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August 01, 2009



it's amazing that someone would fall for this blatant blabber-jabber- they don't call 'em OLD for nothin'!.


Scare tactics from both sides. Whatever... Be careful what you progressive control freaks wish for. How about reading articles for and against Health Care (now health insurance) reform - ignoring politics and get familiar with the facts, instead of listening to political talking points for a change. Attending town hall meetings would also be helpful.

Nice photo of a cross dresser - ugh, butt ugly.


Do you know that you repeat yourself a lot, KS?

Yes, I heard about the atrocity. There are elderly people who are quite concerned that that their demise is written into the bill. The elderly seem to be very vulnerable to scams of all sorts. I think that must reflect on the absence of a caring culture where old people are concerned.


"Scare tactics from both sides." Man I'm sick of this "I know you are but what am I" argument. I'd be surprised if KS has outgrown his/her diapers yet. What kind of tortured mind is able to twist itself into believing lies = truth? There's an odd pathological component to all this wingnuttery, and it's beyond absurd how much of the media considers it "legitimate". I know what we're seeing is probably just the final, thrashing death throes of crazy conservatism, but I wish I'd been born a little later so I wouldn't have to fucking listen to it.


If I am a senior who is not sure whether Obama's health plan will result in my death...I aint taking no chances. Obama cannot explain his plan in plain English to the American public because he does not understand it himself. It is over a thousand pages long. Obama has not read it all.


It isn't finished yet. There is no "all" to read. It is still in process: three committees of which only one got it done so-to-speak yesterday.

I know right now that the current system could well end in my death because I may not get the treatment I need because I have freckles and freckles connote a complexion that can be precancerous.

You, mrogi, sometimes sound like the other idiots on this board.

Mark C.

Simple talk for simple minds.

I have a feeling, even with all this, that we'll get our foot in the door this year. I'll tske it in increments, thank you very much.

Sister Sam

My, Laura Ingraham is looking awfully Special Olympics these days. Does she have a genetic problem or have the steroids finally caught up with her?


Tignort - you are looking at yourself in the mirror. Ad hominem attacks without substance, same old shit that I get sick of hearing. It must be fun to be blissfully ignorant and all believing the government/media complex and screw anyone who tries to undermine that. With that said, you seem like you don't know what the hell you are talking about. Common sense becomes absent when politics enters the fray.

woody held

Both sides are prone to make dire warnings based on extrapolation.

I remember pretty vividly in 2000 Gore supporters warning that if Bush won, we might see a return to back-alley abortions with coat-hangers. Fast forward to 2009, and after 8 years Bush didn't even get a vote on a bill to ban. They did pass the ban on 'partial birth' abortion, which ended up being thrown out in court.

What keeps it interesting is that sometimes the dire predictions do come to pass. Sometimes they warn us that if we let the commies into power they will kill millions, and indeed they did kill a hundred million or so during the 20th century, according to "The Black Book of Communism.'


"I remember pretty vividly in 2000 Gore supporters warning that if Bush won, we might see a return to back-alley abortions with coat-hangers."

Instead 4000 Americans died under Bush's watch as a direct result of an unnecessary war that Bush mislead Americans into. He also bankrupted the American economy by giving big tax breaks to the wealthy while carrying out said unjustified war.

Boy, the left was sure wrong about the dangers of putting that guy in office.

Misguided Conservative

I thought the economy was Obama's fault? You mean Hannity lied?


The old "both sides do it too" shtick. When someone says that, funny they never mention what their side does.


When my time comes, I would rather go out in a shute than lying in a smelly nursing home. What a ride!

dennis the kookinich

Look, Joanie told me the other day that she supports the shutting down of radio stations that are critical of "the one"



"Soylent Green is people!"


"The old "both sides do it too" shtick. When someone says that, funny they never mention what their side does."

That be you also ? Do Liberal progressives ever say what their side does ? Sure they do, when pigs fly.


KS, when Dem politicians act like corrupt turds liberals aren't afraid to call them out. They don't make excuses for them, like, ahem, you-know-who.

Republicans refuse to concede anything. They strive obsessively for power. They are fueled not by principles, but by "the enemy", (commies, hippies, socialists, Muslims, etc). You guys don't stand for anything except defeating imaginary evil in the form of LIBERALISM, and to achieve that you're willing court the votes of racists, psychopaths and mongoloids because all that matters is destroying the boogieman under the bed, who strangely always remains a little bit out of reach (ever lie in bed at night and wonder why?)


Enough of the you guys crap. You are joking - right ? Disagree with your blinded by bias assessment. If that were the case - why are Ted Kennedy, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and botox Pelosi still around ? they have committed criminal acts. Also, why wasn't William Jefferson who extorted $90K ever outed ? he had to be beaten at the ballot box.

The GOP has their problems, but they tend to out their own quicker than the Dems do, who are better at circling the wagons.


The GOP has their problems, but they tend to out their own quicker than the Dems do

I guess that's why they need that secretive "C Street" organization, huh?

woody held

""I remember pretty vividly in 2000 Gore supporters warning that if Bush won, we might see a return to back-alley abortions with coat-hangers."

Instead 4000 Americans died under Bush's watch as a direct result of an unnecessary war that Bush mislead Americans into. He also bankrupted the American economy by giving big tax breaks to the wealthy while carrying out said unjustified war.

Boy, the left was sure wrong about the dangers of putting that guy in office.

Posted by: Tigsnort

So the Iraq war refutes my point that the left was wrong about predictions of an abortion ban?

Tignort, you abject imbecile, how that works, only you will ever know...


How 'bout JFK and LBJ...+59,000 Americans dead and millions others killed in the VN 'conflict'. For what??? How'd that work out for you.


How 'bout JFK and LBJ...+59,000 Americans dead and millions others killed in the VN 'conflict'. For what??? How'd that work out for you.

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