obama is a black man | March 25, 2010 at 03:20 PM
The beauty of it is, they are so caught up in their anger over being so powerless, they can't see how destructive their behavior is to their own cause. With crazy bastards like these, who needs Democrats?
Posted by: Tigsnort | March 25, 2010 at 03:54 PM
OIABM, what part of overt racist fringe don't you understand? If only the white supremacist voting bloc was sizeable you're lunatic rantings might then have a toe hold on reality but oh, look, it's not 1890 anymore!
Posted by: Andrew | March 25, 2010 at 04:29 PM
Bullets hit Republican congressman Cantor's VA office
Hood's article has a bit of bias eh?
Posted by: Obama is a black man | March 25, 2010 at 04:29 PM
the bullet hitting Cantor's office was found to be coming from above down into the window, according to later news was a stray bullet fired from far away.... there is no bipartisan attack on Congressmen- it is strictly attacks against Democratic members of Congress by rightwing nutbirds....
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 25, 2010 at 05:12 PM
Indeed, The Richmond PD said it was a stray. Cantor should be charged with filing a false report.
Posted by: Coiler | March 25, 2010 at 05:19 PM
T008 = FRAUD
The Jim Cramer wannabe fraud is back!
Is school out dude? Lie, deceit and misinformation is the 8th grader's MO.
Posted by: Keil Mortgage | March 25, 2010 at 06:04 PM
a knucklehead came into my Starbuck's a while back, a woman with a gun holster with a gun inside strapped to her hip- could this be one of the "open carry" knuckleheads toting their prosthetic penises (guns) who aer trying to make some sort of point (what?)........
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 25, 2010 at 07:05 PM
the latest strategy from the rightwing (andrew Breitbart is trying it out sa he subs for Savage tonight) is to say that the "nigger, faggot " peopl ein the crown on Sunday actually never existed that this was all a fabrication from Pelosi ....
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 25, 2010 at 07:16 PM
T008 = FRAUD
The guy tries to emulate the elitist George Soros liberal whilst sitting in his bedroom laboring over 8th grade algebra and Western Eurpoean history.
What can I write to depict myself as the philosophical type? How do I portray myself in the image of an aristocrat that soars above the little people that are in the warm arms of my tax subsidized utopia.
Oh I forgot. I'm nothing. I obsess at the wealth, fame and influence of Dori Monson. His success against all odds obviously was the result of an unethical path that included multiple back stabs and dirty tricks.
I'll go back to my pathetic T008.
Posted by: Keil Mortgage | March 25, 2010 at 07:52 PM
The leftists are employing Soviet style tactics by faking violence and being victocrats without any substantive proof. Nice distraction strategy because they know most people do not like the way they rahmed through Health Care, destined to accelerate the USA going broke like Iceland and Greece and emulate California.
America is getting wise to these Dimocrat party fecal-heads and that includes Clyburn, Cleaver and Barney Frank (who can be a charming fecal-head) and the biggest one of all - stretch Peelosi. How can these aristocrat liars be respected - they remind me of English aristocrats led by King George III - when future Americans got pissed off and said "No taxation without representation" and that led to the Revolutionary War.
Breitbart's strategy is simply exposing the truth, while the Social Democrats are lieing through their teeth. If they aren't lieing , why is there no proof brought forward 5 days later ? Breitbart is striking back at the left like the left likes to strike back at the GOP and Tea Party movement - turnabout is fair play- but the petulant lowest common denominator crowd will run with another phony premise - will be waiting with baited breath.
Another report of corruption from the Dems (from AP)
"Employees at a government agency in Cleveland which processes President Barack Obama's paycheck risk losing their jobs because they have failed credit report checks, according to Troy Marshall, a union leader at the Cleveland office of Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)."
Posted by: KS | March 25, 2010 at 08:09 PM
Well, maybe you will get lucky KS, and someone will be killed, although you will probably just say that the Dems arranged that too.
What does the fact that a credit union employee fails a credit check have anything to do with President Obama.
Posted by: sparky | March 25, 2010 at 09:24 PM
..and by the are down to 15 putdowns in that last post....I tell ya, you are losing your touch, KS.
