The unwholesome, scurrilous but popular bag of radio wind, DOCTOR Michael Savage (KTTH m-f, 6-9p) has again been denied a reprieve from his ban from Britain.
It started in May when now former British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith included him on the list of 16 of 22 people banned from the country since October for allegedly fostering extremism or hatred.
(Savage, who calls the Koran "a book of hate,” was blacklisted with a bad crowd - Muslim extremists; jailed Russian gangsters, militant Israeli settlers- the usual international thugs).
Savage, who makes $10 million in salary alone, started raving, filed a lawsuit; begged listeners to give to his “defense fund;” hawked a tepid-selling book (Banned in Britain – Beating The Liberal Blacklist); “respectfully” demanded that Secretary of State Clinton intervene, and got a goodly bump in the ratings. (so anti-collegial is Savage he's despised even by conservatives- he gets little public support from them. The ACLU, however, has decried his banishment).(The flatulent Marin County douchnozzle conveniently forgot that only months before he’d been referring to Hillary as "that hag, that harridan," and a "fraudulent huckster," a "dangerous yokel," a "liar," a "sickening person." “Evita Perón.”)
Hell, we thought ratings were the idea. But Savage keeps going (maybe he’s got a new book to pimp), again becoming the topic in the British House of Lords' oral question period a few weeks ago.
Smith’s successor, Home Office Minister Lord West told the assembled solons:“In the absence of clear, convincing and public evidence that Mr. Savage has repudiated his previous statements, the current Home Secretary is not prepared to review the exclusionary decision.”
There was some rebuttal by Savage’s tool, the conservative Lord Pearson. One remark got laughs when he said DR. Savage had won a “prestigious award for freedom of speech” from Talkers magazine. (Talker slyly gave it to Savage hoping to reap some headlines for the sagging print publication. They succeeded).
An honor that Savage watchdog Bill Bowman points out that the talk host couldn’t be bothered to pick up. Instead, he sent a CD to the ceremony which he later sold on his website.
Pearson also claimed that the philanthropic DR. Savage simply wanted to visit the collection of rare plants he generously gave to Britain’s Kew Gardens. Bowman writes: “It’s so rare, in fact, that when I asked a Kew Gardens official about it, he told me they couldn't find any record of it.”
Pearson goes on to ask (in his stuffy, Britishly rhetorical way) if Savage’s remarks that large numbers of Muslims “might should be killed,” might have been taken out of context?
“Was that not in response,” he asked rabbinically, “to the question, 'what happens if a rogue organization gets hold of a nuclear weapon and uses it?'"
Bowman found the quote in context at Media Matters- you make the call:There are too many RDDBs [red-diaper doper babies, Savage's term for people supposedly raised by Marxist parents] in high places and in the media and in the courts for us to stand up to this fanatical enemy. And so unless the RDDB is reined in somehow or taken out of power, we're going to die as a nation. I swear to God that's what people are saying to me. And these are intelligent people, wealthy people. They are very depressed by the weakness that America is showing to these psychotics in the Muslim world. They say, "Oh, there's a billion of them." I said, "So, kill 100 million of them, then there'll be 900 million of them." I mean, would you rather die -- would you rather us die than them? I mean, what is it going to take for you people to wake up? Would you rather we disappear or we die? Or would you rather they disappear and they die? Because you're going to have to make that choice sooner rather than later.
In the end, Lord West said,
"I will provide a list of what he said, some of which are fairly objectionable and unpleasant, I have to say. Certainly, if all of those things have been said in a context that makes them OK, we would think about looking at it again. But I would be extremely surprised if some of those statements could be put in any context that would make them anything other than abhorrent."
A Lord Preston said, “We (in England) produce enough nut cases here not to import any from other countries.” Hear it all here.
The man has 10 million listers and was #47 in The [British] Telegraph’s List of Most Influential US Conservatives, beating such as Lou Dobbs (79), Ann Coulter (74), Chris Ruddy (64), and Bill O’Reilly (85). (Interestingly, Dick Cheney, Rush, and Matt Drudge lead the pack, followed by Sarah Palin, Robert Gates, Glenn Beck, Roger Ailes, Gen. David Petraeus, Rep. Paul Ryan, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, amnd Mitt Romney).
The conservative movement must be proud. Our commenters always point out that DOCTOR Savage is brilliant, rich, successful (#3 talk host in the country), and has a PhD- he must be right... and righteous!
That he’s an asshole cynically living very well off the stirring up of hatred, and advocating violence agaionst people who aren’t rich and brilliant doesn’t figure in.
I'm grateful for this post because I'm reading a very interesting and similar article on how all this hate speech on the net got started and why it has multiplied and become so powerful. And who - sort of - started it.
This explains why I hold sputs in such low esteem:
"but sitting at your keyboard, there is no trick to it at all. Not only can the past never really be erased; it co-exists, in cyberspace, with the present, and an important type of context is destroyed. This is one reason that intellectual inflexibility has become such a hallmark of modern political discourse, and why, so often, no distinction is recognized between hypocrisy and changing your mind."
Or, I would add, addressng a different context.
Bravo to a country that has personally experienced the result of a campaign of hate speech: Germany in the thirties. The Brits remember and want no part in it. Good for them. Conservatives - for whom it is all about money - well, I guess they just don't care. Hate, war, conflict is usually good for profits if you're in the right business.
