~~ latest fatality at Fisher Plaza. We're hearing Michael Stein's walking papers has taken the wind out of everyone's sails around KVI, KOMOAM, KOMO4, and Star 101.5. From hearty Rasta-hippy stock, he's the voice of The Music Minute; creator/producer of Evolution Gamer, the voice of "Stop Freakin' call Bekin!" and much and many more. "He's does the best voice-overs at Fisher," says our guy, Lucy Spillerguts, "and he never sounds tired." He's a producin' virtuoso, she told BlatherWatch. "Some people in radio are utility people -- able to do lots of different jobs -- and some do one job and be the best there is at it. Michael is both." A mensch, too, we hear. Fisher body count is reportedly at 10, with casualties rising daily, one dep't at a time.
~~ Happy 74th Birthday Pat! That was the message Dick Curtis left in our threads in the wee hours Wednesday, September 24. Who's Pat: if you have to ask, you're probably under 50 or from Sacto. From HistoryLink: "... what is perfectly clear is that when it came to the business of rock music in the Northwest, Pat O’Day was the Chairman of the Board, the Grand Poobah, the Top Dog, the Big Kahuna. New York City had Alan Freed, Boston had Arnie Ginsberg, Los Angeles had Hunter Hancock, and Seattle had O’Day. As Seattle’s highest-profile DJ of the 1960s and the region’s dominant dance promoter, Pat O’Day ran Northwest rock‘n’roll for nearly a decade." He's also that guy pitching drunks to go to Schick-Schadel. Who is Dick Curtis? If you have to ask...
(photo: Dick Curtis & and the late Lan Roberts)
~~ "Republicans, who have won so many elections painting Democrats as socialists and pinkos, have now done so much irresponsible deregulating and deficit spending that they have to avoid fiscal Armageddon by turning America into a socialist, pinko society with nationalized financial institutions and a financial czar accountable to no one and no law." ~ Maureen Dowd, NY Times.
~~ Our fave comment lately describes the Dori Monson Show: Call it the "this guy will do anything for publicity pro war pro torture pro gun pro death penalty pro life bring your concealed weapon who has the best euphamism for faggot right wing nut job gambling never hurt anyone, brought to you by catlin capital, freddie's casino, jorvee roofing, invisible fence and purina one, dori monson mutual mental masturbation festival." all proceeds to the dori monson is the greatest girls basektball coach/wiffle ball player/father in ballard history museum. ~ posted by DT: 08-12-2008 01:32a
~~ A tight race just got tighter: For most of the year, Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) and his Democratic challenger, Former radio talk host Al Franken, and Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) have been locked in a tight contest. But, the recrudescence of Independent candidate, Dean Barkley, part of the Brain Trust to former Gov. Jesse Ventura, has shaken things up. With a tiny staff and very little money, Barkley has polled as high as 14 percent. Both Coleman and Franken say Barkley’s late entrance into the race will help them in November. One is wrong.
~~ In another faux controversy in lieu of an issue on Monday, the Coleman campaign spared no outrage on the rumor that Franken had written a SNL skit Saturday which poked fun at the false ads that Olde John has been running against Obama. The skit had McCain approving ads claiming Obama was promising health care to Osama bin Laden, and tax cuts to pedophiles and accused him of fathering two black children "in wedlock." The Coleman campaign and the Republican Party attached a pig onto the lipstick raging that Franken was joking about racism and child molesters. You be the judge: see it here.
~~ Respite from our drab, wretched life, and this bitter election was what we were seeking when we found in this fine quote: "Foolish it was, to be sure, that Elvis and a couple of his boys flew from Memphis to Denver on the spur of the moment to get a certain kind of peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, at a cost of sixteen thousand dollars. [But] it sounds like the kind of thing a person ought to do when a certain kind of sandwich means more to him than a certain amount of money. Roy Blount, Jr., Long Time Leaving: Dispatches from Up South"
~~ Can Rachel Maddow change cable news? Sam Boyd weighs the possibilities in this tasty chunk up at The American Prospect: "Maddow is not a Tim Russert or a Chris Matthews--an ostensibly nonpartisan interviewer who badgers politicians and policy-makers about contradictions in their records. Nor is she a Rush Limbaugh or a Glenn Beck--an attack dog who deals in calculated anger, bluster, and outrage. She's no mild-mannered liberal like Alan Colmes or a veteran observer like Wolf Blitzer or David Gregory. Maddow has broken the broadcasting mold. She has succeeded as an avowed liberal on television precisely because she is not a liberal version of conservatives like Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. Unlike so many progressive media figures who sought to replicate the on-air habits of the aggressive shock jocks of the right, she stumbled upon a workable style for the left. She is liberal without apology or embarrassment, bases her authority on a deep comprehension of policy rather than the culture warrior's claim to authenticity, and does it all with a light, even slightly mocking, touch. She proves that liberals can attract viewers on television when they actually act like, well, liberals."
