The Glenn Beck ad boycott continues- 46 majors have now jumped. Beck (KTTH m-f, 6-9a) is casting himself as a free speech victim, and Obama as an evil "oligarh" using the brute force of government to rob him of his blessed First Amendment rights, if not his precious bodily fluids.
Limbaugh, eclipsed for once by somebody else's shit machine, tried to
scramble back in by phoning in his "unbridled support" on the teevee show Wednesday, bolstering a stone-faced Beck, and proclaiming the "radical regime" is trying to
shut down a dissenting voice.
Hearkening unto Little Red Riding Hood, Warren Zevon, and citing Chicken Little, Beck told Rush, “... radical wolves ... are
about to devour our republic.” [...]
"Even if the powers to be right now succeed in making me poor, drum me out ... I will only be stronger for it," Beck said, choking back a tear.
Jason Linkins:
Nothing really beats Glenn Beck when he goes on a full-tilt victimization binge. [...]
BECK: I'm tired of being a sheep. I'm tired of being a victim. I'm tired of being pushed around. You know what? The gloves come off.
I have no idea who is pushing Glenn Beck around! He gets his very own television show and radio show and book deals and he gets to say whatever in the world he feels like saying and people give him millions and millions of dollars for it. He can have, if he wants, his very own pony at his gigantic and secluded manse to ride on whenever he wants and can hire someone to bake him delicious funnel cakes any time he likes! These are the hard won perks of being a celebrity, earned from having a dedicated fan base.
Neither he nor his fellow right-wingers try to defend the stupid, indefensible things he said that caused advertisers to flee. He revels that he makes so much money in his very assholiness. “You know that foam when somebody vomits?" he once asked his listeners. "I took that foam and made it into a diamond.”
It can be argued that Beck is raising race-hatred for a legally-elected minority president to a heavily-armed population in a wartime recession. Could this be yelling fire in a crowded theater?
It won't be judged thus in the vitriolic climate we've got used to, but this ain't about the First Amendment.
Conor Clarke on the Atlantic On-line writes:
This is a pretty big, basic misunderstanding of how free speech works. Free speech is a "negative" right: It prevents the government from silencing you. But it doesn't guarantee you the right to a soapbox or a megaphone or an audience. And it certainly doesn't guarantee a gigantic corporate paycheck for speaking your mind.
Just as he obviously does at the supper table, Beck is certainly helping himself with this headline-grabbing mishegoss:
Beck attracted 2.81 million viewers Monday, his third-largest audience since his show launched on Fox News in January, according to Nielsen Media Research data provided by the network. On Tuesday, nearly 2.7 million viewers tuned in, his fifth-largest viewership to date. And the conservative host got a plug from former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who urged people to watch his program in a post on her Facebook page.
Beck's fans come in 3 flavors: a) pissed off paranoids looking for validation of their conspiracy theories, and perchance to hear a new one; b) partisan conservatives and Obama-haters who listen only to what they want to hear; or c) those who tune him in like a NASCAR race hoping for a gory, yet amusing, wreck. (Racists are a subsets of a & b, we fall under category c).
Beck brays that he's being persecuted and forsoothes the heavy government boot will come down on his neck any day, where would the boots come from? The FBI, CIA FEMA, The US Army? Must Obama declare martial law and shut down Fox News? (He'd have to- no government agency, including the FCC, hasy jurisdiction over cable content. No government agency, including the FCC, has the legal power to shut down radio or teevee).
Claiming government persecution is just a pathetic attempt to make himself sound important enough to be persecuted. The administration, with so much on its plate, would be remiss if it even swatted at the annoying blowfly that is Glenn Beck, much less declare martial law. This is all a tempest that Beck has brewed himself in the cable teapot.
(Image: a few accounts Beck's scared-off)
That said, we doubt that Fox News will fire Glenn Beck: he has too many viewers and listeners. There's simply too much money to be made off him. If his behavior effects the profits too much or for too long, they'll junk him temporarily, but in the end, he'll be back as assuredly as Don Imus was.
Whatever Fox corporate does about or to Glenn Beck, it will not be an act against free speech, it'll be an act against losing money.
(Stay tuned for news of Beck's "probable" honoring by the City of Mt. Vernon).
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