I wonder what will happen as those populations who lived through it die off. Who listens to Savage? Old bigoted people living in the past when America was white, protestant and working? Of course, everybody working was the result of a world war that also gave America the window of opportunity to exploit resources and build wealth while the rest of the first world had to rebuild infrastructure. Now, they're ahead and we're behind.
And that's the way it is.
Posted by: joanie | January 24, 2010 at 02:28 PM
You would certainly know about hate speech.
Posted by: TommyOate | January 24, 2010 at 02:40 PM
The few times I've listened to Savage I've been repulsed. He reminds me of a shock-jock trying to capture an audience by saying the most ridiculous things imaginable. Brave to the British Empire for sustaining their ban on him and others of his ilk.
Posted by: Sarah | January 24, 2010 at 02:45 PM
I agree Sarah, but it is still depressing that so many people in this country place so much importance on what he spews.
I wonder if there will ever come a time when people get tired of all this stuff.
Posted by: sparky | January 24, 2010 at 02:55 PM
Why don't we start here with more civilized posting by you and joanie and coiler. Come on, what say ye.
Posted by: TommyOate | January 24, 2010 at 03:00 PM
Fine with me, Duff.
Posted by: sparky | January 24, 2010 at 03:08 PM
Please call me by my correct posting name of TommyOate. Then, I will assume you are being genuine.
Posted by: TommyOate | January 24, 2010 at 03:12 PM
Sorry, Sparky. Can't happen till his side can control themselves. And they can't. This thread is already an example and he is it.
Posted by: joanie | January 24, 2010 at 03:16 PM
"Namely we produce enough nutcases in this country without needing to import any from the United States."
Now, wait just a you know. OK, I had enough of you hippie-types that think what England is doing here is Ok, but let me set you straight: based on the above comment, Duffman would not be allowed in either, and he's one of America's most God-fearing white men, and a personal friend. Now you've all heard of tracer rounds? Well, Duffs and I were out hunting one day when we get this brilliant idea for cooking our meal before it hits the ground. It's how the depleted uranium anti-tank round was born, right there in a scum-covered marsh in the Sacramento Delta- Plus, it even allowed us to hunt them little bastard ducks at night, or in the fog- you can follow the trajectory of the round, and then find the glowing carcass, days or even a thousand years later, ready to eat. One thing we do not advise is using these extremely effective shells in a windstorm. Some liberal whiny crybabies keep going on about fallout over schoolyards and such.
Posted by: Dr. Bill Whattaturd | January 24, 2010 at 04:56 PM
What the world needs now is more humor and fewer CEOs.
Posted by: TAD | January 24, 2010 at 05:06 PM
What the world needs now
Is Love, sweet Love
No, not just for some
But for EVery oooooooone
Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides
Enough To climb
-Let's all have a Coke (liquid)
Posted by: TommyOate | January 24, 2010 at 05:13 PM
Sparky, doncha just love Tony Benn? If only we had a few genuine politicians here like him, who truly understand their role. To this day he is still one of the most respected and admired of the MPs.
If you like to read more about him, try looking for the Tony Benn Diaries- very good reading.
Posted by: Drew | January 24, 2010 at 05:38 PM
I sat there watching this movie, looking at how France has made it a law to treat its citizens like humans, as well as Norway. It's nuts that we dont do the same.
Posted by: sparky | January 24, 2010 at 07:38 PM
kind of funny to watch the usual suspects in a big conniption over Duffman.
how pathetic.
someone you deride as 'Duff' is just dancing inside your heads.
Posted by: Puget Sound | January 24, 2010 at 08:10 PM
joanie's angrier than savage
Posted by: michaelspal | January 24, 2010 at 08:19 PM
joanie's angrier than savage
and KluelesS is more misguided than savage
Posted by: KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes | January 24, 2010 at 09:45 PM
You would certainly know about hate speech.
Posted by: TommyOate | January 24, 2010 at 02:40 PM
as you would know about being stupid.
Posted by: KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes | January 24, 2010 at 09:49 PM
kind of funny to watch the usual suspects in a big conniption over Duffman.
how pathetic.
"Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little
Cheep cheep cheep, talk a lot, pick a little more
{Three times}
Pick a little, talk a little, pick a little, talk a little
Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep"
Posted by: joanie | January 25, 2010 at 02:14 AM
Thanks to qwkim, we get to take a trip down memory lane:
" The Clinton's are laughing their asses off and preparing for the biggest 'I Told You So' in political history come Nov 5th.
Yeah, of course the Dems will be crying foul about the voting machines -and you dim Dems know who you are- but all of the Dems will have to deal with the Clintons.
The rest of us will be enjoying the McCain Presidency and watching you guys squirm under the thumb of the Clintons. Now THAT will be funny."
pugetsound, Sept. 2008
Posted by: tad | January 25, 2010 at 09:33 AM
No wonder this one senate seat was so precious to them.
Posted by: Coiler | January 25, 2010 at 11:08 AM
I have the same thought of this man because Koran just has brought us violence between nations and it isn't something that a good religion claims.
Posted by: Sildenafil | November 16, 2010 at 09:43 AM
yes totally agree with all of you guys...
I guess he, would find a better job, without being judged
Posted by: Metro Ethernet | April 03, 2011 at 05:41 PM