(photo: Rodgers & pucker-butted Democrat woman)
~~ We love this guy. He's KSFO's Lee Rodgers and why trash talk radio is going out of business. We remember when his baritone voice graced the Seattle airwaves briefly on KING1090. He said recently: "I believe that the reason a bunch of pucker-butt Democrat women hate Sarah Palin is because her idea of choice was choosing not to have an abortion." Guest Steven Hayward of the American Enterprise Institute responded: "There is that very vocal segment of feminist opinion that celebrates abortion as a positive good in the same way that, you know, Southern slaveholders 150 years ago celebrated slavery as a positive good."
My memory must be getting worse. I could have sworn that Lee Rodgers did middays at KIRO.
Posted by: Ted Smith | September 25, 2008 at 01:57 AM
Pat O'Day indeed. We had a typical 'garage band' back in the '60's and we'd cut a 45 RPM record (remember those?). We were basically centered in E. Wash and regularly toured the PNW states. I remember being told that our only chance of success with that record (didn't matter how good the song was) was to get on the good side of Pat O'Day. I guess we did, cause KJR, et al started playing it and it eventually made the top 10 (just in the greater Seattle area). Pat is/was an icon of the era, the most powerful and influential disc-jockey/promoter of that period and one who helped many musical groups flourish. We were but one. Happy Birthday Pat...stay well!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 06:19 AM
You are correct. Lee Rodgers was midday at Kiro for awhile but couldn't make a real dent up here so went back to SF. His spot was taken over by a young man from Ballard who calls himself Dori.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 08:03 AM
Oh My Toto Could It Be???
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 08:18 AM
Good stuff for you Duff. Looks like Bill is engaging in some payback for being called racist a few months ago.
Check out Bill Clinton on ABC this morning telling us that it wasn't the Repub or him, rather it was the legislative Dems (ie Frank/Dodd/Pelosi et al) that made this financial situation so bad.
Clinton also shows the lie about McCain not wanting to debate pointing out correctly that McCain has wanted more debates and Obama has been ducking. That McCain is acting in good faith for the good of the country.
the good stuff is at the 2.35 mark onward
Ah the Uptick Rule! Bob Brinker has been railing against that for years.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 09:02 AM
Nice pic of Lee Rodgers. At least he isn't one of the Lyons of the Left like Bernie. One can only imagine what kind of pic that would be with Bernie and no doubt some nubile young thing. Too young thing..the sick SOB.
Hey, another good thing about Lee is that he helped to bring Melanie Morgan around. She made the move from Lib to Cons. A lot of us didn't know she use to be up in Seattle also with hubby Jack Swanson. Interesting story about her and her gambling addiction she got up whilst here in Seattle-topia. She has a great voice.
Melanie Morgan...when you coming back on the air?
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 09:16 AM
KGO Ronn Owens is having a nice show on Bill Clinton and bitterness.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 09:20 AM
very funny. some excerpts from kos, du, and others on anger towards bill clinton. The funny part is the left has discovered that there is gambling at Rick's place and that Clintons work for Clintons...party be damned.
oh the left, so predictably dumb and so predictably angry. ignoring facts until reality hits 'em in the face. grab some popcorn and read:
"This caused a firestorm of anger at both the Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. So just how angry is the leftwing blogosphere with Bill Clinton? You can get an idea by reading this sampling of comments posted at the Democratic Underground:
SHUT THE HELL UP BILL!!! I can't stand his ass anymore.
the reality is that his presidency was All About Bill, he screwed interns and progressive values with equal abandon, and he ushered in Republican control of all three brances of the government.
What "Jewish Holidays" was he talking about on Larry King,He said he would campaign for Obama after. The Jewish Holidays, WTF message is he trying to send. This is a man that knows exactly what his words are and mean.
Bill Clinton is a black hole that runs on egotism. I am so sick of tired, old act. Don't go away mad, Bill. Just go away.
