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May 16, 2009


Puget Sound

First off, I have heard Wanda do her routines before and she can be very funny with the one liners. The problem with listening to her is that after about three minutes I start to hear not Wanda but Gary Coleman and then get distracted as to why Gary Coleman is cursing...but that's my problem not hers.

The Repub party won't get rid of Rush. I rarely listen to Rush and even less so to Sean (ya ya, i get it Sean you are a good american) or others with that style. But Rush mobilizes a base. Similar to the red meat talkers on the left. Besides, the way the game is played is once Rush is gotten rid of then the target will be Hannity or Medved or one of the others.
So it ain't gonna happen.
But nice try.

Super Buzzard Barf.

I was listening to Rush yesterday when he received a call from a guy that had worked with him in years gone by. One of the ironies of life. He worked with Limbaugh when Limbaugh was fired. It seems that the station was changing from Top 40, for which Rush was a DJ to a talk radio format. LMAO here. Do you suppose that his managers at that old station are the same guys that are running KIRO or KVI today?

Puget Sound

Would have been nice if Wanda had been a little more biting on Pres Obama. Lots of material to work off of. Heck even John Stewart is taking shots now.

Another chapter on, Being President is Hard...
nice contrast on John Stewart between Candidate Obama and President Obama as President Obama once again adopts the Bush Doctrine. This time, release of torture pics AND gays who serve in the military still being subject to Dont Ask Dont Tell.

where have all the lefties gone...or get a spine unless of course you now like the Bush policies if it is a Dem who implements it. Whats that say about your honesty on the topic?Silence is telling

Personally, I think that Gays/Lesbians should be allowed to serve openly in the military. Candidate Obama thought so but Pres Obama doesn't. Hmm.


One could say trailer trash at times, but it would be more exact to say that she wore her partisianism on her sleeve. Her and Randi Rhodes could challenge each other for the biggest potty mouth.

PutS - Obama is seeming more and more like a Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde all the time, displayed by your reference and then about how he characterized the economy in Alburquerque on Thursday. That went beyond audacity. Every so often, he shows that he is out of control mostly when the teleprompter is off.

Yes, Jon Stewart took some good shots at House Speaker, Nancy Mussolini earlier this week.


You are spot on, sir! :)


'Tis complimentary to be imitated. Thank you.
still lmao

Puget Sound

Wanda could have mentioned the brouhaha between the Obama Administration and Speaker Pelosi on who is lying.

Curious silence from the usual suspects. C'mon, is it CIA Head Leon Pannetta or Speaker Pelosi?

Speaker Pelosi or CIA Ldr Pannetta--who is the ph(J)oanie in this fight?

Roz, Sparky, Coiler, et al. Even you Redmond Dim...

Puget Sound

Or Wanda could have commented on
John "but her cancer was in remission" Edwards and his legal troubles with the Fed or the 'two americas' crap he spewed. Using his campain to 'cover' him and pay for the cost of the coverup. All those volunteer campaign staffers who gave their time/energy/hope on behalf of him. He played them all for suckers.
The unnecessary stress he put his wife under. Stress that anyone battling a life threatening cancer does not need.
In a word, Edwards is an 'asshole.'
Oh, not Bernie Ward 'asshole' but damn close.

From Marueen Dowd's article:

"Elizabeth Edwards would have made a wonderful candidate herself. But she poured everything into John. And then John betrayed her. And then John betrayed his staffers, going ahead with the 2008 campaign, letting his disciples work around the clock because they believed in him and what he was running on, even though the Edwardses knew it could implode at any minute because of John’s entanglement with Rielle Hunter.........

What unimaginable stress, to learn that you were trying to make your husband president at the same time his mistress was making a baby that could well be his. And while you were raising young kids and battling deadly cancer.
“He should not have run,” Elizabeth Edwards writes in her new book, “Resilience.”
John told her a little about Rielle a few days after he announced in 2006, and she told him to drop out to “protect our family from this woman, from his act,” she writes.
She said she cried, screamed and threw up when she found out. But she ended up going along, helping sell the voters on her husband’s character as a truth teller and charm as a loving husband and father. She had put so many quarters in the shiny slot machine of their mutual ambition. It was hard to walk away.
Just as it’s hard to walk away from her desire to prosecute her husband and his former girlfriend now in public, while still taking the marriage “month by month.”
John Edwards’s political career is over, and he’s being investigated by the feds about whether he used campaign funds to underwrite his affair. Nobody — except Rielle — has any interest in hearing from him again. Americans would have been relieved if the last we heard of him was that cringe-inducing “Nightline” interview last year, when he made the argument that he was a helpless narcissist and that he hit on Rielle when Elizabeth’s cancer was in remission.
But now Saint Elizabeth has dragged him back into the public square for a flogging on “Oprah” and in Time and at bookstores near you. The book is billed as helping people “facing life’s adversities” and offering an “inspirational meditation on the gifts we can find among life’s biggest challenges.”
But it’s just a gratuitous peek into their lives, and one that exposes her kids, by peddling more dregs about their personal family life in a book, and exposes the ex-girlfriend who’s now trying to raise the baby girl, a dead ringer for John Edwards, in South Orange, N.J.

