(Dori Monson spewing in the hustings)
No matter how KIRO’s Dori Monson, KTTH’s David Boze, or KOMO/KVI’s John Carlson spew against Governor Gregoire, or any star in the State Democratic solar system, few Republicans have squeaked by.
No matter talk radio railed for various Eymanian, fag-baiting, gubmint-busting referendums, initiatives; against tax propositions, school bonds, and light rail, they have overwhelmingly lost, lost, lost.
There are some signs that they might, but we'd put those signs in Category C.
Although the teabaggers were outnumbered nearly 2 to 1 by the lefty opposition, Dori Monson and former KVI talk-host Kirby Wilbur spoke at an anti-tax rally in Olympia Monday. The event was organized by the well-funded right-wing activists at the Evergreen Freedom Foundation who are trying to herd the cats in the Teabagger movement into their bag.
(Kirby in winter. photo: EFF)
With KVI recently trying to get back into the live & local game by re-hiring Bryan Suits and giving afternoon drive back to the same John Carlson who once led several local talk radio revolutions. Could the hot talk-fueled elections of 1993-4 be replicated?So far... not so much. Bryan Suits (for reasons unclear) hauled an outhouse (dubbed the "Will of the People Pisser") to the scene of the Oly rally that was to be held a couple of days later. Neither Suits nor Carlson attended.
Herein lies the problem with talk radio power: radio stations and talk show hosts are very competitive, and ego driven. They don’t even mention rival station’s call letters much less the name of a competing talk host. That might be a good radio tactic, but sucks for politics which depend on coalitions, solidarity, and such.
Kirby Wilbur phoned-in to KTTH’s David Boze Show Tuesday- but you can bet your sweet ass he wouldn’t have been if he still he’d still been on the radio at KVI.
Could it be that because of KIRO Monson's participation spoke that there was nothing from KVI at the big rally except a port-a-potty with a logo?
Suits told us that he’d be leading the charge against the established order: so far, he and Carlson don’t even have a web-page worth the paper its printed on at the lame KVI site.
KVI was at the forefront of the 1994 Republican resurgence, the pre-Waco militia strutting. John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur organized and ran initiative signature campaign on-air and almost single-handedly got a measure on the ballot (later rejected by the voters) that defunded roads. The US Supreme Court upheld their right to wage that campaign on public airwaves, a huge win for talk radio. Wilbur's now gone, an Cqarlson is talking to the crickets in the toughest time slot in town ((3-6p). Mike Siegel, who once owned Seattle talk radio, ran a legislative campaign from behind his KVI mic and the station has been a hotbed for all manner of rightie partisan political foreplay.
Talk radio was in its heyday back then- the talk pie has shrunk. Conservative KVI at its peak was often in the top 10, in the market now it’s languishing at 27th. Despite KIRO’s right turn in the last few years, what was once an AM news-talking blowtorch perennially (it seemed) at no. 3, is now a wimpy FM at 18th in the market that can’t be heard in many corners of the city, much less the rest of the region.
BWAAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAOOHHOOOOHAAAAHAHAHAAHAAAoh come on Michael, you've got to be photoshopping these photos of Dori you've been putting up, you know the scary thing is that i really don't think you've touched them at all..... wowwowhhooohheeehhhawwwwawwwaaa.... I listened to Monson's silly little speech.......he truly is The Poltroon of the Afternoon....
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 16, 2010 at 11:42 PM
Kirby is looking pretty grumpy.
Posted by: burke | February 16, 2010 at 11:46 PM
Kirby looks like my Grampa and i'm older than he is by several years.........ouch......
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 16, 2010 at 11:46 PM
I hear The Kirb and Carlson who were friends for years, hardly speak any more. bad blood.
Posted by: knowsit | February 17, 2010 at 12:36 AM
i wouldn't speak to a guy who plotted behind my back to take my show, and replace my morbidly ass with his simply obese ass.
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 17, 2010 at 05:30 AM
That is not the case, my friends. You know not of what you speak.
Posted by: Kamber | February 17, 2010 at 05:34 AM
A good question Bla'M. I think once the public realizes that their desires are being discounted by the legislature (i.e. recent over-turn of the 60+% tax increase vote) and sees a dramatic increase in taxes - they may turn to the air waves for some explanation of how this happened. If talk show hosts present this properly (as certainly John Carlson tends to do) radio could again be a rallying point for major change.
It can't be simply rant without reason however; details need to be spelled out and explained thoroughly in fair fashion, otherwise talk radio will be seen as yet just another political slam by biased partisians.
Posted by: Duffman | February 17, 2010 at 07:34 AM
JTA.org has the full 27 minute DubaiTV hoteL/airport surveillance video that Suits was talking about this morning, of the 11 memeber Mossad hit team in action in Dubai.its under editor's picks on the website. reminds me of the movie Munich. incredible. tHEY MURDERED A hAMAS OFFICIAL THAT WAS IN dUBAI TO SEAL A DEAL WITH iRANISN ARMS DEALERS, befor ehe could seal the deal.
