Liberals had a good night in Washington.
(photo: Dow Constantine)
Once again, it’s plain that despite the bluster, the blather, and hours of blatant advocacy, conservative talk radio KIROFM, KTTH, and KVI are origami tigers when it comes to delivering votes for conservative candidates, and conservative candidates.
Hutchison was judged by the voters as just another pretty face.
For months, Hutchison was licked to death by Dori Monson, (KIROFM m-f,12-3p)- pleasured orally by Dave Boze, (KTTH m-f, 3-6p) and tea-bagged by Kirby Wilbur (KVI m-f, 5-6p).
(Hutchison: just a pretty face)
The execrable Tim Eyman’s I-1033, which would have crippled state and local governments for years to come, went down like a one-legged streetwalker, despite those same local right-wing talk hosts, and Frank Shiers (KIROFM m-f, 7-11p) gave Eyman face-time succor and congenial air-time.Tonight, it’s unclear about the evangelical-generated Referendum 71 that would undo gay civil rights granted by the last legislature- it’s ahead at present, but nobody’s calling it.
Talk radio was a little mixed on R-71, Dori Monson and Shiers didn’t pay much attention to it, but Boze and Wilbur, while only speaking only vaguely homophobically, broadcast with tacit assumption their listeners agreed with their “special rights” arguments. Boze’s brother-in-law, Steve O’Ban, an attorney and spokesman for R-71 sponsor Protect Marriage Washington appeared on his show multiple times to plug the ‘no’ side.
If this has been approved as it appears, it’s another political strikeout in a long, long slump for conservative talk radio in Seattle.
With the dismal scoring with voters, and the horrible ratings these stations are getting these days, we gotta ask, what is it about right-wing talk that’s so attractive to programmers?
The Republicans kicked ass in the Democratic Party stronghold of the Northeast. Republicans ousted the Democrat incumbents in New Jersey and Virginia. Michelle Bachmann will teabag the Democrats in Washington DC on Thursday where she has called for the Super Bowl of Freedom Rally. Obama faces a rough week.
Posted by: mrogi | November 04, 2009 at 12:32 AM
It's good and well established that talk radio doesn't change anyone's mind, it just serves to satisfy people who want validation and confirmation of their prejudices.
Even if they wanted to change minds their approach is completely wrong, they argue from their own beliefs, not from the view point of whoever is unconvinced. It's like asking someone to tell you what you're thinking.
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | November 04, 2009 at 12:39 AM
Democratic Party stronghold of the Northeast
Strongholds for Dems? Virginia?
Where do you get your information? Pleeeeese!
I'd say the one in for a rough week is you. Time to go count your pieces of silver.
BTW, did you check out New York? (laughing here) Democrat wins upstate New York congressional race
For the first time since the Civil War era, New York's 23rd Congressional District has a Democratic representative, CNN projects.
Bill Owens defeated Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in a race that became a flashpoint in the battle for control of the national Republican Party.
Umm, is Virginia considered part of the northeast? I know it is below the Mason-Dixon line. I always considered it part of the southeast... just wondering.
Posted by: joanie | November 04, 2009 at 12:42 AM
Both US Senators from Virginia are Democrats. The incumbent Governor is a Democrat. Obama won 53% of the Presidential election vote in Virginia last November. That qualifies as a Democratic Party stronghold in my book. Virginia is on the eastern seaboard and north of the Mason-Dixon. That qualifies as northeastern in book.
Posted by: mrogi | November 04, 2009 at 12:58 AM
Democrats ousted republicans in Virginia and NJ, in Nov 2001. Where was Karl Rove?
Posted by: Coiler | November 04, 2009 at 05:43 AM
Two crappy Dem candidates for Governor? One of whom was uber corrupt ( NJ ) and the other a weak candidate...yeah a big loss there. Governorships that have nothing to do with national politics.
As Joanie said..not since the Civil War has a Dem represented that district in NY. Another vote on our side for health care for all!!
And a note to Timmah...even the folks of Yakima, and much of Eastern WA thought 1033 stunk. Those residents rely on state funds more than we do over on this side of the mountain. They gave the finger to your suggestion they shoot themselves in the foot.
Posted by: sparky | November 04, 2009 at 06:06 AM
Dave Ross will explore whether this is the end of the Eyman era or not today on his show.
Great coverage last night by KIRO as usual. They are a very strong station and will continue to be the dominant voice in the area.
I thought Susan would do better but Dow is probably a better fit for the folks in King Co. More of a continuation of Ron Simms.
This state will continue to be a dominant liberal-progressive state regardless of what happens on a national level. May be when Boeing is completely gone and the strength of the powerful unions lessen there will be a chance for change but likely citizens will be too busy looking for jobs.
Posted by: fRed | November 04, 2009 at 06:29 AM
let the conservatives eat cake
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | November 04, 2009 at 07:03 AM
Virginia is NOT north of the Mason-Dixon line
Just one more failed fact, mrogi. You seem to know as much geography as you do Virginia politics. Go back to counting silver.
Posted by: joanie | November 04, 2009 at 07:32 AM
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | November 04, 2009 at 07:48 AM
I've seen this in elections in a number of other markets over the years. 24/7, wall to wall mudslinging of a candidate who eventually wins a specific geographic area. I've always wondered how these signals could justify their saying they "serve the community" while so clearly out of touch with the local community's sensibilities. I wish more people would add this information to stations' public files. Particularly around license renewal time.
Posted by: Lucas Foxx | November 04, 2009 at 08:02 AM
Susan Hutchison couldn't answer the hard questions. She was just a brittle bomb-thrower who could never convince anyone he had a grasp of the problems or could handle the job. She was Dino Rossi with tits. I hope this has nipped a future Republican political career in the bud. Now on to neuter McKenna. Will Brian Sonntagg and Brad Owens be punished for their disaffections?
Posted by: Pasha | November 04, 2009 at 09:36 AM
Actually the Taters weren't bad last night. Carlson said the rest of the country was turning right last night as a result of 2 governors races, but he claimed King Co was turning more 'left'. Schram had to smack him down and remind him state races are local. Carlson didn't say if NY-23 was turning more left.
Posted by: Coiler | November 04, 2009 at 10:46 AM
Stupid is as stupid does. Way to go, voters of King County. The Republicans need stronger candidates someone who smack the collective progressives upside the head with reality.
Posted by: KS | November 07, 2009 at 09:30 AM