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February 28, 2009



I thought his son was already filling in for him..he even sounds like him a little bit.


ok i should read the whole article before I post....sorrrrrrrry


Old Paul tried to sneak into a federal installation and got caught. He could of been shot.

Theee Rest of the story

Puget Sound

RIP Paul Harvey.

You've filled many a car with your warm voice and interesting stories.


While in college in the 70's, as a potential radical, my guilty pleasure was listening to Paul Harvey at lunch time. Such is the hypnotic comfort food of a good radio voice. Many current radio "personalities" could learn from him. RIP.


Jr. must be up there in years as well if dad was 90. Is there a Paul Harvey the 3rd in the wings?


Yes, RIP Paul Harvey.


More than a few years back I was a newsman on a South Sound radio station.

We would record Paul Harvey's first news, then play it back 10 minutes later after our local news. One morning, as we rolled the tape on Harvey, the phone rang.

I answered, and in my ear was "Hello American...". I did a double take, making sure that I wasn't bleeding the tape into the phoneline...and then again, "hello American, this is Paul Harvey."

Paul Harvey had called me to go over a story I had sent him. He wanted to check the facts. And then he said the most amazing thing: "I like the way you write."

He was certainly the innovator of real news. He will definitely be missed, even though I haven't listened to his broadcast in years. Good Day!


By comming through the back door, that man gave many of us wonderful history lessons.
He was on of the real greats of radio in all of broadcast history.
We may have learned the rest of the story, but I'm sure we will never know all of the stories.
RIP Mr Harvey and thank you.


Please, ABC. Don't even try to find a replacement. There's only one Paul Harvey. Just let the program die with its host.


Paul Harvey made many valuable points without being preachy, condemning or calling people names. What an important lesson to be learned.

But more important is the reminder his passing sends to all of us that really life is short. Whether you are one who believes in nothing after this life or is hoping for something better, death is a reminder to all of us. As the Bible says, it is better to be in the house of mourning than the house of rejoicing. Why? Because the house of mourning should remind us of what should be important. That life is short. Precious.

When I think of people who have spent their lives making money or spending all of their time involved in some cause, I always wonder.....

When we are laying on our death bed what will we have to look back upon? Were we able to spend time with our children watching them as they grew? Did we have time to enjoy the companionship of true friends? Or were we too busy making money or pursuing some useless pursuit to enjoy the important things of life.

Sometehing to think about while we're all fussing about silly political ideologies, none of which can ever solve much of anything.


Actually, I did think I was dying at one point in my life. Had a medical issue that kept deteriorating and nobody could figure out why.

I started reading poetry for the first time in my life. I memorized several poems about death. I didn't read anything to really tell me about death. just poetry. It was an amazing experience. I still remember two or three but the others are long gone.

Umm, I didn't die. And I think death is just death. No big deal. When it is time to go, you just accept it. When death comes knocking, you open the door.


As I've said many a time; I doubt the last words one will say when leaving this planet is 'I wish I would have spent more time at the office or the golf course'. Enjoy that which is really important: your family and friends...and remember 'you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul' Enjoy!. RIP Sir Paul...you added much to my day. :)


We will tell you when it is okay for you to move on into what other world there is.
Just remember Joanie, if there is a Hell, then your punishment will be to listen to tapes of Rush and Dori for all of eternity.


Aw, Ryder, you wouldn't let the big guy send me to hell, would you?

Did you ever see Black Orpheus? Amazingly beautiful film and music.


aul Harvey was a great favorite of my grandfather. I'm 64 this year, and remember hearing him in grade school, He was still regularly on the air when he died today? That is something... enduring, indeed.


Paul Harvey was always a right-wing tool. I thought he was pretty harmless till I heard that he advocated spreading fatal diseases to the Muslim world the same as were spread to Native Americans via smallpox-infected blankets. Low-tech germ warfare. He spread ignorance, not the 'rest of the story.'

Mike Barer

And now you know...the rest of the story.


Nancy---shut up


Farewell to your odd little stories, outrageously twisted wingnut version of current events.
At least he wasn't a sex creep like Pills Limbaugh, nor did he have the same legions of mouth breathers tuning in.


He was just an entertainer like all of 'em.

Puget Sound

Paul Harvey was a legend and we don't have many of 'em left. Even if you didn't agree with his politics and got tired of the constant 'hard sell' as he pushed products on you, his 'the rest of the story' shows were always worth a listen.

Hope things are going better for you.

I figured you for a Paul Harvey fan and knew if his passing couldn't get you to come on to this Board to post nothing would. Don't be a stranger.

Southside girl

Years ago Paul Harvey flew into our privately owned airport (meaning my dad paid the property taxes) 8 miles south of Midway Airport. Paul Harvey wanted free parking because of his celebrity, sorry Charlie, no go. That didn't pay the bills.


Ryder, last I checked this was a free country and this site encourages people to express themselves. How dare you tell me to 'shut up.' If you can't handle the truth, shut up yourself.

Ted Smith

We carried Paul Harvey on KCEY-Turlock (Modesto area) back in the 80s. A car dealer in Los Banos wanted Harvey to voice their commercials on his show. Before he would do it, Harvey came to California and went to the dealership to check it out. Only then would he do their commercials.

Oregon Coast

Paul Harvey was a radio legend and is a big slice of Americana. There will never be anyone else like him - he is irreplaceable. Sure he had his imperfections - like you and me.

The left loves to dwell on the negative connotations that he conjured up - mainly in their imaginations. The perceived counterpart of Harvey on the left is Cronkite - who would walk on water in their minds in spite of his imperfections.

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