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February 25, 2010



So, Ihave this guy to thank for Dori. They even have Dori doing the safety message on the ferry boats. If it was'nt for my I pod I might jump.


I remember this guy on KIRO from way back when. I didn't think he was half bad at the time and certainly don't remember him being a neagtive asshole.

Of course I thought he was about 70 back then so maybe I'm mistaken?


Geez, you've got a potfull of shit-words to describe everyone. Bet you're a lot of fun at the party.


Rich, oh the ferry safety announcements, it gets worse, Cisco also does them, and many other local media personalities.

Lee Rodgers went crying to AFTRA/ Say, did he ever say anything bad about unions on his show before?

Puget Sound

I use to listen to Lee Rogers when he was with KGO in SF. He and Bernie Ward use to square off every Monday night for an hour of debate. It was very good radio. Both are skilled and were willing to give and take a bit.
Reminiscent of when Mike Webb and Bryan Suits use to debate an hour every night back at KIRO.


WOW! I can't believe it! In the next to last paragraph Blatherwatch actually has admitted that Rush Limbaugh has a sense of humor!!! Seems strange that the editor was not willing to cut him the same slack last February 3rd. Watch the video clip by Rush where he talks about why he loves the women's movement. At the time Blatherwatch didn't think it was funny!! HA HA HA!

J. Whorfin

I never thought Rodgers was quite THAT bad when he was here; however, considering he was replacing Jim French, it was a bit of a shock...

Ted Smith

I listened to Rodgers when he did evenings at KGO and was actually looking forward to having him in Seattle. Sadly, he sucked, and I was glad to see him leave.

It isn't the first time I have been fooled. I was looking forward to Bonneville restoring KIRO to its rightful place after years of Entercom neglect. Oh, well!

Obama is a black man

Mr. Obama was a joke today.

Why is it so difficult for him to grasp the idea that the people of the USA do NOT want one party to forcibly transfer 1/6th of the economy to government control?

Thank you Republicans. Please do not try and revive this train wreck.


Obama called out Republicans for their partisan posturing.


And of cours you have no comment on the "vile" Ed Schultz who proposed the other day to rip out Dick Cheney's heart, etc. Hypocrisy is very unflattering. Ed Schultz is a stupid, vulgar, blowhard.

Puget Sound

Obama called out Republicans for their partisan posturing.

Posted by: Andrew | February 26, 2010 at 01:06 AM

yes, a little self serving now wasn't it. if he wanted to appear 'above the fray' president 'my time doesn't count because i am the president' he would have admonished the dems for it but no, he used his time to push for the dems. thinking people see through that.

but the best part was rep ryan who absolutely nailed the numbers and the canard that the CBO has scored the bill as a 'savings.' well, that's because "...the legislation front-loads tax hikes and Medicare cuts and defers costs, forcing the CBO to score ten years of offsets with only six years of spending. Looked at on a level playing field, the true ten-year cost of the bill is $2.3 trillion rather than $950 billion, Ryan said."

we need health-care reform.


I'm ok with Cisco on the boat. Calabro was about the best cause he went off script. They even had Elmer Fud on 4-1 once


Paul Ryan pulled out the rug from under Obomba and in spite of the state-owned media's spin, McCain got in some telling licks. You could tell by the look on PresBO's face how the GOP were doing.

Neverhheless, PresBO, Turban-Durbin and the rest of the progressive Dems continued to be brazen and not listen and be arrogant with little substance in their responses. Louise Slaughter was the comic relief of the day with her silly story. The Dem progs used the Goebbels playbook - keep repeating the lies enough so this will appear to be the truth. Nothing new, same old talking points of lies. Obomba is brazen enough to accuse Boehner and other GOP's of using talking points, then he turns right around and does it in the next breath himself.


You must of been watching on an etch-a- sketch. Our president said "no campaigning, the election is over" to Sen. Bomb Bomb.


No Green Card, No Band-Aid!!!!!
This whole stupid bill needs to be put in the crapper. It is pure shit anyway.

Puget Sound

You must of been watching on an etch-a- sketch. Our president said "no campaigning, the election is over" to Sen. Bomb Bomb.