The Daily Kos is also quite angry with Bill Clinton as you can see:
he has now put his legacy and his wife's future on the line with his comments this week...people will look back and place a lot of blame on him...otherwise Obama wins and Clinton is sent into the dust bowl of history...
now Bill clinton is hiding behind his freindship with McCain as cover for not attacking him. Would he be so charitable if Hillary were the nominee? i think not. The sooner we get both Clintons off the national stage, the better off we all are. I for one intend to rally New Yorkers to defeat Hillary in the next Senate race. Hers ad Bills type have seen their best days, and we should put them out to pasture. We all saw the real side of Bill Clinton during the primaries. He is a two faced little coward who once did some good things for the country, but that was then. What exactly has he done for anyonre lately besides side with Hillary in dragging down the Democratic party? besides, if he is the great all-knowing and powerful campaign person, why didnt Hillary win? Give me a break!!!! "
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 09:36 AM
Barack Obama and Joe Biden will win this election with the help of Bill and Hillary Clinton. McCain and his liteweight right-wing bimbo will lose. Period. All aother discussion about the Clintons is just right-wing attempts to insfake up a conspiracy that isn't there. McCain' campaign is flailing... the Bush tragedy is playing out andthe Republican party is taking a much-deserved drubbing that will keep them in the margins for a generation or so.
Posted by: Rick Tresner | September 25, 2008 at 10:13 AM
It doesn't matter, McCain is getting tired now and won't debate. He is such a pussy. Where is the Maverick? Will he have a tummy ache next week?
Posted by: ex republican | September 25, 2008 at 10:16 AM
damn it puts quit insfaking!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 10:29 AM
I haven't said many nice things about Nader on this blog but this is quite hysterical and doubly true.
Posted by: Gay Gary | September 25, 2008 at 10:35 AM
STEIN!! Nooooooooooooooooo!
Mike, your a good guy, and we disagreed on everything political, but it was never personal. That's why your in the "good radio guy" column. people like you have their messages returned quickly.
BTW- KFI returns to 50,000 watts of Amplitude Modulation tonight at 5pm PST!!
Posted by: KFIBryan | September 25, 2008 at 10:39 AM
Whoa...Bryan aren't you glad you left that sinking ship?
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 10:41 AM
Sorry to interrupt the politics,
but let us take a moment to grieve Fisher Communications, KVI, and KOMO. Once a proud Seattle company like like WaMu, it's also a victim of its own and Wall Street's greed.
Posted by: Sad about Fisher | September 25, 2008 at 11:16 AM
Everyone knows it. Kirby is next.
Posted by: Maggie | September 25, 2008 at 11:20 AM
And Carleen will be lone survivor? Wow- she must have the goods on someone of influence.
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 11:27 AM
more good news for you on the Bill Clinton front. Best quote:
"As for 2012, Clinton knows that these same folks will vote Hillary just because she will be best-positioned to win. They don't care about "policies" or "philosophies." They just want anyone with a "D" after their name to win. Period. What are they gonna do, vote Republican?
Clinton is fully aware of what he's doing. He's a purely political animal, it's been noted for years. If there's one thing Bill Clinton knows, really knows, it's how to win elections. "
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Senator McCain is running for President.
The President is an executive position.
McCain should stop acting like a senator if he wants to be president.
Chances are good that as president McCain would have to keep many plates spinning all at the same time.
If this moment is a test of leadership, then McCain has chosen to behave like a legislator.
He can’t spare 2 hours for the voters to see him discuss the economy, and the myriad of issues tht will confront him in the months to come?
If McCain wants to be a senator, let him be a senator.
If he does not want to debate Obama, then send in Palin.
She is ready to be president according to McCain. He told 60 Minutes Absolutely, absolutely.
America held elections during the Civil War!!!! The Great Depression!!!! WW2. And during the tortuous year of 1968.
I think that we can have a campaign, a debate and an election this year.
The right to vote for a leader is the most vital aspect of a democracy. It defines being a democracy.
John McCain has either punted away his chance of being the president or there is something unexpected about to be released by the press that is not going to be pretty.
Get used to saying President Obama.
Posted by: rmc | September 25, 2008 at 11:49 AM
KVI or KOMO should snag Bob Brinker since KIRO is going to interupt his show wiht all the sports programs....
Posted by: markdog | September 25, 2008 at 11:53 AM
I tend to agree rmc. I don't think that Sen McCain particularly wants to be seen on the same stage as Sen Obama (remembering back to the Kennedy/Nixon debate). Sen McCain is not very telegenic and he knows it. I've stated herein prior that I really do think it's a foregone conclusion that Sen Obama WILL indeed be our next POTUS. I only pray that he can handle the Nation's problems and that he finds an activity to keep Sen Biden busy so he (Biden) doesn't get involved in actual decision making. OR, EVEN BETTER, like is being hinted...have Sen Biden drop out (for health or whatever) reasons and ask Mrs Clinton aboard.