“It didn’t occur to me that at a fancy hotel in New York, where he sat with a potential donor to his antipoverty work,” Elizabeth writes in her book, “he would be targeted by a woman who would confirm that the man at the table was John Edwards and then would wait for him outside the hotel hours later when he returned from a dinner, wait with the come-on line ‘You are so hot’ and an idea that she should travel with him and make videos. And if you had asked me to wager that house we were building on whether my husband of then 28 years would have responded to a come-on line like that, I would have said no.”
She may be smart, but she doesn’t seem to know much about men.
Like Hillary with Monica, the feminist struck out at the girlfriend, implying that Rielle was a wacky stalker.
“We’re basically old-fashioned people,” Elizabeth told O magazine. “So this was a pretty big leap for him. Maybe it’s being so different is what was attractive.”

Sooooo, take away Barrack and exactly who do the Dems have? You see, the Dems and the Repubs are not that different except for the fact that the Dems have Pres Obama.

The Dem that I thought could have-should have been ready for the national stage was Harold Ford. It was a shame he lost that Senate race. If I was from his state he would have had my vote.

Queens Hunter

Liz was complicit in the Breck Boys affair by going along with the sham of his ambition to become POTUS knowing what he had done. I would like to see her beat her illness and fire him. OTOH, perhaps they deserve each other.

Mo Dowd is a mental katrina. She hasnt been sane since Mike Douglas threw her liberal carcas under the bus. One can only imagine waking beside her.

The horror, the horror.


Funny how a topic about Rush and the Republicans turns into a discussion about Nancy, Barrack and John by the usual right wing diehards here. Whats wrong with the wingnutters, can't stay on topic and discuss the matter at hand. Namely, is Rush and his bloviating from the far Reich to bitter of a pill to swallow? Is it possible that after a severe trouncing at the polls in November that now is a good time for navel gazing by the right wingers? Guess it is easier to throw stones than to be constructive and come up with ideas and principles that go beyond mere platitudes like smaller govt, less taxes mantra that is repeated to death. Looks like the American people are smart enough to give the other side a chance since the Republicans are hell bent at driving us off a cliff as long as their well connected friends get enriched during the process.


"Guess it is easier to throw stones than to be constructive and come up with ideas and principles..."

Don't know? Try asking your comrades sparky and joanie, they know full well about "throwing stones". Get REAL!


PS, don't know if you saw it but someone over on SP apparently said that duffman was in Ecuador and would not return until sometime in July. The poster claimed to work with him.
The one I'm puzzled about is nevets? I thought his "count-down" was to Mother's Day, but now I'm wondering? Nevets check in with your status.

Puget Sound

"Funny how a topic about Rush and the Republicans turns into a discussion about Nancy, Barrack and John by the usual right wing diehards here. Whats wrong with the wingnutters, can't stay on topic and discuss the matter at hand. Namely, is Rush and his bloviating from the far Reich to bitter of a pill to swallow? Is it possible that after a severe trouncing at the polls in November that now is a good time for navel gazing by the right wingers? Guess it is easier to throw stones than to be constructive and come up with ideas and principles that go beyond mere platitudes like smaller govt, less taxes mantra that is repeated to death. Looks like the American people are smart enough to give the other side a chance since the Republicans are hell bent at driving us off a cliff as long as their well connected friends get enriched during the process.

Posted by: thothman | May 17, 2009 at 01:27 PM"

The hard left didn't win the election, it was won by capturing the moderates. If you fail to understand that you probably don't understand that to win in many parts of this country the Dems had to run as Repub-lite.
Soooo, if you could do the Repubs a favor and KEEP Speaker Pelosi it would be a favor to Repubs.
Keep a tax cheat like Charles Rangel as head of the Ways and Means Committee.
And make sure you go ahead with the Truth Commission that Sen Feinstien is so keen on. As it turns out Sen Feinstien also knew all about the waterboarding many years ago and now is coming forth with the Casablanca 'What, there is Gambling in Rick's Place' moment.


