Everett station, KRKO's two new radio towers were attacked with a backhoe in the early Friday morning hours, and the towers lay crumbled on the ground.
E.L.F. has taken credit, as they frequently do, and the FBI has been called in.
(photo: "where were you last night between 3 and 3:30 ayem, Mr. President?)
Talk radio will indict President Obama, and his radical agenda; his Marxist philosophy, soft spot for terrorists, and tree-huggers; his authoritarian demands of loyalty to "the common good."
Let the debate begin: is he black or green? or... red? (obviously, whatever the fuck his colors. he's no true-blue American).
Station-owner Andy Skotdal: "What was surprising was the majority of the tall tower is laid out like a pancake, it's flattened all the way," said Skotdal. "There's quite a bit of destruction to the antenna system and it will probably take at least three months to get it back up and operational again."The station is on a back-up system.
The tower array, recently expanded, has been the subject of spirited legal attacks, and appeals by NIMBYs and environmentalists for a decade. Radio transmitters have long been under fire everywhere, and has helped stifle the growth of AM radio. (read KKOL's troubles here).
KRKO's tower expansion has had to address a broad range of issues ranging from endangering trumpeter swan habitat to harming human reproductive organs.
But the Skotdals finally won recently after a series of legal challenges to building another 5,000-watt station tower at the same rural Snohomish site.
Skotdal told reporters a sign with the letters ELF was found nearby that would implicate The secretive eco-terroist Earth Liberation Front is taking credit for the vandalism. but authorities aren't blaming ecoterrorism just yet. There's plenty of motive in this community for doing harm to the transmitters; emotions were high; calls of vengeance and redress against the Skotdals were loud.
ELF, while a secretive clot of demented assholes who do harm to the environment and environmental causes, are always a willing and convenient scapegoat and have been used in the past to cover other motives for destructive vandalism. The FBI, well familiar with who they are and how they do what they do, will sort this out.
Environmental arson or other politically-motivated vandalism is but a drop in the bucket compared to the good ol' American capitalistic greed-motivated insurance fraud of business or homeowner arson.
The county is full of nuts...I can think of at least two ex-neighbors who would be capable of something stupid like this.
Posted by: sparky | September 04, 2009 at 02:28 PM
I was down town Seattle last night, having taken the gurlz to see Wicked at the Paramount.
I saw a kazillion people down there rallying for free gumment hand outs for the people that want free gumment hand outs.
Pretty sure it was one of those people.
Posted by: chucks | September 04, 2009 at 02:36 PM
Yes, Snohomish Co is "Freedom County" or just Dom County. Where is Fnu Lnu?
Posted by: Coiler | September 04, 2009 at 02:51 PM
You konservatives better not get too high on that silly ELF connection because it will be shown that a self righteous libertarian who felt the world had done him wrong took matter into how own hand in short order. I will rub it in.
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | September 04, 2009 at 02:56 PM
You konservatives better not get too high on that silly ELF connection because it will be shown that a self righteous libertarian who felt the world had done him wrong took matter into how own hand in short order. I will rub it in.
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | September 04, 2009 at 02:56 PM
Sure 'Andy,' until then don't put too much salt on Duff's fries.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 04, 2009 at 03:21 PM
Hey 'Andy'
looks like the folks at ELF don't agree with your theory. they are claiming credit for the act on their website.
and would you like some catsup, sir?
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 04, 2009 at 05:14 PM
Sure they do, if they didn't, someone else has done all the pick and shovel work.
Posted by: Coiler | September 04, 2009 at 05:40 PM
Deny, deny, deny! Let's see how this plays out...we have some of those E/ALF martrys in jail already and they (like certain other cultures) consider it an honor to destruct...because in destruction they see construction of another kind...isn't that sweet rationalization.
But, I will not rise to absolute judgement and believe the ELF group who are claiming responsibility at this time. Hopefully the perpetrators WILL be caught and who knows...may be we'll even find out how they voted in the last Presidential election. [I'd be more cautious with those 'two bits' AA].
Posted by: Duffman | September 04, 2009 at 05:51 PM
...and may I again suggest that you LP's get off your dead asses and lobby the hell out of our POTUS and our CONGRESS (YOUR POWER)...make yourselves USEful and try to get us OUT of Iraq and AFGHANISTAN...NOW! The evening news is pathetic...our young heros are getting slaughtered along with innocent Afghans who are just trying to make a living.
What a f'ing bunch of BS you guys throw around...while our brave and fine young people die. SHAME on you.