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 12:01 PM
Wow, KJR I remember them when I was dj'ing for KALE in the tri-cities back in the day....I also remember Gary Puckett and the Union Gap coming out of C Wash. Who else was around back then doing music from east of the mtns?
Posted by: the Mad Lad | September 25, 2008 at 12:09 PM
Are we not still paying obambam and McCain to be Senators? At this point, POTUS is above both of their "pay grades".
As for staying out on the campaign trail and leaving a $700,000,000,000.00 problem and its possible solution to Harry Reid, Nancy Peelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, well, are you freaking nuts? They are up to their necks in creating and/or perpetuating this problem.
No sir/madam, we need a real leader in DC working on this problem. Maybe you are partially right, we don't need obambam in town, just McCain.
Posted by: chucks | September 25, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Well, it’s good to know Mr McCain is so focused on solving the problem that he has to suspend all activities to act on this problem. Also, it’s good to know when he is president that if there is a crisis, he would have to stop everything to focus on one problem. That’s what he need as a president, someone who is myoptic, unable to multitask, forgetful about his previous statements, and in conference with the exact people that caused this meltdown.
Posted by: Ron | September 25, 2008 at 12:10 PM
"his 'liteweight' little bimbo"- yeah she's the lightweight that took on big boy corrupt bastards and the oil companies in man's state , not a matriarchy like Washington, and won both fights. Meanwhile your boy Barack was sucking up to black racists and demogogues in his church and corrupt Chicago machine gangsters and honchos because he knew he must get along to go along- and go ahead. Yeah there's a lightweight running in this race- it's Barack Obama. He's an effeminate, pussywhipped, skinnyass dweeb trying to be "ghetto macho" out on his stump speeches.
Posted by: Tommy008 | September 25, 2008 at 12:14 PM
I continue to wonder how McCain and Palin can expect our votes when they hide from the American people and the press and call time-outs when things are not going their way or when there’s just too much going on at once.
It’s a dangerous world, I don’t think terrorists or the leaders of belligerant nations will play by McCain’s and Palin’s rules or honor their requests for photo-ops and “more time to learn”.
If McCain cannot handle a debate and a Senate vote in one week, how will be able to handle the responsibilities of the Presidency?
In any case, McCain holds the record for missing the most votes in the Senate and has admitted he doesn’t know much about economics. He also missed many chances to propose or vote for legislate to regulate the failing giants that paid his campaign manager so handsomely for access to McCain.
Posted by: rmc | September 25, 2008 at 12:17 PM
spot on tommy 008
what's wrong with taking some time to concentrate on this $700 billion bailout. we ain't talking about naming a freakin post office. and you can't get away with voting 'present'
the fact that mccain was willing to stop campaigning and start solving the problem gives him stature.
look, he was a fighter pilot. that is the ultimate in multi-tasking. you can do that you can do pretty much anything in terms of making quick decisions.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 12:27 PM
So he’s not going to have rallies for a few days and he’s not going to run television commercials, and he’s proposing that a debate scheduled a year ago be postponed for a week.
Jeez, get a grip.
Campaign suspended on behalf national interest.
Hmmm, what a novel concept.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 12:38 PM
The idea is to participate in the drafting of the law, not just vote on a piece of legislation. This piece of legislation just happens to involve an estimated $700,000,000,000.00. I don't know about you, but it would take me a little over 4,666,666 years to make that kind of money. That would adversly effect my retirement plans.
By the way, where is Joe Biden on this issue? We are still paying him to do his senate job.
On another subject, did anybody see obambam's speach this AM? The teleprompter was running slow. He stood there for up to 10 seconds waiting for the next page to come up. It was pretty sad to watch the man not know what to say next.
So much for being a man that can think on his feet.
Posted by: chucks | September 25, 2008 at 12:42 PM
I should have said that it's McCain's campaign team that likely don't want to see him on the same stage as Sen Obama for telegenic reasons. I don't think Sen McCain is afraid of ANYthing and I believe his motives for this latest move were honorable.
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 12:52 PM
And I do agree with Puts. Flying a fighter jet is the ultimate in 'multi-tasking'; flying and maneuvering one in combat is the highest order of 'thinking on your feet'. No fricken bout a dout it!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 01:00 PM
ya, he lost about 5 jets doing that rofl!