The reason that there isn't much difference between the two parties is that the GOP governs like Dems lite and the Dems campaign like GOP lite.

The hope for smaller government is gone, with the small explosion of bigger government under Bush and the big explosion with Obomba. The only way we can stop oppression by the Federal Government is by having the State Legislatures come out for state's rights and curb the Federal Government's power by amending the constitution, that would require a 2/3 majority. Judge Napolitano stated that a few weeks ago - seems like the only solution, no matter who occupies the White House.


I still think ho chi is right and so is the gay guy that blogs here...and that is all for me.


That is quite enough, what's your head.


Another weekend with Larry, Moe, Curly and friends...


It has been entertaining, for sure.


Holy crap

Biblical Quotes Said to Adorn Pentagon Reports

WASHINGTON — A series of cover sheets for intelligence reports written for Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and other senior Pentagon officials during the early days of the war in Iraq in 2003 were adorned with biblical quotations, and appeared Sunday, six years later, on the Web site of GQ magazine.

The daily briefings were called the “Worldwide Intelligence Update,” one of several intelligence reports compiled overnight and presented in a folder for Mr. Rumsfeld and other officials as they came to work.

In the selection of the cover sheets that GQ placed on its Web site, photographs of soldiers praying or in action on the sands of Iraq were overlaid with quotations like this one from Isaiah: “Their arrows are sharp, all their bows are strung; their horses’ hoofs seem like flint, their chariot wheels are like a whirlwind.”

Another, showing a tank at sunset, had this quotation from Ephesians: “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

The accompanying article, written by Robert Draper, the author of a book about George W. Bush that was published in the last year of his presidency, suggested that Mr. Rumsfeld often delivered the briefings “by hand, to the White House.” But several former officials said Sunday that they doubted that Mr. Bush regularly saw the Pentagon briefing, which was considered both less complete and less sensitive than the president’s daily brief, the compilation of overnight and long-term intelligence assessments prepared for the president, and delivered every morning.

Lawrence Di Rita, the Pentagon spokesman during Mr. Rumsfeld’s time as secretary of defense, said that he had no recollection of the biblical briefs, but that he doubted the famously acerbic and sometimes cranky secretary would have tolerated them for long, much less shared them with Mr. Bush.

“The suggestion that Rumsfeld would have used these reports to somehow curry favor over at the White House is pretty laughable,” Mr. Di Rita said. “He bristled anytime people put quotes or something extraneous on the reports he wanted to read.”

Mr. Rumsfeld’s reputation at the Pentagon was as a strong ideologue, but not as someone motivated by religious convictions.

The GQ article reports that the cover sheets were thought up by a general who worked on the Joint Staff, and that they replaced humorous covers that had been created in the prelude to the war.

The magazine reported that some Pentagon officials were concerned that, if the cover sheets — which were marked “Top Secret” — were ever leaked, they could be interpreted as a suggestion that the war was religiously driven, a battle against Islam. But those officials were not named in the article, and a number of former Pentagon officials interviewed Sunday said they had no memory of seeing the illustrations or quotations.

Still, the publication of the cover sheets may raise more questions about the proper role of religion in the military, and whether a Christian-influenced culture, rather than a neutral one, permeated some corners of the military.

The issue flared at the Air Force Academy four years ago, when the football coach posted a locker room banner for “Team Jesus,” and there have been lawsuits against the Pentagon concerning military retreats at off-base churches, or the displays of crucifixes at military chapels in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In 2005, the Pentagon’s inspector general recommended “corrective action” against Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, the deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence, who, in appearances before evangelical groups, likened the war against Islamic militants to a battle against Satan.

Puget Sound

"Another weekend with Larry, Moe, Curly and friends...

Posted by: joanie | May 17, 2009 at 10:11 PM

It has been entertaining, for sure.

Posted by: sparky | May 17, 2009 at 10:23 PM"

and now we have Abbott and Costello...

Neither of you can address the substance. Lets break it down, who's lying Speaker Pelosi or CIA Chief Leon Panetta. One of 'em is. Panetta has looked at the notes of the briefings and says that the CIA was truthful.

Pres Obama has the information to either support Speaker Pelosi and lets her twist slowly in the wind.

And yeah, it was incredibly stupid to put biblical quotations on those military reports. See I can be intellectually honest. How 'bout you two?

