After Bill O'Reilly announced Governor Christine Gregoire's phone number over national teevee last night, and again on the radio today, phones in hers and other Olympia offices went mad with pissed-off listeners, according to a staffer in Lt. Gov. Brad Owen's office.
(photo: Governor Gregoire - she's got more hanging than Billo)
"I assume legislators are getting the same treatment. Most calls we've fielded are from out of state." he told BlatherWatch.
O' Reilly has written on his website: "Traditional Americans are outraged, but the governor wont [sic] remove the placard. We are mobilizing the folks and want you to join in..."
Just back from Washington DC, on less-pressing matters, we presume the governor is aware of the crisis. It's a shame our National Guard units are so thin -- we may need the troops called to quell the crĂȘche-hungry mobs approaching Olympia.
The governor can expect more incoming -- O'Reilly will do another segment tonight on "the Gregoire situation" on his teevee show's Unresolved Issues segment.
The mighty Bill O'Reilly has thundered, and state officials must drop what they're doing to assuage this blowhard who's stirred up once again this sectarian pissing match.
It's maddening to us, but Gregoire probably must respond to this show biz stunt revived each year by this tabloid teevee macro-dwarf.
Gregoire spent a few days in the other Washington with governors and Barack Obama trying to get some economic relief for the states.
Ultimately responsible with what happens at General Administration, she probably hasn't spent much time micromanaging grounds policies, what with the day-to-day business of managing a state, especially in the dire economics of post-Bush America.
We plotz that our governor should spent one minute of the people's time responding and thereby giving credibility to this show-biz demagogue.
Governor Gregoire - she's got more hanging
can't disagree with that ... I always suspected she might be a dragon
(I doubt anyone here will get that reference, possibly excepting KFI Brian if he's still around ...)
Posted by: The Beast Rabban (formerly Gay Gary) | December 03, 2008 at 04:43 PM
One blowhard (Gregoire) deserves another - Bill O. I'd love to hear an exchange between those two.
Keep those calls to her coming - keep raising her blood pressure.
Posted by: KS | December 03, 2008 at 06:04 PM
what should happen:
"Governor's Office"
"why do you hate christians?"
"are you a resident of Washington State?"
"no, but I am really pi- *CLICK*
End of issue. Our state employees have more important things to do than pander to Billo's drooling minions.
Posted by: mark | December 03, 2008 at 06:21 PM
The Federal Communications Act and many state laws prohibit telephone harassment.
When Does a Phone Call Rise to the Level of Harassment?
Telephone harassment occurs when someone intends to annoy, harass, or threaten you by:
* Making a telephone continually ring
* Making lewd, indecent, or obscene comments, suggestions, or requests over the telephone
* Making a telephone call where the caller does not identify himself
* Making repeated telephone calls where the conversation consists only of harassment
* Making a telephone call and using heavy breathing or silence with an intent to intimidate.
Oh wait. That last one only applies to when Billo used to call Andrea Macris.
Posted by: sparky | December 03, 2008 at 06:34 PM
I live in Washington State, and I think the Governor is committing an awful travesty. Thank a Judeo-Christian, big-G God for term limits.
Posted by: Erin | December 03, 2008 at 06:54 PM
Erin @ 6:54 p.m.: Uh, we don't have term limits in Washington.
Posted by: Geoduck | December 03, 2008 at 09:02 PM
I thought it was the SC that ruled on this? Did I misread, Erin?
Michael, you have a way with words. They should answer with a recording and hang up for a few days. Until the ruckus subsides.
Actually, they should reroute them all to Orally's or Faux's phone number. I wonder if that's possible?
Posted by: joanie | December 03, 2008 at 10:10 PM