Posted by: Duffman | September 04, 2009 at 05:57 PM
Duff, get yourself a sign and stand outside the Federal Building in Seattle this weekend. In Seattle I'm sure before long you'll attract a few other anti-war nutjobs to stand by your side. Sorry, I wont be there. Make sure you bring an umbrella and call AA to bring you some fries.
BTW did you read that we killed 90 of them Taliban/Al-Quada Terrorist last night. Thought they could steal some fuel trucks but instead got the wrong end of a 1,000lb bomb.
Posted by: nevets | September 04, 2009 at 07:49 PM
"But, I will not rise to absolute judgement and believe the ELF group who are claiming responsibility at this time. Hopefully the perpetrators WILL be caught and who knows...may be we'll even find out how they voted in the last Presidential election. [I'd be more cautious with those 'two bits' AA].
Posted by: Duffman | September 04, 2009 at 05:51 PM"
Good points, Duff. Although the ELF has claimed responsibility on its website we don't know for sure.
Odd are that the only 'rubbing' Andy will be doing is with himself.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 04, 2009 at 08:00 PM
Why would talk radio indict Obama ? Crazy talk !
Obama's Green Jobs security advisor (aka czar); Van Jones has exhorted ELF to go out and start a revolution and commit this act. Mr. Jones has been pressing for a revolution ever since his days in Oakland.
Posted by: KS | September 04, 2009 at 09:48 PM
KS has been drinking out of someone's ass crack again.
Posted by: Bad Bill | September 04, 2009 at 10:14 PM
Put down the crack pipe, Bad Bill and get your nose out the posterior of the government-media complex.
Posted by: KS | September 04, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Drinking from a man’s ass crack requires close proximity to his balls. This is the genesis of the expression “Tea Bagging“.
Posted by: Mr. Tetley | September 04, 2009 at 10:31 PM
Come on KS, you can admit to us. You are a Bagger.
Posted by: Mr. Tetley | September 04, 2009 at 10:55 PM
there is a lot of circle tea-bagging around here, with Duffman usually being the first to open wide.
Posted by: Puddy | September 04, 2009 at 10:58 PM
Your eyes are brown, Mr. Tetley.
Tell us, are you a 9-11 Truther or just an asshat ?
Posted by: KS | September 04, 2009 at 11:00 PM
You’re right Puddy, but I think Duff’s cheese slid off the cracker along time ago.
Posted by: Mr. Tetley | September 04, 2009 at 11:01 PM
A choice between a 9-11 Truther or just an asshat? With brown eyes to boot. Wow you leave me a lot a room. I guess you have the answer to this foolish riddle.
Are you in a vodka haze at the moment?
Posted by: Mr. Tetley | September 04, 2009 at 11:07 PM
No purple haze. Party on brown-nosers of this banana republic neo-com administration.
Whoever floated it, what do you mean ELF was not implicated in the vandalism/ destruction of the KRKO tower ? idiot !
Posted by: KS | September 04, 2009 at 11:15 PM
Watch out everyone, KS has slipped the rails. Looks for delusions and fanatical chatter form this goof ball.
Posted by: Grand Oligarh | September 04, 2009 at 11:25 PM
...Look for delusions and fanatical chatter form this goof ball.
Posted by: Grand Oligarh | September 04, 2009 at 11:53 PM
.Your eyes are brown, Mr. Tetley.
Tell us, are you a 9-11 Truther or just an asshat ?
Posted by: KS | September 04, 2009 at 11:00 PM
Looks like the 'asshat' fits.
Andy came on yesterday to breathlessly tell us he had 'solved the case.' And to tell us how much he was going to enjoy rubbing it in (actually the quote was, '...it will be shown that a self righteous libertarian who felt the world had done him wrong took matter into how own hand in short order. I will rub it in.'
"I Will Rub It In." Interesting use of words, Andy. Please go ahead. Rub our noses in it.
Alas, poor Andy can't be found.
Andy, please explain how your theory of how ELF was 'used' and then elected to take the blame for the radio towers being destroyed?
NY Vinnie was right, you are just a little angry man.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 05, 2009 at 04:41 AM
Grand Oligarh - besides being just another asshat - you are the pot calling the kettle black, re: goofball. Same goes for your pal or alter ego - Mr. Tetley.
Keep wearing your clown suit and dispensing the hyperbole and mindless drivel. Whatever, but I'd consider getting your nose out of the posterior of the Barack's czars. Your rhetoric is sounding increasingly stupid amongst your brown nosing.