Finally, to Joanie: unlike the way you crowed about Chucks and Ryder losing their jobs I hope you did not get a Seattle School Termination Notice.


Putsie, please don't lecture me on intellectual honesty. Let's review. First the cons say they did not torture. Then they said they waterboarded but it wasn't torture. Then they said they waterboarded just a few times, but it wasnt torture. Then they said they waterboarded more than a few times, but it wasnt torture but hey it REALLY works. Then they said the CIA doesn't lie. Then they said well yeah they sort of didn't tell the truth about WMDs. Then, oh well they didnt tell the truth about warrentless wiretapping. And if they said they told Pelosi everything, well that was the gospel truth!!

Sen. Bob Graham asked the CIA to remind him when HE had been briefed by the CIA and the CIA gave him 4 dates. What they didn't know was how Bob Graham keeps detailed diaries about his every waking move and thought. He checked his diaries and the CIA got 3 of the 4 dates wrong. Yet you want the rest of us to believe that the CIA never tells lies or gets their information wrong? Oh please.

Did Nancy Pelosi write the memos authorizing the torture--excuse me, "enhanced interrogation"--? Has she gone on national TV numerous times to insist that this torture that we did not do was really really effective? Is Senator Boner calling for accountability for those people? It would be nice if you guys could take some of your breathless outrage at Pelosi and focus it on the actual people who asked for and authorized the atrocities.

This is why you guys are so entertaining to watch while you and your national counterparts work those distractions, as thothman pointed out.

Ok, you can go back to telling me what I really think, since it looks like nobody else will talk to you except your butt buddies.



Touche Sparky!


We understand futility. When PS hits you with facts and quotes (from your own mouths) it's pretty much impossible to respond in any coherent manner. It's apparently so frustrating that you even ask him to consider coming over 'to your side'. Wow! Classic ass-kickin, good thing the Dems had more to offer than you.
(lmao, even harder than before)


But Duffman said he was for Hillary, wha hauppened?


Hard for Duffman to pretend he's a liberal even using the name HoChiMinh. Why do you bother with this masquerade, Mr. D?


This is way too funny, you all seem to be obsessed with duffman, can't seem to get him off your minds. But I guess it's understandable when you have nothing else, you have to resort to who's who type games. So childish and so expected.
continuing to lmao.


Now grow up and show proper good home training and stay on topic or refrain from posting.


We're obsessed with exterminating him. This is fun.


Welcome back chucks! Good to hear from you. We all missed you. How is that wonderful new grandson you welcomed in to this world last week? How was Arizona?
He is an awsome little kid, thanks for asking. Arizona was beautiful, 'bout 98 degrees all week.
I see that FOX has given Wanda Sykes her own show to be aired on Saturday night. That aught to be interesting.


Did they name him after you?? How many grandkids now?

Puget Sound

Congrats Chucks.
It must be surreal to have a grandchild.

Puget Sound

"Putsie, please don't lecture me on intellectual honesty. Let's review. First the cons say they did not torture. Then they said they waterboarded but it wasn't torture. Then they said they waterboarded just a few times, but it wasnt torture. Then they said they waterboarded more than a few times, but it wasnt torture but hey it REALLY works. Then they said the CIA doesn't lie. Then they said well yeah they sort of didn't tell the truth about WMDs. Then, oh well they didnt tell the truth about warrentless wiretapping. And if they said they told Pelosi everything, well that was the gospel truth!!"

I wasnt referring to 'cons' I was referring to you, Sparkles. We know you are smarter than ph(J)oanie so people on this board expect a little more out of you.

But nice Dodge. Maybe if you are real nice Chucks will sell you a trailer to go along with it.

Now go take on the day! LMAO

Puget Sound

Looks like over 1500 Seattle School Teachers got their pink slip.
I told ph(J)oanie that none of us regular posters wanted her to get a pink slip.


Yep, kinda Sparky. His name is Mason Charles.
I now have two grand daughters and Mason. I was the only one of my siblings not to have a grandson. My daughter fixed that for me.


It was only 172 Seattle teachers to get punted there Putz. Too many none the less.
If the state would cut out funding for illegal imigrants for free medical and schooling plus eliminate in state tuition for the same folks, we could take care of our own kids.
I doubt that joanie or sparky would be laid off because they both have solid experience. But it is gummint and that alone indicates incompitant decission making.
I have a young friend that just finished her first year as a school counseler in Vancouver. Her I worry about.