Posted by: sparky | March 25, 2010 at 09:26 PM
Brother Breitbart takes it up the ass.
Posted by: shawn | March 25, 2010 at 09:49 PM
Dare I even think it? is the ship of turning, turning, ever so slowly back to port?
Posted by: Sailor man | March 25, 2010 at 09:56 PM
"Well, maybe you will get lucky KS, and someone will be killed, although you will probably just say that the Dems arranged that too."
You're sounding like your turret infested cohort, Ph(J)oanie. You wouldn't know the truth if it stared you in the face on this story. (I was expecting a race card from someone like Curley turd). Breitbart is a fighter and there are others like him out there to expose the truth that the lamestream media has been hiding as well as a number of corrupt politicians.
I am hoping that those wussified reporters go down big time. If they did, many of you would have to find a new place to hide and would lose your souls - that you already sold to the state.
Posted by: KS | March 25, 2010 at 10:38 PM
What does the fact that a credit union employee fails a credit check have anything to do with President Obama.
Posted by: sparky | March 25, 2010 at 09:24 PM
Gee, I don't know - just because it came from Obama's Admin that is $14 + Trillion in debt may mean a bad credit rating for them. Doesn't it make you a little curious if you take those partisan blinders off for a few seconds.
Posted by: KS | March 25, 2010 at 10:42 PM
Fortunately, the military is on the side of governing power and if push comes to shove we will have the bigger guns and of course will be able to crush the detractors and put them back in their place and/or a place of confinement.
Posted by: Duffman | March 26, 2010 at 06:03 AM
great to see the cowardly rogue cop who killed the man in the Corvette in a Snohomish County Restaurant parking lot is being charged with murder.
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 26, 2010 at 06:35 AM
who cares about Sweet Sixteen? what a waste of air time. Who cares about frigging Huskies sports teams? I'm not Dori Monson...
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 26, 2010 at 06:37 AM
Actually, there are many who do, tho. To make it to the Sweet-16 is quite a feat and with a city that's starved for a winner (especially since losing the Sonics), Husky basketball was a good fix for the sports enthusiasts of the town. It generates a lot of gross revenue for the area. As you can see by the 'record-breaking' (league-wise) crowd at last night's start of the season soccer game (ESPN-2) the passion for sports and especially a winner (they won over Phil Union 2-0)is of paramount importance to the psyche of the area. There are far more 'Dori Monson's' in terms of sports fans in the area than you can possibly realize. That is one of the ingredients of a true big-league city -rabid sports fans, the ripple effect is phenominal. I'm still 'somewhat' alive in my 'bracket' (I have Kentucky), but probably won't be in the $money. Darn...but it's the thrill of playing and the anticipation and the interest and social interaction it generates.
Thanks for weighing-in with your opinion, tho - we appreciate it.
[Did I mention that I never did believe the 'dirty underwear' thing about you]. Have a nice day!
Posted by: Duffman | March 26, 2010 at 06:54 AM
In terms of the Snohomish cop who is being charged with murder, it will be interesting to see how they determine and establish 'intent'. :)
Posted by: Duffman | March 26, 2010 at 06:57 AM
Duffman is suggesting a civil war may be in order. Hey, don't poo poo that idea; it could help the economy like past wars have been known to do. The only thing that needs to happen is states seceeding from the USA.
Now, if you'll excuse me I'll go build my foxhole...(grins)
Posted by: KS | March 26, 2010 at 08:18 AM
Haha...nope KS, just suggesting that thankfully our military will be on the side of law-and-order.
Posted by: Duffman | March 26, 2010 at 08:21 AM
"past wars?"
What about the current one? It good for the economy? Who's feeling the boom? You've always been in a foxhole.