Posted by: KS | September 05, 2009 at 09:05 AM
Let me ask you LP's are you comfortable with Van Jones advising our POTUS? ...and you don't need to answer with a question...if, in fact you are brave and honest enough to answer at all.
Posted by: Duffman | September 05, 2009 at 09:33 AM
EXACTLY the response I expected!
Posted by: Duffman | September 05, 2009 at 12:35 PM
I am comfortable in understanding that Van Jones is the kind of man that has made Obama what he is.
What he is is a commie bastard. But he is our commie bastard.
Never thought that I would see the day that Hillary would have been the better choice.
Posted by: chucks | September 05, 2009 at 03:26 PM
Yeah, chucks I think many more of this blogs' die-hards are thinking the same way at this point.
Posted by: Duffman | September 05, 2009 at 03:32 PM
Duff, why are you not at the Federal Building in Seattle today. Did the rain scare you off. How can anyone take you seriously on your anti-war rants if you dont walk the walk.
Posted by: nevets | September 05, 2009 at 05:20 PM
The silent LP masses who are typically quick to blather are silent on this one. Most would never want to let on that they see the chinks in the Barack's armor, but their response says volumes.
Posted by: KS | September 05, 2009 at 05:48 PM
Remember steven I didn't vote for this guy...I HAVE spoken.
Posted by: Duffman | September 05, 2009 at 06:14 PM
...and steven you can make book on the fact that I've 'walked-the-walk' (from Oct 1965 -to- Oct 1968)...don't need lectures from ANY one in that regard.
Posted by: Duffman | September 05, 2009 at 06:26 PM
Dave Ross and John Rothman on KGO weekends are both annoying about Obama right now. They suggest that pretty much anyone who is upset with him is some sort of rightwing racist or loon. Obama has lost a boatload of independents. I'm not thriled withhis performance so far. Ross and Rothman are elitists , out of touch withthe everyday folks. I'd be pleased if he just has one term if he doesn't stop being an ass. It looks liek my wish may well be granted.
Posted by: Tommy008 | September 05, 2009 at 06:38 PM
I'm not questioning your service Duff. I'll never do that. Not like others here have. Sure you walked the walk back then when called upon. But did that oath you took back in 65' stop in 68'? Or did you throw it away like your uniforms when you got out. For me that oath is as good today as it was when I first enlisted. No matter who the President is. And it is the President who makes the final decisions concerning war in this country. Not some Canadian import or any other nut job with a sign or microphone in his or her hands.
Now Duff, I dont like this Presidents policies. I didn't vote for this commie either. But like chucks said, he is our commie. And until he is voted out in 2012 we are stuck with him and we dont need him making irrational decisions that might cause our troops to be put further into harms way. Look what he has done already listening to those around him. Record deficits, unemployment through the roof. Misread this country s desire for ObamaCare. If this guy starts seeing war protesters on the streets and his advisers like Van Jones starts whispering in his ear and he deems that is what he needs to do, he'll pull the troops out to fast and get many more killed. Not to mention those innocents in Afghanistan who depend on our protection.
Thats not what you want is it?
So what I'm saying Duff, this wasn't Bush's war. It is not Obamas. Its our war. Now I'll stand by your side here on the BW fighting the good fight and these Neo-coms and thier lies. But it stops when you start protesting what the troops are doing overseas.
Posted by: nevets | September 05, 2009 at 09:18 PM
By that "logic" then, ("our war"), you own it and are responsible for it, and should have ended it a long time ago, like when your republican cowboy pres was the commander-in-thief
Posted by: Mark | September 05, 2009 at 09:36 PM
Are you anti-obama right-wingers all against the wars now that your guy isn't the one prosecuting them? are you all born-again peaceniks and pacifists? what opportunistic hypocrites... as for you, duffman, I wouldn't put you lying about your service past you, any more than you lying about anything else you claim to believe in. you make shit up on this thread every day, just to suck up to the more masculine commenters.
Posted by: malcontent | September 05, 2009 at 09:50 PM
You are the hypocrite - being against Bush's war, but no problems with Obama's war. Enough of this liberal progressive claptrap - kindly shut your piehole.
Posted by: KS | September 05, 2009 at 10:01 PM
These con/freaks apparently never catch any news, or they'd know that there has been a LOT of outcry and protest from liberals against the war. And you're right about their hypocracy. And when the frat-boy draft-dodger from Texas was in the White House, they were cheering his war on (no matter where he took it), and demonizing anyone who spoke out against it (especially soldiers, vets, and other republicans). Now that their party lost, they've suddenly become anti-war protesters, conveniently not listening to the liberals who've been against their war all along.