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 17, 2010 at 09:24 AM
its on the websie under Editor's Picks
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 17, 2010 at 09:28 AM
I'm trying to figure out what jabbar's post(s) have to do with talk radio making a difference in State and local politics. Please try to stay on topic. Thank you.
Posted by: Jamie | February 17, 2010 at 09:48 AM
Bla'm may be a topic on the new proposed 'performance tax' on radio would be in order. I would be interested in your opinion of this new proposed tax and whether you think it would drive current 'music' stations to more talk radio?
Posted by: Duffman | February 17, 2010 at 09:58 AM
Might have been a bit off topic, but I enjoyed Peeroy's video.
That was a heart warming story.
Posted by: chucks | February 17, 2010 at 10:17 AM
One thought talk radio seems to overlook. It is not just the D's that voters are angry at. Its all the politicians.
What will happen? By November, nothing. Everyone is going to be sick of all the moaning. The D's will do as they normally do, run as conservatives.
Posted by: Ryder | February 17, 2010 at 11:13 AM
I don't see the R's controlling both houses in Congress - the wave will have dissipated some by then. That won't help Obamy's prospects of reelection, even though his campaign staff is being manned by the chief master propagandist - David Fluff (sp.) that finessed him in back in '08.
He would be better off with the Republicans in control, so he could have a chance to triangulate like Clinton, although Obama is no Clinton !
Talk radio will be more of a lightning rod here, with all of the political unrest on both sides.
The moaning has occurred for over a year now, so I don't see how people will tire of it, unless things shape up unexpectedly.
Posted by: KS | February 17, 2010 at 12:25 PM
It's amazing how the Seattle area residents continue to tolerate excessive government in their lives (i.e. no guns in parks, B&O taxes, high sales taxes, fees for everything, high property taxes, threat of an income tax, etc). I honestly have given up trying to determine the breaking point. I suppose it may happen when the day comes that a guy who makes $100K a year takes home $20K...he might finally say 'Uncle'.
Posted by: Obama is a black man | February 17, 2010 at 12:58 PM
Posted by: Rich | February 17, 2010 at 01:49 PM
One question no one ever answers............ How much money would be needed to accomplish even half of what the politicans in Olympa said they need?
Queston #2....Is there that much money in the state? The world?
Posted by: Ryder | February 17, 2010 at 02:23 PM
I think Dori looks the way he does is because that ugly little inner man that resides inside is trying to get out.
Posted by: Rich | February 17, 2010 at 06:00 PM
Ironically....Dorian Gray.
Posted by: sparky | February 17, 2010 at 07:09 PM
yes he is Dorian Gray in reverse- he posts a 15 year old picture of himself for his promo pic while his face deteriorates to show the true grotesque, ugly spirit inside. Some men actually get much more handsome with age- not this guy. Jeez... If his wife ever divorces him- tough times, Dori, tough times. Monson is still on that monomania about the black teen girl who he feels shouldn't get any payout from the city/county for not being protected in the bus tunnel...a black schoolteacher tried to explain to him that if the security guards are going to be found negligent, which he agrees they are, there has to be some sort of penalty paid for their negligence, whether the beatee has a cleen record or is a nasty person with a criminal past. She was using logic, and he began to get contemptuous that she couldn't see his bogus point ("if you can;t see that as a schooltecher, well then i question your education..."). you can't have it both ways is what the little runt can't understand. You better believe there is not going to be any civil trial- the city and/or county will offer a generous amount of cash to make her and her lawyer go away..... The logically thinking schoolteacher asked him if it had been an eighty five year old man being beaten should he receive any money------he replied that if he had been a child molestor and his victim had chased him into the bus tunnel, then no.
Posted by: Peeroy Jabbar | February 17, 2010 at 08:51 PM
During the 08 election, someone pointed out that listeners dont always equate to voters.
Posted by: sparky | February 17, 2010 at 09:34 PM
Liberals are stupid.
Posted by: Nunya Biddness | February 17, 2010 at 09:41 PM
And you're obviously a Political Science professor.
Posted by: Nick Novatone | February 17, 2010 at 11:12 PM
It is obvious talkradio is ego driven, i.e. Rush Limbaugh. One of the reasons KOMO Newsradio has such a solid rating in Seattle is that there is so much major news happening. Talkradio beats a subject to death. Seldom do the hosts have an Open Mike. Why? For fear they might wander into something that would not be as "explosive", and help ratings.
Posted by: Bill Wippel | February 19, 2010 at 10:35 AM
You write well will be waiting for your new publications.
Posted by: Antivirus_man | December 05, 2010 at 09:06 AM