Posted by: Coiler | February 26, 2010 at 08:39 AM

yep, and then the president goes on with HIS campaign talking points.
poor president obama, those Dims he was saddled with were absolutely no help at all. you know president Obama has to be thinking, 'I got these Dims veto proof majorities and I still can't get crap done.'



And if it passed with 51, you guys will whine about no compromise or bi-partisanship. ROTFL?


So-called Prof. Obomba tried to act the part of the professor, calling on Senators/Reps. by their first names. Phony bullcrap talking points he and other Dems pushing the health care suppository even though a majority is against it.

"Our president said "no campaigning, the election is over" to Sen. Bomb Bomb."

Right after that, Prof. Obomba commenced to campaign for his health care proposal - easy to see through this verneer of verbal diarrhea for those non-ideological types.

In case you hadn't noticed, we are currently being ruled by seditious A-holes in charge of the Federal Government who are trying to mimic the Politburo. They are purposely steering us toward bankruptcy with their big government proposals to feather their internationalist nests that begin at the top. Time to wake up, Coils and other progressive-philes. Everyone else including you are getting screwed.
(Bush did it also, to a less overreaching extent). Doesn't matter who has - it's WRONG.


And if it passed with 51, you guys will whine about no compromise or bi-partisanship. ROTFL?

Posted by: Coiler | February 26, 2010

What a maroon ! you are stupid enough to want to see that ? Reconciliation has never been used for bills of this magnitude - look it up ! Bi-partisanship does not exist. The Dims feel like they don't need it. The GOP is making a pretty good attempt to stand up against the seditious tactics being used by the leadership of the House and Senate and Prof. Obomba idly sits on the sidelines cheering them on and flipping the bird to the vast majority of voters with health care plans.

Puget Sound

And if it passed with 51, you guys will whine about no compromise or bi-partisanship. ROTFL?

Posted by: Coiler | February 26, 2010 at 12:21 PM

LMAO or ROTFL laughing bottom line is Dims can't get the job done.

KS, you think Coils realizes that the USAPATRIOT Act is being renewed by the President?


Hey Wallyfromwally--
We all know and agree that Rush Limbaugh is nothing but a comedian. As with all comedians though, he's not necessarily funny 100% of the time.

Puget Sound

What was funny was President Obama's habit of him labeling the Republican arguments as 'talking points' therefore 'illegitimate' for one reason:
they were inconvenient to his argument.

Thus, Rep Ryan's spot on points about how the bill doesn't pencil out Pres Obama tried to dismiss as 'talking points.' Comes off as intellectually dishonest. Fair minded people see through the charade.
I don't like an argument, I simply dismiss it as a 'talking point' rather than address it head on.
Reminds you of the usual suspects on this blog.


Reminds you of the usual suspects on this blog.

Posted by: Puget Sound

Trying to engage them in a civil debate can be excruciating or an opportunity to vent - depending on the circumstance. They could also be classified as sedition-ophiles.


They were talking points, and they have to be. The Republicans want to stall any kind of reform in order to make Obama "lose" so they can claim Democrats haven't brought any change when they're up for re-election in November.

But the Republicans can't just come out and admit they're obstructionists, so they have to pretend they're participating so they make up excuses like "it's too expensive (despite the fact that we already pay more than any other country in the world) or that they should start over from scratch (an obvious stalling tactic).

The battle lines have already been drawn. We will see in November whether Americans side with the Democrates who are trying their hardest to fix the system, or the Republicans who are bent on regaining power at the expense of jobs (Sen. Bunning) and national security (Sen. Shelby).

I fully expect the Dems to lose seats in conservative districts and states, but not because Obama is doing badly, only because it's no longer 2008.

Puget Sound

I fully expect the Dems to lose seats in conservative districts and states, but not because Obama is doing badly, only because it's no longer 2008.

Posted by: Andrew | February 26, 2010 at 01:24 PM

typical, won't even take responsibility for poor performance...

kind of hard when the usual fallback 'blame bush' gets harder to use, eh?

andrew, if the Dims really believed what you said they would Rahm it through on the 'never let a good crisis go to waste' theory.

the sad part is that this conversation between repubs and dems should have happened a year ago.


I'm hard pressed to think of any examples of "poor performance" in which repuglicans didn't play a hand.