Posted by: joanie | March 26, 2010 at 08:29 AM
Posted by: Keil Mortgage | March 26, 2010 at 08:51 AM
Hood and Blatherwatch regulars are concerned about a Republican Party Tourette's Syndrome man or woman who has gone off the deep end since Wednesday night with nearly hourly postings of libelous and defamatory nonsense solely concerning his hatred and envy of Blatherwatch regular Tommy008....he is rumored to be a janitor at a local mortgage company
Posted by: Dr. Murray Kinkelstein, Blatherwatch resident shrink | March 26, 2010 at 09:02 AM
I've contacted my consulting psychiatrist Dr. Milo Brick, my "go to" man on Tourette's for an analysis of the patient's breakdown into this manner of posting " Often what triggers a full episode of nonstop insulting and defamatory postings such as this janitor is doing in Blatherwatch, is coming into contact with information which shatters the patients illusions he's built up to make himself feel contemptuous and superior toward his object of this unfortunate janitor's case once he's confronted with the fact that his target is, rather than an indolent, lowclass welfare rcipient, in fact ,wealthy, and a successful stock trader, recently graduated from a five year training program. The patient realizes that since the man's best year as a student was 180% yearly return on investment, his totals as a professional are goign to be even higher, probably much higher and far beyond what the patient could hope to achieve in his wildest dreams. This causes our unfortunate fellow to snap and commence the nonstop posting of insults and defamatory falsehoods" that we've seen here on Blatherwatch since Wednesday night"....
Posted by: Dr. Murray Kinkelstein, Blatherwatch resident shrink | March 26, 2010 at 09:47 AM
The Quitter is on Fox right now making a live speech wearing her cool new leather outfit with the zippers on the front of the chest....playing hooky from the job she promised the citizens of Alaska to perform for four years, in order to whore herself out for ridiculous money from cheap, crappy books ,cheap, crappy tv appearances, and cheap, crappy i said before i take comfort in knowing that liek 80% of NFL players, most of whom are smarter than she is,she will be broke withing five years after the Media, public speaking agencies and publishing industry decide she's moved beyond her expiration date, which is two more years at the most.......
Posted by: Tommy008 | March 26, 2010 at 01:02 PM
Her show on TLC will be opposite "19 Kids and Counting"
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 01:54 PM
OMG, haven't we had enough of John McCain; that she would be campaigning for him when she was so patronized by his entourage is amazing. Must be some sweet $pesos involved. Viva la Mexico!
Posted by: Duffman | March 26, 2010 at 02:06 PM
The obsessive envy T008 holds of Palin is remarkably similar to his envy of Dori Monson.
Isn't it interesting that the 8th grader can never say anything relevant except to rant against very successul and very effecive people. He daydreams about being placed on the proverbial pedestal. Sorry dude. You're a fraud and a fake.
Where's that ticker symbol champ?
Posted by: Keil Mortgage | March 26, 2010 at 02:32 PM
File this under, Reality.
Bankrupt Air America even auctioning off its protected never to be released to third parties email listing
Too bad, so sad.
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 02:49 PM
Tommy 008
How's that book publishing dealie of yours coming along?
I keep wanting to go to Amazon for a nice summer read. Anychance I'll be able to pick up the 'Monson Chronicles' anytime soon?
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 02:52 PM
"Air America Auctioning Off User E-Mail Addresses – So Much For “Will Not Be Divulged To Any Third Party” (Update)
Air America auction Intellection Property Mailing List
by Robert Quigley | 2:18 pm, March 25th, 2010
It's been reported that since progressive radio network Air America filed for bankruptcy on January 25th, 2010, everything has been for sale in the companywide liquidation that's followed. The auction began today at 11:00 EDT.
While there may be something poignant about that for fans of the network, there's one thing on the auction block that's likely to bother them more than the broadcast equipment and cubicles: Their e-mail mailing list, which auctioneers are billing at "intellectual property."
This in spite of the fact that Air America's privacy agreement said that newsletter e-mail addresses "[would] not be divulged to any third party" as recently as January 17th of this year.
From Maltz Auctions' auction details for the sale:
Intellectual Property:
Company Name: Air America Media, LLC
Domain Name:
Company Phone Numbers
E-mail Mailing List (emphasis added)
Though the practice is frowned upon by consumers, there are companies out there whose entire business consists of buying and selling bulk e-mail addresses. But: according to WikiAnswers (which is admittedly not a legal textbook), the legality of selling a mailing list hinges on the terms of use contract that the customer signed before agreeing to join the list.
