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January 28, 2010


Kathi M. Clark

Good. And Happy Birthday Randi! (Jan 28)


Suppose there's a tingling sensation running up joanie's leg.


Bounce yer boobies!

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

and a warm liquidy sensation running down tommy's leg ...


Sorry joanie but I'm just not turned on by Jerry Lewis look-a-likes. Bwahahaha

james chan

A couple of threads back it was mentioned that norMAN goldMAN 'buy his way' on the air. What exactly does that mean? Is he buying 3 hours of air time? what about commercial revenue?

james chan

that is 'buys his way' on the air....

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

I'm not joanie, idjit ... but go ahead and keep thinking that as that is about your speed


How'd you know I was talking to you? Bwahahaha

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

uh, as you were obviously referencing my previous post ... are you really that stoopid?


Look, I may have a intellectual disability, but I'm not stoopid. But nice try. Bwahahahahah


Has the bus came by to take you back?


I've never left coiler, I've always been confined here with nothing but a computer terminal for escapism. But I hope you know that the terms mental retarded or mental retardation are no longer PC, so I expect some good 'ol home training from you. BTW, thank you so much for being my friend.

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

frikken 'tard ...


How very astute of you tres Ahole, yes some say I'm a bit of a political dynamiter. Do you also want to be my friend.

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

I think the bus just zipped right on by with the driver looking out the window laughing ...


That's not an answer. Are you afraid to be my friend.


Nobody wants to be your friend, Duffman. Least of all me.

I post when I have something to say. You are not my network of friends. Thank god.


Interesting you say she has never played well here, Michael. On what do you base that? I'm more curious than judging. She's not my favorite but when she's talking issues, policy and facts, nobody can beat her. That's why these idiots on the right hate her. They are intellectually her inferiors.

And I still wonder why they keep Goldman at 3. I'd love to hear Randi at 3.


Joanie, Are you still on for a visit to Parkland to whoop on my butt?


joanie, that hurts my feelings; I can't believe you wouldn't befriend someone with an intellectual disability. But, I understand that you're apparently above that. Oh Well, and please don't call me duff...he takes good care of us.


Ah chux. Out from hiding. The wife taking a vacation?

Duff: "apparently above that?" Yes.


I believe chucks asked you a question and we are all (here in the institution) waiting for your answer. Are you going to whoop his butt. Do you want to know about his trip to Haiti.
It's Okay, I'm sure I can count on coiler and sparky to be my friend. Thanks any way.


Randi is celebrating the speech. She's lovin' it. She's loyal, I'll hand her that.

She just said he's (Obama) not the legislature. Neither was Bush but he found a way to get it done. Just like the left to play by the rules.

She added that his "enforcer - Rahm - is a blue dog. So why doesn't he get rid of the blue dog? Find someone who represents his base.


Because he's the puppet and Rahm, et al are the puppeteers. Haven't you (or Randi) figured that out yet. Apparently not. Oh well, there's always Gen Wes Clark. BTW, how's that working out for you, since your dream boy JE didn't quite pan out.


Oh my, they're comin to get me now; I can't play with you any more; I'll leave you with chucks and he can detail his Haiti trip for you.
Thanks for being my friend.

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

jeez, how do I get my own avatar? I like joanie but I'm tired of the confusion ... and if I can get enough sanitizer to spray all over myself after my visit, I'll venture into skankland, er, parkland and laugh a yer miserable self chunks.

I do miss that great burger joint, the hand out, they had the best burgers back in the 80s ...


No time off for my bride, or any body else in that office while legislature is in session. They need to price out the cost's of all those bills that get introduced by our representatives. It is 10-12 hour days, including holidays until it's over.
I used to feel a little bad that I may have had a part in your meanness, but reading some of your comments you made last week, no, you don't need me. You are a vile woman no matter who visits these boards. Pity.


You do not get separate avatar's for your various differing incarnations joanie. You are you no matter what screen name you choose to use through the coarse of the day.
But I do understand why you would want to be somebody else now and then.


The repukes are back with Nixon politics upgraded with a mix of Oreally goon squads. Hope they get 10 years!!!!! All kinds of denials from the right ,but watch where their legal fees come from.

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

You do not get separate avatar's for your various differing incarnations joanie. You are you no matter what screen name you choose to use through the coarse of the day.

hey dipshit, call in blam to clarify this so your pea sized brains can leave joanie alone.

I'm vile an mean to you cuz you deserve it. and sorry that your wife is slow calculating numbers. maybe we should get someone qualified at the cushy salary she must be getting.


joanie, you're so funny. Did you ever get a briefing from chux on his Haiti visit.

Puget Sound

talk about inept!
gets a veto proof majority in both houses and the presidency can't get it done all year long. (must be president "bushler's" fault, eh?) it's about as weak as msnbc.

how'd that campaign against 'Fixed News' work out anyway?

the campaign stunt directed at the supreme court during the state of the union only serves to drive independents and blue dogs away. but yeah, keep it up. hope and change?

wow, i am sure THAT will inspire the nutroots to go out, sweat, name call, and vote in the upcoming 2010 election.

randi only works as an angry whiner. their is an crowd that likes that stuff. it's a smaller crowd but it does exist.

randi's 'loyal' to her brew. she wasn't very loyal to her listeners. give it a few months and they'll be yet another 'incident.'

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

OMG! look at the previous avatar!

I've been exposed!

and ya'll thought I was joanie LOL!


calm down joanie and refrain from the vino until at least after noon, even tho your off today.


Puget Sound said "randi's 'loyal' to her brew. she wasn't very loyal to her listeners. give it a few months and they'll be yet another 'incident.' "

This from the scholar who said that he was going to really enjoy a McCain presidency!

Hey Sound Bite, any other pearls of wisdom ya wanna share wif us??

Puget Sound

Yeah, I'm going to enjoy a Senator Rossi come November...


where, in Alabama?


Don't know about Patty Murray losing in Nov., but Inslee, Larsen and the 3rd District (Baird's) have a decent shot at being retired and replaced with a GOP US Representative.


Baird already announced he is not running for re-election, and we talked about it here.


I knew that - Baird's replacement candidate is Denny Heck. That's why I referred to it as the 3rd District.

KluelesS, chunks & PutzS = tres assholes

Yeah, I'm going to enjoy a Senator Rossi come November...

is he a 2 time loser or a 3 time loser?

Jason Andersen

President Obama's comments regarding the Supremes' latest hit at the State of the Union could be characterized as a "campaign stunt," and it was definitively political; he is the President...and no, the strict constructionists and originalists presiding over the federal judiciary aren't in anyway political, eh? But that debate would cross both sides get redundant, and I'd rather get back to the point on style that President Obama's criticism of the Supreme Court decision will alienate him with independantsd and blue dogs. DO YOU REMEMBER DUBAI PORTS? I don't think that President Obama will do anything but endear himself to moderates, blue dogs, and even conservative nativists when he rails about this nation being on the precipice of having corporate "persons" in the form of Saudi Arabians, or Venezuleans, or Russian, or even American companies with penchant for outsourcing, being able to spend limitlessly to affect our representative democracy. If you think that President Obama is barking up the wrong tree by challenging the Supreme Court's decision, then I think that you're either tone deaf or secretly on my side.


Still not live, delayed broadcast.


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