When a moral midget like Myron Monson (KIRO m-f, 12-3p) calls us a liar, we get mad.
We wish Darcy Burner (running for congress in WA-8) would get mad... and the hell on the radio to tell that partisan pantload and his listeners what she thinks of people who call her a liar!
So far, the Burner campaign has only sent surrogates to defend her. But this is about her honor. She should look Li'l Myron in the eye, and speak for herself.
We know Darcy Burner and one thing she's not, is a liar.
We know the homuncular Myron, and he lies every single weekday. He doesn't have the stones to look Burner in the eye and call her a liar.
(photo: Myron "Dori" Monson)
Darcy's is the venial sin of generalization. She committed it to avoid committing the mortal sin of nuance.
Darcy Burner took a rhetorical shortcut and said her Harvard degree is in economics when the fuller explanation is more like this, as explained by a recent Harvard grad wrote in the Seattle Sunday:
Democratic congressional candidate Darcy Burner may have received a degree from Harvard in 1996, but she was neither a computer-science major nor an economics minor, and she was certainly not both The terminology our university uses can be tricky. Graduates of Harvard College (which is part of Harvard University, but actually predates it), receive artium baccalaureus (A.B.) degrees, also known as Bachelor of Arts in English, and instead of majors, we have concentrations. We call teaching assistants "teaching fellows." And despite last year's addition of secondary fields, there was and is still nothing called a minor at Harvard. As her profile on The Seattle Times' Web site correctly states, Burner's education is, "Harvard University, B.A. in computer science with a special field of economics, 1996." And as she explains on her own Web site, at Harvard, Burner "earned a degree in computer science and economics." There is no contradiction here, no exaggeration, and certainly no lying. At Harvard, we have joint concentrations, which are like double majors. As of this year, we also have primary and secondary fields, which is like a major and a minor. And to make matters even more confusing, when Burner was at Harvard, the computer-science department required students to choose an area of specialization. Burner chose economics. As a result, Burner completed five upper-level economics courses, in addition to significant course work in computer science and mathematics. Burner's course of study was almost certainly more intensive than that of the majority of economics concentrators at Harvard.
This discussion should be about that she has a Harvard degree with heavy Econ emphasis while her opponent has an AA from a Bible junior college. If talk radio wasn't so one-sidedly partisan it would be asking why Reichert who uses his computer to play solitaire on the flight home, is representing a district with one of the highest concentrations of high-tech industries.
Other than Dave Ross, who would let her come on their show? As you say, Doris wouldn't have the guts to look (up) at her in the eye and repeat all his crap.
Posted by: sparky | October 27, 2008 at 05:43 PM
I think Darcy got her little butt caught in a lie and she fears having to face it. She got nailed and she knows it.
She should just say she is sorry she lied and move on.
Posted by: chucks the plumber | October 27, 2008 at 06:09 PM
Why wouldn't she go on the Commentators - Schram sees through her now. Darcy and BO stink !
Posted by: KS | October 27, 2008 at 07:50 PM
here is a little Rossi Haiku for you
Where did it come from?
Money doesn't grow on trees.
Dino Rossi knows.
This evening ABC Nightly News interviewed Rossi and Gregoire and asked Rossi why he was listed as GOP and not Republican. The piece made him look very deceptive.
Posted by: sparky | October 27, 2008 at 08:01 PM
Rossi calling himself GOP - after 2004 and the Bush presidency, could you blame him ?
and Christine is never deceptive ?
Keep drinking that leftist kool aid.
Posted by: KS | October 27, 2008 at 08:13 PM
I call Rossi the party of BIAW
Posted by: Coiler | October 27, 2008 at 08:33 PM
Myron told a wopper today. He was telling a youngster that called in that the stock market is higher today than when Dubya took office.
Don't let the facts get in the way.
Posted by: drool | October 27, 2008 at 08:50 PM
Dori must have his money tied up in breeding Chinchillas.
Posted by: Coiler | October 27, 2008 at 09:17 PM
Doris is math-challenged
Posted by: sparky | October 27, 2008 at 09:56 PM
Well, the above drivel just goes to show that the right-wing crazies on this blog hate "learnin" - I wonder why? Of course, when your old age pension depends on a throw of the dice and you're lucky enough to win, why should you need learning.
Maybe that's what the gumment should do. Send everyone to Reno or Vegas. If they win, they get a pension. If they don't, they live in abject poverty - or die in it.
Now that sounds like an idea, doesn't it, chucks. Don't know why you're paying for your grandkids education. Seems like a waste of money to me.
No reason to believe another "edjacated" fella who says her degree is as good as a degree in econ when an ex-RV salesman says it ain't.
My my, don't know why you wasted all that money on "learnin'" for your wife, chucks. All she did was get a job with the gumment. Can't imagine why you didn't just send her down to Walmart where she could have trained to be a greeter along with steven and you all could have gotten your health care paid for by Christine.
Sounds like you missed a good opportunity, chucks.
Posted by: joanie | October 27, 2008 at 10:10 PM
Or Joanie, like the bill Baghdad Jim is about to introduce that will let the Government take over all the 401ks and pay an interest of 3%. Yeah, thats better. What better way for Hussein to take money from the citizens of this country without calling it a tax to pay for all the goodies he has promised. Why cant you see through his deceit. If you are educated like you say and cant see this is about to happen, then you and your parents wasted alot of money.
Posted by: nevets | October 27, 2008 at 10:36 PM
You another under-achieving econ expert working as a walmart greeter? Seems like 3% guaranteed is better than losing everything. Or am I wrong about that?
I'm curious: why do you hate your neighbor but love Henry Paulson and his Wall Street buddies so much? I'm not kidding. I really would like an answer to that question. Esp. since you're so willing to subsidize them with your tax money.
Posted by: joanie | October 27, 2008 at 10:46 PM
You are going to be sued if you don't change the Myron "Dori" Monson to just Dori Monson.
THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON. Myron Monson is not related to Dori Monson and is not the same person.
Change this or you talk to my lawyer.
Posted by: Myron Monson | January 21, 2009 at 08:47 PM
How's that lawsuit going by now, Myron?
Posted by: Mo Hota Mo Betta | November 23, 2010 at 11:05 AM