Puget Sound

yikes. 172 is too many.
i wonder if a good hearted liberal like ph(J)oanie would be willing to give up her slot to allow someone a little less fortunate -but well qualified- a chance?

a little 'job redistribution' if you will. ph(J)oanie is all about taking from some and giving to others. sure would be nice to have her lead by example.


Back to the topic at hand. I heard that Sykes is going to have a show on Fox News (just kidding. I mean the Fox network this fall - no joke !
I'll bet that is lasts <6 episodes...

I guess they figure that she is one of the better lesbian comedians around.


Chucks already broke that story.


Well, Sparky, you laid out a sequential and competent analysis and these mental retards still missed it.

Is it really worth the time? Better to return to the vegetable garden with these guys.


Yep..they can cogitate for awhile.


and we'll let your 'don't confuse me with facts' thinking compost for awhile.

it doesn't appear to bother you that Pelosi knew all along. denies it. then blames it on a staffer. then says the agency run by the Obama Admin is a liar.

the story won't go away.

to paraphrase george bernard shaw, 'we have established what you are, now we are just dickering over the price.'

as long as it is a dem you don't mind the lies. it makes a little hollow your cries about same towards the republicans. the best you can do is run to your garden screaming 'don't tell me what to think' to be with the deepest of vegetables, ph(J)oanie.


Well speaking of the deepest of vegetables, you dont pay attention, Puts. I told you weeks ago what I thought of Nancy Pelosi. But neither you nor I nor any of the Talking Heads were in the room so we don't know if she is lying or not. You are just repeating all the Republican talking points off of Fox news. The Right continues to ignore the bigger issue of who ordered the torture or why we even used it in the first place. You don't care who did that, just that Pelosi may or may not have known about it.


I don't think sparky is any fan of Ms Pelosi and I give her (sparky) credit for that.
I think both Pelosi and Reid are a disgrace to what leadership should be in this Country. Possibly a reason that Pres Obama won't step in on this matter of Pelosi -v- CIA is that he's hoping Ms Pelosi gets destroyed (so to speak) by this and has to step down.
It would certainly be in the interest of the Administration and the Country. She is no leader and her position has obviously gone to her head.


"Well speaking of the deepest of vegetables, you dont pay attention, Puts. I told you weeks ago what I thought of Nancy Pelosi. But neither you nor I nor any of the Talking Heads were in the room so we don't know if she is lying or not. You are just repeating all the Republican talking points off of Fox news. The Right continues to ignore the bigger issue of who ordered the torture or why we even used it in the first place. You don't care who did that, just that Pelosi may or may not have known about it.

Posted by: sparky | May 19, 2009 at 06:11 AM"

First off, I didn't get that off of Fox News. I got it largely off what Speaker Pelosi said in her news conference AND what CIA Head Leon Panetta stated on CNN.

Who's lying, Leon Panetta or Speaker Pelosi?

This is so funny the extent to which people will go to in avoiding an uncomfortable conclusion.


I don't know why you keep trying, Sparky. You try to show them the big picture and he still admits to getting his news from sound bites on TV.

a spot of news here . . . a spot of news there. . . a spot of news from everywhere...

That's why he's a spotsie and yes you and I both know the full story. But, let's keep him in the dark on the Panetta thing as he obviously chooses to stay in the dark on the Pelosi thing.


from stage right enter the little yipster known as chi chi, spotsie's official flatterer...


It is a good way to release stress from end-of-the-year-hell known as The Last Month of School. I am thoroughly enjoying myself!


"a spot of news here . . . a spot of news there. . . a spot of news from everywhere...

That's why he's a spotsie and yes you and I both know the full story. But, let's keep him in the dark on the Panetta thing as he obviously chooses to stay in the dark on the Pelosi thing.


from stage right enter the little yipster known as chi chi, spotsie's official flatterer...

Posted by: joanie | May 19, 2009 at 06:32 PM"

Yes ph(J)oanie, I plead guilty. I read/listen/learn from a variety of sources.

You, evidently are content to get 'the word' from Randi.


Gary Coleman- bwahahaahhahahahahaahahaha unreal when i heard Sykes routine being played on the radio i thought it was Gary Coleman. I said whta the hell does Gary do standup? who knew?


Sparky is a true lib by nature. Don't let her fool you that she doesn't like Pelosi. If the person has a "D" at the end of thier name, she is all for them. No matter how much that person embarrases her, she will always stand by her "D's"


Just as you stand by the torturer...ya know?

We must crush the republicans.

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