Puget Sound

well, from the progressive point of view how'd that end the war, close gitmo, civilian trials for terrorist work for 'em?

or how about that stimulus plan that was supposed to keep unemployment no more than 8 percent?

is that all the fault of 'repuglicans?'

go ahead, blame bush. see how that works for ya in 2010. LMAO

Puget Sound

well, from the progressive point of view how'd that end the war, close gitmo, civilian trials for terrorist work for 'em?

or how about that stimulus plan that was supposed to keep unemployment no more than 8 percent?

is that all the fault of 'repuglicans?'

go ahead, blame bush. see how that works for ya in 2010. LMAO


Doesn't Paul Ryan have a plan to balance the budget by the year 2080?

What could possibly go wrong?


Andrew, We conservatives want nothing to do with government health care. So, they are honoring their constituents.
If there is a need for some reforms to insurance company procedures, then make laws to require change. If pre-existing is a problem, then make it law.
We have high risk pools for drunk and reckless drivers in our state that requires ins co's to cover their dumb asses.
Just be prepared to pay the premiums to cover the people that buy insurance after they find out they have cancer or a herniated disc.


I watched all 7 hours of the summit.

In a nutshell:

McCain: I'm angry and bitter.

Boehner: I'm tanned and bitter.

Obama: Thanks for sharing. Time for a vote.

Since reconciliation has been used by the Republicans 13 times since 1980, I hope the Dems will use it to get health care taken care of, and then move on to other things.


Hahahah, I don't hold the progressive view, and if it's only from this subjective standpoint that Obama has "failed", then objectively he hasn't failed at all.


So-called Prof. ...

Like everything else you say, that is proably wrong.

We conservatives want nothing to do with government health care.

If that's true, apparently there are aren't very many conservatives around anymore. Wonder why?

QUESTION: Would you favor or oppose the national government offering everyone the choice of buying into a government administered health insurance plan -- something like the Medicare coverage that people 65 and older get -- that would compete with private health insurance plans?

ALL 65% 28% 7%
OBAMA VOTERS 79% 11% 10%

God, you're ignorant.

Best sound bites I've heard today:

The republicans are wholly owned subsidiaries of the insurance companies. (Thanks, Weiner!)

It only takes 51 . . .

Darn, another good one on Goldman's show but I can't remember it!

Puget Sound

Andrew, if this is what you call 'success' then you would have loved President Jimmy Carter.
Sparkles, go ahead lets see if the Dims have the courage of their convictions.
I'm betting that you're gonna be spending a lot of time in your garden cursing.


Paul Ryan shoots animals with bows and arrows. Do you think republicans are retro pre-frontal lobe?

The executive functions of the frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress unacceptable social responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functions.

I think he's missing something.

Puget Sound

interesting that the usual suspects can't really quarrel with the numbers but can only take a shot of his supposed lack of intelligence.
What happened to the story of the lady with her the dentures of her dead sister...oh yeah, blame Bush.

Anywhooo, hows that pivot to jobs working out for americans.




I remembered the other one from Randi I think: the middle class is getting poorer and the poor are getting desperate. You know what happens when people get desperate?

Hopefully, they'll pick off conservatives first.

Oh, I can't wait for the drama this one will provoke. " Waa Waa Waa..."

Does anybody out there know what anywhoooo means? Or, for that matter, the rest of it even?


Do you think republicans are retro pre-frontal lobe?

The executive functions of the frontal lobes involve the ability to recognize future consequences resulting from current actions, to choose between good and bad actions (or better and best), override and suppress unacceptable social responses, and determine similarities and differences between things or events. Therefore, it is involved in higher mental functions.

I think he's missing something.

Posted by: joanie | February 26, 2010 at 06:38 P

I know she is missing something. Typical nonsense from the pinko progressives aka the usual suspects. Ryan was more articulate and intelligent than Prof. Obomba - face it put him on the defensive and revert to being a liar once again, since he couldn't refute his facts - that's what pinko progressives do. Ph(J)oanie's mental instability is once again rearing its ugly head.


Keep spinning it KS...


It only seems like spin to you, because you have your head buried on MSLSD getting all of the latest statist propaganda.


Sound's like klueless learned some new words, huh?

Overusing words, klueless, is the sign of a deficient vocabulary. :)

I think KPTK may be having more financial difficulty because THEY ARE REPEATING AND REPEATING AND REPEATING THE SAME COMMERCIALS AND PSA'S OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER . . . I like animals, but I wish someone would catch that gecko and send him to Florida UPS! And the women! Lullabyes and dirty filthy whatevers not to mention "I'm here for you girl" ads.