Posted by: Mark | September 05, 2009 at 10:13 PM
"Never thought that I would see the day that Hillary would have been the better choice."
Chucks, would that be because she has a "reset" button?
Posted by: nevets | September 05, 2009 at 10:43 PM
And what country do you live in Mark?
Posted by: nevets | September 05, 2009 at 10:44 PM
same country as you do, dumbfuck
Posted by: Mark | September 05, 2009 at 10:47 PM
So what part of "our" dont you get.
Posted by: nevets | September 05, 2009 at 10:56 PM
I don't get how you were for the war when your village idiot sat in the Big Chair (and Cheney was in charge), and now you're against it. And you act as if you invented anti-war protesting, when all you've really done is corner the market on turmoil and fear. You claim to support the military, but you did all your goddamned cheerleading for two republicans who were just too good to go fight in any wars themslves. Worse, when your two heroes were cutting funds for soldiers dependents, veterans care, and little things like Kevlar, they were also giving tax cuts to their wealthy friends (more assholes who were too good to serve), not to mention no-bid contracts to big republican contributors. For this you were silent, just the way they trained you to be. You do NOT support the troops or your country- you have become the lap dogs of your stupid republican agenda.
The dog collar feeling a little tight right now?
Posted by: Mark | September 05, 2009 at 11:12 PM
Trying to place blame an organization other than the neighborhood doesn’t make sense (unless someone from the hood belongs to ELF). Nothing else makes sense. I don’t care if the FBI says they are investigating ELF, there is no motive. Besides it won’t be the first time law enforcement made a mention of the suspects and the media jumped the gun.
Posted by: Grand Oligarh | September 06, 2009 at 12:08 AM
I caught the tail end of a news report today that sounded like ELF was claiming responsibility- is that right? Either way, the notion that the Obama Administration has ELF doin' this kind of stuff would be hilarious, except that it is another attempt of the failed right-wing to make Obama's presidency seem to be a failure. Thes guys are so desperate, I expect them to blame him for WWI, the SF earthquake of '04, and tetnus. And we can trust Fox News to keep the fear and racism going.
Posted by: Mark | September 06, 2009 at 12:37 AM
The tallest tower poked like an red and white exclamation mark above the trees in front of Albert Highberger’s home. Over nine years he attended hundreds of meetings networking with others who opposed the towers.
Just last week, Highberger said, Citizens to Preserve the Upper Snohomish River Valley decided against appealing the latest ruling in favor of tower construction.
“We tried to do this by legal means,” he said. “Everything is a political decision.”
tacit admission of guilt
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | September 06, 2009 at 01:30 AM
"networking with others who opposed the towers.
Just last week, Highberger said, Citizens to Preserve the Upper Snohomish River Valley decided against appealing the latest ruling in favor of tower construction.
“We tried to do this by legal means,” he said. “Everything is a political decision.”
tacit admission of guilt
Posted by: AuthenticAndrew | September 06, 2009 at 01:30 AM"
if you like the tacit admission of guilt then you must love the overt admission of guilt by ELF on thier own website.
Right? Otherwise you come off like a hypocrite.
C'mon, you're smarter than ph(J)oanie.
I linked you earlier to their website claiming credit.
""When all legal channels of opposition have been exhausted, concerned citizens have to take action into their own hands to protect life and the planet," Jason Crawford, a spokesman for the group, said in a news release."
Be that as it may, I will concede that until we get to court and people are convicted of this we will not know for sure. But until then, I tend to go with those who want to claim that they committed the crime as being the ones that did it.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 06, 2009 at 05:31 AM
malcontent, why are you lying.
Posted by: Duffman | September 06, 2009 at 07:01 AM
Our troops are "surging" in Afghanistan, just as they did in Iraq. I have no idea as to whether it will or will not work as well as it did in Iraq.
All I know is that my nephew and his unit are there now, which has led me back to prayer.
Obama seems to be committed to the war strategy in Shitholestan. Trusting Obama is much more difficult than it was with Bush as I see no core value in Obama. I am more than willing to stand back and watch him execute this war and to support him while he does his duty as Commander.
As of now, Obama is supporting his troops and giving them what they need to prevail.
I am pretty sure that Obama does not give a shit about KRKO. If it had been the towers of KVI or KTTH, I might have wondered.
Posted by: chucks | September 06, 2009 at 08:20 AM