Posted by: someone who knows | September 25, 2008 at 01:18 PM
So where was all of the outcry when Obama REFUSED to debate McCain in Town Hall meetings after Obama stated "Any time, any where"? (-wuss)
You would think Obama would want to be in Washington doing his job (which he's never really done) during what's billed as the largest financial problem since the great depression.
His answer was, "I'll be ready to help if called upon". Wow! What a great display of leadership! I think there's a tingle running down my leg...
Posted by: Brian | September 25, 2008 at 01:20 PM
CNN is reporting that a compromise solution has been reached. Good on them if so. Maybe Obambam was right to leave it to the adults. He seems to know that which is above his pay grade and beyond his expertise.
Dodd and ol' Barney Frank know where a huge amount of blame will fall, therefore want a quick resolution.
Kudos to President Bush on taking leadership and getting this taken care of and John McCain for bringing conservative legislators to the table.
Posted by: chucks | September 25, 2008 at 01:35 PM
meanwhile, in another part of the country Obama was reading off a teleprompter...
I love the 'lost 5 jets' comment. Keep it up. Why dontcha go with the Randi Comments about how 'easy' John McCain had it with the VC? Go ahead, it really plays well.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 02:36 PM
McCain left it to the not so white old dudes,, he arrived after a deal had already been reached and Matlock was over on the in-flight movie. LOL
Sen. John McCain returned to Washington on Thursday after declaring that he has suspended his campaign, but he appeared largely detached from the flurry of negotiations on a $700 billion economic rescue package that appeared to be headed to a successful conclusion.
McCain's "Straight Talk Air" landed at National Airport just after noon, and McCain's motorcade sped toward the Senate. But by then, senior Democrats and Republicans were already announcing that a deal in principle had been reached.
McCain could of just ejected over the WH to save time.
Posted by: someone who knows | September 25, 2008 at 02:40 PM
'someone who knows'...we know you!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 02:44 PM
In a world exclusive The NATIONAL ENQUIRER names GOP VP Candidate Sarah Palin's secret lover!
No less than three members of the man’s family including one by sworn affidavit have claimed that Sarah Palin engaged in an extramarital affair with husband Todd’s former business partner, Brad Hanson.
Hanson owned a snowmobile dealership with Palin’s husband Todd, who immediately dissolved the partnership after he heard stories about the affair, which occurred around 1996, according to the sources. At the time, Palin was mayor of Wasilla.
oh my!
Posted by: someone who knows | September 25, 2008 at 02:47 PM
sure it wasn't John Edwards...haha
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 02:55 PM
no, it wasn't john edwards. are you retarded like the rest of the palin family?
Posted by: someone who knows | September 25, 2008 at 03:05 PM
You are pathetic.
Just thought you should know.
Posted by: someone who knows you're full of shit | September 25, 2008 at 03:06 PM
For $700000000000.00, I could buy 1950000 new Rolls Royces.
Sure glad obambam got out of the way.
Posted by: chucks | September 25, 2008 at 03:23 PM
gawd, that secret lover stuff was crap sparky brought on this board ten days ago. it's been looked at and dismissed as crap.
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 03:41 PM
right sparky?
Posted by: Puget Sound | September 25, 2008 at 03:42 PM
E Mail Alert...
I just got this warning in my E-Mail
The subject line reads: Naked pictures of Sarah Palin.
Do not open it, it contains a virus.
The subject line on the second one reads: Naked pictures of Hillary Clinton. Do not open, it contains naked pictures of Hillary Clinton.
Posted by: chuck | September 25, 2008 at 04:02 PM
What ever else you may say/think about Sen McCain, you can hardly think him gutless. That's a ridiculous statement. I doubt Sen McCain is afraid of ANYthing. He was answering an appeal to go to Wash DC and do what he could to help and that's exactly what he did. Country before politics...to be exemplified!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 04:17 PM
04:17PM post was not me...surprise, surprise. Some chicken**** doin it yet again.
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 04:59 PM
chuck: did you see that apparently upon meeting Sarah a high Pakistani official remarked 'you are georgous' and another remarked 'how do you keep so trim and fit with all that you're going thru'.
Doubt Sen Biden ever heard that...except possibly in the Minneapolis Airport?
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 05:06 PM
You have first hand knowledge of airports, duffman?
Posted by: someone who knows | September 25, 2008 at 05:11 PM
I'm sorry 'someone who blows' were you speaking to me? I was busy watching the piece on KING5 on Idaho Vandal cheerleaders' outfits being banned. Now, if you have something better than that to offer ...bring it on, otherwise STFU. And DO have a nice day!
Posted by: Duffman | September 25, 2008 at 05:25 PM