My goodness, doesn't anybody else notice? Or is nobody else listening?


I only watch MSNBC when Rachel is on. I watched the summit on CSpan--free of any annoying commentary or analysis. What I saw was the Party of HELL NO who would not stay on topic, who ignored Obama's request to discuss areas where there was agreement, instead continuing to whine about this and that. When they made false or misleading statements, Obama called them on it immediately. I listened to Republicans whine about features in the bill that months earlier they had said they wanted, but once Obama was for it too, they said they would vote against it. I thought one of the best exchanges was when McCain made some complaint, and Obama told him he agreed totally with him. McCain blinked several times, open and closed his mouth several times, and finally said "well...thanks."

Today, Americans got to hear what Republicans really think of those of them who have had care denied by an insurance company.

Puget Sound

My goodness, doesn't anybody else notice? Or is nobody else listening?

Posted by: joanie | February 26, 2010 at 09:37 PM

Anywhoooo, you sound like one of those types that talks to their tv or radio. not to worry, go ahead and use that 'cadillac' plan we hear so much of and see you're doctor. no doubt they have meds to fix it.

The three Republican Dr's brought some very good points to the table. Especially Dr. Coburn on how to keep the Fraud costs down with better enforcement techniques. Rep Ryan discussed the real cost of the bill. The CBO was forced to score it over a ten year period because that was how it was submitted: 6 year full benefits but 10 year of taxes. Run it over a more reasonable timeline and see that the numbers don't compute.
The Dim led congress does not have the courage now to put the excise tax on high cost insurance plans so it will punt that 8 years down the road. The thought of higher taxes on her own insurance plan had even Joanie ranting about 'goddamn the Obama man.'
See, it's one thing to saddle someone else with a tax it's another to be willing to pay for it yourself if you feel little value for what you are getting.
So yeah, you forgot to add that the Americans also got to hear what the Dims really think of the Americans who get to pay for this unsustainable bill.

Puget Sound

oh yeah Sparkles,
If you like the one between McCain and Obama then you must have been out hoeing the garden when this exchange went on. Congressman Ryan is 'schooling' Pres Obama in a respectful manner on how the numbers don't work. Watch the look on Pres Obama's face and the unconscious flipping him off a couple times. The President has a disconcerting habit of doing this in public.

Hiding Spending is not reducing spending...

Puget Sound

Looks like Rahm is abandoning ship...

Already using the media to show how if only Pres Obama had listened to him all would be lollipops and sunshine.

LMAO...I would have thought they would have stayed a little longer but looks like he is just following the trail of the Blue Dogs.

Insiders love to use friendly media...


CSpan --no pundit analysis, no framing to show a bias..just the entire proceeding from start to finish. So yes, I saw Obama wait for him to finish before pointing that that the Congressional Budget Office reported something much different than Ryan was trying to sell. Ryan should have saved his speech for Bush and how the hidden spending for the Iraq war was never a budget line item.

Im sure what other people saw depended on whether they want people to be helped or if they just want Obama to fail regardless of the impact on human beings, so they can yuk it up.


Today, Americans got to hear what Republicans really think of those of them who have had care denied by an insurance company.

Posted by: sparky | February 26, 2010 at 11:31 PM

And what specifically was that ? You are making stuff up, likely based on what Rachel made up on MSLSD - I can point to instances where that has occurred if you'd like. The GOP does not want comprehensive health care reform, but they will support incremental reform.

You pinko progressives have to lie about the intentions of the GOP to be able to justify the comprehensive agenda that a majority of Americans don't want. That is the main reason the opposition wants to see Obama fail.


Bsuh 43 tried the "comprehensive approach" will immigration reform and the public soundly rejected it. Similarly the public rejects this attempt. The Dims in Congress and the White House remain tone deaf and arrogant (just like the Bush White House was), as the public has the same attitude about Health Care Reform - not no, but HELL NO ! They are proceeding at their own peril and we want them to FAIL. The GOP's feet also need to be held to the fire - I expect them to back up their support for incremental reform provided their proposals are included soon, should this piece of shit legislation fail.

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