It depends on the contract (sometimes called the Terms of Use or End User License Agreement) that the customer signed and agreed to. If that agreement (which is a binding contract) says that the company can sell information given to them, it is perfectly legal. If the contract says that the company cannot sell customer information, then doing so would be a breach of contract.
Air America's website is down, but their privacy policy is still gettable, thanks to a little something called "Google caching." Two relevant passages from the privacy policy, which was cached on January 17th, 2010:
[1]e. The Air America site has a newsletter distributed via e-mail. If you choose to subscribe to this feature, you must provide a valid e-mail address. Your e-mail address will be used only by Air America for the distribution of the newsletter and any promotions or marketing that we feel may be of interest to you and will not be divulged to any third party, except as required by court order. All Air America newsletters include an unsubscribe link in at the very bottom. Clicking this link will unsubscribe you immediately.
4. What information does Air America share with third parties?
a. Unless described herein, Air America will not impart to third parties individual users’ e-mail addresses or other individual personal information unless required to do so by law.
The only stipulations described therein pertain to cookies on the website itself, sweepstakes, and court orders and warrants — nothing about their standard mailing list.
I’m no lawyer, but that doesn't sound too good. Legal, not, or merely shady, pity the Air America e-mail subscribers — even the ones who read the fine print — who may be on their way to having their contact information sold to the highest bidder."
LMAO...hey Sparkles, not too worry. I doubt any legitimate business is gonna be thinking those Air-Head America fans are a 'prime demographic.'
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 04:22 PM
oh, another prime member of this key demographic launching those death threats against a woman, sarah palin.
hey, this has the stank of coils written all over it.
clean up your act, coils...
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 04:27 PM
Yea...come on 8th grader. When you get the 'shakes' immediately upon hearing Dori described the effectiveness of the Invisible Fence, put pen to paper. You actually might earn a buck with some low-end publisher. It could save you from mowing lawns this summer.
Posted by: Keil Mortgage | March 26, 2010 at 04:28 PM
Puget Sound has the stink of Palin all over him....Bwaaaahhh?
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 04:30 PM
better that than the old man stank of joe 'f-bomb' biden.
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 05:04 PM
We cannot fail... Victory is ours.
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 05:11 PM
We cannot fail... Victory is ours.
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 05:11 PM
not a problem my dear coils as november is just around the corner...
we'll be taking all those blue dogs to the Shelter and putting them to sleep.
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 05:36 PM
You can pine away all you want about November but your once a week visits like the Old Spice guy tell us nothing about what is happening... now
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 05:51 PM
You're down to 8 now, KS. At this rate Puts will pass you.
Posted by: sparky | March 26, 2010 at 05:58 PM
Here's the winner (loser in real life) Mike Malloy of the inciting violence award - All of these guys he mentioned will probably want to hire more protection because of this inappropriate rant by this mentally unstable kook inciting all of the leftwingnut kooks out there - we've all seen it before - the leftists are coming undone...
Posted by: KS | March 26, 2010 at 07:20 PM
Mike Malloy may seem crazy to you but he is one of us...
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 07:29 PM
Come on, KS, the right is always telling us that Rush and Glen are "just entertainment."
Malloy does the same thing.
Posted by: sparky | March 26, 2010 at 08:19 PM
The parrot is back. Inciting violence? I thought that was the purview of Bachman and Boner following directions from Fixed News. A midget and a crier preaching to old white male bigots on viagra. What a vision.
Posted by: joanie | March 26, 2010 at 08:21 PM
Malloy is authentic. Not a tool of Fixed News. And certainly not getting rich speaking the truth.
Posted by: joanie | March 26, 2010 at 08:23 PM
I want Limbaugh to get the hell out of my country now that health care bill has passed.
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 08:24 PM
Mike Malloy may seem crazy to you but he is one of us...
Posted by: Coiler | March 26, 2010 at 07:29 PM
Come on, KS, the right is always telling us that Rush and Glen are "just entertainment."
Malloy does the same thing.
Posted by: sparky | March 26, 2010 at 08:19 PM
yeah, those assassination jokes are such a hoot there 'sparkles.'
Posted by: Puget Sound | March 26, 2010 at 08:31 PM